Taken by One Direction (1D Fa...

Autorstwa 4GirlswithaDream

44.6K 515 103

One Direction is our boyfriends? Yes, 100% in love with them. Meet us, Kristin, Mason, Elizabeth, and Rhianno... Więcej

Taken by One Direction (1D Fanfic)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter TEN
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty Three

940 12 9
Autorstwa 4GirlswithaDream

Hi readers, ghost readers :D

We know how shy you are, but we love you anyways <3

Anyways, this is awkward... Chapter Thirty Three *claps claps*


Mason's POV


"What the hell." I mumbled, getting off the couch and walking to the door.

"Who the hell yells knock kn- LION!" I screamed, racing to the door and throwing it open.

"RED!" Andy yelled back, slamming into me with a hug.

"Oh my GOD I MISSED YOU WHY DON'T YOU VISIT." I yelled, hugging him tightly.


"I DON'T CARE I LOVE YOU." I yelled, letting go and grinning at him.

"I love you too. So, hows it been red?" He smirked at me, and I just shrugged.

"A lot has gone on. HEY, PIT, LION IS HERE." I yelled, looking up the stairs and seeing Niall's hand poke out from the bedroom. He gave me a thumbs up, and then disapeared again.

"Okay. Now, time to play Just Dance." I said, and he laughed.

"Twitcam as we do so?"

"Twitcam as we do so." I grinned, running and getting my laptop.

"Both twitters or just yours?" I said, and he shook his head.

"Red, do you know how many followers you have?"

"No?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Almost two million."

"You're screwing with me no way. I don't even use it that often!" I said, looking at it on my laptop.

"Well damn. I do."  I said, quickly looking through all my mentions.

MaseyHoran11: Wow! I just realized I almost have two mil followers! Thank you guys!! love you so much<3 xx Who wants a Andy & Mason twitcam!? 

AndySamuels31: Twitcam with @MaseyHoran11 soon! We'll be dancing..Mwuahah...

KristinNPayne: Uh oh! @AndySamuels31 and @MaseyHoran11 are doing a twicam and dancing. What could go wrong? @NiallOfficial don't let them die okay? xx

NiallOfficial: Don't break my gal @AndySamuels31

"They have no faith in us." I laughed, setting up the twitcam.

"They don't!" He laughed, smirking down at his phone.

"Okay, here we go." I said, staring the twicam.

MaseyHoran11: Cmon guys! Twitcam with us! Andy and I will be playing Just Dance and you can laugh at me! :) xx PS: Lets prove them wrong. So little faith. 

AndySamuels31: Come on loves! Watch Red twitcam with me in it! It'll be loads of fun!!!

MaseyHoran1!: @AndySamuels31 shut up and put the game in... xx<3

AndySamuels31: @MaseyHoran11 DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO

"You are such a dork!" I laughed, looking at the camera on my laptop and then looking behind me at Andy.

"Okay, I apologize for how terrible I look right now, but I've just been lounging around the house. Didn't know he was going to show up directly to my flat. Oi, Lion! Liam know you're here?" I asked, and he stood beside me with a shrug.

"Don't know. But guys look! Two lions!" He said, fidling with a strand of my hair.

"Shut the hell up. Game in?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Leggo! We should invite Liam over he would make me look good." I said, making Andy laugh.

"Thats cruel!"

"But you know it's true! I have my little talent!" I grinned, walking over and fiddling with the laptop so it was facing us as we set up the game.

"We're doing just dance four? This hasn't come out yet?" I said, and he shrugged.

"I saw it down there..."

"Oh my god, since WMYB is on it we must have gotten a free one." I said, shrugging and grinning.

"Sweet. Why can't I be famous." Andy laughed, and I shrugged.

"Don't know. But hey, I'm going to change really quick into something better to dance in. Be right back." I said, smiling and waving at the camera before running upstairs. 

"Still have a headache love?" I asked, frowning.

"Yeah." Niall said quietly, his arm slung over his face. He was laying in our bedroom in the dark, only in his favourite sweats while staying quiet and blocking everything out. He could get really bad heachaches sometimes and I always felt bad.

 "Want me to grab you some meds and an ice pack?" I asked quietly, coming over and sitting on the bed by him. 

"Mmph." He grunted, and I noticed he scrunched his face up really bad. I rubbed his stomach.

"I'm so sorry love. Let me grab you some water and a few pills, yeah?" I whispered, and he barely nodded his head. I got up slowly, going into the bathroom and grabbing what I told him I'd get and then walking back in and nudging his leg.

"Here love."

"Thanks." He croaked, his voice scratchy from the studio the other day.

"Anything. Just text me or call if you need something else, yeah?" I said, walking over and stripping down.  I grabbed a pair of shorts and a My Box tee and tugged them on. I walked over to Niall, grabbing the glass to refil it and bring it back.

"You're wonderful. Thank you so much princess." 

"Anything for you prince." I smirked, kissing the little bit of forehead showing and then walking out the door. 

"And I'm back!" I said, walking into the room.

"You think your box is bigger than mine?" Andy smirked, and I nodded.

"For sure. I know it is." I laughed, wiggling in front of the camera.

"Shut up, Red." 

"Whatever." I said, taking the bottom of the shirt and tying it up some, showing off my new belly button ring.

"BELLY BUTTON!" Lion yelled, and I flinched.

"SHHHH. Dickwad, Ni has a headache. Before we start....Let's read some tweets, eh?" I said, and he nodded. 

"Hi Racheal! Happy birthday!" I said, reading one before it skipped off screen.

"Shoutout for Andrea and Laken!" Andy said, looking through.

"Happy early birthday Lydia!"

"Oh, I like the name Misha." I said, reading through some more.

"Uh, favourite food?  Oh jesus christ..." I mumbled, scrunching my face up.

"All food is good food. Mostly. But I have to say, my grannys pancakes. Probably."

"We all know you have food issus Red." Andy said, patting my back.

"We all know you have meh meh meh." I mocked, scrunching my nose up and frowning.

"You look like you need a serious poo."

"Oh my god, Lion." I laughed, looking over at him.

"Another question! Favourite colour."

"Well, I don't really have one, actually. But probably red or like, navy blue or something." 

"I seem to like yellow." Andy said, tugging on the back of my shirt to make me move and dance with him.

"How did I meet Niall... Well. You're a directioner, use the FBI powers you have to figure it out. And we just did an interview for some show and it should be on soon! Or was already on. I don't know, really. It might have been live! I just know I embarressed myself pretty bad, actually. You'll see. We all explain everything!" I said, smiling.

"Is Niall okay? He's fine! Just a bit of a headache, so he's napping." I said, reading though.

"I'll make sure to tell him you all said to feel better. He'll be glad to know his girls care."

"Can you have Nialler? Well, I share him with every Directioner out there. I started off just like all of you, actually." I said with a smile, and I knew the girls would squeal for that.

"Anyway! Dance time!" I said, turning and going to the game.

"Well. That was entertaining." I laughed, looking over at the computer.

"Ew, we're all sweaty." I said, sitting down in front of it.

"I am not that skinny! You girls." I said, wiggling my finger at the screen while reading some nice comments.

Oh my god, you're gorgeous.

"I'm not that pretty! Guys, really. All of you are gorgeous! Directioners are the most gorgeous and some of the sweetest people ever! I love you guys." I gushed, grinning and whiping some sweat off my forehead.

"HEEEEEY!" Josh yelled, breaking into the room with Kris behind him.

"SHUUUUUSSSHH." I replied, looking over. I moved the laptop so all four of us could fit in.

"Lookie whos here!" I grinned, pointing to Kris and Josh.

"What have you two naughty people been doing? All sweaty and stuff. Shame." Kris said, and I laughed.

"Just Dance. For the past... Hour. Nialler has a headache, so sh."

"I know. We've been watching you." Josh said, sitting beside Andy.

"Hey mate! Haven't seen you in forever!" Andy said, slinging an arm around Josh.

"You're sweaty." Josh said, looking at Andy.

"Just a bit."  He smirked, then made sure to rub his arm down and his sweat got on Josh's shirt.

"....Ew." Kris and I said at the same time, then I smirked.

"No. NO." Kris said, but I already grabbed her and rubbed my forehead on her shoulder.

"Ewwwwww...." She whined, and I laughed.

"I loveeee youuuu." 


"Meh meh meh. Come read with me." I said, sitting down again and looking through the tweets.

"I'm getting on my phone, you read from there." 

"Ask us stuff!" I said, and Josh and Andy nodded.

"Okay, one for Andy.. Oh it's gone... Josh when did you meet the lads!" 

"Uh, I don't really remember!"

"Oh, really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah.  I don't remember....!" 

"You should." Andy said, flicking Josh on the nose.

"Owwy. Mase! Andy hurt me!" 

"The Jondy feels I'm having right now..." I mumbled, looking at Kris and shaking my head.

"...What."  Andy and Josh said, looking at me stupidly.

"J-...Nothing. Nothing at all." I smirked, shipping Josh and Andy in my mind.


"Someone tweeted me asking if we had a favourite fruit."

"Strawberries." I said, then looked at Josh.

"I love the way strawberries sounds in a british accent.  Strawberries." 

"Uh, bananas." Josh said, making em giggle.

"Apples." Andy said, and I giggled again.


"Oh my god, Mase."  


"Wow, naughty questions." Kris said, showing me a few.

"No, I will not tell you naughty people how big Niallers willy is." I smriked, and the rest of them laughed.

"What about my willy?" Niall said, walking down the stairs and rubbing his face.

"Fans wanted to know how big it is. But I'll never tell. It's mine. Want some food love?" I said, getting out my chair and following him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, just going to make something."

"Head still hurt?" I said, frowing at him.

"It's a little better. But. Meh." He said, shrugging.

"I'm sorry babe. I wish I could help." I sighed, making him sit on the counter so I could make him something.

"Pizza or chinese from last night?" 

"Pizza." He said, and I put three slices in the microwave.

"What're you guys doing?" 

"Twitcam. Just Dance. Answering questions." I said, shrugging. 

"Sounds like fun." 

"Want to make an appearence or are you going to go nap again?"

"I think I might  come say hello then head back up."

"Fair game." I said, grinning at him.

"This is good pizza. Bite?" 

"Bite." I said, reaching for a slice.

"You're going to eat the whole thing aren't you."

"Yup. I didn't have a lot to eat today." I said, and he nodded.

"Really? What'd you have?" 

"A bowl or two of frosted flakes." I shrugged, stuffing half the piece in my mouth.

"How are you alive?" 

"I don't know, actually." 

Kristin's POV

"Ahh! Joshy!" I hugged him tight, almost knocking him down. We were meeting at the food market a mile from our flats.

"Kris!" Josh cheered, hugging back as tight as I did.

"Why haven't you contacted us in a while?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Not even sure. Just been hanging out really, but I am definitely back! Are you going on tour with us?"

"Uhh duh! Mason is too. Ooh! Did I tell you that Andy was here, no I didn't..but he is!"

"Haven't seen him in ages it feels like."

I grabbed my phone, checking twitter, oh my... Mason and Andy doing a twitcam, what a mess. I responded back to them with Niall tagged, he also replied.

"What's going on?" Josh asked.

"Mason and Andy are doing a twitcam, anyways let's go." I smiled, I didn't drive my car over here, I walked, so Josh has his, he'll drive.

"So you walked here?"

"Yeah, but let's go!"

Josh started his car and we drove back to our flats. He got out and so did I, he locked the car, and I followed behind him as we walked inside.

Looks like they were playing Just Dance 4. We got that recently even though it hasn't came out yet, advantages of being famous.

"HEEEEEY!" Josh yelled, bursting into the room. I came in right after he did.

"SHUUUUUSSSHH." Mason said, turning the laptop so all four of us were in it.

"Lookie who's here." Mason pointed to Josh and I, grinning.

"What have you two naughty people been doing? All sweaty and stuff. Shame." I said, making Mason laugh.

"Just Dance. For the past... Hour. Nialler has a headache, so sh." Mason replied.

"I know. We've been watching you." Josh said, sitting beside Andy.

"Hey mate! Haven't seen you in forever!" Andy said, slinging an arm around Josh.

"You're sweaty." Josh said, looking at Andy.

"Just a bit."  He smirked, then made sure to rub his arm down and his sweat got on Josh's shirt.

"....Ew." Mason and I said at the same time, then Mason started smirking.

"No. NO." I shook my head, but she already grabbed me and rubbed my forehead on her shoulder.

"Ewwwwww...." I whined, and Mason just laughed.

"I loveeee youuuu." 


"Meh meh meh. Come read with me." Mason said, sitting down again and looking through the tweets.

"I'm getting on my phone, you read from there." 

"Ask us stuff!" Mason said, and Josh and Andy nodded.

"Okay, one for Andy.. Oh it's gone... Josh when did you meet the lads?" 

"Uh, I don't really remember!"

"Oh, really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah.  I don't remember....!" 

"You should." Andy said, flicking Josh on the nose.

"Owwy. Mase! Andy hurt me!" 

"The Jondy feels I'm having right now..." Mason mumbled, then she looked at me, I was shaking my head.

"...What."  Andy and Josh said, looking at Mason stupidly.

"J-...Nothing. Nothing at all." Mason smirked, shipping Josh and Andy in my mind.


"Someone tweeted me asking if we had a favourite fruit."

"Strawberries." Mason said, then looked at Josh.

"I love the way strawberries sounds in a british accent.  Strawberries." 

"Uh, bananas." Josh said, making Mason giggle.

"Apples." Andy said, and Mason giggled again.


"Oh my god, Mase."  


"Wow, naughty questions." I said, showing her a few.

"No, I will not tell you naughty people how big Niallers willy is." Mason smriked, and the rest of us laughed.

"What about my willy?" Niall said, walking down the stairs and rubbing his face.

"Fans wanted to know how big it is. But I'll never tell. It's mine. Want some food love?" Mason said, getting out my chair and following him into the kitchen.

"So Andy, haven't seen you in forever!" I looked at Andy who was reading questions from the fans.

"I know Kris! How's everything been? Liam told me some things...that will not be said to twitcam, bye guys!" Andy waved.

"Bye everyone!" I waved.

"Buh-bye!" Josh waved.

Andy put it on offline and then faced us.

"Anyways, is everything clear for you guys, like good?"

"Everything is perfect. Shall we go visit?"

"Uh yeah!" Andy responded, Josh nodded, keeping a grin on his face.

We walked up to my flat and I bashed the door open, seeing Liam taking a nap on the couch. Josh and Andy smirked.

"Oh no, boys don't do it." I whispered.

They silently chuckled, both walking over to the couch, I crossed my arms, staying by the door. What in the world are they actually going to do?

Josh pulled out a pen from his pocket, Andy smirked. I looked at them starting to write and draw things on his face, oh my, he's going to be upset waking up from his...er...peaceful nap?

"Hey!" Liam got up, and Andy immediately threw the pen randomly, making it hit one of the walls.

"Uh hi Liam!" Josh greeted him.

"Josh...Andy..." Liam crossed his arms.

They bursted out laughing, Liam looked over at me and I saw the designs and writings, I couldn't control my laughter, that was hilarious.

"What?" Liam looked at all three of us, then touched his face.

"Come here, babe." I waved him over here, grabbing a wet cloth.

Liam groaned, getting up, and walking to me. I bit my lip, holding in the laughter, I scrubbed it off his face, it was ehh...somewhat noticable, not really. He'll just have to wash his face later.

"Is that ink?!" Liam looked at the rag, it had blue ink all over it.

"Erhm..yeah." I giggled.

"You naughty people!" Liam pointed to me, Josh, and Andy.

"I had nothing to do with it." I threw my hands in the air.

"You were there." Josh crossed his arms, grinning.

"But I didn't do anything." I replied, crossing my arms.

"But you could've like stopped us." Andy laughed.

"I did, I warned you guys." I nodded.

"So immature." Liam chuckled, kissing my forehead, then walking back over to the couch and sitting down.

"So Andy and Josh, when did you guys get here?"

"I got here like...hmm, two and half hours ago." Andy thought for a minute.

"I met up with that crazy chick at the food market, then we got here about thirty minutes ago." Josh replied, pointing at me.

"Yeah, she's crazy, we all know it." Liam nodded, smiling.

"Hey!" I lightly slapped his arm playfully, placing hands on my hips.

"Just kidding babe, don't worry, you're crazy, but in a good way." Liam grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close to him.

I smiled, then kissed his nose.

"Makes me want a girlfriend." Andy said, chuckling afterwards.

"Don't worry Andy, you'll get one, bro." Josh patted his back.

"So where is everyone basically?" 

"Probably sleeping, besides us." I said, nodding. 

"I wonder how Lou is sleeping alone." Liam said, wondering.

"I thought he had a girlfriend?" Josh questioned.

"Oh, he does. She's in California at the moment, she'll be back in a couple of days." I responded.

"I heard Rhiannon was preggers. Isn't she?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, saw that coming." Liam said, chuckling awkwardly.

"Oh wow, and we heard Zayn met his girl from Nandos? Wasn't she one of the waitresses?" Josh wondered.

"Still is the waitress and yes, but she doesn't live with him." I replied.

"Andy! Come on, another round, let's go!" Mason barged in, grabbing Andy's arm.

"Wait Mase! I was catching up with my friend." Liam laughed.

"Later." Mason said, waving and leaving us in the flat.

"Well that was rude." Liam chuckled.

"It's Mason, of course it's gonna be rude,  but we all love her anyways." 

"So I'm not sure what we can do.." Liam shrugged.

"We could watch their little competition, that would interesting." I shrugged.

"Hm, they did get all sweaty, let's see who's better." Josh nodded.

We left the room, heading down to see them about to get ready to do a dance off. Niall was checking Mason's butt out, how lovely is that...


So here's the update! :)

Must vote lovies <3

Also, feel free to comment too ;)

Don't forget to fan us also! We're truly greatful for all readers, fans, votes, and comments!

Love you all!

- Mase and Kris xx

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