Jurassic Universe

By Crede24

234 0 7

a Jurassic Story More

Final Chapter


12 0 0
By Crede24

  At first, Claire didn't know what to do. A carnivorous dinosaur bigger and meaner than a T. rex would surely cause doom all over the island. Suddenly Claire remembered something.

"She has an implant in her back." she said. "I can track it from the control room."

"Alright." said Owen. "You go warn everyone back at the visitor center, I'll go check out those claw marks."

"I'll come with you." said Grant.

"Come on, we've got no time to lose." said Owen.

Claire had jumped in her car and was now driving back to the main visitor center. On her way back she called the main visitor center to send out an alert.

"We have an asset out of containment!" she said speaking into her phone. "Put ACU on alert! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"

Although the park's security was now on high alert, Claire still needed to figure out where the Indominus was. Quickly she called the main control room in the visitor center. Lowery was the one who answered.

"Hello?" he said.

"Lowery! Get me coordinates on the Indominus." said Claire.

"I'm on it." said Lowery.

As he began to look for the I. Rex's location, Masrani who had heard what had happened walked into the room. Billy, Ian, Sarah, and Ellie followed him in.

"You actually made a hybrid Dinosaur, THAT'S INSANE!" said Sarah.

"She's right you know!" said Ellie angrily. "If that thing finds any of the park attractions then you're-"

Masrani interrupted her.

"Look, okay. I understand that it's a danger to the visitors but I promise you that we'll have it recaptured before it can do any harm." he said.

At the back of the room, Dennis had also heard about the escaped dinosaur. He chuckled quietly to himself.

"This is perfect." he said to himself.

With everyone distracted with the escaped Indominus, his chance to steal the embryos had come. Quickly he began to put his plan into action. His plan was to set up a virus on his computer and send it to the other computers in the room. This virus was designed to turn off the security power in the main building such as security cameras and electric powered door locks. Once he had finished setting up the virus, he set it off to infect the power in one minute.

Meanwhile back at the Indominus paddock, Owen, Grant, and two other men opened up a door to the paddock and slowly walked in. One of them was the blue hard-hat man; the other man was wearing a white hard-hat. Inside they saw bones scattered all over the place, as well as several large three-toed footprints in the dirt. It wasn't long before they reached the walls where the claw marks were. The claw marks were right beside the paddocks main gate. They all looked up at the concrete wall and puzzled.

"The walls more than 40 feet high." said the man with the blue-hard hat. "Do you really think she climbed out?"

"That depends." said Owen.

"On what?" asked the man with the blue-hard hat.

"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that Lab." replied Owen.

"God knows what it's capable of doing." said Grant.

Meanwhile at the control room, Dennis had just set off his virus. He waited till no one was looking, and then he quickly took off. Dennis walked over to the storage room where the embryos were stored. The hallway was crowded with tourists from all over the world. Luckily for Dennis, he didn't have to worry about being caught by any tourists since the storage room didn't have a glass wall for tourists to see through like the main lab did. However, the only way to get into the storage room was through a door that was inside the lab.

Dennis looked in the lab and saw that most of the scientists were on break and were all talking to each other while drinking coffee. Now the only thing getting in Dennis's way was the security camera guarding the door. He looked at his watch.

"Only thirty seconds left." he said to himself.

Back in the control room Lowery had finally found the coordinates on the Indominus. But the results that showed up on the big screen surprised everyone.

"Wait, what the hell?" said Lowery.

"Hold on, I thought you said the in.... uh....gallimus escaped." said Ian, who had trouble remembering the Indominus' name.

"We thought so to." said Masrani confused.

"What's wrong?" asked Claire.

"It's in the cage." said Lowery.

"What? That's impossible. I was just there." said Claire.

"I'm sorry Claire but the tracker says it's in the cage." said Lowery

Lowery then looked over at a security camera screen of the Indominus paddock and was horrified.

"Wait a sec. There are people in there." he said looking at the camera screen.

"Hey, one of them looks like Dr. Grant." said Billy.

"Oh my god.... I think it is Alan!" said Ellie in horror.

"Get them out of there now." said Claire whispering in fear. "NOW!"

Vivian wasted no time and called the man with the blue hard-hat with a walkie-talkie.

"Paddock 11, this is Control!" she cried. "Paddock 11, do you copy?!"

Vivian's voice came out scratchy.

"Sounds like some ones trying to call us." said Grant.

The man with the blue hard-hat answered his speaker.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"THE INDOMINUS!! IT'S IN THE CAGE! IT'S STILL IN THE CAGE!" cried Vivian through her speaker.

The four men were horrified.

"GO!" cried Owen.

Grant, Owen, and the man with the white hat dashed for the door, while the guy with the blue hat lagged behind. As he struggled to catch up with the others, he saw something big and white moving through the trees.

"OH SHIT!" he cried.

He then turned around and ran for the main gate.

Owen, Grant, and the man with the white hat were half way to the door when the Indominus pushed through the trees and stood right in front of them. The animal stood more than 20 feet tall and 48 feet long. The monster roared at them and the three men ran back towards the gate.

Owen and Grant were able to outrun the beast but the man with the white hat was scooped up by the animal's large and strong hands. The man screamed in pain and fear but was silenced by the carnivore's sharp teeth. Claire, Masrani, Lowery and everyone else could hear loud chomping and bone crushing sounds from their phones and speakers.

The man with the blue hard-hat had reached the gate panel and began insert the code to open the gate. He looked back to see the Indominus tearing the man with the white hat apart with her claws and teeth. At last, the gate began to open. As soon as it had opened far enough, he dashed out of the pen. But he ran out so fast that he didn't realize that he forgot to shut the gate and that it was still opening.

At the control room, everybody could see the gate opening from the security cameras.

"Close the door." said Masrani.

"We can't lock them in there with that thing!" protested Sarah.

"She's right! They'll be killed!" put in Lowery.

"The Indominus will get out damn it! Now close the door!" snapped Masrani.

Meanwhile, Dennis was counting down the last few seconds before the security camera would go out.

"Five.... four.... three.... two.... one...." he whispered.

At last the camera turned off. Dennis hurried inside the storage room before any of the scientist spotted him. Once he got in, he unscrewed canister the way Dodgson had told him. He then opened up the cold containers that held the dinosaur embryos and began to take them one by one. He started with the carnivore container that held the predatory dinosaur DNA like Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Carnotaurus, and several more.

At the control room, Lowery had just hit the button that controlled the Indominus's gate. The gate stopped opening, but it didn't close. Lowery pressed the button again. Nothing happened.

"Are you deaf!?" shouted Masrani. "I said close the door!"

"I'm trying!" shouted Lowery.

He tried to press the button again, but still nothing happened.

"It's not working!" he panicked.

At the paddock, the Indominus slowed down a little to eat her snack. But as soon as she swallowed the remains of the human, she started to chase Owen and Grant again. The two of them had finally reached the gate and darted out of the pen as fast as they could. Grant ran off to the side of the pen and hid behind the stone wall to keep out of site, while Owen ran to a nearby truck just several yards away from the paddock. Owen quickly crouched to the ground and rolled under the truck to hide.

The two of them could just see each other. They watched in horror as the Indominus approached the gate and roared as she tried to fit through the small gape but got a little stuck. Using her strength, the Indominus pushed the gate further open to get herself unstuck and then stepped onto the white pebble drive-way.

In the storage room, Dennis had finally got all the carnivores and began to steal the herbivores from the second container. He made sure that he took every last one, from the large long-necked sauropods, to the smaller low land grazers. Once he had stolen all of them, he closed the containers to make it look like nothing happened to them and sealed all of them in his shaving cream container to keep them fresh. Now all he had to do was get back to Costa Rica before the embryos spoiled.

At the paddock, the Indominus began to sniff the air to find where the humans went. It wasn't long before she picked up one of their scents. She followed the smell to a small white tow truck. The truck wasn't the one Owen was hiding under, but sitting in-front of this vehicle was the man with the blue hard-hat.

Grant peeked over the wall and watched in horror.

"Come on." he whispered quietly. "Get out of there before it sees you."

But it was too late. The Indominus now had her head directly above the man with the blue hard-hat and could see him perfectly. Some drool from the Indmoinus's mouth fell from her jaws and landed directly on the man's hat. The man cautiously looked up and saw the Indominus staring right at him. Then, using her powerful hands, the Indominus lifted up the truck and threw it in the air. The truck landed upside-down right beside Owen's truck. He quickly shielded his face encase any pieces flew in his direction. Luckily, Owen wasn't hit by anything. Owen opened his eyes and looked at the man with the blue hard-hat.

The man sighed one last time before the predator grabbed him with her jaws and shook him to pieces in her mouth. Grant and Owen turned away in disgust. The Indominus swallowed his remains and started to sniff the air again. Realizing who the creature's next victim was, Owen turned his head over to Grant and held his finger in front of his mouth telling Grant to be quiet. Grant looked at Owen and nodded his head. Wasting no more time, Owen pulled out a pocket knife and cut the trucks fuel line. Greasy, smelly oil poured onto Owen as he began to smear it over his body hoping this would hide his scent. All he could do now was keep quiet and hope for the best.

The Indominus slowly walked over to Owens's truck and lowered her head to find the source of the odd smell. Owen was now just a few feet away from the carnivore's massive jaws. Razor sharp teeth were sticking out from both the lower and upper jaws of the animal. The Indominus purred calmly as she sniffed the truck. Grant watched in horror, he wanted to shout and lure the Indominus away from his new friend but didn't dare to make a sound.

At last, the Indominus reared up and roared. She didn't like the smell of the oil and went off to find more prey. Owen and Grant sighed in relief as they watched the animal depart. Grant walked over to Owen and helped him out from under the truck.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine." replied Owen as he stood up. "But I fear everyone else won't be for long."

With the Indominus out of its pen, all the tourists on the island were now in real danger. They needed to find away to capture or kill the creature before it was too late.  

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