Back In Black- Book 2

By cookie-monster22

66.8K 2.6K 446

Revenge is a choice you have to make. McKenzie is back in town and now that school is about to start shes re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Who plays who..
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
More to come

Chapter 39

378 19 1
By cookie-monster22

Since i went over a month without updating awhile ago, I'm updating faster to make up for it. Ive been updating every three days but I'm too excited to wait to post this chapter. Here's a super long chapter because i love all my readers! Let me know what you think. ♥️


The rest of the week passed rather uneventfully surprisingly with no retaliation from Hannah. Though i did receive a lot of death glares and nasty commentary, it was well worth it. Every morning it was priceless watching someone drop her off at school because her car was being fixed.

Here i am on Friday night getting ready for Winter formal. Much to Cole's dismay, i made him get ready at his house. He put up at good fight, ill give him that but i want my dress, hair and makeup to be a surprise.

After over a month of hanging in my closet, i could finally wear my dress. Thanks to Jordan i will look amazing. If i didn't know from experience, id guess Jordan was gay. He has a better taste in style than most girls and has a feminine side but i suppose most people don't see that.

I curled my hair and pinned it all up loosely with a few pieces falling around my face. My make up was smokey with a blended mixture of browns and golds. The gold made my eyes pop and look really green. Cole would be here shortly. I told him 6:30 but knowing him he will be early to try and catch me off guard. I slipped on my floor length emerald dress and i felt beautiful and elegant.

For shoes i went with a nude peep toe heel. Simple and not over the top. Only going to a high school dance after all. This will be my first high school dance and as silly as it sounds I'm actually nervous. I've seen plenty of movies with high school dances but i still don't know what to expect. For one last touch i put on a deep red lip stick and dabbed a little gold sparkly lip gloss over the top.

A knock sounded at the door so i took a couple deep breaths before walking down the hall. I knew Cole already let himself in as usual.

When he seen me i stopped dead in my tracks. The way he was looking at me took my breath away and made my heart race. I shouldn't be feeling this way its wrong. It doesn't help that I can't deny how sexy a man looks in a tuxedo, especially Cole. He was looking at me like he'd never seen something so beautiful. I had to look away because I didn't like the way it made me feel and at the same time i did. As always my emotions are conflicting.

"You're by far the most beautiful woman i have ever laid eyes on." His voice came out barely louder than a whisper. Immediately i blushed.

His opinion has come to mean a lot to me when it shouldn't matter at all. I shouldn't even give a damn about anything regarding him, but yet here i stand. The guy who made my life hell is standing here worshipping the ground i walk on and I'm somewhere between over the moon and wanting to cry because he can't see that I'm that same girl he beat senseless. Shows me how much he never even cared when he was busy inflicting pain. He never seen me as another human being and now he places me at a level worthy of being worshipped. He will be in for a shock when he puts things together if i don't tell him first.

"You look pretty good yourself." I grabbed my leather jacket off the counter and headed his way. Tonight they are predicting the first snow fall of the winter. Im pretty excited to see it. I prefer summer to ride bike but there's something beautiful about snow falling and turning everything into a white wonderland.

Right as i was about to close the door i remembered my car keys. "I thought we'd take my Lamborghini tonight. Make everyone green with envy."

"Really? Can i drive?" Cole's eyes gleamed with more excitement than a child who got their way.

"I'll give you the honors of one last time driving it." I smiled and handed him the keys. He grabbed them and fist pumped the air. He's such a dork and I'm not sure why he doesn't let others see that.

"One last drive? You getting rid of it??"

"Sadly. I rarely drive it and I don't need a vehicle collection. Found someone to buy it at the price i bought it for."

"Damn well it's going to be missed. One last good ride and we're showing up to winter formal in style. Ready babe?" Cole closed the door behind us and we stepped into the elevator.

"Have you ever been to a school dance?" Im sure he's been to all of them with girls in slutty dresses hanging off his arm.

"Yeah but never with anyone i cared about. Usually ended early with all the guys drinking in the parking lot."

"I've never been to a high school dance. Should be interesting."

"Miss. McClain, i am honored to be another one of your firsts. I'll make sure it's a night to remember." We stepped out of the elevator and he grabbed my chin delicately and kissed my cheek. "Wouldn't want to wreck your makeup."

"No we wouldn't." I smiled and Cole opened the passenger door for me. He's always a gentleman.

We pulled up to the school and all heads turned. I couldn't help but smirk knowing my car was way more expensive than any three plus cars combined in the lot. Cole walked around and opened the door for me. Everyone's eyes were on us and i had time not smirking openly.

Grant greeted us first but he never took his eyes off my car. "Woah dude thats how you make an entrance! Who let you drive their car?"

"It's mine."

"No way! You couldn't afford that and I've never seen you drive that before! Who's car is it really?"

"I've got no reason to lie. You're the reason I don't drive it around." Grant always gets on my nerves without trying. His presence alone annoys me.

"Ouch that hurts. Always so feisty. Oh hey there's my date." A platinum blonde barbie id never seen before came walking up in a slutty red dress. Her whole back was open with a plunging neckline. If it wasn't for her caked on make up, 6 inch heels and fake personality the dress would be beautiful.

I lightly tugged at Cole's arm to let him know i was ready to go into the gym where the dance was being held. He understood my need and told Grant we would see him around.

As we walked into the gym i was amazing at how wonderful everything looked. The theme was kept with a simple dark blue and white. Everything sparkled like the ground after a snow storm. It was beautiful. Most people were dressed very nice while other girls looked like they should be working the street.

We set our things down at a table and found our way to the punch table. As i took a sip i nearly gagged because the punch was spiked already. Tasted like rum and it wasn't bad but I definitely wasn't expecting it. Probably wouldn't be long until a teacher caught on.

We talked to people for awhile and Quinn wandered up to us.

"Where's your date Quinn?" I scrunched up my face in confusion. Could have sworn he had one earlier.

"I'm pretty sure i lost her to some other guy awhile ago. But i barely knew her anyways."

"Sorry to hear that." I felt bad for him. Quinn is a genuinely good guy with a huge heart.

"Mind if i steal your date for a dance Cole?" I glanced at Cole to make sure it was alright with him. He nodded his head but i could tell he wasn't fully okay with someone else dancing with his girl.

I took his hand and let him lead me out to the dance floor. The song Heaven by Kane Brown began to play over the speakers.

"You're easily the most beautiful female here tonight and everyday." The seriousness in his eyes made me look away. He shouldn't feel this way about me. Ive done nothing to make him have feelings like this for me.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"I meant what i said at Cole's last party. If He ever hurts you just know ill be there for you. I could never imagine hurting a woman as amazing as you. He's lucky Kenz and i know I shouldn't tell you these things because he's my best friend but he doesn't deserve you."

"I appreciate your honesty but it's my mistake to make. I'll keep what you've told me in mind." The song ended and i made my way back towards Cole. The whole dance he never took his eyes off us but had worn a scowl.

"You have no reason to be jealous, I'm all yours Cole." Even i wanted to gag at how cheesy that sounded. Jealously is never attractive, ever.

"I know but I don't think other guys here know that." He nodded behind me and when i looked a number of guys were looking my way with angry dates.

"Oh, I didn't notice." Honestly I didn't and in a way it was flattering.

"You never do but everywhere you go you turn heads."

"Im sure it feels that way to you. Im just me, nothing that remarkable to look at." I know I'm pretty but theres no way i turn as many heads as he exaggerates.

"Agree to disagree on how beautiful you are. Would you like to dance?" Cole extended his hand and i gladly took it. We stepped into the middle of the dance floor and the song I Don't Dance by Lee Brice came on.

"I don't dance, But here I am
Spinning you round and round in circles. It Ain't my style, but I don't care. I'd do anything with you anywhere. Guess you got me in the palm of your hand."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and listened as he hummed along.

"If I haven't already told you enough tonight, you look absolutely breath taking." I could feel his breath against my cheek.

"Thank you. Means a lot." Some how he manages to make me smile when I don't want him to be able to.

"As amazing as that dress looks on you I can't wait to see it on the floor and kiss every inch of your skin." His voice grew husky and I couldn't keep my thoughts clean. Thankfully the song ended before he could continue.

"Im going to use the restroom, excuse me." I grabbed my purse and made my way out of the gym. Cole knows how easy it is to get me going. Walking around the halls for a few minutes i cooled down and gathered my thoughts.

When i got back to the dance Cole was talking to Grant and I didn't want to listen to him go on about the things his date could do in bed.

I pressed myself up against Cole and whispered in his ear. "I can't wait to feel your mouth all over my body."

Cole lost his ability to finish his sentence. "Uh i will catch up with you later Grant."

The whole way home and the short ride on the elevator neither of us said anything. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Cole grabbed my hand and lead the way to the bedroom. When we got home i was expecting him to jump me right away. This was something different and my nerves were growing. I don't like not knowing what is going to happen.

When we reached the room Cole faced me and gently put his hand on my cheek and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was slow but full of passion and I can't lie it scared me.

He pulled away and i felt like Cole see through my soul. "I know it seems to early to say this Kenz, but I love you. I'm absolutely mad about you and head over heals for you." Cole's voice was quiet and dripping in sincerity. I felt like crying for the things that happened in the past and all the things that were yet to come. What was i suppose to say to him? I couldn't lie about something like that. Those three words i would never say unless i meant it. For a moment I opened my mouth and closed it at a complete loss for words.

"Cole, I... I care about you more than you can imagine but i need time to reciprocate such strong emotions.. I-"

"Hey don't cry Kenz, I didn't tell you because i needed you to say it back. I told you because i needed you to hear it. I'll wait for you to say it when you're ready. You're worth waiting for. Being able to love you is more than enough."

All i could do it stand there smiling like an idiot. I had no words and never in a million years would i have expected him to handle that in such a manner. Before i knew he loved me, id be an idiot not to see that but it's another thing to hear it. Ive never had a guy tell me they loved me before and it felt good but in this situation i was terrified.

Cole lightly kissed my lips and across my jaw. I could feel myself melting into his arms as he worked his way down my neck. His lips felt amazing against my hot skin. For a brief moment his lips left my skin but they soon reconnected with the back of my neck and he worked his way down to the dipper of my dress. Cole slowly unzipped it and trailed slow kisses down my body as if trying to remember every inch of my skin. He stood back up and kissed my lips so passionately it took my breath away.

"I could never get tired of looking at you."

In that moment i forgot about the past and the future and i just let him love me the way i needed to be loved.

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