The Apprentice.

By onlyloveisloyal

19.4K 496 62

Following the events of season one the Titans didn't find the probes Slade had put in their system and Robin... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter two

2.5K 66 6
By onlyloveisloyal

P.O.V of Raven
I was rudely awoken by a banging on my door, followed by Beast Boys whinging voice, "Rae, come on get up. This is important."

"What?" I asked, throwing open the door and staring at him.

"Starfire's gone." He said, "She left a note. Said she went looking for Robin and isn't coming back until she proves us wrong."

I glared at him, not from anger at him but from frustration at Starfire, and I heard something shatter in the distance. I quickly regained my emotions, grabbed a cloak from the side and headed out to join the boys.

"Are you not going to get properly dressed?" BB asked.

"In a moment, I need to speak with Cyborg." I said and we went into the main room where he was cooking up breakfast.

"Morning Raven, Beast Boy." He said, "Care for some waffles?"

"Why are you in such a good mood?" I asked.

"Because I just managed to locate Starfire." He grinned.

"Well done, that must be so difficult with her tracker still on her and switched on." I said and he gave me a glare as he served me my waffles.

We ate in silence and when we were done I headed back to my room, grabbed my clothes, showered and changed into them. As soon as I was done the alarm went off.

"Johnny Rancid." Cyborg called, "Titans go!"

When we arrived on scene there was a lot of destruction, and he was standing right in the center of it. Before he even had a chance to notice me I sent down a blast his way and he was knocked off his feet.

"Ah, the Teen Titans are here to stop me." He called as he looked over but then he stopped, "You're missing some, where's Robin?"

"That's none of your concern." I bit back, "Azarath-"

I fell to the ground as something hit me from me behind. I turned over just in time to see a form of a person leap over the top of me and go barrelling into Rancid. I accepted Cyborg's hand back up but then we just stood and watched as the mystery figure pummelled Rancid into next week. They moved around a corner and we quickly followed, getting over our shock, to find Rancid on the ground, looking rather broken and the figure crouching over the top of him.

"Where is it?" The figure growled and I swear I recognized that voice.

"It's back at-" Then Rancid saw us, "Please, help."

That was a first. A criminal asking for our help from another criminal, but it wouldn't be right if we didn't.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos." I called and the figure was lifted off Rancid and into the light.

"Robin?" We all chanted at the same time.

"Hold him there Rae." Cyborg ordered as he readied his sonic blaster and shot at Robin with everything he had, knocking the boy unconscious.

"Th-thank you." Rancid stuttered out as Beast Boy lifted him to his feet and cuffed him up.

"What did he want?" I asked.

"A key." Rancid said, "A master key that can unlock everything. Wait, hold up, that's Robin?"

"That's none of your concern." I replied but he just laughed as the cops took him away.

"Someone contact Starfire. Tell her we have
Robin." Cyborg said as we all headed home.

P.O.V of Robin
"Johnny Rancid has the key we want." Slade said as I stood in front of his chair, waiting to be dismissed, "Find him, find the key. Understood?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Yes what?"

"Yes Master." I ground out.

"Good boy. Now go." He commanded, "This shouldn't prove too difficult."

Rancid was easy to locate, given he was causing mass trouble in the middle of the city. But that would mean the Titans would be there, I'll just have to try and arrive before them. I quickly exited the hideout and jumped on my motorbike to get to the scene.

Once I pulled up I saw the Titans were already there, but I couldn't let them get in the way of my job. I threw a disk at Raven, knocking her out of the air as I leaped over her and to Rancid. A look of utter fear passing over his face as he saw the half orange uniform. I didn't give him a chance as I began to pummel him.

"What have you done with the key?" I growled as I sent him flying backward with a punch under the jaw.

"What's it to you?" He growled back as he tried to stand back up but I stood on his hand, hearing bones snap.

He screamed as he went down to the floor again, this time not getting back up.

"Where is it?" I asked, grabbing him by the collar so I could slam him against the wall if he didn't cooperate.

"It's back at-" He begun but his eyes focused on something to my left and he changed course, "Please, help."

I threw his head back against the wall the same time I heard Raven chanting as I was trapped in her magic.

"Robin?" They all chorused as they saw me in the light.

"Hold him there Rae." Cyborg ordered as he got ready to fire his sonic blaster.

I tried reaching into my belt for a pellet to get Raven to release me but I couldn't move and when the blast hit me, I was straight out.

P.O.V of Starfire
"Starfire, we have Robin."

I looked down at my communicator as Beast Boy's voice came through.

"He has come back home?" I asked.

"I guess so." He replied, slightly further away and I could imagine he had turned around to look at Robin.

"I am on my way back." I replied, turning and flying as fast as I could, "Please let him know that I knew he would come home."

"Yeah, sure uh, will do." Beast Boy said and cut off our link.

A huge smile split my face as I flew back to the tower; I knew Robin would come back.

P.O.V of Robin
I woke back up with a pounding headache and cracked open my eyes to see I was restrained on the table. My belt was gone and any other devices hidden in my person.

"Get out of there Robin and get to Rancid. We need that key." Slade growled.

Couldn't they have taken the communicators as well? Then again, they probably couldn't find them, they were tiny.

I looked over to see Cyborg half asleep next to me.

"You couldn't have hit me any harder?" I asked and he woke back up with a jump.

"You don't get to make jokes." He growled and I was slightly shocked by his hostility.

But only slightly, I knew I deserved to go to jail for what I did. What I'm still doing.

A few moments later Beast Boy and Raven walked into the room, sitting on chairs across the room to me.  None of them seemed inclined to talk to me, and I couldn't blame them. As far as they knew I had betrayed them and willingly went to work for Slade, and I couldn't tell them the truth unless I wanted them to die. The room stayed silent a moment longer, only broken when the door burst open and a certain Tamaranean came in.

"I knew you'd come back-" But she stopped when she saw me, "What is going on, you said Robin came home, why is he tied up?"

"He didn't exactly come willingly." Raven said, and I swear there was an undercurrent of emotion in her voice, "We've told you Starfire, he isn't one of us anymore."

I held back my emotions at that, it seemed since I had left them they were running wilder than they ever had in their life, even from when Joker injected me with that emotion amplifying serum.

"What is she talking about?" Starfire turned to me and I had to look away from her pleading eyes, "Robin, are you really not one of us anymore?"

"I work for Slade now." I ground out, a lump starting to form in the back of my throat, "Not the Titans."

"You are aware we're going to have to send you to jail then, aren't you?" Cyborg asked.

"You can try." I grinned a little, turning to face Cy.

"Shouldn't prove too hard, seeming you're a tad tied up." Beast Boy interjected.

"Wanna bet?" I asked and, using all my force, broke free of the restraints and ran out of the room.

The team were hot on my trail but I took a sharp turn into the training room to avoid them and heard them careen into the wall. I leaped up to the weights and perched on top as I watched them run straight past underneath me. I leaped back down and back towards the mainframe, I needed to see what they did with Johnny.

"Stop right there."

I turned around at the sound of Raven's voice as the arrest file loaded behind me to see the team gathered, and looking really ready to attack.

"Move and you're going down." Cyborg threatened.

"Don't bother." Starfire growled and I'd never seen her look angrier, "He's mine."

I barely had time to move out the way as she came barreling into me. I reached for my belt before remembering the team had taken it. I quickly scanned the room and noticed the kitchen stools. I quickly ran over and picked one up, breaking the top from it so that I can use it as a staff. When Star came back at me again I raised the pole so that it caused a deep wound down her leg. She collapsed to the floor, a piercing shriek cutting the air.

"Star." I yelled and dropped the pole, running over to her.

I knelt down next to her, examining the wound before a voice cut in my ear, "Leave the girl and get Rancid." Slade ordered, "Don't leave any evidence behind."

I let out a growl at his words but didn't move from Star's side.

"Move, now." Slade almost shouted.

Fine, but I do it my way.

I picked up Star, bridal style, and ran through the tower back to the medical room, the shouts of the team following me as they came back to their senses. I put her down on the bed and began to patch up her leg and attaching an IV to her.

"Leave her alone." Cyborg yelled from the doorway and I backed up with my hands up.

"Make sure to properly clean the wound." I said as I backed up towards the window, grabbing my belt, "We don't know what muck could've been on the end of that." And I smashed open the window and back flipped out of the tower, into a dive into the water.

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