My Vow To You

By therealhana

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"We've just made a ground breaking discovery that will change the course of humanity altogether! Someone noti... More

Important Note
Please Read
Visit to the Past
Make it All STOP! Please... Make it Stop.
Flush of Colour
Excuse Me
White Collar Crime (I)
White Collar Crime (II)
Whole New World
Three's a Crowd
Formally Introduced
Punish the Sin
Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!!

Six Years Later

237 15 582
By therealhana

AN:- HEYA everyone! Here's the next part of my vow to you. This chapter may start off a little confusing but if you keep reading, all will soon begin to make sense to you and also maybe peek a glance at the chapter title and that should also help to clear things up! 😆😆

I hope you all enjoy it and if you do please let me know! Your comments about what's happening and what you think of my story always make my day and I love them!

All those people specifically BakinAndCakin   and SHINeeHouseWife , I am soooo grateful for you two always voting and commenting! ♥️♥️ You both are angels and I adore you both so much!

Now on with the story and as always enjoy! 💞🌟 Also please do take the time out to admire our handsome JongHyun's GIF up there! I know I did!!! 🤩

Rolling over fitfully on my bedsheets for what was quite literally the hundredth time now, I eventually gave up trying to get back to sleep and sighed before swinging my legs over the bed to land onto the plush carpet underneath. I dug my bare feet into the soft fluffy material, stretching my weary limbs out before rising completely from the bed to hobble tiredly towards the kitchen.

Blandly I walked into my small 'state of the art' kitchen as Lisa liked to call it every time she came over, flicking the lights on to make myself a small cup of chamomile tea. Sleep had always been an enemy of mine and I was resignedly making the tea in hopes that it would help me get to sleep, even for just a small while seeing as I only had about four hours left till I had to wake up for work anyway but sleep a bit nonetheless.

The lights were dim as they turned on and gradually picked up, brightening into a beautiful white that reflected off the kitchen appliances, illuminating the entire room. I yawned as I stood by the counter waiting for the kettle to boil, my fingers impatiently drumming out a random slow beat on the impeccably clean, sparkling marble tops.

I had a busy day ahead of me tomorrow and needed myself to be a hundred percent for it. I couldn't afford at this stage to be tardy and mess up anyhow. It wasn't just my career on the line but multiple other lives rested on the success of this project as well. It was not something to be taken lightly at all and I did not intend to let my insomnia get the better of me. I would just deal with it and tackle it one day at a time as I had been doing for the past six years...

Even in this sleep deprived, foggy state of mind I could not shake off the uneasiness as my brain forced me to register the fact that it had been six long painful years now since that day...

Shaking my head forcefully, I erased my mind from going down that dark road again and rested my limp, heavy arms on the counter, head in my hands. Massaging my faintly throbbing temples, I blearily watched numerous puffs of smoke continuously rise up from my royal turquoise blue cup in a mesmerised trance, my left pinky finger wafting up to play with it's translucent ink like strands.

"So pretty." I murmured breathlessly to myself, the tiniest hint of an uplift on my lips. "So, so pret-..."

My gaze unexpectedly then caught onto the small diamond ring on my left index finger and my happy trance vanished immediately, a torrid of horrible emotions sucking through me. My gaze soured instantly and abruptly I dropped my hand, not wanting to view it any longer and grabbed the cup motionlessly in my suddenly freezing palms, briskly striding into the living room.

On my way out I monotonously switched the lights for the kitchen off, standing there like a glass statue watching the lights dim out just as I had watched them flicker to life moments ago.

I didn't bother turning the living room lights on, instead choosing to settle down comfortably on the black suede couch right in the middle. Sighing a little more, I leaned my head backwards just as I clicked the TV on to some random programme that Lisa had been watching when she came over in the evening earlier today. It was some soap drama that she liked to watch and I allowed myself a small fond scoff at her interest in stupid stuff like this before quickly switching over to the news channel. That was more my forte, be it bland and boring as Lisa nonstop complained it was. The news was the only real reason I even had a television in the first place and when I had confided that revelation with Lisa, she had only gaped horrifically at me before shaking her head in disappointment, all whilst murmuring something about 'lost and hopeless cases' under her breath.

The girl amused me with her easily diverted attention span and interest in things I myself had given up a long, long while ago. She was my senior by a couple of months- almost an entire year, but no one would ever be able to believe, that from amongst us two she was the older one and it was actually I who was her junior, her Dongsaeng.

Lisa by nature and mannerisms was the chirpier, more livelier one and I was the sullen faced, extremely mundane and dry one. People when spotted us two together always got so confused because she was more outgoing and friendlier than I was by a looong mile, yet she never seemed to feel the need to leave my side and join the others, always insisting that my moody face was enough for her.

At first I had hated her because to me it was as if she pitied my lonely status in the lab and was just being empathetic; something I didn't want at all! However I had been forced to change my mind about her- albeit very reluctantly I'll add, because the woman it seemed was genuine and was my 'friend' out of free choice and not just sympathy as I had wrongly assumed.

Even her appearance was youthful and bubbly and the splash of colours she, in my opinion, mercilessly exploited in her wardrobe was ample enough evidence of that. I was then quite naturally more into all the different shades of black, colour by far not existing at all in any of my wardrobe ensembles.

We were two opposite poles of a magnet yet she was the only one I could stand to be around and in ways more than one I was grateful for her companionship and friendly nature. After all, she was the only one who even approached me in the lab where we both worked side by side, the others all wary and hesitant of me.

Scoffing silently I admitted that their resistance towards me was my own doing and I couldn't fault them for it, as I myself never bothered to make an effort with anyone either. I was a loner, someone who was hating and bitter of all those things that were good and pure. My persona was damp and dull and that reflected in every aspect of my life. Loneliness seemed to be firmly etched into every path of life I chose to walk on.

My palms shook as those familiar words vibrated cruelly in my mind, her young beautiful face contorting into a sneer as she spat out those words, with her big hazel coloured, almond eyes full of tears.

Snap out of it TaeHee! 

I firmly rebuked myself for going down that same distressing route again. I harshly tugged at my scalp in punishment, acting as if that would stop the remembrance of such events.

Sighing I took a sip of my hot tea as I peered interestedly over the rim of my cup into the now lit up screen with a keen gaze to see if there was news of any importance playing. An image of a young and fairly attractive man in a black, impeccably tailored, designer suit came onto the screen and I frowned a little, reaching for the remote to turn the volume up a little.

"Wonder who this pretty rich boy is?" I spoke to myself as the volume of the news lady increased.

The headlines were big and bold capitalising the words of 'self made' and 'novel citizen changing the lives of people everywhere'. For the news channels to be so hung up on one of the countries rich boys was to me weird enough but the added glowing compliments was the cherry on top and what really kept me halted in place, wanting to know more about him and his so called 'greatness'.

"... expanding his multi billion empire with a speed never seen before!"

Interest slightly piqued at this so called 'pretty boy billionaire' I put the remote down, not intending on changing the channel anymore to see exactly why this man was on the news. There were rich businessman all over the globe, yet none of them ever came onto the news with such broad, rosy headlines.

"Yes Stacey I agree with you on that." Another woman spoke up, nodding her head in agreement. "Why it was only early last year that he began this new endeavour of his and within the short span of a few months he's brought it up to heights that no one could have ever even thought possible! It was something of a hopeless case when he took it on and now it's become one of the countries soaring stars."

"It's also been reported in recent news that his new technology company will be the one to lend it's facilities to this project that the government is working on to better the lives of us civilians."

My brows furrowed in sudden alarming confusion at that.

Wait! Hold up! Project...?

Surely they didn't mean the one that we were working on in Byeol Labs...

But it couldn't be that one... could it? It was highly classified information and kept top secret, with only a few minimals knowing of its existence.

Did that mean that this pretty rich boy had been trusted by government officials to know the secrets of the project we were working on?

No civilians were meant to find out about this 'bettering the lives of humanity' project that we doctors had been working on in Byeol Labs and I was seriously interested for some reason in knowing why this pretty rich boy had been trusted to know such a great thing...

Exactly who was he?

I made a mental note in my head to speak to my senior, Dr Lee about this next morning when I went into work. He would surely have the answers for this question of mine as he was the one who was overseeing majority of this project anyways. Still deep in thought I tuned back into what the ladies were saying, my eyes now beginning to droop, sleep slowly overcoming me. My mind was getting foggier with each passing second, the need to sleep gently overriding my troublesome insomnia.

Yawning I placed my cup all disoriented and dazed on the coffee table in front of me and with a sleepy face pulled my body into a horizontal position on the couch, my eyes steadily fluttering close.

"... wait and see what his newest advancement will be. After all he is every bit self made as they come by and did you know that his wort..."

The voices of the news reporter ladies slowly yet surely drowned out as the effects of the chamomile tea kicked into my system and I was whisked away into the land of dreams and make believe. I only wished that mine were as pleasant as everyone else's were, my weary mind dreading having to relive again and again what had happened six years ago on that absolutely horrid, horrid day.

Even though it had been years since I had slept a dream free sleep I still hoped every night that I wouldn't be subjected to my subconscious and wake up for once in my life without the burden of my past heavy on my shoulders.

Restlessly my mind eventually stopped overthinking everything and I finally fell into a deep sleep, not knowing what awaited me this time round.

Oh God, please don't let me dream tonight! I'm begging you to keep my dreams away...

Please don't plague me... Please...



"I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled back, voice hoarse with panic and frustration.

I wiped my face free of tears as I spoke. "I've told you all I do know again and again! What more do you want from me!?"

"HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHERE SHE IS?!" She shook me by the shoulders harshly, her long nails digging painfully into my flesh.

"You're hurting me." I twisted and turned in her tight grip, whimpering as her nails drew more fresh blood, trying to get out of her grip.

"Let go of me!"


"I TOLD YOU!" I was close to sobbing out my pleas by now.

"I don't know where she is! I swear to you that I don't know anything about where she is!"

She shot me a hateful look, her stance telling me she wouldn't ever believe a word that came out of my mouth. She never had believed me before so why would she start now. Her glare was piercing through me, the look in her eyes so menacing, it was chilling. I shivered as I stared her dead in the eyes, willing her to somehow see my utmost sincerity.

"Please believe me!"

I was ready to beg on my knees before her. If that's what it took for her to believe me then I was ready to throw my pride out the window and beg like the pauper she had always seen me as, on my battered knees on this dirty, rough floor.

"I swear to you that I don't know anything!"

"It should have been you." Her hold weakened as she began to sob.

Her cries bounced like alarm bells in my ears. She looked nothing like the strong, ferocious woman I identified her as. Before me was a broken, weak woman who had succumbed to her pain. Her stance was that of a wounded lioness, her cries akin to that of a wild, manic banshee let free.

Sharp. Her wails were sharp and cut through the air, straight into my heart, searing my chest open at the raw vulnerability in her broken sobs.

"IT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HER!" She screamed out as loud as she could. "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU!"



I stood paralysed to the spot as her words ran marathons in my mind again and again. A single teardrop feel from my eyes splashing onto her hand that covered her face as she wailed and that snapped her out of whatever haze she had lost herself in, to once again glare venomously at me.

"It should have been you TaeHee." She snarled, her words ripping my already wounded heart to pieces. "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU DAMMIT!"

She fell to the ground as she broke down into heart wrenching tears, her face showing just how deeply wound up she was. I felt like I couldn't move, my brain unwilling to accept what was happening.

"No, no." I murmured looking down in horror at her. "You- you don't mean that!"


She pushed me away from herself harshly and I staggered back my hands clutching desperately at the banister to keep from falling. My palms wet with horrified sweat slipped off the wooden post and I fell clumsily down to the ground like a limp rag doll, banging my head against the last step of the stairs, stars beginning to swirl in my teary eyes.


She dragged herself forcefully off of the floor with some sort of invisible vengeance, advancing towards my immobile body on the ground by the stairs, falling down pitifully near me. Her hands weakly tugged at my clothing as she rained down merciless blows on my battered body and all I could do was stare blankly at her hating face as she wept and continued to inflict pain on my numb body with both her fists and dagger like words.

"Please..." I whimpered. "Please stop..."


Curling up into a ball I tucked my arms underneath my head, the sticky substance of my blood leaking all over the floor and onto my fingers.

"Stop, please stop."


"Please." I was broken. "Please stop..."

I repeated that like a broken mantra again and again but it was to no avail as with a final loud, deafening shriek she brought down her fists a threatening flash of silver shining in them-


Gasping I shrieked out loud, my eyes shooting open as the telltale sound of my alarm vibrated it's tune in the otherwise deathly still atmosphere. My heartbeat pounded furiously in my ribcage threatening to tear out of my chest, and I heaved out a large ragged sigh looking manically around me for the cause of my distress. My entire body was slick with the substance of sweat and it poured down my face like a waterfall, it's shiny pearls glinting in the early morning sun.

"It was just a dream TaeHee." I whispered, hiccuping fearfully as I tried to soothe myself. "Calm down. It's not real. She's not here. You're safe. It's okay."

I ran shaking palms through my wet scalp, feeling the cold shivers that I had awoken all worked up in. My fingers unconsciously traveled under my shirt and began to trace the jagged marks on my abdomen and chest, my eyes beginning to well up again as my hand flew over that puckered out skin.

Taking long deep breaths I attempted to calm down my racing heartbeat by thinking positive thoughts. My palms withdrew from my skin and I clenched them tightly into fists, needing to feel some sort of sharp sensation, anything to tell me that I was okay and not back there again.

Think of Lisa.

Think of your project.

Come on TaeHee, calm down. It's all going to be okay. You're safe here. No one can get to you here.


Safe. You're safe now. You're safe...

My alarm began to ring again and with jittery nerves I hesitantly slid off the couch, still trembling harshly and made my way slowly into my bedroom to turn it off. Grasping under my pillows I dug out my phone and turned the alarm off, putting the phone down onto my dressing table before going into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

I took longer than usual in the shower today, partly because I needed to reassure myself that I was indeed okay and the other part because I genuinely was more shaken up than I would ever let on and had no sense of time at the given moment.

Watching the steam billow around my naked body gave me a weird sense of assurity and I felt myself gradually calming down the more I focused on the gassy fumes surrounding me then the turmoil in my mind. Eventually my skin began to prune up and with an elongated deep breath I stepped out the shower, rubbing my hands over my face and got ready for work, a little more robotically than usual.

It's not like I was unaware of what I was doing or if I was trying to tune it out, in fact it was the complete opposite. I knew exactly what was happening and that was the only thing keeping me going. Over the years I had needed to be aware of all that was around me or else I would fall into a panicked state and more than often that meant I was detained on a hospital bed for days on end till I was deemed 'okay'.

But what was okay really? The term was so loosely thrown around here and there but did anyone really know what it meant? What did it mean to be okay? How would one define such a subjective term? Could it even be defined?

Shaking myself off, I glanced fearfully a final time in the mirror on my way out the house, satisfied that I didn't look as dead as I felt on the inside and with a grimace of a smile I grabbed my coat, keys, phone and purse and walked out my house, locking it firmly behind me.

The drive to the labs was long but there was little to no hustle on the roads seeing as it was just six in the morning so I was able to get there in record time, parking in my designated spot swiftly before hurrying inside. It was nice and cool inside, the air con already having been switched on by the guards and for me it was more than refreshing as I couldn't work well in humid weather.

"Morning Dr TaeHee." The young man at the receptionist waved a friendly hand my way.

Looking up at him, I tilted my head to the side in acknowledgment.

"Hey Cub."

At that his professional look dropped immediately as he scowled petulantly at me. Seeing it, my heart lightened and my lips curled up a tiny fraction.


His look, him, it was all comforting.

You're going to be okay now TaeHee, just stop thinking about it. You're okay...

"Nuna!" He whined. "You promised me you would stop calling me that!"

I gave him a small amused look. "I remember no such agreement Cub."

I walked forwards towards his desk and signed myself in, taking my badge out of my purse and putting in on round my neck, whilst he continued to pout petulantly like a young child at me.

"Aish Nuna, you're always trying to embarrass me."

I chortled as I lightly pinched his puffed out cheek. "I'm your Nuna. It's my job to embarrass you."

His cheeks suddenly tinged pink. "Nuna!" He gasped, looking around skittishly.

"What?" I asked, most definitely more than amused at his blushing antics. "What've I done to your precious manly reputation now!?"

"Not mine." He hissed. "Yours!"

I gave him an odd look. "What about mine?"

He raised his hands to his lips in mock horror, eyes shining as he explained. "Someone could have seen you being all sweet and affectionate like that with me and it would have totally destroyed your cold and heartless image in the lab."

"Oh ha ha, JaeWon." I deadpanned as he snickered at the unamused look on my face. "You're so funny."

"I know I am." He bowed happily in his seat. "Thank you, thank you."

"Shurrup Cub, or else I will do something to tarnish that handsome, mysterious vibe you put on every time the ladies from the eleventh floor come down."

His face immediately flushed red. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

He pretended to shuffle papers around, his lips upturned in the smallest of smiles at the mention of the ladies he became a pile of goo by just seeing a mere glimpse of. It wasn't even all the ladies that had him goo-goo gaga, more like just one very beautiful petite redhead that set his heart aflame every time she so much as breathed.

Hiding my own smirk I reached down and snatched the papers out his hands making him look up at me in embarrassed dismay.


Chuckling I ruffled his messy head of dark blue hair before waving him goodbye. "See you later Cub."

"Oh Nuna, wait up!" He suddenly sprung to his feet waving a thick yellow letter around. "I almost forgot about this letter that came in the post for you!"

Frowning I waited for him to catch up with me before slowly taking the document off of him.

"This came posted to the lab?" I questioned him, confusion heavy in my tone of voice. "For me?"

He nodded. "It came this morning, just a few minutes before you came in actually."

"Hmm." I examined the penmanship on the front, feeling like it was oddly familiar for some reason.

"Oh and some little boy was the one to drop it off here, not the postman which was weird but I suppose he may just be one of your fanboys so I didn't think too much of it."

"My fanboy?" I was not at all amused at the sly smirk he was harbouring.

"Ooooor, he could be delivering the letter for his older brother or heck it might have even been from the lads father!" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at me. "You certainly are beautiful enough to attract men of all ages and types!"

"You're going to get really badly slapped by me one of these days." I gave him a scathing look as he dissolved into fits of laughter.

"Fanboys." I grumbled. "Pssht." I scoffed. "As if!"

"Well Nuna despite being all cold and as standoffish as you are, you have still managed to amass together quite a fanboy base and I think it's about due time they all stepped up and started showing you how much they love you."

"What the..." I raised a single brow up. "Do you want to die by my hands JaeWon?"

"Wuv you soooo much, my pretty, icy cold Nuna!" He made a baby face at me.

"You soo need to get laid."

I then stated in response to his cute face in an 'as a matter of fact' tone, as I slipped the envelope gingerly into my purse, mind still running thoughts around, about who had sent it and why.

"Maybe you should ask your voluptuous redhead from the eleventh floor to help you out with that particular need, cub." I said, patting his stupefied face with a knowing smirk.

JaeWon spluttered on his spit as he gaped in horror at me. "N-NUNA!"

Chuckling I gave him a 'what did I say' look.

"Yes, my number one Cub, who is also a pretty decent human?" I batted my lashes comically as I looked at him.

"Aish! One of these days your surprise comments will kill me!" He muttered, cheeks a nice rosy pink colour, as he walked back slowly to the receptionist desk.

Shaking my head at his drama I gave him a final cheeky wave before hurrying into the elevator.

"Don't mess with the queen, Cub." I said over my shoulder.

"Why not?" He threw back, face still red.

I chuckled humorously as I entered the lift. When would he learn that it was useless going up against me. I would always have the last word no matter what new tactic he tried to use, to catch me off guard.

"Because you're guaranteed to lose my love."

I made a peace out sign as the doors began to slide close.

"You know I think I might pop over to the eleventh floor today."

His face shot up just in the nick of time, his look one of petrifaction.

"You wouldn't." He croaked.

I curled my eyebrow up, not replying as the lift doors closed on his horrified ashen face. Snorting out loud I pulled my phone out to check the time and to see that Dr Lee had messaged us all on the group chat we had all made to stay in direct contact with the other.

Floor fifteen was where the experiments were usually going on but today for some reason Dr Lee had wanted us all to meet beforehand in meeting room three which was on floor twenty, for some important announcement he had to make.

Clicking the appropriate button I crossed my legs over the other, tapping my foot on the ground and waited patiently as the numbers on the screen above flashed the number of each floor we passed. Suddenly the lift came to a jolting stop at floor seven and I frowned looking up from my phone to see why. My question was answered soon enough when the doors opened and a bubbly mop of green hair whizzed inside, said person shooting me a smile on the way.

"Morning Dr TaeHee."

Mentally groaning I bobbed my head faintly in their direction, looking down again without even replying, so not in the mood to make conversation with him today. Unfortunately for me he didn't take the hint however and continued in his useless attempts to make small talk despite my more than obvious actions at not wanting to indulge in any at all.

"You look fresh today!" He was so darn cheerful all the time and it bugged me to no end. "Did you sleep really well last night? You're glowing!"

I rolled my eyes at him, my mind unfortunately sprinting back to my so called 'good sleep' that had me glowing for this fool. With a restraint I knew not I had I gave him a terse grimace of a smile and nodded once more, willing my heart to calm down. My mouth dried up as the scenes began to play again in my mind.

The tight space of the elevator was making me feel claustrophobic all of a sudden and I willed floor twenty to come soon or else I feared what could potentially happen to me if I wasn't able to calm down.

If there was someone that I didn't want to break down in front of then it was this mint head, Dr Daniel or Doc Danny as he liked to be called. He was something of a persistent bug and in his no sense mind if he carried on 'exerting his undeniable charm' on me then I was for sure to one day give into his advances. Pathetic bullshit was what it really was and I wished with all I had in me that he would stop because it was getting lame and annoying and I could only be polite for so long before I snapped his head off with a fiery remark that would for sure leave him a lot less manlier than he deemed himself to be.

"Hey." He touched my arm. "You okay? You look a little flushed."

I hadn't even noticed his growing proximity and as soon as I did I shrunk away instantly.

"I-I'm fine." I waved his hands off of me.

"Aah I see what it is!" He clapped his hands joyously together after a long second of peering at my slowly reddening face.

Why the fuck was he so close to my face?

I was already having trouble clearing my head and his face in mine was not helping things at all.

"Ah Dr TaeHee you're so cute."

I didn't say anything, knowing full well he was going to spout some rubbish out as usual and instead focused my mind on keeping cool. The shivers I had felt in my dream were coming back to me and I was finding it hard to keep my breathing in check, loud pants coming out from my tightly pursed lips.

"Woah Dr TaeHee! Calm down!" He rubbed my back. "Don't get that flustered by my touches."


I groaned out as a dull pain began to fill my body, whilst still subsequently finding time to roll my eyes at his nonsense words. My head was beginning to pound with the images of the woman again, my breathing getting deep and shallow as I recalled how I felt when she came nearer to my body all helpless and limp on the floor like that.

"Aww Dr TaeHee I knew you were an old softie on the inside."

The idiot continued to babble in front of me, not realising how I was finding it hard to even breathe now.

Some professional he was, I thought bitterly.

"I kept on telling everyone that you secretly did hold a fancy for me and enjoyed my chasing you as you continued to put up a fake resistance." He laughed loudly and I flinched at the fake sound.

Was this guy for real?

He needed to get himself checked into a mental ward because I was sure there were more than a few lose screws in that mint head of his.

"Wait till I tell them all that you've agreed to go out with me and how happy you get in my presence!" He winked at that, nudging his shoulder with mine in a flirtatious manner.

I clutched at his shirt like a madwoman.

"Woah!" He smirked. "Easy there baby girl." He purred, making me retch in the back of my mouth.

As hard as I could I pushed him to the side and as far away from me as possible in this small space, as I slammed my hand down repeatedly on the emergency button. My eyes were tearing up and I tried so hard not to burst out in tears, hating the mint head next to me for bringing up what I had tried so hard to forget and cage to the back of my mind.

Truth be told his words shouldn't have even affected me so badly but the tight confines of the lift had made me feel as if I was back in that house again and that had been enough to trigger the start of my emotional breakdown.

"Oh god!" My voice was all croaky and hoarse as I pounded my stinging palms against the cold metal.

"Woah darling! Calm down." He tried to pull me into his chest but I thrashed around pushing him away again.

Seriously was this man in his right state of mind!? Why did he keep fucking coming towards me?! Who did he think he was to touch me like that!?

"Please ope-"

My words cut off mid way as the lift shuddered to a stop and the doors suddenly whizzed open and seeing as I was leaning on them I fell out, about to go face first onto the floor, only to go crashing into a hard body instead. My arms went up to wrap around my head in attempts to cushion my fall from the hard marble I was about to go head into but the chest I had fallen into did that better and as I fell I felt nothing but a strong musky scent envelope me, my heart finding solace in it for some reason.

"Oomph!" My voice muffled into the chest of the person I was caged in.

"Woa-" Their words cut off as I stumbled straight into them.



"Dr TaeHee!"

Multiple voices rang in my head as I slowly lifted my heavy head and peered up, my unshed tears having fallen down onto my cheeks anyway. Looking up my watery eyes met the worried yet insanely beautiful mocha orbs of the person I had made my unfortunate human cushion.

I had been steadily getting to my feet when I stopped dead in my tracks the intensity of my 'saviours' gaze halting me to place.

Those eyes were so familiar...

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