Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

9.3K 217 23

[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[4]Skateboarding Tryouts
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!
Author's Note & Character Cast
[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster

259 11 1
By thebookenchantress

[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a while!

This chapter is dedicated to my friend named Julie. She was a really great friend and she was really nice.




Sorry if the format looks a little weird since I'm typing it on my phone.

My story isn't at all the best and you gave me a chance. I'm literally crying while writing this.

Sorry I didn't update for a long time.


Readers: Well....come on, Saffron! Get on with the chapter already!

Me: Fine then! Here it is...


Stella Miller's POV

Do any of you have those days when someone or maybe everyone just pisses you off? That whenever you see someone happy you just wanna just to beat them up?

Well, unfortunately, I'm having those days right now.

And no, I'm not on my period, I'm not pregnant, nor am I PMSing.

Why did I even put being pregnant in one of the options?

I would've punched the guy straight on even if he laid a hair on me.

Okay let's return to the reality of being the poorest child in this school.

It's just the top twelve richest children in both my school and the world making another one of my days here very eventful. I know that other people would be freaking out in excitement that even the wealthiest familes in the country or even the state was actually bugging them. But to me, I would've just minded my own business and not cared. I'm not the type of person to just fan over someone just because the amount of money in their bank account or what type of product they're sporting. Because to me, I think that personality counts the most out of someone.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation and groaned mentally. Why can't these people leave me alone? I looked straight ahead at the twelve most immaturest people I've ever met that were sitting on the two lush, red, leather couches. "Why are you guys here?" I placed my arm on my hip. A few strands of my bangs fell to my face and I blew it away.

They moved their attention on me to Wesley. I narrowed my eyes to stare at that loopsided grin on his stupid, little face. Here comes the wave of unfamiliar emotions.

I don't know what this feeling is. Can someone tell me the name of this disease? The disease that has the symptoms of a peculiar speed of heartrate, that whenever the person looks at you you feel something fluttering inside, that when you somehow touch him you have this warm feeling, and lastly which is the strangest of all, how you feel safe around this person and that because of his/her presence you feel so....I don't know.... But can someone tell me this disease before it fills me up entirely?

The wave of emotions hit me but I try to ignore them. Something's going on, and I wanna know. How they found me, and why they're here.

"I have my sources," He simply answered before grabbing a newspaper off the coffee table.

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Sources? Do you send people to stalk me or something?"

Wesley put down the paper while his expression turned cautious. "Well..."

Then my mind went to the flashback to when Dylan and Terrence were rustling behind the bushes with a pair of binoculars. Were they actually following me the whole entire way?

I gasped and pointed at his face . "You did!"

"I wasn't the only one to be curious about you." Wesley explained then gestured to everyone else on the couch. "We all were."

"If you are telling the truth then," Dylan started and placed an arm around Destiny's shoulders which earned him an eye glare. "Technically... Wesley was more interested than all of us."

I raised my eyebrows and faced Wesley's face again. But now his expression seemed like he rejected that statement. He let out an awkward laugh and punched Dylan's arm. "Shut up Dylan, remember we were all worried?" His stormy eyes were staring at Dylan while nodding nervously. It was like their eyes were talking to each other in another language.

They actually think they though they were good liars, huh?

Good liars my ass.

"Forget about it." I trudged over to the kitchen. "Stay if you want, just be quiet and stuff and just be like good little children." But I already knew that wouldn't be possible. They wouldn't even pass the first level of being mature.

I was still near the cash register when I heard a. *BANG* "Damn it! Terrence, will you just sit down for just one second!" I heard Lindy scold.

"I'm sorry for being a normal person!" I heard him reply back.

"Shut up, I bet Stella could hear you over there. Just close your mouths until we leave here," Wesley exclaimed responsibly.

Then everyone quieted down.

See, I told you.

When I saw where Avalon stood she had a smirk on her face while she leaned her hip on the counter.

"You have some explaining to do." she tightened her ponytail.

"What explaining?" I spoke innocently while moving the sack of sugar to the storage room.

"Why you're hanging out with them."

"Well first of all," I carried another sack of sugar. "Three of them are my roommates, another three are friends with my roommates, one of them is my partner for this class, and one of them is a person who needs my help for someone. The rest just tag along."

"Wow, it's just that what blows my mind is that they're hanging out with you. They usually hang out with people that is in their social class." She realized what she said and regreted it. "No offense."

I sighed and pulled a fake smile. "Non-taken, I sometimes question myself that too."

Avalon began helping me pull a sack of flour to the storage room. "But there's another thing that got me really interested."

I put down a sack, "What is it?"

"Why Wesley appears to be interested."

I felt my heart rate rush abnormally fast. I didn't want this question to affect me so instead I scoffed. "Wesley? Please. He's just toying around with me. I bet he'll have another girl by his side tomorrow."

"That's not the thing," Avalon disagreed. "I'm actually Destiny's cousin."

Okay I didn't know that.

"Wow," I said amazed. "She didn't tell me that."

"It's fine," She sent a nice smile. "Destiny always tells me about what's happening with her friends. She says who they're dating, who broke up, and she always ends up saying that Wesley's with another girl. But this time, she didn't." Avalon put down the sack of stuff and stared at me. "She said that there is a girl that caught Wesley's eye and I'm betting she's the one who'll tame him. I was a little shocked at first thinking, 'Wesley? The nasty playboy finally calling it quits?' At first it was hard to believe but now I understand why she said that."

"So who's the girl?" I pushed the sack to the highest shelf.

She looked at me in disbelief. "You really are so dense."

I widened my eyes at her to see what she was coming at. She continued staring at me oddly. Oh my god. She thought it was me! "Oh hell no. It's definitely not me."

"Why not?" Avalon scrunched her eyebrows.

"Because he's just playing with me right now."

"Don't be surprised of what will happen sooner or later." She warned.

"Why don't you hang out with Destiny?"

"I know that she hangs out a lot with the richest people in the campus. And I know they are really people and stuff, I just want to keep a low profile, that's it." She explained simply.

"That's what I wanted the entire time." I replied sadly. "I bet other people are thinking that I'm just asking for their money. I wouldn't blame them, the poorest girl in the academy with a group of wealthy children? I would've thought that was it."

Avalon groaned. "Don't think that way! They all want to be your friend no matter which class you are in."

"I just don't feel comfortable with people thinking that way."

"I know what will cheer you up. A sleepover! Tonight!" She cheered with her arms up.

I slapped a hand on my forehead, "Oh god."

"Ill invite all the girls, no guys invited!" Avalon smiled. "Lets prepare some hot chocolate for them, I wouldn't want them to come here for nothing."

I grinned in reply. "Sure."

We began gathering cups and wrote everyone's names on it. I put all the sugars and cocoa inside the cups, while Avalon poured the hot water and milk. We topped the cups with the covers and placed them on a tray. Avalon carried the tray and I followed after her.

I could see everyone I knew slouching on the couch. There were a few other students in the academy that were seated on a chair and booth.

Destiny and Dylan were facing each other. I guess they were playing rock, paper, scissors to pass the time.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT!" They shouted simultaneously.

Destiny had paper and Dylan had rock. Dylan looked mad and shouted, "YOU CHEATED!"

Destiny was in disbelief of how immature he was. "Cheated? How could you cheat in this game!"

And their bickering continued after that.

Charlotte and Brandon were watching a movie, Lindy and Terrence were just talking, Alyssa and Cole were on the Cole's laptop playing games. While Bridgette and Luke was the most amusing of all.

They were seated on the left side of the couch, side by side. Bridgette exclaimed, "How could you think they can't be together! Are you that clueless, a blind man can see there love!"

Luke crossed his arms, "Are you serious, Bridge! They hate each other, every else can tell they do! Stop shipping on people whose ship will never sail!"

Bridgette scooted away from him and went to the other side which Wesley sat on. He was reading a book with plenty of interest, Bridgette tapped on his shoulder which popped his bubble. She pouted and hugged his arm, "Luke is hurting me again, Wesley!" She pointed at Luke with anger.

Okay let me tell you this, I realized the entire time I was here is that Bridgette was the little sister of the group along with Lindy. But Lindy is more mature than she is. No matter who it is, the person Bridgette blames is always at fault.

"What me!? I didn't do anything! I was just stating true facts." Luke huffed trying to defend his party.

Wesley appeared to not be in the mood, "Luke just shut up and listen to your girlfriend." And he returned to his book.

Bridgette smirked at Luke while looked so offended that his own friend didn't help him out.

Alice was playing on her phone laughing at her latest feed on Instagram.

Avalon and I reached were everyone was seated. I slouched on the other couch no one occupied and sighed. Avalon placed the tray on the table and gave each person in the group a hot chocolate.

Avalon checked the time and said, "Stella, you're free to go now. Remember our sleepover today, Destiny will tell you my dorm number. I'll get your apron for you."

I nodded happily. I untied my apron and handed it to her. "Thanks for today Av, and I'm excited for the sleepover."

"Yeah, catch you later." I waved. I turned my heels to see everyone lounging on the chairs. "I'm gonna get my stuff and we'll go in a second."

I moved my feet over to the employee's room to get my stuff. I pulled my hair tie which caused my hair to cascade down my shoulders. I ruffled my hair and picked up my backpack and skateboard. I took a deep breath before my body smacked to someone's.

"So you have a sleepover tonight?"

I know that voice.

"Wesley! You scared the living crap out of me!" I placed a hand over my abnormally rushing heart while heaving. "Why are you here anyway? You aren't even supposed to stay here, it's for employees anyway." I chastised.

Wesley pivoted his body and pointed at the door at his thumb. "Poor security."

I swear this guy will be the death of me.

I clenched my teeth together. Alright, I was clearly not in the mood and Wesley wasn't helping at all. I had a sleepover to attend to when I actually wanted to just read and study for the next lesson. You could tell that this day wasn't one of my happy days. Was there actually a day where it went my way? Wait let me check my book...still checking...oh I realized, there aren't any days! So far the life I planned for this school turned quite abruptly when I met this group of people.

I pushed the bridge of my glasses higher and ran my fingers through my hair in exhaustion. I dart my eyes to Wesley's. Oh, why must that beautiful shade of gray had to be in his eyes? I looked away for a moment so I won't appear to be enchanted by those eyes. Oh my god, Stella, shut up! I moved my eyes back to his and I found his signature grin plastered on his mouth.

"So, where are you guys staying for the sleepover?" Wesley finally ruined the silence while shoving his hands in his uniform slacks.

I was about to reply to his question but I rather not. "Why would you care, I bet you have some girl over tonight." A heavy feeling was in my gut and it didn't feel good at all.

I could feel his eyes staring at my head. "Is it me, Stell bell, or are you jealous?"

Feeling the blood rush to my face I looked away so he won't see. "No, why would you even think that? Is is I'll get jealous with you with another girl." I tried sounding like this was the truth, but I could hear deep inside my voice that it wasn't.

Jealous? Was I really jealous? Is it what it feels like? The feeling where you envy other people's possessions. The feeling where you're most selfish.

"Really, Sweetheart?" He began walking closer, he bent his head to the level of my ear. "Because your tone of voice says otherwise."

I froze. The amount of space we had disappeared, he was practically leaning on me. The chill of his minty breath made me shiver a bit. I didn't know what to do. My stomach felt warm and my face began turning to the most crimson color I could ever imagine. Is this another symptom?

I hid behind my bangs but nevertheless, I could see his full face smile in front of me.

That breathtaking smile.

"You're adorable when your jealous."

That didn't help my heart.

I stared at him seriously ans jerked my head so my bangs would go off my face. I shoved his arm and scoffed, "Shut up, idiot." Then changed my direction to the door. I hoisted my backpack higher and clutched on my skateboard tighter.

The view of the gang caught my eyes.

"I'm leaving first, bye guys." I announced abruptly before exiting the cafe and dropping the skateboard and pushing off.

I didn't want them following me anymore so I skated as fast as I could. I arrived at the bookstore that caught my attention and halted my speed.

Barnes and Noble has always been my favorite store. It just has the first time my mom brought me here.

Mom. That reminds me of the exact reason I want to be here. Because I could actually help my mom. I remember loving my father when I was a child, we had so much fun. Flashbacks keep on hitting my mind, I was so clueless then.

I entered the store while holding my skateboard with my left hand. The smell of new books and hot coffee hit my nose. There weren't many people in the store at this time since it was a school night. I took out my leather notebook that was in my backpack and pulled the pen that was on the spine. I always wrote down all of the stuff I wanted in this notebook. Since I was poor, I couldn't buy all the things I wanted since my father left. I wrote them all down ever since I was twelve.

I clicked the pen and went to a fresh clean page. I grinned at all the books on the shelves, I trudged to the young adult books first. I scribbled a few books names on the page. I strolled to the other side of the store to the children's spot. It reminded me of Melissa. On how she always begged me to get all these things. I wrote the things she wanted and their price also. Just thinking about Melissa and Mom caused me to have a stomacheache. I think this is called being homesick.

I left the store and skated towards the girls' dorm.


Just when I was in the elevator Charlotte sent me a text.

CHARLOTTE: Avalon's dorm is room 560. Come quick ASAP! Don't you dare ditch us or we'll drag you here. I swear you are the most anti-social person I met.

I smiled at the last part of her text and typed a quick one.

STELLA: Whatever (Rolled eyes emoji)

I dropped by my dorm to change into my pajamas. I briskly unplugged my charger, got my earphones, got my backpack and slammed the door to the elevator again. I pressed the level five button and took a breather.

I ran down the hallway to find Avalon's room. Number 560 caught my eye and I stopped running to knock the door.

Just when I knocked I heard Bridgette's voice already.

"STELLA'S HERE!" Then footsteps slapping the floor came after her voice. I sound of the door being unlocked came before the door opened widely uncovering the ear-to-ear smiled went to my view.

"Hey guys," I let out.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot!" Lindy took out her hand and pulled me in. "Come in!"

I came in the room to find all these air mattresses all on the floor with blankets and pillows. There were plenty of pillows near the huge windows. The view outside the window was the sports field. Junk foods were sprawled around the floor and so were several DVDs. A wide screen television was on the turquoise wall. The DVD player was unde the TV along with an Xbox and a WII.

"I bought some pizza, Stella! And guess what?" Avalon exclaimed and went closer to my ear. "I brought three guys over for you, Destiny, and Alice!" She squealed.

My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped along with Destiny and Alice.

'This is gonna be a long night,' my mind said and I nodded mentally.


Can I just say that my first sleepover since I was nine is a disaster?

No that's probably an understatment.

I stayed in the corner of the dorm with my notebooks and textbooks splattered around me. My hair was up in a ponytail and my glasslels were on. My face displayed that I was not in the mood for socializing and I just wanted to study.

Destiny and Alice stayed beside me but left me alone because I was doing the essay due in two weeks.

"STELLA, DESTINY, ALICE! THE PIZZA IS HERE AND SO ARE YOUR GUYS!" Alyssa cheered while everyone followed her to the door.

Destiny, Alice, and I looked at each other in panic.

"Can we just stay in the bathroom until tomorrow?" Destiny suggested.

"I don't think that'll be a good idea because Charlotte's looking at us like we're gonna escape." Alice whispered with her British accent toning with her. We all looked back at Charlotte who was staring at us warningly.

"I guess we just need to live through this night then," I groaned.

"Hey Stella, Destiny, Alice, this is Chase, Robert, and Romeo." Avalon introduced while holding three boxes of pizza. Then three men followed behind her with suits and had long coats on them.

All I've gotta say is


Destiny, Alice, and I's eyes were widening. They looked really good. They were at least 6-feet, they would be shorter than Wesley but taller than me still. Their hair was professionally styled and looked better than mine, their cheekbones made them appear more godlike. Their jawlines were really prominent and their eyes were a gorgeous color of blue. One had raven-hair, another blonde-hair, and the other was a brunette. And the brunette was staring at me longer than the others which made me raise an eyebrow at him disapprovingly.

Destiny shakily pointed at them and sputtered. "Y-yyou're from Armani!"

I stared widely at her with incredulity read off my face. And she nodded with wide eyes also. Alice on the other hand was staring at them dreamily. I'm guessing she likes Armani then.

I can't believe that the expensive brand name's models are standing before me.

God, I have so many things to tell Frank.

The models smirked at what Destiny said. Destiny sat closely to me and hid behind my neck. "I remember that Avalon has friends that work in Armani. I think that's why they're here."

"Did she pay them?!" I whispered back with force.

"No, Stella! My cousin doesn't know any prostitutes!" Destiny chided. My statement causing her to be slightly annoyed.

"Well Alice looks pleased." I murmured while observing Alice and the blonde-haired guy chatting or maybe even flirting on the couch near the television.

"I wanna go back to our room now." Destiny complained.

"Oh come on," I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just do this for your cousin, this will all be over tomorrow." I assured her.

"Fine," She glared playfully. "Mr. Romeo is staring at you." She singsonged.

"Shut up," I pushed her on the shoulder. "I'm going back to my essay now."

"I'm going to try talking to the other guy, just give Romeo a chance." Destiny smiled before standing up to chat with the black-haired guy.

I rolled my eyes at her and sat Indian style. I focused on my papers and picked up my pen to begin writing. I opened my textbook and scribbled a few words on the paper. I was going to begin writing notes for the test on Chemistry but a shadow loomed over me.

I looked who was above me. For a second I thought it was Wesley. But I Romeo's face appeared instead. My heart felt a bit disappointed at that.

"Hey," his deep voice resonated to my ears.

"Hey," I greeted and looked back at my notes.

I could hear him sitting next to me on the floor and he chuckled. "I'm guessing you aren't the social type."

"You guessed right then," I said without looking back at him.

An awkward silence crawled in and I wasn't taking it anymore.

I closed my books and put them in my backpack and zipped it up. I pivoted my body facing him. "I apologize for ignoring you, I really don't like talking to guys especially male models."

Romeo laughed. "Do you want to sit there?" He pointed at the pillows near the window. "My ass is stiff."

I looked at him with humor, "What?" I stood up and smiled, "Sure."

I sat on the air matress and so did he. We were facing each other and had the clear, transparent window beside us. He took off his shiny shoes and sat Indian-style and pulled a blanket over us.

We stared at each other and he looked at my clothes. "I like your duck pajamas." He complimented.

I chortled. "Thanks, I'm guessing having clothes that are complimented by an Armani model is a good thing."

He stopped laughing suddenly. "So what's your name? I can't believe I've talked with you and I don't even know your name."

"Stella Miller."

"Stella Miller, wow what a gorgeous name." He said.

"Shut up. My name isn't extravagant as the other rich kids." I denied.

"Just be quiet, I bet you don't accept compliments a lot." He hypothesized.

I smiled at him and leaned on the clear window. Until.

"PONG" The sound of the window rumbled.

"PONG" There it was again.

I stood up and opened the window.

Six shadows stood on the green grass before me.

I can't believe who was outside facing me.


He stood there smirking while holding three pebbled and tossing one up and down. "Hello, Sweetheart."


Author's Note

Again I'm sorry if this chapter took so long.

I'll try making the next chapter quicker than this one.

I'm sorry if this chapter is great at all.

Sorry for any proofreading error and grammar mistakes.

Signing out!


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