The Other Direction (A One Di...

By ThoseRaeChicks

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Kylie, Tara, Paulie, Georgie, and Charlotte are average girls with phenomenal voices. Every since they were f... More

Chapter One: Going in... The Other Direction?
Chapter Two: Elevators and Egos
Facts About the Girls!
Chapter Three: The One and Only, Mr. Simon Cowell
Chapter Four: Band Bonding Part One
Chapter Five: Band Bonding Part Two
Chapter Six: Band Bonding Part Three
Chapter Eight: Birthday Bash
Chapter Nine: Oh, Georgie

Chapter Seven: Aftermath

4.9K 85 49
By ThoseRaeChicks

Hola guys! So, I tried so hard to get my hands on a computer these past few days and I did. I'm freaking awesome. I wish that I could just conjure up a computer with the snap of my fingers but sadly I can't. It sucks. 

Anyways, enjoy the chappie!


The rest of the weekend continued without a hitch. We, as in Harry and I, avoided each other as much as we possibly could in a house that was filled with our friends who loved group activities. It wasn't until we were back in the hotel with my mom that changed everything. 

"Mom! We're back!" I called as we all walked through the door, finding my mom curled up on the couch with a movie playing on the TV.

 She turned around, a startled expression on on her face. When she realized it was just us she calmed down, and he lips curved up into a smile.

"Hey, girls. How'd it go?" she asked.

"Good! Harry tried to kiss Char!" Georgie blurted out. 

I covered my face with my hands in disbelief. All of a sudden I regretted telling her everything that had happened that first night. "She's just kidding, Mom," I said, still covering my face. 

"Your daughter is a liar, Mrs. Stevens," Georgie said, innocence filling her voice. 

"Don't forget that you and Harry made out in a closet while we were all watching movies last night!" Tara squealed. 

My face dropped. Georgie had made out with Harry. My eyebrows furrowed as I processed the words, but only anger came out of it.

"Oh, look at Char. Is someone jealous?" Kylie joked. 

Me? Jealous? Definitely not. But then why did I stomp off to my room like a four year old? 

A knock at the door cause my head to snap up to the person standing in the doorway. It was Paulie. She walked over to me, rubbed circles into my back, and sighed heavily. 

"Do you like him?" she asked. 

I didn't know how to respond to her. My first thought was no, but when I thought back to my actions over the weekend my answer began to change to yes. I was horribly confused, and it just made the upcoming party even more dreadful. 

It was supposed to be my birthday party. When the boys found out they decided that they were going to somehow get us into a club for the night. Liam tried to talk them out of it, but it was no use. It was only him, Kylie, and I against the idea. Seven to three. We were beat from the get-go. 

"I don't know," I responded after a few minutes of deep thought. I was stuck in the middle of a deadly attraction. There was no way around it. 

"Well, if you want him you need to do something about it before this entire thing gets between your's and Georgie's friendship. She's sitting out there trying to figure out if she did something wrong."

"She can have him. I can't worry about a boy that I fight with constantly. Plus, they're perfect for each other. They're both cheeky as hell," I replied with a small smile. 

"Do what you want, but... Just don't hurt anyone, Char," she said worriedly. 

I looked at her with sorrow in my eyes. "You really think I'll be the one to hurt someone. I'm the baby here, not the mature one who has a ton of experience. If anyone is going to hurt someone it'll be Harry. Not me," I told her. 

She sighed. "Fine, but be careful." She turned on her heels, leaving me alone to think. 

Would I really be the one to hurt someone?


"What did I do wrong?" I cried from my spot on the couch. Nora had been holding onto me, trying to calm me down as I sobbed. 

I didn't know what I had done to get that reaction out of Charlotte. I thought that she didn't even like Harry! Why would she get mad about me kissing him?

I looked up with teary eyes when I heard a door open and click shut once more. 

"She's just a little tired. That's all. Rough weekend. The mention of Harry sent her over the edge," she said, lying. I knew she was lying because she looked down the entire time that she spoke. Over the two years I had known the girls, I had learned to tell how most of them were lying, and even though Char was my best friend, I still hadn't cracked her yet. Her tell was still a complete mystery to me. 

I decided to play along. "I guess. He did pull her into the lake."

"He did what?" Nora asked, getting all "Mamma Bear". "Is she okay? What happened?"

"Do you think Char would mind if we told her?" Tara asked. Way to go, Tara. Now we have to tell her.

I rolled my eyes and began to explain. "You see, Louis and I thought that it would be funny to try and set them up on Friday night. We played Truth or Dare, and every time that the bottle landed on either Char or Harry we dared them to kiss each other. Char ran off once we were done, and Harry followed her. I guess she pushed him into the lake, and he pulled her in with him. She almost drowned, at least that's what she thought, but Harry pulled her to the surface and carried her inside."

"Is that all?" Nora pressed. 

"No," I stated. "Something happened when he took her to our bedroom." I looked up and saw that Nora was fuming, probably thinking the worst of what can happen between two teenagers when a bedroom is involved. 

"What?" she wailed. 

"No, no, no! Nothing like that! He just tried to kiss her, but ended up doing something super embarrassing that I was told not to talk about. I... I just think that he might have said something to bother Char. She never really said anything about it. They just avoided each other for the rest of the weekend."

"You noticed that, too?" Tara asked.

I laughed at her. "I'm surprised that you noticed anything. You seemed like you were getting pretty cozy with Niall."

"At least he didn't have his tongue down my throat," she joked. 

"Okay, this is not a conversation that you're 'travel mom' needs to be in." Nora stood up from the couch and went into the room that her daughter had secluded herself in. 

Kylie frowned at the closed door, and she looked over at us with a concerned expression on her face. "You don't think this is going to ruin her birthday, do you?"

"I hope not," Paulie said, concern written all over her face. 

What had I done wrong?


"Sweetheart?" my mother's voice called after I heard the click of the door shutting once more. "Can you come out to the living room so we can discuss something?"

"Why? I like this bed. It's nice and cozy, and it's super chill. I could just live in this bed. That would be awesome. Never leaving it, just sleeping and doing nothing. That sounds like a good life for me," I replied, sounding high.

Mom laughed, and she wrapped her arms around me. "Please. It's very important that all you girls are together when we discuss this."

"Fine, but then I'm coming straight back in here to sleep and just wallow in my newfound depression." I sounded like a typical teenager, not like one that you see in the movies, which I was usually more like. 

"That's my Charlie," my mom said happily, rubbing my shoulders. She stood up from the bed and pulled me along with her out into the living room.

"Oh my gosh! It was awesome his lips are so soft!" I heard Georgie squeal. I stopped in my tracks, earning a confused look from my mom. "Oh... Char... Hey."

I acknowledged her with a head nod, not speaking one word because I knew nothing good would come from it. I took a seat on the floor in front of them by Tara, wating for my mom to speak. 

She paced back and forth in front of the window, looking at the ground thoughtfully. 

"Mom! What did you need to say?" I asked impatiently. 

Her head shot up to look at us, and her mouth opened, as if to speak to us, but she closed it instantly. She looked back over at us after another moment of pacing. 

"Mom?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Girls, I was thinking that since you signed that contract, and because you're going to be working here often in the next few months... Well, I've talked to all of your parents, and we've all agreed that maybe you five should move here. Since Georgie is almost eighteen she could be your legal guardian when I can't be here. What do you think?"

We were all speechless. Speaking for myself, I was excited. London would be just what I needed. I would get away from all of the rumors and hate from my own hometown, and it would give me a clean start. 

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Georgie screamed. "That would be totally awesome!"

"Yeah, let's do it!" Paulie exclaimed. 

"What about my boyfriend?" Kylie asked.

"Niall!" Tara squealed and giggled. 

"I'm guessing you all want to considering how... Happy... your reactions all seemed. What about you, Charlie?" Mom asked me when I failed to respond. 

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine with it, but where are we going to stay? It's not like we have the money to buy a place," I responded calmly, unlike the other girls. 

"You girls must have failed to notice the signing bonus that you got when you signed onto Simon's record label. It's plenty enough to get a big place to rent for the time being. Don't you girls worry," she told us. 

A signing bonus? How come we weren't told about that? 

"So, we're moving here?" I asked. "Like, now?"

"Yeah. We're going to stay here for another week, but by this time next week we'll have a new play."

We all smiled at each other, and the previous situation was all but forgotten. We finally felt like best friends again, not a group of girls divided because of a boy and his conquests within the group.

Please don't hate me for the whole Georry situation. I'm going for the whole jealous thing, so Harry needs Georgie to make Char jealous, but now Char needs someone. I want you guys to vote for the guy. I've got a few choices for you guys:

Hunter Hayes

Nathan Sykes

& Nick Jonas

Comment with who you want Char to date, kind of.  I won' t be updating until I get enough votes. Let's say... First guy to fifteen votes is the guy that Char is with for the time being. You gotta vote by commenting. I won't take multiple votes from one person. If you vote for.. let's say, Hunter Hayes, and then you vote for him again, it'll only count as one vote. 

I'll be online tomorrow, so if someone gets ten votes by then I'll update, but if none of the boys are chosen then you'll have to wait a week for the update due to my plans with friends. 

So vote for your favorite guy!

Okay, usual routine: 

Comment, vote, and fan! 

Thanks loves!

- Kenz xx

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