3 - Damn it!!!!

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"I don't understand"

"What's there to not understand zain, its simple enough"

"To you maybe, but to me its not" counted Zain, he was suddenly starting to feel very irritated with the way the conversation was going.

It was the following day after the kiss and they both have just got arrived at the set, shooting is due to start in 30 minutes.

They were sitting in Zain's room going through their lines as they usually did everyday even though Aditi was a little hesitant in going there in the first place but then decided to just go through with it if not will be awkward and people will start noticing if she just suddenly changed her behavior towards Zain and that is the very last thing she would ever want.

She had decided before leaving her home this morning that she is just going to pretend nothing happened until Zain brings it up and if or when he did, she is just going to act cool about the whole situation thing. That is wat she has been trying to gently explain to Zain, he is just not buying her fake facade.
He wants an explanation. He is insisting on it and he is most Adamant to get it.

If Aditi is going to be honest with herself, she still can't pin point the reason why she did what she did but whatever it is, the kiss sure did felt nice.

Kissing Zain felt so nice that she spent the whole night touching her lips with her finger tips. It was like she was trying to feel him on her but no matter how much good of a kiss that was,
Zain is seriously getting on her nerves. She has been feeling cranky because of the lack of sleep last night which gave her a little headache and now Zain is trying to intensify the headache.

She doesn't want to talk about it, she is sure he knows that she doesn't, but he is still going on and on asking her the reason. She just hopes she doesn't end up doing anything stupid.


"Then what do you want me to do?" Aditi asked with all the calmness  she could muster.

"I just want you to help me understand how you can kiss me yesterday and today you tell me you are not interested in having a relationship with me"

"I told you that it was a mistake. I didn't intend to do that. I don't know what happened to me that made me do it

" A mistake? Is that what you call it?"

He asked her but seeing as she doesn't have an answer for it, he continued;
" Are you serious now? You kissed me, it wasn't just something you can just slip and do. You kissed a person, a person who happens to be in love with you. Who has already expressed his feelings for you. Are you trying to play me. Is this your way of Stringing me along? Or is it something you just do?" He asked with anger in his voice.

"What? How can you say that? I told you it was an impulsive action and that i am sorry"
She said defensively.

"Sorry? Is that the best you can do? In all the people that you can impulsively kiss in this world, you just have to pick me. Why Aditi, why?"

There was so much hurt in his voice when he was saying that and Aditi is not liking it at all.


She started to say but he doesn't give her that opportunity because he just went on and on and on about some things not being fair and things like that.

Aditi could feel it, she could feel that thing that triggered her yesterday and she isn't liking it.

She had promised herself that she would never repeat "it" again and by it, it means 'the kiss' . She had made a vow to herself that it was a one time thing and it will never be repeated. A honest non-intentional error on her part.

She had promised herself that she was not to act stupid or impulsive again. She really did but as Zain is just getting more and more on her nerves with the notice he is making, the resolve is starting to fade rather quickly.

He is seriously making her head ache more. She just so wishes that she could make him shut up.

An irritated Aditi is never a rational one, so she did the only thing she knew would shut him up instantly.

She just grabbed him and kissed him.

Damn it!!


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Adiza - The Heart Is A Mess (slow UPDATES, EDITING.) Where stories live. Discover now