Jurassic Universe

By Crede24

234 0 7

a Jurassic Story More

Final Chapter


7 0 1
By Crede24

So what about you kids?" asked Ian. "What's your story?"

"Well to keep it short, me and my sister Lex met Zach and Gray at the gyrosphere valley and decided to all ride together." said Timmy. "We figured the four of us could be friends since Zach and Gray's aunt is the park operations manager and our grandfather was the founder of the park before he retired."

"'Our grandfather was the founder of the park before he retired?'" whispered Lowery to himself. "Wait, you mean you two are John Hammond's grandchildren?" he asked.

"Yep." replied Lex.

"Do you think you could call him and tell him me and Lex are alright?" asked Timmy. "He's probably worried sick about us after everything that just happened."

"I'm not so sure we really can." said Vivian. "Nedry's virus turned off our phones as well. Unless your grandfather has a walkie-talkie with him, we can't call him with a phone. We can't even call the mainland for help."

"Actually, I think we can." said Owen.

"Call our grandpa?" asked Lex.

"No, I mean we might be able to call the mainland for help." replied Owen.

"What!? But how!?" asked Lowery.

"I just remembered, the radio of my RV here can connect to radio stations on the mainland, as well as use the radio connection here." said Owen.

"So what you're saying is, if we can get to your mobile base, we can call for help?" asked Ellie.

"Sure can." replied Owen. "The only problem is, my RV is over by the big cliffs by the sea on the other side of the island. It's too dangerous to take the kids there with the Indominus still loose."

"WHAT!?" shouted Gray. "We were just reunited with our Aunt and I don't wanna be separated again."

"You're not going to be." said Claire.

She crouched down on her knees to be face to face with Gray.

"Until this is all over, I'm NEVER leaving your side again." she said. "I'm staying here to keep an eye on you and your brother."

Gray lit up a smile. Claire turned to Tim and Lex.

"Plus, you two need someone to help you find your grandfather." she said.

"Wait, you'll help us find our grandfather?" asked Lex.

"Sure thing, some of us need to stay behind and keep an eye on you kids and try to get the power back." said Claire.

"Alright, so Claire will stay here with Lowery and Vivian to keep an eye on the kids, the rest of us will head to my mobile home and try to call for help." said Owen.

"Good luck." said Lowery, Vivian, Claire, and the kids.

"We'll be back soon." said Sarah.

Owen, Grant, Ellie, Billy, Sarah, and Ian walked out of the room to find Owen's car. The Pterosaurs were all gone but the sky was now filled with dark grey clouds as they walked outside. Thunder began to rumble across the island.

Inside the control room, Claire couldn't help but feel worried for them. Lex felt the same way.

"You'll think they'll be alright?" she asked Claire.

"I hope." replied Claire.

Night fell, and it had started to rain. The falling drops of water had made it difficult for Owen to see through his car's window, but he and the group had finally reached his RV. The RV was a two trailer RV. Owen stopped his car and the group quickly dashed to the RV. Inside, dirty clothes and food rappers laid everywhere from the bed, to the kitchen, to the floor.

"Sorry about the mess." said Owen. "I don't normally get visitors here."

"Relax Owen, we're not here to inspect your base we're here for the radio." said Ian.

"Uhh where exactly IS your radio Owen?" asked Billy.

"Over by my computer." replied Owen.

The group walked over to Owens's computer and found his radio. Quickly Owen turned it on and began to search for a radio signal on the mainland. Owen twisted each nob trying to find a signal.

"Come on baby, come on baby." he said to himself.

At last-

"Hola." said a female voice.

The group cheered, high-fived, and hugged each other hearing someone from Costa Rica. Owen calmed everyone down and replied to the lady on the speaker.

"Hello?" he said.

"puedo ayudarte?" said the lady.

"Uh do you speak English mam?" asked Owen.

"perdón?" asked the lady.

"I said do you speak English?" said Owen.

"Lo siento?"

"Does anybody know how to speak Spanish?" asked Owen looking at the others.

"I know a little." said Billy.

Owen gave the mic to Billy and he began to speak.

"Uuuhhhh..... habla..... usted..... Inglés?" asked Billy.

"Lo siento, no hablo Inglés" replied the lady.

"What does that mean?" whispered Grant.

"She said she can't speak English." replied Billy.

"Ask her if there's anyone else there who can." said Ellie.

"Uh.... ¿conoces...... a alguien...... que puede...... hablar Inglés?" said Billy.

The lady called for someone and soon someone who could speak English replied.

"Hello?" said a man.

"Yes we are calling for the Costa Rica Coast Guard." said Owen.

"What for?" asked the man.

"We have 20,000 tourists trapped on an island and we're suffering severe casualties here. The survivors are now in mortal danger, I need you to send rescue immediately."

"Will do. What is your location?" asked the man.

"Our location is-"

Before Owen could finish there was a loud crashing sound. The group froze and looked out through a window to see the car they took to get here rolling over the edge of the big cliff. There was loud boom as it hit the rocks below.

"What was that?" asked the man on the radio.

But there was no reply. Owen had dropped the mic when he heard the car roll over.

"Hello? Hello?" the man said again and again.

"What was that?" shivered Ellie.

"She's here." said Owen.

"Who?" asked Ellie.

But Owen didn't need to answer. There was a hissing sound of an animal. The group turned around to see the Indominus staring at them through the window. She snarled at them aggressively before raising her head out of site from the window.

"Hang on this is gonna be bad." whispered Ian.

There was a loud smash, and the RV shook violently. Everyone quickly grabbed onto something as the Indominus rammed her head on the RV again flipping the first trailer on its side. The Indominus rammed the RV a third time flipping the vehicle completely upside down. Just as everyone was getting up, there was a fourth shove, this time the RV moved forward a few feet. Grant ran over to a window to see what the Indominus was doing. The RV moved forward again, Grant suddenly realized what she was doing.

"Oh shit." he said."She's pushing us over the cliff!"

"Oh god." shivered Ellie.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" screamed Sarah.

Ian and Billy ran over to the door and desperately tried to open it.

"Come on, come on!" said Billy trying to turn the handle.

The handle wouldn't budge.

"IT WON'T OPEN!" yelled Billy.

Ian tried to kick the door open, but still it wouldn't open. By now, the first trailer had reached the cliff's edge and was beginning to slip on the mud.

"HANG ON TO SOMETHING!" yelled Billy.

"HANG ON TO SOMETHING!" shouted Ian.

Everyone quickly grabbed onto handles, table corners, anything they could reach. At last, with one big push, the Indominus shoved the front of the RV over the edge. The front trailer dangled over the edge, with only the second trailer holding onto it keeping it from falling.

At the visitor center, Claire, Vivian, and Lowery were still trying to figure out how to get the power back on when Hoskins suddenly walked in with other people caring ammunition. Claire, Lowery, Vivian, and the kids looked at him.

"Simon Masrani's death was a tragedy." he said. "The new mission is to prevent further loss of life."

"Who are these guys?" asked Lowery.

"I'm glad you asked." replied Hoskins. "You're all relieved of duty. There's a new team on the ground."

Back at the RV, the group were dangling from pieces of furniture over the edge of the cliff, scared out of their lives. Sarah was holding onto a refrigerator door handle. Suddenly, the fridge door opened causing Sarah to lose her grip and fall.

"SARAH!" everyone shouted.

Sarah fell and landed on a large glass window at the bottom, hanging what looked to at least 1,000 feet above the ocean.

"SARAH!" screamed Ellie.

"Sarah are you okay!?" shouted Grant.

"Yea, I'm fine." replied Sarah as she began to get up.

Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise. She looked at the glass below her to see small cracks forming under her.

"Oh god, please no!" she whimpered.

The more she stood up, the more weight she put on the glass causing it to slowly break.

"DON'T MOVE!" shouted Billy.

"Hang on honey, I'm coming down for you!" said Ian.

Sarah just stood still frozen in fear as she watched the glass slowly break. The cracks were getting bigger and were now forming faster too. Ian was half way down when he noticed a wire from Owens's radio was dangling off a lamp and was beginning to slip off.

"Grant! The radios falling get it!" said Ian.

"I'm on it!" he said.

Grant climbed down a few feet and reached out his hand trying to grab the radio's mic. But his hand was too short to reach. Sarah scared out of her mind tried to reach her hand to a nearby chair. The glass wouldn't hold her much longer, and neither would the lamp holding the radio wire. Grant still couldn't reach it. Ian had finally reached the bottom of the RV and held his hand out for Sarah.

"Give me your hand." said Ian. "I'm gonna pull you up, okay?"

Sarah only nodded her head and slowly began to reach for Ian's hand. The radio wire dangling on the lamp had approached the edge and slipped off just before Grant could reach it.

"LOOK OUT!" he shouted.

Ian and Sarah grabbed each other's hand JUST in time as the radio fell on the glass causing it to finally collapse. Sarah was now dangling over the edge with nothing below her but the ocean, only to be held up by Ian's hand. Sarah and Ian looked at each other.

"Hang on sweat heart! I've got you!" said Ian.

Using his strength, Ian pulled Sarah back to safety. Sarah hugged Ian and began to cry, Ian patted her trying to calm her down. Suddenly there was the noise of a car horn.

"Someone's out there!" said Owen.

It was Eddie Carr. He was driving over to the raptor pen when he heard the loud explosion when Owens's jeep rolled over the edge. He stopped his jeep 20 feet behind the RV and jumped out of his car to see what happened. He looked inside the RV through a broken window.

"HELLO!?" he shouted. "IS ANYONE IN THERE!?"

"Eddie!?" said Billy. "Is that you!?"

"Yea! Who's in there!?" asked Eddie.

"It's us!" shouted Grant from inside. "Alan, Owen, Ellie, Billy, Ian, and Sarah!"

"What happened are you all okay!?" shouted Eddie.

"It's a long story!" said Ellie.

"Hang on! I'm gonna get you out of there!" said Eddie.

He ran over to the door and tried to open it, but the knob still wouldn't move.

"Damn it!" he said.

Quickly he ran back to his car and found a rope inside. He then ran over to a nearby tree stump and tied one end of the rope to it. Once he finished, he quickly dashed over the mess in the second trailer and crawled out into the extended connector. He peered over the edge, down into the second trailer.

"Catch!" he said as he tossed them the rope.

"We got it!" said Owen.

Suddenly there was a loud groaning sound and the trailer began to move again.

"WE'RE SLIPPING!" screamed Ellie.

Eddie ran out of the trailer in time to see the wheels dragging forward through the mud as the weight of the dangling trailer began pull the whole thing toward the edge of the cliff.

"Oh no." he said to himself.

He ran for the jeep and grabbed hold of the power winch on the front grill. Once he pulled out a decent amount of coil, he raced back to the trailer, pulling out a length of cable behind him. He ran up to the still-moving trailer, dived for its towing hook, when the cable went taut and Eddie fell short just by a few inches.

"Damn it!" he said.

Inside the dangling trailer, Grant, Owen and the others were half way up.

"Steady." said Billy.

"Increase your rate of climb." said Grant.

Ian lost grip and slid back.

"WOW!" he yelled.

By accident, he kicked Ellie in the face as he slid back down.

"OW!" she cried.

"SORRY!" said Ian.

Outside, dirt and rocks piled up around the wheels and spilled over the edge of the cliff. Eddie, back at the jeep, reeled out more winch cable. He turned and raced back to the trailer just as the back of the trailer was lifting off the ground. Eddie dived again, and this time he hooked the cable to the trailer's towing hook. The trailer lurched toward the edge of the cliff and stopped. The jeep jerked forward by the sudden pressure. Wasting no time, Eddie jumped back in his jeep and put the car in reverse. He slammed on the gas pedal and drove backwards. Slowly but surely, the trailer began to move back onto solid ground. The jeep's tires spun like mad in the mud as they tried to get a good grip in the ground.

Eddie chunked the shifter into four wheel drive and gunned the engine. Suddenly there was a load stomp from the distance.

"What the...?" whispered Eddie.

There was another stomp followed what sounded like a tree being knocked over. Finally, out of the jungle emerged the Indominus. Eddie's mouth widened in horror, there standing right next to him was one of Jurassic Universe's most dangerous creatures. The I. Rex peered her eye into the window beside Eddie. The Indominus snorted at him.

"Oh damn." Eddie stuttered.

The I. Rex bit down on the jeep ripping off its roof. Eddie screamed in fear, he tried to reach for his gun, but was caught in a net basket. The Indominus then bit down on the door and ripped it off the car. The airbags went off as well as the car's alarm. The I. Rex then placed her foot on the back at the jeep and lunged a bite at Eddie but missed. She lunged out another bite, popped one of the airbags and grabbed Eddie by the leg. Eddie screamed in horror as the I. rex tossed him in the air and caught him in her mouth. Biting down on him and crushing his bones, Eddie Carr was dead. The Indominus lifted her foot off the jeep and it rolled away freely towards the cliff.

Grant, Owen, Ellie, Billy, Ian, and Sarah clung together and screamed in horror as the two trailers fell around them. Amazingly, the group were never hit by the falling trailers; they popped out of the broken window up front as the RV slid right past them. Still dangling from the rope, they looked up and saw Eddie's jeep falling, but it to just missed them. The doubled trailer RV and jeep splashed into the ocean under them and sunk below the surface.

"Let's move." said Ellie.

Owen was just pulling himself up when someone held out his hand to help him up.

"Need a hand?" said a voice.

Owen smiled.

"Muldoon!" he said.

Muldoon pulled Owen up to safety and saw nearly his entire Raptor training team had come to help.

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