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Claire had finished her meeting with the inspectors and left to go find her nephews. Around the same time Masrani had arrived with his guests. The six of them walked into the main science lab. Masrani walked over to one of the shelves and picked up a piece of amber. He then held it in front of his guests.

"My dear friends." he said. "This is how we brought them back. Do any of you know what I'm holding?"

"Is that some sort of..... Rare see-through gold ore or...... something?" said Ian.

"Actually this is a piece of amber." said Billy. "Amber is a piece of fossilized tree sap that contains small creatures inside like insects. This one looks like its holding some sort of mosquito."

"Indeed it is Billy." said Masrani. "You see, millions of years ago when dinosaurs still walked the earth, prehistoric mosquitoes would suck on the blood of dinosaurs like the ones alive today. But sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on the branch of a tree that was oozing out its sap. The sap would sometimes fall on top of the thing trapping the mosquito inside."

Alan and Ellie looked at each other and turned their attention back to Masrani.

"After many years, the sap would harden and become fossilized, just like a dinosaur bones." said Masrani. "About twenty-five to thirty years ago, some of our scientist had found out about this and wanted to see if the dinosaur blood inside the mosquito was still fresh. We then extracted the dinosaur blood and indeed find out that the blood was still perfectly preserved. We then got curious if it would be possible to clone real live dinosaurs with this preserved blood, but before we could, we had found out that the DNA in the blood had some missing gaps and holes in them. We decided to fill in the gapes with DNA of modern relatives of the dinosaurs like lizards, snakes, alligators, even frogs. At last we could finally bring these animals back into the world."

"Fascinating." said Grant.

"But how did you breed them? I mean like...... did you place the DNA into eggs or something?" asked Billy.

"Indeed we did." said Masrani as he placed the amber back on the shelf. "As a matter of fact, the room where we hatch them is right next door. Come on I'll show you."

Masrani took his guests over to the next room where eggs were lying on grassy hay nests on stands. As they walked in, they passed Henry Wu.

"Good day Henry." said Masrani.

"Oh, good day sir." said Henry writing on a piece of paper.

The five guests looked over at a nest that had at least 12 eggs on it. There was a robotic arm turning the eggs to try and make them more comfortable.

"Its turning the eggs." said Ellie.

Ian pointed at one egg that was shaking; little chirps were coming from inside of it.

"Oh finally, I was beginning to worry about that one. She's was over due to hatch by a week." said Henry.

"Well you know what they say. Better late than never." said Masrani.

They all put rubber gloves on to keep their hands clean from the yolk. It wasn't long before the egg began to crack open, the robotic arm grabbed it to hold it still.

"Come on little one." whispered Masrani to the baby. "Come on. Come on, very good push, push."

At last the baby dinosaur's head had pushed out of the egg and was ready to start its new life. The little creature chirped as Masrani took some egg shell pieces off its head. It was covered in red goop

"They imprint on the first creature they come in contact with. We've been present of the birth of every living creature on this island." He said.

"Well certainly not the ones that have breed in the wild." said Ian. Henry walked over to them.

"Actually they can't breed in the wild." said Henry. "Population control is one of our main security precautions. There's no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Universe."

The seven of them all looked at the newborn animal as it caught its first gimps of the world.

"Oh my god." said Sarah in awe.

"This is amazing." said Ellie. Billy petted the little creature on the head.

"Uh..... H.... how do you know they can't breed?" said Ian still staring at the new form of life.

"Because all the animals in "Jurassic Universe" are female." said Henry. "We've engineered them that way.

"The temperature seems to be at the high 80's?" said Grant holding the egg shell.

"Ninty-two." said Henry.

"It holds that temperature?" said Ellie.

"Yes." said Henry.

Suddenly the robotic arm took the egg shell out of Grant's hand and placed it back in the nest.

"But again, how do you know they're all female? Does someone go into the park and, uh..... Lift up the dinosaurs' skirts?" asked Ian.

"We control their chromosomes. It's not that difficult. All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. It takes an extra hormone at the right developmental stage to create a male, and we simply deny them that." said Henry.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. Simon, the kind of control you're attempting is not possible. If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free. It expands to new territories. It crashes through barriers. Painfully, maybe even... Dangerously, but and...Well, there it is." said Ian.

Everyone looked at him.

"So wait, you're implying that a group of composed entirely of females will breed?" asked Henry confused.

"Uh.... no..... what I'm saying is that your all acting like you have full control over the animals here, but you can't control them. Nature can never be controlled." said Ian. "Life, finds a way."

Grant held the baby dinosaur in his hands. He was very intrigued by the animal he was holding, but one question lingered his mind.

"What species is this?" he asked Henry.

"It's a Velociraptor." said Henry.

Grant's expression turned from awe and wonder into horror. He, Billy, and Ellie looked at each other, and then back at Henry.

"Y...Y...You breed raptors?" he said.

Henry nodded. Grant looked back at the dinosaur with deep suspicion. The animal chirped all cute and cuddly, but when fully grown, it would become one of the most dangerous animals to ever live.

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