Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (M...

By lacunabel

25.2K 778 92

Marco and Ace being gay one-shots, because I need to be gay in some way. Venting? Yes. Kind of. More

So, It's Been a While...
In Your Arms
Happy Holidays
Love is in the air (yeet)
His Hair...
Fortune Sandwich
Breaking the Walls Down
The Next Chapter
Grape Soda
Prompts For You
Legend of the Phoenix
Don't Eat the Sheep
Portgas D. Ace
Sing Me to Sleep
Marco's Having a Tough Time
Two years
October 5th
Breakup AU for Otaku_Girl2176
Prideful Piano
Camping Trip
Love Like Fire
I can feel your touch from over here
Love Bite
Bleeding Roses
Hello, Birdman

We Need Air Conditioning

2.4K 72 2
By lacunabel

 Title: Hello Gay Man, I'm Gay Too (MarcoxAce)

Summary: One-shots centering around Marco and Ace being a silly and mushy couple together (because I'm that cheesy) whether pertaining to canon or AU. Ace complains about their crappy air conditioning.

Character(s) Focus: Portgas D. Ace, Marco

Pairings: [Marco,Ace]

Warnings: Mushyness? Is that a word?...

Disclaimer: One Piece, its characters, and its plot, all belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not own them. 

Notes: I wish it was warm, it's winter where I am now. I'm freezing my butt off here, you don't know how lucky you are, Ace...  I should probably put out an announcement that I'm not actually updating this story (cough, cough).


"Marcooooo-," Ace groaned, "it's too hot in here!"

 Sighing, Marco pinched the bridge of his nose, reluctantly relinquishing his book in favor of his dramatic boyfriend.

 "And you've made that fact known for the past two hours. I've already told you,  the repairman won't be able to fix the air conditioner until tomorrow morning, yoi."

 "Tomorrow?! Marco, I'll be dead by tomorrow!" Ace gasped dramatically from his place on their rug.

 Annoyed, Marco picked up his book, effectively flinging it into Ace's face.

 Sputtering, Ace snapped up, ready to counterattack- when the phone suddenly rang. Both's attention was immediately drawn to the phone, with curiosity and slight dread. There was a good chance that that phone call was from Marco's work.

"Buruburuburu- Buruburuburu-"

"I guess I better get that...."

 "Marco, we're supposed to have the entire week to ourselves. You promised," Ace said, his voice unusually soft.

 "I know," Marco said wearily, his own voice taking a tired tilt. "I'll tell them I won't do it- after all, I did make you a promise," he said, a smirk filling his lips.  

 Ace blushed, but smiled happily as Marco made his way over the his phone lying on the kitchen table. He smiled when he read his brother's name, mouthing to Ace that It was just Thatch. Pressing the accept button, he lifted the phone to his ear. 

 "Hey Thatch, what can I do for you?" Marco asked warmly.

 "It's so hot today, Marco! Come get some ice cream with me!" Thatch whined, voice pitched high in a way that he knew Marco hated. 

 "Let me guess, yoi, you have no money," Marco deadpanned.

 "Well yeah, but don't tell me you're not being affected by this damn heat! It's a freakin' microwave outside, I can't- handle this- much- longer!" Thatch, not unlike Ace had done a few moments prior, gasped mockingly.

 Marco gave in, even though he knew his wallet would be the one suffering in the end. "Fine, yoi. Me and Ace could use a little ice cream anyways." 

 Ace, who had been eavesdropping, squealed excitedly at the prospect of an Icy treat. After ending the phone call, Ace excitedly wrapped his arms around Marco's neck, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before Marco drew him back into a second one. The couple happily walked out, hand in hand, thankful for the cold relief that they knew was waiting for them.

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