Adiza - The Heart Is A Mess (...

By _mahwish_

43.8K 4K 911

He loves her, but does she love him? If she does, why can't she just say it? If she doesn't, why can't she ju... More

1 - Feelings
2 - Oh Boy!!
3 - Damn it!!!!
4 - Oh No
5 - Damn it!
6 - Emotions
7 - Hi
more teasers
9 - About What?
10 - Little Things
12 - The heart is A Mess (a)
13 - The End (season)
14 - Love Ain't Safe
15 - Love Ain't Safe - B
Pick Apart, Pieces Of The Heart
Where Only Thoughts Have Been

8 - for now

1.8K 227 30
By _mahwish_

Warning: not Proofread


"Okay, I am done. Let's talk" Aditi said.

They have both just finished eating, cleared the place and have settled back on the couch facing each other.

To be very honest talking is the last thing Aditi wants to do right at the moment but its not like she has any choice but to do exactly that.

She likes Zain, very at that and she likes talking to him and she likes being his friend and she likes his company and many other things and she most definitely enjoys kissing him, she wouldn't want to stop that too, but she mostly misses her friend, so if talking is the only way she is going to get back her friend, then  she is going to have to suck it up and talk.

Zain feeling very apprehensive, this is the moment he has been pushing for, this is the reason he has been annoyed with Aditi for the last 3 days and this is the moment he is going to most likely get  all the answers he has been looking for but having a dream sitting infront of him ready to talk it's really making him feel very nervous about the outcome whatever it is they are going to discuss.


" Don't you like what we are doing?"
Aditi asked, they have been talking for down minute now with Zain asking Aditi what they are doing and Aditi dodging the question. This is the 4th time he asked her and she countered with a question of her own.

"Of course I do"
He answered quickly as of he is scared she is misunderstanding what he is saying.

"Of course I do, you know I do" he repeated just to make sure she understood him.

"Then?" She asked again searching his eyes with hers as she looked into them,
"Why must everything have a meaning? Can't we just enjoy this?"

"But what is this Aditi? That is what I am e been asking all this while! What is this that we are doing?"

"I don't know Zain, i truly don't, but what  I do know is that I do enjoy it and I want to continue enjoying it, so please Zain, please let's just enjoy it and maybe we might just discover what 'this' is." She pleaded to him.

Zain looked at Aditi, like really looked at her then, it was as if he is trying to look through her or maybe he is trying to read something. He just looked at her as he thinks about what she said.

"Okay" he said after thinking a few moments about what she just said to him.
"Okay?" Aditi asked surprised as she didn't think he will just agree to what she said so easily.

"Yes, okay" he reaffirmed to her with a little smile on his face.

The huge smile that broke out from Aditis   face is unbelievable and contagious that Zain also found himself smile back at her.

Aditi hugged him and after breaking the hug, she looked at him and said:

"Thank you. Now can I kiss you"

She looked simply adorable to Zain when she said that so innocently and hopefully.
Zain didn't say anything to her, he just moved closer to her, tilted his head and kissed her. He kissed her like never before, he put everything he had into that kiss.

Zain knows that the path he is walking on is only going to lead to heartbreak for him, but at that moment as he is kissing her, he just doesn't care.

He is going to take it a day at a time and who knows maybe, maybe in the future she starts feeling something for him or at least acknowledge what he knows she feels for him.

He is a selfish man when it comes to Aditi, so he is going to take whatever she is willing to give him.

"I missed you" Aditi said as she broke the kiss and hugged him tight while sighing.

Yes, he is going to take what she is willing to give now before she really realizes what she feels for him.

He will settle for that.

For now.


It's kinda short, but I like it and I hope you do too.
Vote and comment, I will be waiting to read all that you have got to say about this update.
I need 20 comments or there will be no update.

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