A Taste Of Payback

By Tomatita

10.8K 372 45

Spain discovers a new land and has plans of conquering it. Later he discovers that the great Aztec Empire has... More

New world, new plans
Making ends meet
Tomato Amor
A Prize To Be Won Over
Prepare your weapons
Spying on the Spanish
Do You Remember
Good Night
Romano, Meet New Spain
Late Night Surprise
Unlikely Friendship
(Not so) Merry Friends
Finding A New Talent, And New Feelings
Spanish Lessons
Of Curls And News
Fratello Has A Crush
Birds, Bees, and Reunions
Our Little Secret
Let It Go
Bullfights and Volcanoes
Doll-like beauty
Christmas Ball
I'll Wait For You
Sharing the Bed
Oh Shit He's Hot
Upper Hand
The Mystery of Men
A Toast to Growth
The Irony of Love
Everyone Can Cook
Money Brings Out the Worst in the Best
One Last Time
Letters to Change a Course

An Unallowed Friendship

311 10 3
By Tomatita

"X-Xochi? Is that...you!", Esmeralda felt as if her heart were about to burst out of her chest as her body filled with joy. The American had remembered her, after all these centuries. "A-actually, my name's Esmeralda now. But yes! Yes Alfred, it's me!", the two exploded with happiness, finally finding the one person they needed most. They threw themselves into each others arms, in a bone crushing hug that made up for all the hugs they missed out on. Alfred couldn't contain his laughter and a couple tears of joy rolled out, "Man! You have no idea how much I missed you! Oh my God I was so worried!". He was piratically screaming in her ear, but she didn't mind. She just kept holding onto him, as if it was all a dream and the minute she let go, he would fade into the darkness. "I missed you too! So much it fucking hurt! But look at you! Your so tall and handsome!", she loosened her grip, but only so she could get a good look at him up close. He had the same loving, high spirited face from her days with him. All his baby fat was gone and she could feel muscles under his shirt. The spark he always had in his eyes was even brighter, as even more crazy dreams filled his heart day by day.  

He appeared older then she, but younger then Italy and Romano. There were different things too, like the muscles she noticed earlier. She could tell by his features that he was becoming a man, as she was becoming a woman. He was no longer a little boy. "Ha! Of course I'm tall and handsome! What kind of hero would I be if I wasn't? And you! I mean, just look at you! Your so...your so gorgeous...", the excitement in his voice turned to dreamy as he got lost in her eyes, missing everything about her. New Spain gave her long lost friend a warm smile that caused another blush to form on his cheeks. He pulled her into another hug, but instead of another air constricting hug, it was snug and sincere. The close and lovable contact caused Esmeralda to blush herself as she wound her arms back around him. "I missed you so much", Alfred softly whispered in her ear, forgetting that the others were still there. Everybody watched the two disapprovingly except for Feliciano. He was smiling ear to ear and rambling about how cute the scene in front of him was. Lovino was watching with an indisputable frown, taking note in how his crush held the American and even blushed. Lovino traced back in his memory and couldn't find a time when the girl simply blushed from a few words and a hug. He also didn't like the way America was handling her. He was jealous. Simply, and obviously jealous.

She pulled away, "Come on! Let me show you my room!". She grabbed his hand and ran inside, their laughter being louder then anything possible. England watched as the two teens disappeared behind the door. "Hmm, it appears that our colonies know each other and need some catching up to do. How interesting, am I right", his tone was bitter, but his face seemed cautious for America. "If your little brat tries-", England was quickly cut off. "My princesa won't do anything bad to your little colony unless he gives her a reason to. If anything, I'm worried about her safety with someone that was raised by you", Spain sneered as he looked down on the Britt. "My Alfred would never! And what the bloody hell does that last part mean!", Arthur pointed a finger at the Spaniards chest. Spain put on a formal smile as he lifted some luggage, "Nothing at all, but I will be keeping an eye on America. Now, would you like to head inside? It's getting dark". England scoffed as he also hauled some luggage and trudged inside.

Once in Esmeralda's room, Alfred jumped on her bed. "Woo! I'm so tired from that ride", he stretched out his arms and legs, enjoying the freedom of his limbs. New Spain laughed and plopped down next to him, "It couldn't have been that bad. Could it?". He gave out a quick laugh before answering, "Try being in a ship, then a small carriage with a party pooper like Iggy. Yeah, pretty bad. Not to mention his cranky mood from having to see Spain". He looked down at the short girl and traced the back of his hand on the fabric of her dress, "Xochi, er I mean Esmeralda! Are you wearing satin! Wow look at you go!". Esmeralda laughed and took his hand in hers, "Yup! I haven't worn animal skin in centuries". Alfred nodded approvingly, "Well you wear it awesomely, but I think I'll actually miss all your war paint and feathers". He intertwined their fingers together. "Oh, why thank you! And I'll miss them too but, oh well", she plainly shrugged her shoulders. She threw him back into another hug, not able to get enough of him.

Alfred placed his strong arms around her waist, "I knew I'd find you again. Don't you ever leave me like that again. It nearly tore my heart, I was so devastated! Do you have any idea what it's like, to come back home from having to visit Matt for a couple years, then I decide to visit you, and all I see are these red and yellow flags and dead bodies! And smoke from fire is everywhere, buildings are crumbling, and worst of all, you're gone!". His tone became a mix of serious and frantic as he continued. "I was so scared and looked for you everywhere! I left your side for a while and then come back to find out you've been conquered. It was just horrible! Esmeralda, I have literally died everyday waiting to see you again", both of the two colonies stared at each other tearfully. "I failed...", Alfred threw his head down. "What do you mean?", Esmeralda raised an eyebrow, not sure of his statement. "I failed! I promised to always be there with you and protect you! Then little eight year old looking me trots back to your place to finally tell you how I fee- I mean tell you how Canada's doing! Yeah, that! Because you know, you haven't seen him since we looked to be about five, but anyways! Little me trots back to your place to see the once amazing jungle, gone", he continued to hang his head in failure. New Spain cupped his chin and kissed his forehead, "It's not your fault Alfred. You just went away to Mattie's place when Spain showed up, you had no idea! And you were there for three years, there was no way any of you wouldv'e found out. It's okay, your still my hero". America looked deeply into her kind eyes with a light smile, "Y-you mean it? Oh and, Matt says hi, he's doing good". Esmeralda nodded, "Of course I do. And that's great! I wonder what he's been up to". Alfred held her tighter and kissed the tip of her nose like the way he always did when they were little, "I'm glad. And well...he's Canada, so he doesn't do much. Actually, wait a minute". He thought deeply and concentrated, "Oh yeah! He has a polar bear. Cute little thing. Um...while I was looking for you...", Alfred could feel the lump in his throat, not sure if he should keep going. In the end, he pressed on, "When I was looking for you, I went in your house to see if you were hiding anywhere and I...I uh... I found your mom". A lone tear rolled down his face. He was very fond of the powerful woman. He enjoyed her, even if she was intimidating. She always greeted him kindly and welcomed him with open arms when he visited.

New Spain sighed and shushed him before he could continue, "Yeah...I know. I saw actually". Alfred continued to hold her comfortably, "Esmeralda, what happened. With your colonization I mean". New Spain pushed them down and laid on top of him while she told him her story, not feeling uncomfortable at all. She felt safe in his arms as he lightly stroked her hair and gasped at all the right places in the story. She wanted him to know every last detail. She told him of when she first met Spain, how creepy he was, how he invaded, how her mother and warriors fought to death. How she was too sick to do anything, how she hid and witnessed murder, how she was no longer a capitol, but a country of Spain's likeness with no culture to her name. "Wow. That's terrible, I mean, when I became a colony, it was nothing like that! France and England both wanted me, but England won. He stayed with me until I was able to take care of myself. Now he visits regularly. It was so easy! I hate to even think about how you were when that all happened. Now that I'm here with you again, I hate to leave you! But at least I know your okay".

After diner, England, who already toured the house, showed Alfred to his room, completely away from New Spain. "Now Alfred, I am only telling you this for your safety because I care about you. I am very glad that you were able to reunite with such a great friend, believe me I am! But, don't forget, she's not the little girl you used to prance around with. Oh no my dear. There was a huge time gap, she's grown up, well half way, and is Spain's colony. Be careful Alfred. You never know what Spain has up his sleeve. This could turn ugly, so don't get too close and attached to her, you hear me. I don't want Spain to take advantage of your feelings and use her against you, to get to me", England spoke slowly, making sure the daft teenager would understand everything. America pouted, "Well that doesn't seem fair". England sighed, "It's for your own good. Alfred, I only want you to be safe here. Do not get close and attached! I do not want you gathering feelings for someone like her. And by that, I mean one of Spain's underlings. She obviously picks up on some of his traits. So, am I understood? She is an enemy, but play nice okay". Alfred huffed and shook his head no, "I miss her Iggy! I need to be with her!". Arthur face palmed, "Alfred I am not saying your banned from talking to her! Just don't get bloody comfortable and lovely with her".

Up in Esmeralda's room, Spain was giving her the same horrible speech. "He just came back into my life and your telling me to stay away from him!", New Spain yelled after hearing what Spain had to say. "Princesa, I don't trust them! England is devious and evil in his own twisted way! America obviously picked up some stuff from staying with him for so long", Spain and England had no idea how wrong they were. England only stayed with America for a little while before he resorted to visiting, so Alfred was nothing like him. Esmeralda did pick up some traits, but only small things like hard working, nap loving, and an easy going spirit. They were able to rekindle so quickly because neither had turned into snapped evil pirates like their rulers thought so. So as it turned out in the end, rules were applied. Neither were to be alone unsupervised, or show any display of affection. They were allowed to get along, but were under close watch and would be in grave trouble if things got too friendly.

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