| SAVAGES | Detroit: Become H...

By TheFriendOfDorothy

1.8K 122 16

"I'm not afraid of God, I am afraid of man." - The world is cruel and unfair, Korra knew that and never thoug... More

Cast and Song Playlist
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Four Bars Later
Chapter 3: The Crime Scene
Chapter 4: Deviant Discovered
Chapter 10: The Chase
Chapter 11: Numb
Chapter 12: Interference
Chapter 13: Poison of Choice
Chapter 14: Haunted
Chapter 15: She
Chapter 16: Stepping Back
✨Authors Note✨ New Chapter Soon!!!
Chapter 17: Back to Work
Chapter 18: I Have To Know
Chapter 19: Crumbling
Chapter 20: Conflict of Interest

Chapter 9: A Rude Awakening

103 7 1
By TheFriendOfDorothy

"To put it lightly, I've looked better."


The next morning, woke up in my bed to an unusual sound. Originally I thought it was Koda, my dog, making his typical husky noises. However, I soon realized that he was sound asleep at the foot of my bed.

Sitting up, I realized it was the buzzer by the front door, signaling that someone wanted to see me.

Looking over to my phone to check the time, I sighed, "Who the fuck is buzzing my apartment on my day off?... Who the fuck buzzes me period?" 

Groaning as I rolled out of bed, I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand, almost knocking Koda off the bed in the process. Once I had sluggishly gotten to the door, I pressed the button that unlocked the door downstairs and waited for whoever it was to get up here.

Turning to the window above the sink, I padded to it and opened the curtains, revealing my reflection. I had a serious case of bed-head and my mascara from last night had rubbed off below my eyes. Not to mention I was only wearing a pair of running shorts and a Detroit Pride 2027 T-shirt which I had impulsively cut into a crop top. To put it lightly, I've looked better.

"Ugh I don't care, I was sleeping," I grunted and tugged on the edges of the shorts, quickly rushing my fingers through my raven colored locks. Struggling with my tangled mess of hair for barely even a minute, I finally heard a knock at the door. I instantly walked up to the door and looked through the peep whole to a sight I hadn't anticipated. "What the fuck?" I breathed and opened the door to reveal Connor.

"Good morning, Korra," he greeted.

I paused for a moment, confused as to why Connor could be here this early in the morning, and on my day off. "Morning, Connor. What are you doing here? You are aware that it's my day off, correct?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest in realization that I had no bra on either.

"I'm aware and I apologize for disturbing you but as of this morning you have officially been assigned to the deviancy case with the Lieutenant and I. Lieutenant Anderson called you six times while we were on the way over to inform you. Were you unable to hear your phone?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Sorry but I was still asleep... I'll just get ready quickly then," I said backing up to let him inside. Connor nodded and walked into the apartment, following me into the living room. As he quickly glanced around he saw the hallway to the back of the room that led to the bedroom and bathroom. He seemed very curious as he took in all the decorations, or more a lack of decorations.

"I'll be ready in a few minutes, you can do whatever until I'm done. Just don't mind Koda, he can get very energetic in the morning." Turning on my heel, I swiftly walked back to my bedroom while Connor kept himself occupied with the dog. I quickly whipped out underwear, a tank top, high waisted jeans, and black flats from my closet. Within moments, I had my bra, pants, and flats on my body, but somehow I managed to lose the shirt in the process.

"Oh, what the fuck?" I whispered and began frantically looking for it. After a few moments I gave up and returned to the dresser and pulled out a black long sleeve. Just as I was about to throw it on, I stopped suddenly as I heard footsteps approach through the hallway.

Turning my body slightly, my eyes instantly met Connors who was looking at me through the open door.

My eyes went wide as my cheeks began to flush with a blood-red blush. Connor, unaware of social boundaries, appeared to scan me after he saw my surprised reaction. In a panic, I promptly wrapped my arms around my chest and spun around with my back now facing Connor.

"Uh, Connor, could you go back to the living room until I'm done," I quickly said, cringing in embarrassment at the entire situation.

"Of course," Connor nonchalantly said and returned to the living room, confused as to why I had reacted the way I did.

Once he was gone, I threw my shirt on and tried to calm myself down by steadily taking deep breaths. After just breathing for a minute, I felt my cheeks begin to cool down as my heart stopped pounding in my chest. I swear, the first time I have some semblance of a person over my apartment they peep on my while I'm changing. It's not the strangest twenty-four hours I've had but it's definitely up there. 

Shaking it off, I swiped my phone from my nightstand and quickly called Hank, telling him we would be down in a minute. Once I hung up, I took my glasses of my face and placed the large circular lenses down on the dresser, grabbing my contact case instead and walking away.

Going back out into the living room, I saw Connor looking at a shelf of picture frames. Observing him, I grew nervous as he seemed to stop over a particular photo. I cleared my throat, gaining his attention and he promptly stopped looking at the aged frame.

"L-let's get going, Hank will probably kill me if I waste any more time," I said shakily, still cringing at myself for how careless I had been. Connor nodded and followed me back into the kitchen, patiently waiting as I tied my high tops and grabbed a black coat and my bag from the coat hangar. Now going to open the door, Connor followed me closely as we quickly treaded down the stairs and out to the front of the building.

The two of us continued to walk out to Hanks car in complete silence, I was mentally pulling myself apart because of that awkward moment while Connor acted as neutral as always.

Once we approached the car, I sighed as I remembered that Hank's car was a two door, meaning I'd have to pull back the passenger seat to get to the back.

"Took you guys long enough," Hank said as I opened the car door and proceeded to get into the back seat, bitching and moaning along the way of course. Once back there I face planted into the row of seats, still sleepy from that rude awakening. Hank rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly to himself, turning the car on and proceeding to drive to the crime scene.

Sluggishly sitting up from the cold leather seats, I rubbed my eyes. "God, I could really use some tea right now," I thought.

"Where are we going?" I yawned, stretching my arms over my messy head of hair.

"A corner store in the Ravendale District, a deviant was reported missing and it was identified by a cashier who claimed it shoplifted."

"Curiouser and curiouser," I exhaled, opening the contact case and beginning to prepare myself for my 'day off'.

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