That Concert -RM *COMPLETE*

By DapOfSuga

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No regret to going to that Concert that night. Which I didn't have to lose who I had to. She used to be my fr... More

The Beginning~
The Guys~
The Dorm~
Meeting Tristy~
The Studio~
A Big Talk~
Leave Me Alone~
A New Member~
New Home~
A Warning To Ya😙
Talking About Our Past~
New Flame🔥~
Happy Endings~

BTS Tryouts~

110 3 1
By DapOfSuga

I hear my alarm go off and I wake up. 5 in the morning and I want to go back to sleep. I hate the morning time. "Wake up princess," Namjoon mumbled in my ear when I tried to go back to sleep literally forgetting what I had to do today.

"I don't want to. I hate the mornings!" I groaned and rolled over and put my face into my pillow. "We have things to do today. Cmon gets up and gets dressed." Namjoon rocked me trying to get me up and whined like a little baby.

"Fine." I groaned and I turned on my lamp face still in my pillow. He giggled and yawned. He got out of the bed and walked over to my side of the bed. "Do I have to pick you up out of bed?" RM asked and I groaned again.

"I'm rolling with yes." He picked me up bridal style and looked into my eyes as I wiped the sleep out of them and yawned. "Happy?" I crossed my arms with him still holding me. "Very." He said and acted like he was about to drop me and so I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

He bit his lip and looked down at me and then smirked. "What?" I smiled as he put me down. "Nothing. Get dressed princess." He smiled as I removed my arms from his neck.

"Okay, prince." I teased him I walked to my closet. He laughed lightly and went to the bathroom. I went inside my closet and saw the one outfit I thought was really cute.

I tied to flannel around my waist and waited for RM to get out of the bathroom so I can do my liner. After a little while, he walks in the room with black jeans, a grey shirt with his necklace on, and a nice pair of shoes.

Damn, he's cute! I walk past him and got to my bathroom, brush my teeth, Fix my hair, and do my liner with a dark red waterproof lipstick. Okay, bitch! Looking fly as fuck today.

I have a nose piercing so I put my nose ring in and my extra earnings from my extra piercings. Black manicure is looking good. And I have a cute silver necklace in my box but that's in my room.

I walk back in my room and RM's playing on his phone. We thinned out a little but he's not wearing a flannel so fuck. I put on my necklace and go in the living room to wake the boys up. "Wake up!" I shook Jimin and he groaned and I shook J-Hope to wake up.

"Cmon let's go!" I shook them again and turned on the light. RM went to go wake Suga and V up so I went to the other room to wake Jin and Jungkook up. I flipped the light on and I shook Jungkook a little. "Time to get up!" Shook Jin and Jungkook because the beds aren't really that far apart.

They yawned and I took the covers off of them. "Hey! It's cold!" Jin whined and Jungkook and I giggled. "Doesn't matter. We have fun things to do so we gotta get up early. Sorry boo!" I smiled and he sat up.

"Get up and get dressed!" I said walking out of the bedroom and closing the door. I ran into Suga when I walked off. "Sorry!" I said and was about to walk past him when he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey um can I talk to you real quick?" Suga asked and I started feeling a little worried. "I really hope you get into our group. I know Namjoon does as well. I can tell he really likes you. You'll do good I mean you dance as hard as J-Hope." Suga said in Korean and rubbed my back.

"Thanks. I've been dancing since I was 4. Thanks for the support." I hugged him tightly and he hugged back. "Well, then that would make you the groups Machine and shortest!" Suga teased and walked into the bathroom. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I went into the living room and put the bed back up and fixed the covers. I figured the guys were hungry so I wanted to make breakfast. I grab my beat headphones and play mic drop remix with Designer in it.

I fixed up some eggs, bacon, and waffles and started dancing. I love this song. As I fixed up the eggs I felt arms wrap around me and I froze like a statue. I took off my headphones and looked behind me. Namjoon.

I gave him a hug and got on my tippy toes. We released from the hug and giggled. I put my headphones back on and he starts to help me with cooking. I remove one of the sides of the headphones to instruct him. I know he's not the best at cooking.

"Put a little salt and pepper in the eggs," I told him as I went to the freezer to get the waffles. I put the waffles in my toaster and put the bacon on a big plate for everyone to grab some.

I turn the stove off and Namjoon takes the eggs off the stove. "What are you listening to?" He asked and continued to jam out. "Mic drop," I said and put the other side of the headphone on and turned me down.

"Die hard fan hm?" He asked and I got all flustered. "Pff no! Okay Okay, a little but no!" I crossed my arms and paused my music. I took my headphones off and put them around my neck.

RM giggled and walked out of the kitchen. I took the waffles out and put some more in. "I smell food!" Jimin said *in Korean ofc* running into the kitchen. "Ah! Don't touch anything yet!" I giggled and he pouted and frowned. "My stomach is aching Sasha! Me hungry!" He pouted and I giggled.

"Its almost done. And your tummy can wait for boo!" I patted his and put the waffles on a plate. After a few more minutes everything was done and I had to protect that kitchen with my life. I grabbed a piece of bacon and told them breakfast is done.


"Turn here?" Suga asked and RM nodded. The sunrise is so beautiful. The clouds make it even better. We pull up to the middle of nowhere and in a large field. I saw some black cars parked and people setting up equipment.

Suga parked the car and we all got out. "Hey, I have a question. How good is your Korean?" The photographer asked me as he walked up to me. "I could say I'm pretty good at my Korean. I've been learning it my whole life. I think I'll be fine." I said in Korean mostly to show off because I want to.

"Great! Now I need you to go over there to get your makeup touched up and you'll be first." He smiled and I walked over to the makeup artist. She touched up my lips and mastered my liner. Then she added a warm type of eyeshadow to my eyes, put some lashes on me, and sent me to the photographer.

"Alright now get low land to turn your head just like that honey." He said in Korean and I did some nice ass poses. "Now jump up like you're having fun." I did as he said and did a nice jump and realized how goofy I look.

I sat down in the chair after my turn and fell asleep. I curled into a little ball and felt a blanket on me.

Namjoon's POV

I put a blanket on Sasha and admired here. "Namjoon let's get going!" Jeff called my name and I rushed over to him to take my pictures. "Ima need you to lay in the grass just like that. Boom!" He started taking pictures.

I did some more poses and pictures and he sent me off. I grabbed a chair and sat next to Sasha. I watched J-Hope do some poses and fell asleep. I hope she likes the gift I bought her for her birthday. I can't wait to give it to her. And I'm going to make sure she's in the group. She's perfect and I'm falling.

After 2 hours the solo photoshoot is over and it's time for group pictures. "Wake up Namjoon!" J-Hope tickled my neck and I jerked a little. "Okay okay!" I nudged and grabbed his hand lightly.

I looked over and Sasha was still sleeping. I get up and remove the covers from her. "Time to wake up." I shook her slightly and she groaned. "Alright. I'm up. Nevermind." She stood up, took the covers from my hand, and wrapped herself with the covers.

"Cmon we gotta do the photoshoot." I tried to take the covers from her. "Okay fine!" She penguin walked to me wrapped herself on me. I hugged her then she faked snored and giggled and took the covers off. I laughed a little through the covers in the chair.


"Pose just like that! Jungkook moves your arm the left a little. Just like that and here we go!" The photographer yelled and we did so many poses. "And that's a wrap! Have good day kids!" We packed up and gave the guys back their chairs and grabbed our covers.

"Next stop tryouts," Suga said as he started the engine. Sasha sighed and I could tell she was nervous so I gave her a big hug to let her know everything is going to be okay. "Thanks." She smiled and looked back up to the clouds. We arrived at our dancing studio after 5 long minutes.

Sasha's POV

This place looks like my dancing studio but a little bit bigger. We got out of the car and shut the doors. I looked at the clouds one last time and I felt relieved. We walked in and there was a guy standing there with a clipboard.

Then there was 2 big speakers, a golden microphone on a microphone stand in the middle of the floor, and someone's phone connected to an aux cord. Little does anyone know besides my fans I know all of BTS dance routines and songs? And some of Black pink's.

"Sasha Reed correct? I have some test and questions for you." The guy asked me and sat down in a chair. "Okay. I'm ready." I said as I sat down across from him. "How good is your Korean?"

"I'm fluent in Korean so really good."

"How long have you been singing and dancing?"

"Since I was 4."

"How old are you?"

"19 about to turn 20 next weekend."

"How many friends do you have?"

"Only 7 which are them."

"Okay then. How well do you know the dance routines to BTS?"

"I'm know all of them by heart. Everybody's part and everything sir."

He nodded and wrote something on his clipboard. My hands started getting all sweaty as he looked up to me and wrote something down again. "Alright let's test your singing." He said as he stood up and gave me a hand to stand up so I took it because I don't want bad impressions now!

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked as I walked over to the microphone and the guys looked over with excitement. "I want you to sing The Truth Untold. Here's a water bottle." He walked over to me and handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks." I took a sip of the water and looked over to the guys. All of them had their fingers crossed and smiling big telling me I got this.

"Full of loneliness
This garden bloomed
Full of thorns
I bind myself in this sand castle

What is your name
Do you have a place to go
Oh, could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know
All of your warmth is real
The blue flower your hand was picking
I want to hold it but

It’s my fate
Don’t smile on me
Lie to me
Because I can’t get close to you
There’s no name you can call me."

I sang it the way they did but with my own twist and he stopped me and wrote something down on his clipboard. "Nice. Now." He said as he removed the microphone away from me.

"I want you, Jimin, and J-Hope to dance to Dope. The 2nd part." He said as walked towards his phone. Jimin walked over towards me and we're on each side of me.

I skipped to the part and yelled start. I didn't even know I was dancing until I saw a big smile on the man's face. "And stop! That was perfect! Just like in the video!" The guy clapped and smiled. I high fived Jimin and J-Hope and took a sip of my water.

"Thank you," I said very out of breath and shook the guy's hand. He cleared his throat and looked back down at his clipboard. "I have one last question." The guy said with a rested very serious look on his face and then I put my arms around J-Hope and Jimin as the did to me.

The room was silent for a moment. A long moment that felt like forever. "How tall are you because of girl you a shorty?" The guy smiled and looked down at me. I laughed and told him I'm 5'4.

"Well, that's all I have for you today. I'll see you at the practices and recording sessions." Thank God I worked my ass off for this moment. "Oh yeah can I have a signature?" The guy asked and held his clipboard up to his chest.

"Yes of course!" I smiled and he handed me his pen. I signed his shirt and the back of his phone with a sharpy he handed me. We said our goodbyes and I waited till we got in the car to expresses my happiness.

"Yay!" I squealed and gave RM a giant hug and probably squeezed all life out of him. "I'm so proud of you. Just don't squeeze the life out on Namjoon." Jin said as he rubbed my back and laughed a little. "Let - go!" RM struggled to say.

"I don't want to!" I said as I loosened my grip but didn't let go. The boys aawed and RM hugged me back.

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