Jurassic Universe

By Crede24

234 0 7

a Jurassic Story More

Final Chapter


10 0 1
By Crede24

Things had gone from bad to worse in the control room. Error messages were popping up on everyone's computer screens.

"Oh this is just great!" shouted Lowery frustrated.

"What's wrong?" asked Sarah.

"For some reason half of the security cameras in this building are failing." Lowery replied.

"Camera's!?" snapped Ian. "You have a mutant creature loose in your park and your worried about a few cameras!?"

Before Lowery could reply Claire walked through the door. Everyone slowly turned their heads and looked at her.

"Everyone...... remain...... calm." she stuttered.

Claire sighed and walked over to Lowery, Ian, Ellie and the gang. She looked at the radar showing the Indominus's location.

"How fast is she moving?" she asked.

"Uhh about thirty miles per hour." replied Vivian.

"Yikes!" said Billy.

"What do we do sir?" asked Vivian looking at Masrani.

"Let Asset Containment capture it quietly." he said. "The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability...to handle incidents like this. It was an eventuality, okay?"

"You should put that in the brochure." said Lowery. "Eventually, one of these things will eat somebody."

"That animal is 4 miles from the closest attraction." said Claire. "ACU can handle this. No one else is gonna get-"

"Eaten?" interrupted Ellie.

Meanwhile at the raptor paddock, Muldoon was trying to bond a bit with Fern. She had been acting really aggressive towards him ever since the shooting incident. Hoskins was asking stuff about the raptors, hoping to find a way to convince the staffs into letting him use the dinosaurs for war.

"How fast can they run?" he asked Muldoon.

"50 to 60 miles per hour." replied Muldoon.

Muldoon was petting Fern through the chambers on the wall. These chambers held their mouths closed so the raptors couldn't bite the staff. Fern purred tensely as Muldoon tried to calm her. She suddenly hissed aggressively when Hoskins took a step closer to her. Hoskins and Muldoon jumped back. Hoskins started to laugh in excitement.

"You wanna take one home?" joked Barry.

He was petting Delta a few feet away. Hoskins walked over to him.

"Hey don't joke." said Hoskins. "I once rescued a tiger cub when me and my wife took a vacation to India. The thing was only a few months old, could barely walk. It would sleep on my bed, watch over me. One night a robber broke in and tried to stab me with a large knife, the tiger took a chunk out of the guys arm."

"What happened to the tiger?" asked Muldoon.

"Think we gave him to a zoo." replied Hoskins. "We had an unbreakable bond like you and...."

Hoskins pointed at Delta.

"What's his name?" he asked.

"Delta." replied Barry. "And she's a girl."

"Can I uhh..." said Hoskins.

"Pet her?" asked Barry.

"Yea." said Hoskins.

Barry moved back to let Hoskins pet Delta. He had only placed one finger on the animal when Delta hissed angrily at Hoskins. Barry put his hands back on Delta to calm her down. Just then, Muldoon felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he took it out and saw he had a new text message. Once he read the message, he began to call to the other staff.

"CODE 19!" he shouted. "WE HAVE A CODE 19!"

"Whats a code 19?" asked Hoskins.

"Asset out of containment." said Barry. "Robert! What animal got out?"

"Don't know." replied Muldoon. "My message didn't say. It might be the Tyrannosaur, or even the Spino."

As Muldoon and Barry left, Hoskins thought of an idea. He pulled out his phone.

"Hey Ryan, its Me." he said. "We have an opportunity here."

On another part of the island Gray and Zach were travelling in the monorail to the "Gyrosphere Valley", an attraction where people could get inside a giant glass ball and examine large plant-eating dinosaurs up close.

"Hey Zach?" said Gray. "If Mom and Dad get divorced, will one of us be with Mom and the other with Dad?"

"What?" said Zach. "What makes you say that?"

"Because they are." sniffed Gray.

"No, they're not getting divorced." said Zach.

"They have divorce lawyers." said Gray about to burst into tears.

"It doesn't matter. Okay? I'm gonna be gone in a few years anyway." said Zach getting annoyed.

He looked over at Gray who was beginning to cry.

"Oh stop it." said Zach. "There's a point you have to grow up and just deal with life."

Gray sighed and looked out the window, as he did, he saw three odd looking jeeps driving through a herd of Gallimimus below. The jeeps suddenly drove off into the jungle.

At the control room, Grant and Owen had arrived back and were very angry.

"DR. GRANT!" shouted Billy.

"ALAN!" shouted Ellie. She ran over and hugged Grant. "Thank goodness you're okay."

"I'm fine Ellie." said Grant.

"What the hell happened out there!" yelled Owen angrier than ever. "There are thermal cameras all over that paddock! She did NOT just disappear!"

"I don't know what happened, it must have been some sort of.... technical malfunction." said Claire.

"Make that a virus!" said Lowery.

"A virus!?" yelled Claire.

"Yep, half of ALL the parks security cameras aren't working and I can't seem to fix them." said lowery.

"Why would someone put a virus on our computers that would shut off the power?" asked Claire.

"Don't know why but do know who." said Grant looking at a certain computer. "Who ever was sitting at this desk set up a virus on the park's computer system."

"That's Nedry's desk!" said Masrani.

He ran over to Grant.

"Alan's right." said Masrani. "There's a countdown on here to release a virus."

"Why the hell would he put a virus on our computers." asked Claire.

"Hey speaking of Dennis, where is he?" said Lowery.

"He must have ran off when he set up his virus." said Ian.

"Yea but what about the Indominus?!" yelled Grant.

"Well I guess.... perhaps..... The virus messed up the thermal camera's." said Claire looking back at Grant and Owen.

"Unlikely." said Lowery looking at Dennis's computer. "This virus says it was set up AFTER the Indominus set up her trap."

"Okay..... So..... Maybe it WAS a technical malfunction." said Claire.

"Technical!?" yelled Owen. "Were you not paying attention!? She marked up that wall as a distraction! She WANTED us to believe she got out!"

"Boys we are dealing with an animal here." said Claire defensively.

"A highly intelligent one!" snapped Grant.

"Claire." said Vivian. "Their four-hundred meters left to the beacon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Owen.

"I mean is that we sent some troops to re-capture the Indominus." said Vivian. "The troops are less than four-hundred meters away from it."

Else where deep in the jungle, the two jeeps that Gray had seen had joined up with several other jeeps. These jeeps were caring the hunters who were sent to find the Indominus. As soon as they were close enough, the troops stopped their cars and continued on foot. The team were carrying cameras with them so the people in the control room could see how their progress went. As they got out of their jeeps, Owen looked at the screen in the front of the room and was horrified to see the kinds of weapons the men were carrying. Instead of rocket launchers or hunting guns, the men were carrying tranquilizers, tasers, and net launchers.

"You're going after it with non-lethals." he said in horror.

"We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it." said Masrani.

"Those men are gonna die." said Ian in terror.

"300 meters to the beacon." said Vivian.

"Call this mission off right now." said Sarah.

"They're right on top of it." said Masrani.

"Call it off right now!" shouted Billy.

"You six are not in control here!" snapped Claire.

The men quietly lurked through the jungle, keeping their eyes out for the Indominus. The lead man looked at his tracking watcher and saw that they closing in on the animal.

"What's that?" said a hunter.

He was pointing to a white fleshy looking thing across a little creek. The commander walked right up to it, he picked up the object and saw that it was a chunk of flesh from an animal. He then looked at his tracker and saw it was pointing right at the flesh chunk. The man looked underneath the flesh chunk and saw what looked like some sort of signal detector; quickly he showed it to the camera on his tracker to show the people at the control room.

"Oh my god." said Ellie who had realized what the metal thing was.

"Uh..... What is that?" asked Masrani.

"That's her tracking implant." replied Owen.

"The damn thing must have clawed it out." said Grant in horror.

"How would it know to do that?" said Sarah.

"She must have remembered where they put it in." said Grant.

The man holding the flesh chunk examined the tracking implant.

"If this thing is here then she must be close by." he said to his team.

Just then a small drop of blood landed on his arm. The man looked at his arm and saw another drop of blood land on his arm. He then looked up and saw the blood was coming from some leaves dangling from a tree above him. As he stood up, everyone heard crunching noises and birds flying away in fear. The man looked behind him to see the green leaves suddenly turn white. Finally the Indominus's head appeared out of nowhere like a ghost.

"IT CAN CAMOUFLAGE!" shouted the man.

Before he could pull out his taser the Indominus grabbed him with her claws. The other men began to shoot the creature trying to make her let go. At last she did. The man was thrown into the creek face first, when he got up to catch his breath the Indominus stepped on him with her large feet. Her heavy body crushed the man's bones and he was killed instantly.

Everyone at the control room watched in horror.

The men gave the Indominus everything they had, but nothing seemed to work. The Indominus grabbed one human with her hand and threw him against a large tree branch; this broke the man's back and killed him. Another man shot a net at the monster and it caught on the monster's mouth, but the creature pushed over a tree and it fell on top of the one who shot her mouth with a net. The Indominus ripped the net off and roared, she tail whipped four men and bite down on another and ate him. Men began to drag injured men out of the mess. The indominus kicked a small jeep and watched it crash against a tree. One man bravely stood still and shot a tranquilizer gun at the creatures head, hoping to tire it out. Unfortunately the Indominus had thick skin; the tranquilizer darts didn't do a thing. Still the man kept firing; the monster ran over to him with her mouth open and bit down on the man before swallowing him whole.

15 men went into the battle, but only 6 came out alive.

"Evacuate the island." said Owen.

"We'd never reopen." replied Masrani.

"You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time!" said Owen.

"She does not even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves." replied Grant.

"Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" asked Masrani.

"She is learning where she fits in the food chain... and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out." said Ellie.

"Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" shouted Owen.

"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone." snapped Claire.

"You already have." said Ian.

"If you people are not gonna help, there's no reason for you to be in here." replied Claire

Grant walked over to Masrani.

"I would like to have a word with your people in the Lab." he whispered crossly. That thing out there... that's no dinosaur."

Grant, Owen, and the others stepped out furiously. Masrani looked over at Claire.

"So what should we do now?" he asked.

Before Claire could answer, Lowery spoke up.

"Uhh.... guys?" he said. "You might wanna come look at this."

Masrani and Claire walked over to Lowery and looked in horror on his screen.

"OH MY GOD!" yelled Claire.

On Lowery's computer screen, error messages kept popping up saying that electric fences holding in dangerous dinosaurs were failing  

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