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Liza's POV:

as my little baby begins to kick away, i lift up out of davids arms to realize that we have to be at the ultrasound soon! i groan and stir causing david to wake up

D: are you okay baby?

he ask with his sexy sleeping voice

L: yea, shes just kicking

he nods and leaves many small kisses on the top of my head

L: im gonna go shower, we have an ultrasound soon, so you need to be getting up and ready

he groans and stirs even more acting like a child

D: do i have to go?
L: yes, you need to get up and start being more involved in my pregnancy
D: ughhhhh fineeeee

i laugh quietly to myself as he chuckles and i get up and go to the bathroom as i start the warm water as it begins to run down my skin


i get out of the shower and run out of davids bathroom naked as i run into the bedroom closet trying to hide my nude body, david gets up and move towards me, wrapping his arms around my body, slightly laying his hands on my bump

L: babeeee
D: babyyy
L: booooo
D: hooooo
L: let me put a bra and underwear on first before you start getting horney

i say as he pulls away with a chuckle, i but on what i said i was going to and attempt to get fully dressed but he attacked my face with kisses again

D: i love you
L: i love you too

he wraps his arms around me as we just hold eachother, lowkey starting to make out in the middle of the closet, he gave my neck a few kisses before Mrs.Dobrik came busting into the bedroom ruining our cute moment

DM: okay kids! we already have you pregnant! we dont need that happening again!

she says as we all chuckle

DM: but really we have to leave in 10 minutes or else we are going to be late, liza put some clothes on, and lets goooooo

we laugh once again and i slip on some shorts and a T-shirt, and then my slippers that i like to call gucci but really their like kid slippers with a stuffed cat on the front, im still a child, but im a child who is going to have a child, my baby is a child inside a child, interesting


we walk into the doctors room after a 30 minute wait in the waiting room, just to find another wait inside the room as well, i feel like im gonna get sick

L: david
D: huh?

he says as he grabs my hand squeezing it reassuring me im okay

L: will you pass me the trash can?
D: yea

he says as he nods and reaches over to the trash can, picking it up and sitting it in front of me, as i lean over it begin to hurl, david putting my hair back and rubbing my back as he hold my hand

D: your okay

i nod after the vomit session, i lay back and the doctor walks in, i lift my shirt up and she rubs the cold gel onto my belly bump

DR: how are you today Ms.Koshy?
L: im good, a little sick
DR: thats good, im gonna ask you a few questions as i look for your baby
L: okay

i say with a nod

DR: have you had aby symptoms that have been a little off do you think?
L: not really
DR: are you walking, running? eating healthy?
L: yes
DR: okay this question might be a little off but has your pregnancy been sexually active?
L: not really, i think weve had sex like 1 or 2 times during my pregnancy, and we kiss and stuff but i wouldnt count that as sexually active

she nods and writes it all down

DR: okay theres your little girl

she says pointing to the screen, i hear sniffles from david and i look over to see him slightly crying

L: aww

i say as i squeeze his hand and he kisses it, i look back at my baby

DR: shes at the growth that she will be kicking alot, and rolling around and being alot more active, because your around 7 months now
L: shes been REALLY active
DR: yep! well get used to it because shes gonna start doing it alot more, now question for crying dad over there

she says signaling to david as we all laugh
DR: do you think anything has been off during the pregnancy? on the dads point of views?
D: she cries alot, and she still gets sick alot, and welp shes an emotional mess

david says laughing

DR: well it gets worse more into the pregnancy, probably in a week or so she will be crying about little things like, her shoe is tied she would cry about something like that, or the facts that a pillow sits on a bed
D: oh jesus.

he says as we all let out laughs


we are now back at home starring at our little baby in our ultrasound pictures, david pecked my hand and then the top of my head, i look up at him and give him a kiss on the lips

D: i love you
L: i love you more
D: impossible

he says with a chuckle as i just smile and cuddle into his chest, im content with this life

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