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  A few days later somewhere out in Mongolia; a team of American paleontologist had dug up some old fossils for study. They had uncovered a Velociraptor skeleton and were just brushing the last few grains of sand off of it.

"Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, we're ready to try again." said a man calling out for two other scientist digging up the fossil.

"I hate computers." said the first scientist.

He wore a blue buttoned shirt, a red bandanna around his neck, and a fedora hat.

"Come on Alan, it can't be that bad." said the second scientist.

She had blond hair, wore a pink shirt, and short white pants.

"Trust me Ellie, it is." said Grant as the two followed the other scientist that called them.

The rest of the team were in a large tent that had several computers set up inside. One man was testing out his new x-ray camera beside the large tent. He had light brown curly hair, and was wearing a brown shirt. His camera was designed to take pictures of stuff buried underground, like sonar.

"Alright, is the red light on?" he asked.

"It's on Billy." said another man; he was sitting in front of a computer beside the entrance to the large tent. "Alright, hit the button."

Billy pressed a switch and the camera made a bright flash indicating that it took a photo. Billy quickly turned around and walked towards the man on the computer.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"Wait a second......" said the man, waiting for the screen to load. "There it is. It worked great Billy."

"Hehe, sweet." said Billy to himself.

"How's it look?" asked Grant as he and Ellie were just walking up.

"It Looks incredible Dr. Grant." said the man on the computer as he looked at the fossil on his screen.

"Let's see, that's a...... Velociraptor?" asked Ellie.

"Yes, and in good shape too." said Grant. "Just..... Look at the way its neck bends and-"

Grant tapped the computer without realizing he did so and the screen suddenly became all fuzzy.

"Hey what I do?" he asked.

"You touched it." said Billy.

"He's right I think you touched It." giggled Ellie.

Other people began to laugh too as Grant touched it again just for fun.

"Yea I don't really know why it does that." said the computer scientist.

"Anyways look at the half-moon shaped bones in the wrist. It's no wonder these guys learned how to fly." said Grant in a sarcastic way.

Everyone chuckled at him.

"Seriously." said Grant. "We all now know that dinosaurs were more related to modern day birds than with reptiles. Look at the pubic bone, turned backward, like a bird's. Look at the vertebrae, full of air sacs and hollows, like a bird's. And even the word "raptor" means "bird of prey"."

Just then, Billy noticed a helicopter trying to land nearby.

"Now Velociraptors were pack hunters, highly intelligent, and could even run faster than the fastest breed of horse. Just four or five of them could have been as dangerous as a full grown Tyrann-"

"Hey uh sorry to interrupt you Alan but...... did we plan on having any visitors here?" asked Billy.

"No why?" asked Grant.

"Cause there's a helicopter landing right beside our mobile base." said Billy.

"WAIT WHAT!?" shouted Grant in surprise.

He turned to the direction where Billy was facing and saw that he was right. A blue helicopter was trying to land right next to their mobile base, where they had found the other Raptor fossil earlier. Grant knew that the blowing wind from the helicopter would ruin the fossil. Without wasting any time, most of the crew members raced back to their unearthed fossil.


Quickly the people began to cover up the fossil in tarp. Grant ran up to the helicopter.


The helicopter door opened.

"OH! TERRIBLY SORRY ABOUT THAT!" yelled the pilot, trying to speak over the loud noise.

He spoke with an Indian accent.

"COME ON! WHY DON'T WE DISCUSS THIS SOMEWHERE MORE QUIETLY!" shouted the man, still trying to speak over the loud chopper blades.

"Wai- wait a minute, DISCUSS WHAT EXACTLY!?" shouted Grant.

But the man didn't reply and just went inside their mobile home. Alan sighed and ran after him. As he opened up the mobile base door he saw the man opening a bottle of some of their left over beer.

"HEY, we were SAVING that!" said Grant angrily.

"Ah loosen up bit, why don't you sit down." said the man.

By now, Grant had lost patience and was getting really fed with the man.

"Who in god's name do you think you are!?" he said furiously.

The man was a little startled by this as Grant stood furiously right in front of him.

"Uhhh... th- the names Simon Masrani. And I believe you are famous paleontologist, Doctor Alan Grant." said the man.

Alan couldn't believe it. Simon Masrani was one the wealthiest men in the world, he was very well known to allot of people because of this. His expressions turned from angry to surprise.

"By the way I really like this new mobile base. Did you buy it with the money I donated to you at your fund raiser 3 years ago?" said Masrani as he got out a glass for Alan.

Three years ago, Alan's dig site expeditions had been making very little money and Grant's expedition team would have run out of business. His research had only been saved thanks to a donation Masrani had given to him. But because Masrani had only donated them with a paycheck through a mail delivery, Grant never met the man who donated to him in person.

Just then Ellie and Billy walked in.

"Alright who's the jerk!?" said Ellie angrily.

Alan quickly introduced them to Masrani.

"Uh sir these are two of my assistance's, Billy Brennan and Ellie Sattler. Ellie, Billy this is Mr. Simon Masrani." said Grant.

Masrani shook hands with the two. Ellie suddenly felt a bit guilty for insulting him.

"Did I say jerk?" she said, feeling embarrassed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." he said.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you sir." said Billy.

"I apologize for the dramatic entrance, I'm still trying to get used to flying, and I only recently got my license. And I'm also in a bit of a hurry" Said Masrani. "Why don't you all have a seat? Anyone care for a drink?"

He held out a glass of beer. Ellie and Grant accepted the offer but Billy declined.

"I suppose you are all wondering why I'm here so I'll get straight to the point." Masrani said. "I like you, all three of you. I can tell instantly with people; it's a gift. You see, for the past 10 years I've owned one of the most successful theme parks in the world. It's on an island, just off the cost of Costa-Rica. Some kind of.... well...... BIOLOGICAL preserve you could say. It's really spectacular; we've spared no expense, as an...... Old friend of mine used to say. Our attractions have been driving folks out of their minds."

"Wait a minute, what exactly does this park have to do with us?" asked Billy. "Are you asking us to come check it out?"

"Good question my friend." smiled Masrani. "Yes, I am inviting you to visit. You see, a few of my employees have been a bit worried about one of the new attractions coming soon, so we thought we should send someone to investigate it. To see if it's.... you know, safe for the tourists."

"So you want us to be the ones to investigate it don't you?" said Ellie.

"Correct my dear. So what do you all say, care to take a little vacation to my island?" asked Masrani. The three thought for a minute. Billy and Ellie soon accepted the offer but Grant was a bit unsure.

"Well............. I don't know." he said.

"Aw come on Grant. Besides you kinda owe me one for that 50,000 dollar donation." said Masrani.

Grant knew that Masrani DID have a point. If it wasn't for his donation, his dig site would have run out of business. Alan sighed and made his decision.

"Alright, count me in." he said. Everyone smiled at him.

"Good to hear my man." said Masrani.

He shook Grant's hand.

"I suggest you start packing now, we'll be gone for at least two days, and I promised my assistant I'd be back around two." Masrani continued.

"By the way Mr. Masrani." said Grant.

"Yes Dr. Grant?" asked Masrani.

"What kind of park is this?"

Masrani took an amber piece with a mosquito inside off one of the shelves.

"Let's just say......... its right up your ally." he said, looking into the amber's golden depths.

Far off in Alaska, two boys were preparing to go to the same island to visit a relative of theirs.

"BOYS, LETS GO!" cried their mother packing the car outside.

One of the boys was in room looking at a book about dinosaurs; he had goldish/brown hair and was wearing a white and grey shirt. His mother walked in.

"Gray, what are you doing, come on lets go your flights in two hours." she said as she took the book from her son's lap

"Mom, the airports only 36 minutes away. 6 more with traffic." said Gray.

"Well how many minutes to get your little butt in the car huh?" said Gray's mother smiling.

Gray giggled at his mom's joke.

"How many of those huh?" she teased.

As they walked outside towards the car, they passed Gray's older brother who was talking to some friends of his. Gray's older brother had dark brown hair and was wearing a grey jacket with a red shirt underneath.

"Make sure to call us every day. And send us all photos of you so we don't forget what you look like." said a girl.

"C'mon I've been away from you, Alex, Kevin, Conner, and Thomas for a month before and you've never forgotten what I look like." said Gray's older brother. "Besides, I'm going to be gone for a week this time."

"Alright we get your point Zach, but do tell us about it man." said another one of his friend.

"Will do." said Zach.

"Zach, come on were ready to go!" said his dad waiting in the car.

"Coming." said Zach. "See you guys soon."

"Bye Zach." said his friends as they watched him get in his car.

Half an hour later the family had arrived at the airport. The boys were getting their plane tickets and saying their last goodbyes to Gray was checking a list to make sure him and Zach had everything they were bringing.

"You have everything?" their mom asked.

"Yep." said Gray.

"Alright, I love you." said the mom.

"You too." replied Gray.

"Take care of each other you two."

"Will do mom." said Zach.

"You're gonna have so much fun. And remember, if something chases you, (whispering) run." their mother said.

The kids waved to their parent's good bye as they left to catch their plan.

"So much for our last family breakfast." said the father.

"Why do you have to say things like that?" his wife said to him annoyed.  

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