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Lizas POV:

L: im having contractions

david almost instantaneously jumps up and goes to my side holding my hand, most likely knowing im gonna need the whole bed, he calls his mom into the room and she talks us thru it, about an hour or so into contractions, everything hurts, and im crying

L: fuck, this hurts david
D: i know baby, but we will get thru this together! keep breathing! you can do it!

i nod and just cry into his chest as Mrs.dobrik walks in the bedroom filled with a emotional mess!

DM: its time to go to the hospital

i nod and attempt to get up but only to find out i need davids help, we go to the tesla as david walks out with our bag, and his mom drives us all
to the hospital, by "us all" i mean sara,toby,ester, david, and i, david sits next to me and just holds me for support, i cry the whole way there, as soon as we pull into the driveway they immediately put me in a gown and onto a hospital bed

DR: so elizabeth, since you are already so close to having your water break, we cant put you on any medication, and also, as soon as your waterbreaks you have to start pushing, so im gonna go call nurses to be ready

all i do is nod and grab davids hand, around 30 more minutes i feel the puddle of wetness under me, my eyes shoot wide

L: my waterbroke

i call out to nurses

D: my baby will be here soon!

david says letting go of the hands i really needed to be held and jumping around


he realizes me and comes straight back to me

D: sorry!

soon all the nurses are here and 30 minutes into pushing our baby girl was born, they bring her over towards us after doing the essentials and cleaning her off, as i hold her in my arms i begin to cry

L: she's here bubba
D: i know
L: our baby is finally here!

i say as more tears begin to stream down my face as i pull her closer to my chest, David and i adore our little girl until Mrs.Dobrik and the kids

T: what happened to the baby?

toby says looking at my flatten stomach where my baby was currently growing, he looks over at david holding our girl, he rushes over towards david

T: never mind

after hours of visiting Ester speaks up

E: whats her name?
D: liza and i agreed on a name, finally
L: we've decided on Delilah Shay Dobrik
S: i like that name
T: david said you guys where gonna name is after Jada, you know the dancing girl

toby says earning a laugh from everyone, it was time for everyone to leave, leaving only david and i with our baby girl

D: gosh, i cant believe she's here
L: it feels so unreal to finally have her in my arms
D: im gonna be the best dad as i possibly can be to you, my little princess

david says sticking his finger out towards her as she latches her little hand onto it, not letting go

L: can i tell you something?
D: huh?
L: you where right, all the worries did go away, now that i have her in my arms, i just dont ever want to let go, iv only had her in the world for a few hours, and she's just seen a few things, but i cant imagine life without her already, thinking about everything i've said in the past just hurts, i really love her so damn much it hurts, and i dont want to ever lose her, jesus, bubba, our baby is finally here, and we thought we had it hard thru my pregnancy, but now we have a whole baby to provide for, my pregnancy was just a journey that had just begun for us, its like a little book and these are just the first few pages of it all, im really happy to have this little girl with you bubba, i couldnt see it any other way, i love you, and i wont ever love anyone else more than i love you and our little girl
D: haha i told you so

david says showing his childish ways

L: your gonna be a great father, bubba
D: and your gonna be a great mother, pookie
L: i love you
D: i love you too

we give a long loving kiss to eachother, a few pecks and light kisses toward the precious princess

D: i love you princess, and i love your mom so much as well
L:  we love you too

we lay back and relax with our baby girl, our girl, our Delilah.....

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