Family is Forever

By Bethxxx0409

13.2K 1K 95

How will Zosia cope when her younger cousin Ali turns up needing a place to stay, reopening family feuds and... More

Part 1-Ali
Part 2-Zosia
Part 3-Ali
Part 4-Zosia
Part 5
Part 6
part 7- Zosia
Part 8- Ali Alone
part 8 take two
Part 9- Zosia
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 Ali's psych consult
Part 13 Zosia
Part 14 hurt and vunerable
Part 15- What Niece
Part 16-for real
Part 17- I'm exhausted
Part 18- eating disorders are terrifiying
Part 19- 3 meals, 3 snacks
Part 20- i did it
Part 21-is that who i think it is?
Part 22 Colette-two weeks later
Part 23 School (a week later)
Bringing Ela home
Hiding and lying
Part 26-Meal with Guy
Part 27
Part 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 the next morning
Chapter 32-you say i'll get better?
Chapter 33-
Chapter 34-day treatment
Chapter 35- lunchtime
Chapter 36 I'll get through it
Chapter 37- Gloucester
Chapter 38- a family
Chapter 39-Mama would know what to do
Chapter 40- Zosia
Chapter 41- shes awake
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- The Zoo
Chapter 44-day treatment
Chapter 45- fireworks night
Chapter 46- make it perfect
Chapter 47-aren't you being efficient
Chapter 48- shopping trip
Chapter 49-pierogi
Chapter 50- I'm just Natalia and that's ok
Chapter 51. 6 months
Chapter 52-where are we going
Chapter 53-There's nothing to talk about
Chapter 54- I Love Her So Much
Part 55
Part 56
Chapter 57- any girl who takes a blade to her skin is not ok
Chapter 58- Useless
Chapter 59
Chapter 60- Christmas Party
Chapter 61 -Wigilia
Chapter 62-meal
Chapter 63- christmas day
Chapter 64- I'm not ok
Chapter 65 Thank God!
Chapter 66 you silly silly girl
Chapter 67-they're here!
Part 68- New Years Eve
69- a chemical imbalance
Chapter 70 - I think I'm going to be ok
71- Good Progress
Chapter 72-pick up some snacks
Part 73- much better
Part 74- Party
Part 75
Part 77-Abby's show
Part 78-positive
Part 79 morning sickness
Chapter 80-shopping
Chapter 81-school will be waiting
Chapter 82- Klaudia's Birthday
Chapter 83- concert
Chapter 84- I can't wait to meet you
Chapter 85-Poland
Chapter 86
Chapter 87- I don't want to die
Chapter 88- I wish Ania was here to see this
Part 89- Do Widzenia
Chapter 90-revision
Chapter 91 Exams
Part 92. Ready?
Chapter 93 school
Chapter 94- our perfect little baby

Part 76-this place works miracles

61 6 0
By Bethxxx0409

Ali was a little subdued after saying goodbye to her Babcia. It wasn't the only goodbye she would have to say. Elsie was leaving day treatment and going back to school. Elsie would still be seeing the clinicians twice a week for an hour but would be almost full time at school. It was her last week and she would be spending three days at day treatment and two in school before transitioning back fully. It was Ali's first day without Elsie. "Ali can I borrow you a minute." Ben the clinician said taking her out of the day room. "I know today will be hard for you, without Elsie, you two are thick as thieves, but we have a new girl starting today Imogen, she likes to be called Immy she's 15 a little younger than you would you be able to take her under your wing?"
"Sure." Ali answered and Ben led her into one of the smaller rooms which Immy was in, along with a few adults. Immy was tall and very thin she had short red hair and a moody expression on her face, she was sat by a woman who must have been her mum. But Ali was looking straight at Serena Campbell, a collègue of Zosia's "wow, Natalia!" Serena looked at the girl who used to look skeletal and now looked normal, slim but normal. "You look well!" Serena smiled at her. "Thanks," Ali said quietly looking at the floor, she struggled to take compliments since she hated the way she looked and well was equal to fat in her head. "What are you doing here?"
"Immy was admitted to AAU last night so I'm here representing the hospital." Serena explained.
"Hi Immy, I'm Natalia but most people call me Ali." Ali said brightly
"Hi" Immy said expressionlessly
"Ali can you take Imogen into the day room and introduce her to everyone."
"Sure." Ali remembered how helpful Elsie had been when she first came to day treatment.
"I remember how hard the first day is but it will get easier." Ali smiled encouragingly.
"Whatever." Immy said. Ali bit her lip and didn't know what to say. Ali brought Immy into the day treatment room, almost everyone had changed since she started the only person still there was Helen who was 32. "Guys this is Immy, and Immy this is Helen, Pam, Bianca, Maisie, Monika and Phoebe. Ali got on well with all the girls currently in day treatment although they were all older than her. Other than Immy and Elsie everyone was at least 20. She got on especially well with Monika, who was 21 and Slovakian, so the both understood what it felt like being a Slavic girl living in the UK. Although Monika had a much stronger accent than Ali. She didn't get on with anyone the way she got on with Elsie or even Abby to a lesser extent. She was thinking about Abby a lot lately since she was going to see her in a dance show at the weekend.
In the smaller room Ben was talking to Serena.Immy's mum and one of her school teachers. "Serena, just quickly, it's probably not best to tell Natalia or anyone with an eating disorder that they look well as to them it can be misconstrued as fat. I know that's not what you meant but still." Ben said
"I know." Serena said "but the last time I saw Natalia she looked like she was at Deaths door and now she looks so good. Obviously there's the weight gain but also the colour in her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes." She looked at Immy mum. "I've seen it so many times before, it takes a lot of hard work but this place, it works miracles."

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