Pretty pink//Yooninm♡♡( EDITI...

By taetae_dxddy

1.3K 68 17

Min yoongi has a bad home life he become friends with some boys known as BTS They are popular at his school y... More

Sweet dreams, Horrible reality
Great job Yoongi
Great job Yoongi ~part 2~
The paper
Jimins sweet dream
Smiles dont last long unless
skip to the trip
Free!.....for a week
wake up
more than just......... friends?
Help me
Im Sorry
See you in hell
You're just like your father

Jimins sweet dream pt 2

69 3 0
By taetae_dxddy

Jimin woke up, he's eyes wide and his heart racing, he was confused about what just happened he didn't know what to thing of this moment or anything for that matter but he got up and got ready for school

-What the fuck Jimin you are not Gay..........are you?-

He said to himself in the shower, he out of the shower and got dressed and packed his bag because the school trip was in three days, he was ready to leave so he headed to the door when he remembered he had one more thing to do , he made breakfast and put it on a tray and walked in to his mom's room she woke up when the door opens she he had made her food she had a huge smile on her face.

- thank you, honey-

-your welcome mom, eat the get some rest-

He kissed his mom on the forehead and headed for the door

-Don't forget to take your meds mom they are on your nightstand, love you, mom!-

He shouted before closing the door, Jimin continues to walk down the road and thinks about how his mom will do without him cause of the trip.

Jimins mom has leukemia and is at the moment is bedridden, she has a nurse that comes to the house to take care of her when Jimin is not there or is at work.

~Time skip~

Jimin arrives at school and walks into class, and sat next to Jungkook

- Hey Jimin, have you seen Tae we have to study for a test that tomorrow-

- Hey, No I have not seen him I think he said he would be late-night

-Oh Okay, thanks Hyung-

-Oh, how is your mom-

Jungkook added, Jimin looked at him blankly

-She is getting better, I'm kind of scared to leave her alone for a week though-

- Jimin she's strong plus she has a nurse that checks on her every day she will be okay-

The bell rang and Jimin went to his next class as the day continue all he could think about was his mom and the dream he had, he really didn't want to see Yoongi cause he felt ashamed, but luckily for him, Yoongi stayed home so Jimin didn't have to deal with an awkward situation.


Jimin say with BTS and the talked about the trip and how excited they were for it, and how they really wanted to swim and have a great time there, but then someone said

- Jimin have you seen Yoongi, I know you have art with him -

You looked at RM and said

-uh well, I guess he is sick or something he was not in class-

RM smiled and said

-Okay, thanks-

The school day ended and off to work Jimin went he worked at a convenience store he was really tired when he got home he wants to his mom's room to find she was sleep he kissed her on the forehead and went upstairs to his room, he sat on the edge of his bed for a little then he got up took a shower then went to bed

Ok yay this chapter is out I have been busy and had trouble writing it I hope u enjoyed it and don't forget to vote baiiiiii♡♡♡♡♡♡

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