The Japanese Demigod-A Percy...

By LaughableRiver

3.8K 113 58

It's been 8 years since Kotoko has seen Haruhi, her mortal cousin, after her mom died. Now with the war comin... More

The Japanese Demigod~Chapter 1
The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 2
The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 3
The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 4

The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 5

739 27 13
By LaughableRiver

Okay, so there is no actual evidence stating that Michael Yew (an Apollo child) is Asian or not. So, I will also make him Asian to help the story. 

I own nothing except Kotoko and the story line!

Note, "This means they are talking in Greek."

Beta: ehcorns (from other site)

I sighed as I went over the math homework for today. The numbers and letters jumped off the page and spun in a mocking way. Putting the paper down, I rubbed my eyes. I don't know why I even try. Math will always be my least favorite subject.

Looking around from the table I was sitting at, I watched everyone doing their hosting activities.

Hikaru and Kaoru were centimeters away from kissing, to which their guests fainted; Tamaki was spewing sweet nothings, Kyoya was manipulating ladies into buying crap, Haruhi was talking with her guests, and Honey and Takashi were eating cake. Well, Honey was.

Deciding cake was more important the math, I got up and went over to Honey's table. Some of the girls briefly glared at, but were still polite.

"Hi, Koto-chan!" Honey beamed. I smiled back and took a seat next to Takashi.

"Hi, Honey. Mind sharing a slice of cake?" I asked.

Shaking his head, he happily cut a slice and gave it to me.

Takashi took it upon himself to serve me a hot cup of coffee. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." I liked hearing his voice. It was deep and smooth, and I could listen to it all day-wait, what?! Where did that come from?

To stifle anymore of those thoughts, I shoved a big piece of cake in my mouth.

Luckily, Honey distracted me before I think of anything else.

"Ne, Koto-chan, do you want to spar with me?"

"You know how to fight?" He didn't seem like the type.

"Don't you know?" One of the girls started, "Honey is the national champion in both karate and judo!"

"You're kidding!" I gasped. The squirt was the national champion?!

"So do you, Koto-chan?" He blinked in such an innocent way; I had to do a double take.

"Haha...only if you don't kill me..." I nervously laughed.

"You're funny! I won't hurt you that much!" That doesn't make me feel better!

"He's joking." I jumped when I heard Takashi's voice in my ear. I could feel the vibrations from his voice in my ear, making me shiver a bit.

I nodded at him, turning away to hide my flushed face. What's wrong with me?

"So Kotoko, why did you come so late in the year?" Another girl asked. I think her name was Ayame?

"Um, well, I thought it would be good to visit Haruhi, after not seeing him for so long."

"Then why not visit him before?"

"There problems going on at the time."

"How was Haruhi as a child?" One of Haruhi's guests came over, after hearing the subject of our conversation.

I thought for a moment. "He was honest about everything. And a momma's boy."

"What about you, Kotoko?"

Haruhi came over and answered for me. "She was so hyper and loved wearing pink. Her biggest weakness were cats and she used to act like Honey-senpai."

"Haruhi! Don't tell them that!"

"I can't imagine you being like that." Ayame confessed.

"Yeah I guess I am different." I agreed, "After my mom died, I matured a bit, now that I had a look of the cruel world I was sheltered from." Smiling, I tilted my head, "Sorry, I shouldn't ruin the mood."

Before anyone could respond, a knock on the doors sounded through the room. The door opened and a familiar face popped in. Michael Yew, the new counselor of the Apollo cabin, after Lee Fletcher passed away last summer. He got teased a lot for his height (4'6), but made up for it with his two feet of attitude. He was one of the few campers that were also part Japanese. His grandmother was Japanese, and she taught him her native language.

Michael looked around the room, getting confused at the many girls and few boys.

Kyoya walked up to him, and asked, "Do you need anything?"

Michael looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm looking for Kotoko Fujioka."

I stood up then, making myself noticeable. "Michael! What are you doing here?"

He glanced at me, and almost dropped with relief. He hurried towards the table.

"Who is this Koto-chan?" Honey asked. It was a bit funny seeing someone smaller than Honey.

"This is Michael Yew. We go to camp together." I turned to him, crossing my arms. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at camp?"

"Aren't you supposed to be at camp." He mocked. I gave him a look, and he sighed dramatically. "I have a message."

"And couldn't you have I-M'd me?"

"Can we talk privately?"

I realized everyone was staring at us, stopping whatever they were doing. Grabbing Michael's arm, I dragged him outside, shutting the door behind us.

"Did something happen at camp?" I asked, panicked.

"No, fortunately."

"Then what is it? And why did they send you? Nico could have just traveled."

"Nico's been busy trying to convince your dad to help us out."

"I wish dad wouldn't be so stubborn."

"All our parents are stubborn." I nodded. That is true. "Chiron sent me to warn you that Luke is near."

"Damn that bastard! When I get my hands on him I'll wring his neck and feed him to Mrs. O'Leary!"

He sighed, but smiled a bit.

"Why is he here?!"

"Yours, Nico's, and Percy's birthdays are coming up soon. I think he's guessing you're the child of the prophecy." He shrugged.

I tugged the end of my hair. "I don't want to be the one! I don't want to be involved in this crap! I just want to be normal like I was before my mom died."

"Hey, Kotoko..."

"Nothing ever goes right for me, Percy, Thalia, and Nico!"

"Calm down! It's not the end of the world!"

"But it might be!"

Michael shut his eyes at his wrong choice of words. "Look, there's nothing we can do to change what your or their fathers did. It was going to happen someday. All you can do now is wait until the prophecy comes true and if, if you're the one, then do what you think is the right choice."

I scowled. "Why do we always have to take the blow of our parent's mistakes? We always get punished because of them."

"We can't change anything."

I shook my head, but changed the topic. "Has Percy come back yet?"

"Yeah, and Annabeth crushed him into a hug then punched him in the face when she saw him."

I laughed. "That sounds like her. Come on, let's go back inside." I pushed the door open, but it slammed into something. Looking around the door, I saw the twins and Tamaki clutching their heads.

I glared at them. "What the Hades are you guys doing?! I can't believe-no wait! I can believe you would do this! Don't you know anything about privacy?!"

Michael quickly tugged my arm, and led me back to Honey and Takashi's table. He pushed me down in a seat, where I stiffly sat down, crossing my arms.

Honey cautiously slid a plate of cake to me, and I latched on to it, eating it angrily. 'Stupid twins. Stupid Tamaki.'

"Wah! My daughter is angry with me!" I heard Tamaki yell in the background.

"You bet I am! And if you don't shut up I'll rip your vocal cords out and make you eat them!" I shouted, brandishing a fork.

Tamaki squeaked in terror and ran to his corner.

"Hey Kotoko, calm down." Michael said.

Too caught up in my rage, I turned my glare on to him. "And why should I, pip-squeak?" As soon as the words came out, I regretted it. "Oh Gods, I'm sorry-"

Michael narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to let it slide, only because you're mad."

My shoulders slumped, the anger going out of my body. An awkward silence ensued.

I cleared my throat. ", how's Nico?" I said, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"...Don't know. He hardly talks to anyone."

"Ne, ne, Michael-chan," Honey waved to get his attention. "How do you know Koto-chan?"

Haruhi nodded, waiting for his answer.

"We're cousins."

"I guess we're family too." Haruhi added, smiling.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Haruhi, Kotoko's cousin."

Michael scrunched up his eyebrows. "Wait, she told me you were a-" I kicked him, making him hiss in pain.

"An athletic person, yeah." I said the first thing that popped into my head. "He's not anymore." I shot Michael a look. "Everyone thinks she's a guy. Shut up." I said in Greek.

"Even the guys?"

"Everyone except the guys in the room." I smiled innocently at everyone who was staring at us in great confusion.

"Well, I am sorry to say we are closing for the day." Kyoya announced. Every girl groaned in disappointment, but began leaving.

Soon the room was empty sans for the hosts, Michael, and me.

"So Yew-san. You know Haruhi's secret." Kyoya didn't say it as a question.

"Calm down Kyoya. I told him about Haruhi." I held a hand up before he interrupted me. "I told him before she was even in the club, so you can't say anything. He'll keep it a secret."

Reluctant, Kyoya walked away to his table, writing in his book.

Sighing, I turned back to Michael. "How long are you going to stay here?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Got anywhere to stay?" I asked.

"Nah, I was going to stay at a hotel."

"You can stay at our house for the night, right Haruhi?"

Haruhi thought about it for a moment then nodded. "We're family now, of course."

Tamaki gasped in horror. He ran over to Haruhi and gripped her shoulders. "Haruhi! Please tell me you aren't going to let that-that-that boy in your house!"

"Senpai, he is." Haruhi stated.

"That's not fair!" Hikaru whined.

"Why does he get to sleep over at your house?" Kaoru questioned.

"Because he's my cousin and you guys would probably ruin the house." I deadpanned.

"Nu-uh!" They harmonized.

"Uh, yeah you would. Plus, there's no room for all of you to sleep." I snapped. "Stop acting like little kids and deal with it."

"Koto-chan?" Honey slid his hand into mine.


"Can we go over for a while?" He gave me puppy eyes, and I found myself nodding.

"Yay! We get to go to Koto-chan's house!" He cheered, spinning.

The twins and Tamaki also cheered, happy to keep an eye on us.

I groaned, leaning my head on Takashi's arm. His strong, muscular arm that I can imagine holding me-No! Bad Kotoko, bad!

Takashi glanced at me, silently asking me what's wrong.

"You don't happen to have a way to defeat Honey's puppy dog eyes, do you?"

Shaking his head, his eyes filled with amusement.

Clearly, I wasn't going to be able to stop them from coming over. Well, you know what they say...

"Alright, let's go already, I want to eat and you people are delaying my eating time." I walked to the door, Michael and Haruhi by my side, the rest following. I smiled, thinking it was time we had a big dinner.

...If you can't beat them, join them.

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