
By ToxicK3

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Zion is a 15 year old stud with a 5 year old sister. Her father ran out on her and her sister leaving them wi... More



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By ToxicK3

Aiden in mm


Today was the day that I had yo go to school, so I dropped Zahari and Aiden off at my granny house until I come back.

I drove to school and went to the office to get my schedule. "How may I help you Zion and nice to have you back." I licked my lips.

"I need my schedule." I told her she nodded. "Alright just wait right there." I nodded.

I waited for her to give me my paper when she did, I left and went to my first class I had English 1.

I made it to my class and walked in. "Nice to have you join us Zion." I nodded and went to my usual seat. When I sat down, I noticed that a girl was sitting next to me. She must be new.

They teacher started talking about group project of something and he started telling us who were partners, but I wasn't really listening.

"Zion and Tiana." I shrugged. The girl next to me turned around and tapped me.

I looked at her. "How may I help you." I asked her.

"Well, you're my partner." I nodded. We started doing work. The bell rung and we exchanged number and I gave her my address so that she could come over.

The rest of my periods were fine but now I was in the cafeteria. "Zion." I heard somebody call my name.

I turned around and it was Damien bitch ass. "What tf do yo ass want." I said while kicking my lips.

Him and a whole bunch of guys started to surround me. "I wanted to finish what I started yesterday." He spoke.

I mugged him. He had a knife. I rolled my eyes. Then this boy came up and stood in front of me. I looked at him crazy.

"Man leave ha alone nigga." I sighed at this brave ass niggas.

"Look ima handle yo ass when I'm done but look in tired of yall niggas so we can end this now outside of school or later." I said and lifted up my shirt showing my gun.

They ass was looking scared. "Y'all bitch asses know I own this school. Just because I wasn't here don't mean that I don't run it bitch ass niggas I should beat yo ass and the other day yo ass caught me slipping do that shit again and I'll put yo ass in a coma." That nigga was shaking.

I pulled Mr. Brave and lead him outside towards the school parking lot. I called Zay to do me a favor.

"Yea what you need bro." He asked.

"I need you to come to the school and get a couple off niggas for me and bring back up and put them in the basement."

"You know what I'm not even going to ask question until I come there but ight I'm coming." He said and hung up.

"So, what's yo name." I asked Me. Brave.

"Treyvon." I nodded.

"I'm Zion but why you sticking up fo me." I asked him and pulled out a blunt.

"Well, I thought you needed help I'm new ion know a lot of people, but it looked like you were about to get jump." I or the blunt up and inhaled.

"Naw I run this school but look you knew so you could roll with me cause most likely they gone come for yo ass after I let them go." He nodded.

"Aye buy after school I can roll with you." I nodded.

Zay and the crew finally came. "Wassup." I said and slapped hands with him.

"Wassup but who niggas you need us to get." I motioned him to follow me.

I got up and went to the cafeteria. I went to the front stage and got the mike. "Damien and his crew please come to the front stage." I spoke. Everybody was looking at me.

They came to the front, and I told the crew to take them. We went back outside, and I watched them put them in there.

"Remind me never to cross you." I looked at Treyvon. "That should always come to yo head when you look at me." I spoke.

"Zion what did you want from them niggas." I heard Zay ask. I turned around.

"That's that nigga who stabbed me. I have been supposed to get them, but it slipped my mind and tell pops I'll bring the kids when I'm done with homework." He nodded and got in his car, and everybody drove off.

"So, after this period meet me at my car." I pointed to my car, and he nodded and went inside.

I sighed people bring the worse out of me. I went inside the school, and everybody was going to their next class. I had gym.

I made it to where gym was and just sat on the bleachers since we don't do shit in this class.

That Tiana girl was in here. I got off the bleachers and went up to her. "Aye Tiana." She turned around.

"Yes." She asked. I licked my lips "You knew here." I asked.

She nodded. "Well, you would know that if you come to school." I laughed. This bitch wanna be rude.

"Look I just asked a question if you ain't wanna answer it you didn't have to but if you may know I have family problems, but you didn't have to be rude about it." I got up and left and went back where I was and put on my beats and blasted my music.

I was pissed. How tf are you going to judge me and don't know what happens in my household.

The bell rung and I went to my car to wait for Treyvon. His ass finally came. I drove to my granny house first.

"Come on." I told Treyvon. We both got out the car and went up to the house. I walked and I saw Aiden and Zahari playing.

"Aiden and Zahari come on bye granny." She said bye back and we all left.

"Are those your kids." Treyvon asked. I chuckled.

"Naw the little girl is my sister and the other one is my nephew." He nodded. I drove to my house, and everybody got out.

Zay came to my house, and we all started talking and smoking. I had got a text.

Tiana- are you home

Me- yea y

Tiana- I was going to ask can I come over so we can finish our project

Me- yea you can

She looked at it but she ain't text back, so I guess she was coming over. "Aye niggas I'm having company so y'all need to clear all this smoke and shit.' I told them they sucked they teeth. I told the kids not to scatter there toys everywhere.

I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I stood up and went to the door and opened it. It was tiana.

"Wassup." I licked my lips looking at her.

"Nothing." I stepped aside to let her in. I walked her to the living room.

"Tiana what you doing here." Treyvon asked. "I'm here so we can finish our project." He nodded. I stood there confused.

"Y'all together." I asked them. They looked at me and laughed. "Naw that's my sister man." I nodded. I motioned her to come to my office.

I went and got my book bag, and I changed my pants. I went back to my office.

When I got back Tiana was looking around. "You ready." She asked me once she seen me standing there. I nodded. I looked for a shirt cause I always have one here.

I found it and took off my shirt. I'm pretty sure she seen all the marks I had on my back and where I got shot and stabbed.

"You know I wanted to say sorry for be rude in gym." I just nodded and shrugged. "It's ight." I told her.

"So, what happened to you, you don't have to tell me." She asked. I looked at her.

"Naw it's ok bit I got shot and I got stabbed 7 times." She looked sad. I sighed.

"Let's get this work done and then we could learn more about each other." She agreed. We started doing work and we were almost finished.

"Zion, can we get something to eat." I looked up and Zaharra and Aiden were in front of the door.

"Go tell Zay to get y'all something to eat and here takes my black card." I gave them my black card and they left.

"Are they your kids." I shook my head no. "The little boy is my nephew who I just got yesterday, and the little girl is my sister.

She nodded. We finished the rest of the work, and I was just waiting for the kids and say them to come back so we can go talk to my pops.

There was a knock on my door. I thought it was Zay, so I opened it. It was just my bitch as mother.

"Why the hell you here." I straight faced her. I took out a blunt cause after this conversation ima need it.

"I just wanted to see how you and Zahari was doing." I took a deep breath.

"Didn't I tell yo bitch ass not to come to my house. Damn I don't want me to do with you. Me and Zahari are good doing just fine. Also, I liked the way you sold my sister and didn't tell you. You better be lucky you Zahari' s mother or I'll kill yo dumbass." She stood there shocked.

"Look I just wanted to see Zahari and how do you know about Zaharra." I seen out the corner of my eye that they had pulled up.

"Zahari and Aiden go to my room and eat and watch tv I'll be up there soon." I told them they did what I say.

"Ok since you want to see Zahari come in." I pulled her in by her hair. Treyvon was about to say something, but I held my hand up.

I sat her on the couch. "So how did yo ass come here." I asked her and lit up a the blunt I still ad in my hand.

I inhaled it. "I had Michael drop me off." I was pissed. "You showed him where tf I stay why tf would you do that stupid bitch I swear if he touches one hair on Zahari both you and him are dead." I exhaled and passed it to Zayy. I tried to call down.

By now everybody was in the living room and on the sofas. I pulled out a gun and sat it on my lap. Zay and Treyvon had no emotion and my mom and Tiana looked scared.

"Don't look scared Mami I ain't going to hurt you." I whispered in Tiana ear.

"I-i didn't show him where you stay, I told him to drop me off at the store." I just stared at her.

"So, what's the real reason you hear because I know you didn't come out here to see Zahari." I asked her. Tiana looked relaxed now.

My mom was trembling like the bitch she is. "I-I need money t-to pay the bills and Michael I-I-is looking for you." I started laughing hard as hell.

"You really think I'll give you money, but you could give me shit." I said once I stopped laughing.

"What happened to my sister and tell me the truth." I said and had the gun pointed at her.

"Mi-Michael ha-h-had sold Zaharra to a g-gang." I looked at her with so much hatred.

"Where were you and what did you do when he did it." She looked down.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION BITCH." I told her. She jumped at the sound of my voice.

"I-I-I was right there a-an-and I didn't do anything." I chuckled. "So, you telling me that you sat there and watched him sell my sister." She shook her head.

My phone started ringing. I answered it.

"Hello." My pops said.

"Wassup." I said trying to get the hatred I had for my mother out.

"Well, what are you doing." He asked.

"Well, my mother is here sitting down and were having a lovely chat." I smiled.

"I'm coming I'm finna come get the kids, but I want to talk to you so don't do anything to her." I rolled my eyes.

"But-." I got interrupted

"Zion no." I sighed.

"Fine I'll wait but hurry." I hung up.

"So, I guess I can't do anything to you....yet." I mugged her.

"Zion please I'll do anything I'll tell you where Zaharra is." I looked at her stupid.

"Bitch I don't need your help. When I did need it, you sat there so don't come at me with that bull shit." I spoke.

"But you deserved it." She started laughing. I put my gun up to her face. I was about to pull the trigger, but my dad busted in there.

"Zion what the hell did I tell you." I looked at him. He came and took the gun from, and I still was looking at him.

"She's saying that I deserved what Michael did to me and Zaharra. But this stupid bitch caused everything Michael, me being partially deaf and everything that happened to me." I tried to get the gun out his hand.

"Lisa, I want you to leave and don't come back and if you do, I'll let Zion kill you. You did enough harm to my child." She got up and left.

Later on, everybody left, and it was just me and my dad and the kids. The kids were sleep so I put them in their rooms. After they were in there, I went downstairs so I can talk to my dad.

"So, your partially deaf." I nodded. "He did something to my ear and caused me to get an infection in my ear. I could wear eating aids, but it only happens when I'm really high or it would just happen, and it would take a while for my eating to come back." He nodded and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry that I was to pussy to just take you and the girls." I told him it was ight. We talked about many more things. He left after a while, and I took a shower and went to sleep.

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