Ironstrange one shots

By ramenfiend

472K 13.1K 13K

A compilation of Ironstrange one shots (cover art is not mine) THIS BOOK IS NOW COMPLETED PART TWO IS OUT More

72 hours
By your side
Don't lie to me
Kiss it better
O-oh hey
Not without you
Trans Peter :)
My god I hope so
Don't you dare
protective dads
Strange, huh?
Loalade Disease
Don't "I'm fine" me
What are you doing here
Lets go tell him
Shorts 2
Unexpected Visit
Little things
Evil! Team Cap
Long nights
You, me, and me?
You look sad
Too close for comfort
!Happy New Year!
Bust Your Knee Caps
Random things
Metal Magic 1/2
Be careful
Loki's a little shit pt 1
Kids and comfort
Random shit
We all go to hell
On hold?
I wanna see the world
More Previews
c r a c k
Headcannons etc
A Few Small Moments

Red Band

11.9K 372 535
By ramenfiend

I saw this idea that everyone in the Avengers tower have this little "code" for do not disturb where they wear a red band on their wrist to signaling that they do not want to be spoken to or interrupted. Thought it was neat so here you go. Also this is based after IW (fix up)

3rd Person

Today was a pretty calm day, It was around 7pm. Steve and Bucky were out together, Wanda and Vision sat with each other in the common room, and the rest of the Avengers could be found in various rooms.

Stephen was sitting alone in the kitchen drinking some tea, a red band around his wrist. Strange wasn't really used to living in Stark Tower and tried to avoid most everyone. The first 3 weeks he was at the tower he wore his red band every day and stayed mostly on his own. Slowly but surely, he found himself joining in a few activities with the rest of the team.

It was still common for Stephen to be seen with his red band on his wrist, sitting alone somewhere. Today was one of those days where the sorcerer didn't want to be disturbed and would rather be in his own company.

Tony walked into the kitchen with a neutral expression. He'd been looking around the tower for Stephen and smiled when he finally found him. He was about to speak when he noticed the red band around the taller males wrist.

Knowing that Stephen would rather not be disturbed, Tony walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small piece of paper and writing;

'Meet me in my lab if you're up for it"

Tony placed the piece of paper next to Stephen and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Stephen alone with his thoughts.

Strange looked down at the piece of paper and smiled softly. Though Tony seemed like an asshole all around he actually had a very big heart, being kind enough to make sure everyone felt comfortable.

Stephen picked up the piece of paper and folded it, placing it in his pocket before standing up. He waved his hand and his tea vanished.

Stephen didn't really feel up for using magic so he decided to just take the elevator down to meet Tony.

"What floor would you like to go to Doctor Strange?" FRIDAYS voice asked when Strange entered the elevator. "Bring me to Starks lab." The elevator moved down to the lab and Stephen boredly bounced a little black ball he kept on him.

When the elevator doors opened Stephen looked around for Tony. While looking he heard a loud crash and a string of curses following shortly after.

Stephen followed the sound and removed his red band. Rounding the corner Stephen found Tony clutching his left arm and some metal laying in front of him.

"Tony?" Stark looked up at Stephen and tightened his grip on his arm. "O-oh Strange, you came." Stephen nodded and fixed his eyes on Tony's arm.

"What's wrong? Can I take a look?" Tony looked a little hesitant but released his hold on his arm and held it up to Strange.

There was a small gash on the side of his wrist. It wasn't bad but Tony appeared to be in a lot of pain and Stephen suspected that it wasn't just because of the small gash.

Stephen pulled some bandages out of his pocket which he would usually use for his hands. "Well, it's not bad, just a small gash. Are you alright?" Stephen wrapped the bandages around Tony wrist.

"It's always the left arm," Stark mumbled, recalling every single time his left arm has been severely injured. Stephen looked at the shorter male, raising an eyebrow at his comment.

"Maybe you should take it easy, you might have some psychosomatic trauma if you say your arm is constantly injured." Tony scoffed and pulled back his bandaged arm.

Stephen sighed and put the remaining bandages away. "What did you need me for?" He asked and Tony looked away. "Nothing really, I could do with the company and an extra set of hands." Tony tried to play cool as he walked back to his desk.

"My hands wouldn't really serve as much help," Stephen stated with a slight pain in his voice. Tony frowned but then perked up. "Trust me."

Stephen raised a brow at the shorter male but made no complaint. Tony looked at his messy desk, searching for very specific blueprints. When he found what he was looking for he waved them at Stephen with a smile.

"I've been working on something thank you for reminding me." Stephen just crossed his arms over his chest and gave Tony a confused look. "Stop giving me that look wizard and come here." Stephen obliged and walked to Tony's desk.

Tony pulled up a computer hologram and motioned for stand beside him. "Alright put your hands right there. FRIDAY do a complete 3D scan." deciding it would be better to not ask questions, Stephen placed both of his trembling hands where the mechanic directed.

"Scan complete." FRIDAY's voice chimed. Tony took the model and added it onto his blueprints. "I've been working on little 'gadgets' for everyone on the team to help with some downsides they deal with. Y'know something to help with Peters sensory overload, stronger bows for Clint, things like that."

Stephen gave a nod, watching Tony work. "So then what exactly are you doing for me?" Tony looked up at Stephen and smirked. "Secrets are secrets doc."

"Well, you can stay down here and keep me company. I'll probably be down here for a while anyway." Stephen nodded and spent the next 2 hours with the mechanic before deciding to head back upstairs to his room and rest.

While walking to his room Strange ran into Peter, who was pacing in the common room staring down at his phone. Curious, Stephen did a quick spell so he could read Peters thoughts.

"What If he hates me now. Crap I probably messed things up. Maybe I shouldn't have told him."

Stephen raised an eyebrow and walked towards the kid. "Boy problems?" Peter looked up and immediately flushed red.

"W-wha- how did you-" The sorcerer chuckled and did a quick wave, leaving sparks in his wake. The young boy looked like a deer in headlights, face bright red and mind racing. "I-I mean- there's this guy and I probably messed things up. I-I don't know if he is gonna respond he's like really cool and I-"

Stephen laughed, "calm down kid, it's probably fine." Peter nodded and ran a hand through his curly hair. "I heard you talking with my dad, He isn't usually that social with people." Stephen grew a light shade of pink as he looked at the boy.

"How did you hear us?" Peter gave a smile, "Enhanced hearing. Got it from the spider bite." Stephen gave a small smirk at the kid, interested by his capabilities.

Peters phone lit up a few moments later and his eyes went wide. "Holy s- it was nice talking to you Mr- Dr. Strange! I'll see you later!" The spiderling dashed out of the common room without another word and Stephen smiled to himself.

Decided he would turn in for the day, Stephen walked to his room and spent a few hours meditating before finally falling asleep.

The mechanic on the floor below was a different story, however. He stares at his nano gloves- well not necessarily his-. He wipes his hands with an already dirty rag and took a gulp of his coffee.

He'd already had everything he needed to make the gloves, only missing the 3D model of Stephens' hands. "FRIDAY how we looking?"

"The gloves fit Dr. Stranges 3D model and are fully functioning." Tony hummed and finished the rest of his coffee, walking away from the newly built gloves and to his desk. The billionaire waved his hand and spoke, "Alright, close up shop FRI I need a drink." With a quick 'yes boss' FRIDAY shut down the lab and Tony went up to the penthouse level of the tower.

Upon walking into the bar/kitchen area, Tony spotted Rhodey sitting in one of the chairs on his Stark tablet. "Hey Honey Bear." Rhodey rolled his eyes as the mechanic opened his liquor cabinet. "What were you working on in the lab?" Rhodey asked without looking up from his tablet.

"Something for Stephen." Rhodes lifted an eyebrow at his friend knowing full well that Tony liked Stephen. "Do you plan on telling him?" Tony looked at his friend with a 'You're fucking kidding me right?' Face and shook his head no.

"C'mon Tones, you gotta tell him sooner or later." Tony just laughed and poured himself some whiskey. "Yeah put that on my tombstone."

"I'm just saying, maybe he feels the same way. I mean you never know." Rhodey turned his attention back on his tablet as the billionaire scoffed.

Tonys' eyes grew very wide when he heard the voice of the all to familiar 16-year-old teen that was his son. "You like Dr. Strange?" The kid gasped and Tony's head shot towards him. "W-what!? No kid you need to un-hear ALL of that!" Peter just got a big smile on his face and ran towards his room.

"Shit," Tony mumbled and put his head in his hands.

"Welp, I'm gonna turn in for the night. Get some sleep too man, I mean it." Rhodey gave the playboy a stern look to which he replied, "yes mom." Both men laughed and walked to their rooms.

Tonys POV

I walked to my room and was almost instantly washed over with a feeling of dread. It had been around 70 hours since I last slept and I was not prepared if I had another nightmare. The last time was bad enough.

The shield came crashing down on the arc reactor.
He left.
He walked away.
Left me to die.

I tried to not think about what had happened. I forgave Barnes and Rogers but the memories of what happened still taunted me, like a bad aftertaste. I tried to distract myself by working on more projects for the team and it was working for the most part but I can't stay up forever, unfortunately.

I look at my bed and sigh, running a hand down my face. I lay down and close my eyes hoping to actually get some sleep.


I shot up and looked around quickly. I recognized the vacant landscape and I felt my entire body freeze.


My breathing picked up and I desperately looked around for a familiar face. "Tony." I spun around to see Stephen looking at me with nothing but hatred and disappointment.

"Why didn't you do more?" Before I could even answer another voice spoke up.

"Why didn't you save me, dad?"

"I should've killed up back in Germany."

"You weren't fast enough."

I saw everyone.
All of them, screaming at me, telling me that I didn't do enough. Silent tears ran down my face and I couldn't help but agree with them.

I should've done more, all those hours wasted when I should've been working. I could've gotten to Rhodey faster and saved him. I could've found a way to save my son and Stephen.

Maybe if Rogers did kill me all of this could've been prevented.

The ground around me begins to shake and I fall backwards, everything is too loud.

"Tony!" I shot up and gasped for air, clutching my reactor and looking around. Stephen was looking right at me with wide eyes. "Can I just- can I- I need- can't breathe." I couldn't get out full sentences and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Tony you need to breathe." Stephen reached a hand out a placed it on my shoulder. Normally I'd slap the shit out of anyone that tried to touch me but right now I was actually starting to calm me down.

"Can you take my hand?" I nodded and hastily grabbed Stranges hand. "I'm gonna squeeze your hand and you need to breathe with the rhythm okay?" I nodded while still gasping for air.

I felt Stephen start to squeeze my hand in a gentle rhythm and I tried to match it with my breathing. Slowly, I found myself breathing in sync with the gentle squeezes being delivered to my hand. I looked up into Stephens' eyes to see him staring back at me.

"Hi." He said with a soft smile. "Hi." I breathed. "How come you're here?" I asked with genuine confusion. Stephen just gave a shrug.

"FRIDAY informed me you were in distress." I narrowed my brows. FRIDAY doesn't inform people if I'm in distress unless I tell her to. "But I didn't tell her too.." Stephen lifted an eyebrow.

"Maybe someone else did." I let out a groan when I realized that Peter most likely told FRIDAY to alert Strange if I was having trouble sleeping. "Goddamnit kid." I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"I can leave now if you're okay." I shot my head up at the sorcerer. "Y-you don't have to leave. I probably won't be heading back to sleep anyways." Stephen smiled at me and took a seat next to on my bed.

"Welp, start talking. I'm not leaving till you get some sleep." I groaned and Stephen gave a small laugh.

We talked about whatever came to mind when I started to find myself becoming extremely drowsy. "Wizard...what did you do." I couldn't even keep my eyes open and soon enough darkness overtook me.

Stephens POV

I had gotten Tony to ramble about some of his works in the lab so he didn't notice me casting a simple spell that made him fall asleep. What I hadn't expected was for him to cling to me once he fell unconscious.

I found myself dumbfounded as Stark wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down with him. My face grew very warm and I tried to stay as silent as possible. I hesitantly put my hands through his hair, causing him to relax.

I couldn't lie to myself, he was cute as fuck when he slept. This was one of the only times I'd ever gotten to see him relaxed, almost always being stressed. I relaxed and let the physical contact happen, knowing there really was nothing I could do about it.

Deciding I didn't want anyone to walk in and see this I did a quick spell that caused my red band to be placed on the door nob of Starks room.

Time Skip

3rd person

Rhodey, Sam, Bucky, and Peter all sat in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Kid, you've been staring at your dad's door for the past 10 minutes," Sam commented to Peter who was staring intently at his father's bedroom door. As if on cue, Tony walked out, looking very drowsy and red-faced. Peter narrowed his eyes- waiting.

"What are you doing Pete?" Stark asked, looking at his son. Peter didn't answer but continued to look at his father's door and completely ignore his breakfast.

Around 10 minutes later another man stepped out of Starks bedroom and Peter shot up. "YES! I knew it!" The spiderling looked to his dad who was now red-faced, understanding why his son was watching his door. Stephen. Looked around a bit dazed and confused.

Sam nearly spit out his drink as he put two and two together. "Wait!? Did you two? What?" Bucky is next to look confused as he puts down his plate. Rhodey lets out a laughed and walks up to Tony.

"What did you say you wanted on your tombstone again?" Tony glares at his best friend. Peter beamed with joy as he bounced over to his dad. "Am I gonna have another dad? Who will I call dad? Will I call one of you pop, or father, or dr dad?"

"Pete!" Peter almost instantly shut up as both his dad and Stephen were bright red. "Nothing happened kinda," Stephen mumbled the last part but with Peters enhanced hearing he heard it and grinned. Stephen realizing his mistake uttered a "shit" before looking at Tony.

"Can" The mechanic questioned Strange who nodded in return. The two males left the room and Bucky, Sam, and Rhodes all looked at each other in confusion while Peter beamed with joy.

Strange and Stark both walked to the common room and gave heavy sighs. "How did- how did that happen?" Tony asked, referring to both him and Strange cuddling not even an hour ago.

"When we were talking last night I cast a spell so you'd fall asleep and you kinda just latched onto me." Stephen scratched the back of his neck. Tony turned away from the sorcerer, face turning bright red. "Sorry."

Stephen smiled for a brief moment, "it's alright, I didn't mind." Tony blushed again, placing his head in his hands and groaning. "Fuck mee." Stephen gave a large smirk.

"Is that an invitation?" Tony looked up at Stephen and blushed at his comeback. "I mean who wouldn't accept?" The billionaire couldn't help but reply.

-(short) time skip spoiler alert they made the fuck out-

Around 10 minutes later the Mechanic and sorcerer walked back into the kitchen, Tony having about a dozen hickeys. When Rhodey saw both of them he laughed and pointed at Bucky. "You owe me 20 dollars!"

Peter looked ecstatic, happy his plan pulled through.

2939 words

That was messy as fuck and I apologize






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