łoviės ,, diza

By xokoshy

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"haha fuck you dobrik" "i'll fuck you if you want" complete. More

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761 14 19
By xokoshy

Lizas POV:

im nine months now. nine fucking month, the baby can be here anytime, and i have everything that the baby needs, im prepared to take care of her, but am i prepared to be a mother, i mean david, is he ready to be a father, i cant sleep, the closer to my due date, the less sleep i get, i just stay up and think about this all

D: are you okay baby?
L: yea, just thinking

fun fact, today was actually suppose to be my due date, she was suppose to be here already, but my precious baby girl decided she's not ready yet, the doctors said that she's gonna come when she comes so just be ready, i've had a few contractions but it was nothing big, the doctors just said to be aware when it happens, and if there big or small, and how far apart

D: talk to me babe, what on your mind?
L: i dont know, i mean, are we ready for a kid, i know we have everything that she needs, but are me emotionally ready? am i ready to be a mother? are you ready to be a father?
D: i mean, im ready, im ready to be a father and provide for you and for our little baby girl, but i mean, to make all this happen, we need you, so are you ready to be a mom?
L: i dont really know
D: well, as much as it hurts me to say this, if you're not ready, its not too late to choose adoption

i start thinking, and i feel a tear roll down my cheek

L: but, i dont want to do that, i want to keep her, i just am worried of being a bad mom
D: aww baby, please stop crying, just think of it like this, if you're not ready, you dont want to put the baby up for adoption, and you want to keep our princess, then think, you have me, my mom, ester,
toby, sara, and all of our close friends to help us with her, we have babysitters, and people who have offered to help if we needed it, and i know we graduated but if you want to take college classes, you can take online, and people are always here to take care of her while you go to class, and i dont think online classes are hard, you could even see her if you go online, because i know how you used to talk about your future, and colleges, and what you wanted in life, that can all still happen, but just with your two biggest supporters by your side, our girl and i will support you thru it all, and just imagine, in a few years, when you graduate college if you do choose to go, you'll have a little girl to walk on stage with you, and to cheer you on when you walk off the stage with your diploma, and your little ribbon on the other side of the hat, and when you throw your hat in the air, she will just giggle and watch them all fly, but think right now you might think you're not ready and your gonna be a bad mom, but when she's here, and we finally get to hold her, and we see her 10 tiny fingers and her 10 tiny little toes, you'll realize all the pain will be worth it, and all the worries will go away

he looks up at me with a smile

L: yea, i mean i guess you're right, im just over thinking it a little bit, do you think i'll be a good mom?
D: you'll be an amazing mom, do you think i'll be an awesome dad?
L: one of the most awesomeness

i say with a giggle as he lets out a chuckle, we sit and talk a little more until i feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen

L: ow, fuck, david
D: are you okay?
L: im having contractions

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