Break Through My Shell (Shout...

By WinterNeko17

328K 9.4K 8.7K

Born with a powerful quirk, you would think that would guarantee you a happy and peaceful life. But that fate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Character Info
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24


8.5K 231 171
By WinterNeko17

"And...remind me why I'm here again..." you muttered, staring up at the large haunted house that stood before you.

"Because Midnight said you had to come with us!" Ashido said happily. "I can't believe we actually managed to get the whole class to come!"

"Right..." you sighed. Shouto had apparently also been reluctant to come, but you were told someone had said something to sway his mind.

"Who's going first?" Uraraka questioned.

Ashido smirked. "Todoroki and (Last Name)!!!"

"Why us?" you grumbled, glaring at her.

"Ehm...because..." Ashido seemed to be at a loss for words; she also seemed to be hiding something.

"Let's just get it over with, (Name)." Shouto took your hand, making you sputter with embarrassment. You weren't acting like your normal self today, something the entirety of class 1-A had noted.

That reason was because you were horrible with scary things.

Especially haunted houses.

"I don't want to," you huffed, digging your feet into the ground. Shouto continued to drag you along, despite your protests.

"Have fun, (Last Name)!" Uraraka and Ashido called out to you. The last thing you saw before the doors of the mansion were shut was that most of the class was smirking at each other like they had a plan.

This wasn't going to end well for you.

You carefully walked around the hallways filled with bloodied carpets and skeletons. It didn't seem to be going to bad, but you had a feeling something was coming.

Lo and behold, something did.

A wet, slimy thing had licked your bare neck; your dumb ass thought it would be fine to just tie your hair up. What happened next surprised the boy standing next to you. He hadn't expected to ever hear what came out of your mouth.

A blood-curdling scream.

You slapped a hand over your mouth, visibly shaking.

"Are you okay?" your dual-haired companion asked. You slowly nodded, your eyes squeezed shut.


From the outside of the building, everyone could hear a scream. They knew it had to have come from you, since Shouto wouldn't have let loose at that high pitch.

"Who knew even (Last Name) got scared at some things," Midoriya commented.

"And they haven't even gotten to the best part yet!"


"I'm going to kill them when we get out," you growled. Your cheeks were a bright red, although thankfully, it was hard to tell because of the dark.

The reason to that was since Shouto could tell you were rattled by the scare, he offered to hold your hand. You had accepted, albeit not without some embarrassment and mumbling.

"I think they said we had to get a piece of paper or something from a room..." Shouto said. His heterochromatic eyes scanned the hallway you were walking down before something breathed down your neck and you flinched.

"Fucking shit." You were in the desperate need to leave, but they said before if you didn't complete the challenge, they were allowed to force you to make out with someone...?

"What's that?" Shouto pointed out a small figure, crumpled against the wall and not moving. You bit your lip as you neared it, your hands trembling.

"It's...not moving..." you whispered, tensing up. Shouto was surprised at the difference in your behaviour. He would've thought this kind of stuff was nothing to you, but it turns out that this was one of your weaknesses.

You peered at it; it looked like a large doll, with straight, blonde hair and milky-white skin.

But then, its head shot upwards to stare at you in a single motion. Its eyes were a dark red—pupil-less and unblinking.


Eventually, you came to a single room. It wasn't too big, but there were several cabinets placed around the room. By now, you were pale and your head was buried in Shouto's chest, the feeling of being afraid of what would happen next to great for you to face it head-on. On the other side of the room, pinned to a bulletin board, was a slip of plain white paper.

"I think we need to get that," Shouto murmured, slowly making his way there. As soon as his hand made contact with it, there was a flash of white.

This day couldn't get any worse.

"Why the fuck am I so tall?" you whimpered. After the darkness of the room had lightened—the flash had temporarily rendered you blind—you found yourself at a height that was much taller than you were used to.

Looking down, you found a head of (hair color) hair buried in your chest, which was shockingly lacking boobs.

"Why does my voice sound male?!?" You watched in horror as the head moved. It had your exact face, with the same length of hair and color of eyes.

"What happened?" Its voice sounded exactly like yours too.

You sighed, facepalming. "I'm pretty sure they set us up for this. To be body-swapped, I mean."

You were no longer afraid.

No, you were pissed off.

Ignoring the rest of the jump scares that had come your way, you stormed through the hallways and down the stairs, until you had burst out through the main doors.

"(Last Name), you look so angry!!!" Ashido chortled. Your eyes, which were now heterochromatic thanks to the fact that you were now in Shouto's body, narrowed.

"So you knew about this?" Your voice was dangerously low, yet controlled at the same time.


At the moment, Shouto—in your body—came running out, panting.


He glanced up at you as he made his way over to you and the rest of class 1-A. They were overflowing with laughs as you shook with anger. You leaned down to whisper something in his ear, your breath tickling his skin, before he nodded.

"She says I have permission to use her quirk and send you flying."

Your body's hands raised—you had explained how to use it too—and when Shouto brought them down, a large burst of energy exploded from the middle of their group, effectively sending them flying. Bakugou swore at you two as he landed face-first on the ground

"What should we do about this?" you asked Shouto.

"They can't have made it last for long... I guess we'll just have to last for now.

Your body was uncomfortable; you weren't used to have the muscles Shouto had, or how much taller you were now. Your voice had also changed to how Shouto sounded, and his had gained the feminine pitch you spoke with.

"Midnight knew about this, by the way," Ashido weakly called out, before face planting into the ground.

"I'm so going to kill her when we get home..."


Nemuri nervously poked her fingers together. " see..." she hedged.

"Whatever. I'm assuming your dad doesn't know about this, so you can stay here if you want," you offered. Nemuri smirked.

"Why don't you try and pretend to be Todoroki, (Name)?"

"Like that would work," you scoffed. But then you hesitated. Endeavour was a pretty big jerk, if you were being honest, and it wouldn't hurt to kick his ass once in a while. Of course, you weren't in your own body, you were in Shouto's.

You would probably end up messing up Shouto's life for him by kicking the fiery ass belonging to Endeavour.

"You know you want to," Nemuri teased.

"I'm going to bed." You turned on your heel, walking up the stairs without a word.

"But it's only five!" Nemuri called after you, before giving up and sighing. She turned to Shouto, who was examining his new body in a non perverted way. "Listen. You must be important to (Name), since she calls you by your first name. So...don't screw this up! You'll win her heart eventually!"

Shouto stared at her before sighing and following you upstairs, leaving your adoptive mother to be alone by herself. "She doesn't know what she's talking about."


"How long is this going to last?" you demanded, grabbed Ashido by the collar.

"Woah, (Last Name), you're starting to act like Bakugou," Uraraka said nervously.

"I'm stuck in Shouto's body," you complained. "I haven't been able to use the washroom, so I've been making him use my quirk so I wouldn't have to go! And he's not used to it either, so he accidentally created an explosion in my room."

Of course, Aizawa just had to choose that moment to walk in the door. "I've been informed of your situation, (Last Name) and Todoroki."

Kaminari and Kirishima, who were walking in behind him, were unable to contain their snickers, bursting out laughing. In the yellow-haired boy's hands was a camera; he was prepared to take as many pictures as possible to blackmail and embarrass you in the future.

"Fuck..." you groaned, slumping into your seat. You noticed Shouto arriving, stepping into the classroom with his bag in hand. Even if he was in your body, he still had the apathetic expression he normally wore, although you supposed it was no different from how you looked anyways.

Then, your memories from that morning surfaced, and your face flushed as you smacked your head into the desk.

You had to change into your school uniforms in the wrong gender's body.

Thankfully, your actual body was still wearing undergarments, so Shouto couldn't see the more intimate parts of you. But it was still quite flustering to know that he now knew what every curve in your body looked like. He also had to be quite uncomfortable wearing a skirt and having breasts, but it couldn't be helped.

You recalled that you were supposed to be doing hero training later, which would very difficult for you to accomplish, given the fact that you didn't know how to use Shouto's quirk properly.

"(Last Name), don't worry, it'll only last the rest of the day," Midoriya reassured you. You glared at him.

"Why did you have to pick me?"

He chuckled nervously. "I didn't pick... Ashido did."

You huffed. The pink-skinned girl was way too extra, if you were being honest. You didn't know what she hoped to accomplish by doing this.

The first half of the day went by rather quickly, which was lucky for you. During lunch, however, a certain male with an inferiority complex had come up to you to bother you and your friends.

"Oh, look! It's the 1-A scum." Monoma had come up to you again with the demeaning look on his face that he usually wore when he was talking to anyone from your class.

"Fuck off, please," you responded, glaring at him.

"That's something I expected her to say, not you, Todoroki," Monoma smirked, pointing at your body. "It seems to me like your class enjoys insulting people."

You sighed, giving him a cold stare. "I'm (Last Name), not Shouto. We got our stupid bodies switched," you grumbled. He made an 'oh' sound, however, he didn't sound surprised. It was more like he was mocking you.

"You must be really dumb for that to happen to you! I mean—"

Kendou had come up to you, chopping the side of his neck like she normally did and knocking him out.

"Sorry about him!" she said cheerfully.

You nodded gratefully to her. "Thanks, Kendou."

She looked stunned. "How did you know my name? I don't think we've ever talked before, Todoroki."

You were honestly getting quite tired of having to describe your situation to people, but nevertheless, you did. "We've been body swapped," you explained, gesturing to yourself and Shouto in your body. "I'm (Last Name), not Shouto."

"Ohhh. Well, bye then! I'll be taking him too." She picked up Monoma by his collar and dragged him away, smiling.

"I can't wait for this to be over..."


"Finally!" you cried. By the time the last bell rang, your mind had been transferred to the correct body. Your entire day had been a whole pain, especially the training you had to do earlier.

Your entire class had been paired up and were supposed to spar against each other. Since you and Shouto had been body-swapped, the two of you were partners.

Of course, even with his strength, you couldn't beat him in a hand to hand combat. After he gave you instructions on how to use his ice quirk, you started to fight. Given the fact that he only knew how to blow up people, you ended up having to dodge his attacks and create ice pillars wherever you could, which wasn't helpful whatsoever.

He also didn't know your limit on using your quirk, so in the middle of the fight, he had complained of having a headache, which made you roll your eyes and sigh.

Now that you were in your proper body, you felt more comfortable than ever. recalled dreaming of something last night. It was most likely one of Shouto's memories. He was watching three other kids play happily together, while he was forced to train endlessly. Names had flashed through your head as you glanced at each of them.

A girl with white hair and red streaks in it—Fuyumi.

A boy with spiky white hair—Natsuo.

Another boy with dark red hair—Touya.

Shouto truly had a sad childhood, one full of disappointment, anger, and frustration at his lack of freedom.

It made something in your heart burn even more for him.


"Did you get the pictures?"

"Yep! The best pictures ever, featuring (Last Name) and Todoroki screwing up and looking stupid!"

BTW I won't be here for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to update. Sorry!!! >-<

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