Ladybug Gone Bad

By zeetheshipper

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here's the gist. Ladybug wasn't raised by her mom and dad, Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng, she was trained as a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
I'm gonna be gone for a while
Quick question
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Wattpad Deleted My Chapter
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Read or Don't Human.

Chapter 16

691 25 14
By zeetheshipper

Marinette's P.O.V.

"Ow... my head... Tikki, did anything happen yesterday?" She shrugged. That's when I remembered. I was supposed to kill Chat yesterday. Why couldn't I remember?

"You should hurry. You're late for school." I groaned and got dressed. I went through the first half of the day half listening, half sketching in my book. I got up the moment the bell rung and went in search of Alya when someone grabbed my arm. My first reaction was to stab the unknown assailant but there were way too many witnesses. I turned to face the person. It was... huh.

"A-a-Adrien, wh-what're you-"

"Why are you stuttering?" I swallowed. I didn't really have a good excuse but I needed to remember what had happened last night so I had to act as innocent as possible. "You know what, it doesn't matter. I know your little secret Marinette."

"Wh-what secret? I d-don't have any-" I thought he was bluffing. There was no way Adrien of all people would know I was Ladybug.

"I know you're Ladybug. The jig is up." Shoot. I stiffened for a moment before leaning on the lockers. I tried to defend myself one more time.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"It's no use." I sighed. No point pretending anymore.

"How did you find out?"

"None of your business."

"You deserve worse than that."

"Uh, rude much banana boy?" He kept quiet. I rolled my eyes. "Well Mr. Goody two shoes, I guess it's off to jail for me!" I held out my wrists to him, facing the ground so he wouldn't see the grin on my face. I knew Adrien. Simply too good to do that. He grabbed my arms and pinned me against the lockers.

"Now why would I do that?" I looked up, surprised for a moment before shoving him away. I stiffened slightly and folded my arms.

"What are you planning blondie?"

"I wonder the benefits of blackmailing a supervillain." I rose an eyebrow, shocked, once again. Seems Adrian wasn't as innocent as I thought.

"That's an... interesting perspective.'

"Wanna sit together for lunch Mari?" I felt my brain turn to mush and pulled myself together. I was so confused. How did he get to know my identity and why would he want to sit with me of all people after finding out? Two things; he was either crazy or seriously stupid and to my knowledge, he was brother of those things. Hmm...

"You just can't get enough, can you banana boy?" He wrapped an arms around my shoulders and I could physically feel him sniffing my hair. I chuckled softly, not sure to be weirded out or flattered. I chose both. "What's this for?"

"How about we give everyone a shock m'lady?" I swallowed, trying not to think of Chat. I still needed to find out what happened to me the night before.

"My lady, huh? Wow. Such a gentleman."

"Yes princess. Very important to use nicknames as a couple." My eye widened slightly. Me. And Adrien. A couple. My brain completely fused and it was totally black for a few moments. When my eyes opened again, Adrien was holding me. Oh Lord, tell me I didn't faint in front of Adrien Agreste. I mumbled a quick profanity and stepped away from him.


"Blackmail?" I sulked, defeated. I had mixed feelings about this. Adrien was a nice guy who I wanted to get to know but he knew way too much and I didn't want to get too attached.

You're already too attached.

Shut up mind.

"Thought you'd agree." I linked my arm with his and we started walking back to class. I watched my classmates gape in shock and felt afraid for a moment before I imagined the look on Chloe's face. My fear instantly vanished.

"Hmm... I'm starting to like this kitten." He froze and I stopped abruptly. I rubbed the back of my neck. "Hey, you're the one who told me we needed nicknames. Mind if I call you that?"

He stared into space for a few moments before nodding. We walked to cafeteria in silence as I made a mental note to ask him about it later. I sat down and opened my bag full of pastries. He stared at them longingly. I chuckled. "Want some? You could ask."

"Can I have some?"

"I didn't hear the magic word-"

"Purrety please?" He shut his mouth. I rose an eyebrow. Man, I didn't think Adrien would be a pun guy. Ah well.

"Nice pun kitten." He smiled then frowned. What on earth was he thinking about? Was it the nickname? I sighed, suddenly bored out of my mind and shoved the pastry onto his face. He let out a sharp cry, cream all over his face and attracted the attention of practically the entire cafeteria. "Ooh, you're all creamy now kitten, gonna lick yourself clean?"

"Well, you are a supervillain Lady luck. I'll be right back." He got up, headed to the restrooms.

"YOU!" Alya suddenly appeared at my table looking like a demon from hell. Her eyes were fiery and her hair was all over the place. She looked really mad. I rubbed my arm, avoiding her gaze and tried to shift her attention to Nino who was staring at her.

"I bet you think she looks beautiful, even when she's about to kill me." Alya blushed for a second before glaring at me. She lunged at me and I ducked, staring desperately at Nino for help.

"Don't kill the dudette Ally. Besides, she's not exactly wrong..." I smiled when she turned to him with her eyes as wide as saucers. My moment to escape has finally arrived! She stopped me mid-exit and I cursed as she decided which one of us to tackle first.

"What did you say?"

"I said don't kill the dudette Ally-"

"Don't. Call me that. And as for you young lady," she sat beside me, put her hands on my shoulders and proceeded to shake me so hard my head spun, "WHAT IS THIS I'M HEARING ABOUT YOU AND ADRIEN-"



"Alya would you calm down? We just got talking and now we're... I don't know!" I placed my head on the table, mortified when she squealed. That's my Alya. From homicidal freak to fangirl in seconds. Adrien came back and sat beside me. Alta and Nino sat opposite us. I winked slyly at them and turned to Adrien. "Hey kitten, you kinda missed a spot."

I swiped the extra cream from the corner of his mouth and slicked it. Alya applauded in a shocked trance. Nino's mouth hung open. Adrien blushed heavily. I was about to say something along the lines of "You creamed yourself up pretty nicely banana boy" when a figure looked over me.

"OMG ADRIKINS WHY'RE YOU HANGING OUT WITH THIS PIECE OF TRASH?!" If you're wondering who the trash is, that would be lil' ol' me. I sighed and put my head down quietly, not in the mood for her ridiculous insults. Adrien rolled his eyes.

"Leave her alone Chloe-" I tapped him. "What's up princess?"

"Don't protect me Adrien. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself." He grinned and stepped aside for me to stand. I smiled and rose my head, taking his hand and standing. I could tell she was mad I wasn't crying. "Chloe, what exactly is your problem with me?"

"Well let's see..." she stared at her nails and began, "you're ugly, useless, have seriously trashy to the point of retarded fashion sense-"

"Would you like to know my problems with you?" She scoffed.

"Please. As if anyone would ever have-"

"No one likes you Chloe."


"In going to say this quietly so no one else can hear. I get it Chloe. You're the kind of girl that... depends on the pain if others to survive your own. You bully me and others simply because if you don't, the only other options to make it stop include things like self harm and alcohol, even though your underage. I know a lot about you. Everytime You feel even slightly depressed it's bullying that keeps you from suicide and self harm. You're not proud of it but it's what keeps you going." She swallowed and nodded, her face completely void of emotion. "The only reason you're so cruel to Sabrina is because you think it's strange for someone to actually believe in you. Therefore she is dysfunctional, abnormal, and liable to punishment for her faith in the little goodness you have left. Your father showers you with money, gifts and power... but at the cost of affection-"

"H-how do you-"

"It doesn't matter. I've told you a lot now and... I think you might need some time to think about it." Her face paled and she nodded weakly. I felt bad for her. Lemme guess, not what you were expecting? May I remind you that I was a villain too? I understood exactly what she was going through. The villain, the bully, oppressing and preying on the weak and helpless for strength. I decided to give her a dose of truth rather than be petty and make fun of her cause I knew that Chloe, the real Chloe she his under all those layers was willing to fight till change came. I just face her a tiny shove in the right direction.

I waited till she walked out of the cafeteria before scanning the crowd that had gathered. My eyes landed on the silent boy with the loud red hair. "Hey Nathaniel!"


"Go to her." He stared at me for a moment, making a decision within himself. A bunch of emotions crossed his eyes. He shut them, face me a small nod and walked out of the cafeteria. I knew everyone's secrets including the fact that he had a crush on me and I knew the crush was over. Nath's history was... interesting. It would do him and Chloe some good to feel accepted for once.

I looked around at all the eyes on me and got up, suddenly not in the mood for school. I grabbed my books from my locker and trudged off till I got to a wall. A brick wall. I sat at the too of it and sighed, burying my face in my hands. Great, now everyone was going to gossip about me. Why did I gave to do that? I heard footsteps and smiled a little, pointing over the wall.

"See that?" He frowned, confused. The wall was blocking his view. I stretched out a hand and he rose an eyebrow skeptically.

"Come on idiot, you'll see from here-"

"Not sure you can carry me m'lady-" I rose an eyebrow. He clearly didn't remember that awkward ride to his house while he was bruised and semiconscious. No need for him to remember that, anyway.

"Stop worrying kitten. Geez, have a little faith in me will ya?" He grinned and grabbed my hand. I hoisted him up and pointed to the place where Chloe and Nath were talking.

"You are a naughty little bug m'lady." I grinned and he smiled. We looked like lovesick idiots, sitting on top of a brick wall when we were supposed to be in school.

Don't I know it." I watched Nathaniel draw her and saw her punch him playfully. "Damn they're cute."

"Not as cute as you." I cleared my throat. Adrien Arrests calling me cute. That's a first.

"You are quite the naughty little kitten banana boy." He smiled and jumped off. He held his arms open. "What are you doing?"


"No way!"

"I'll catch you princess!"

"Not on your life Agreste."

"I will. Promise."

"Sure... mhmm..." I made sure to sound as unconvinced and doubtful as possible.

"Trust me?"


"No blackmail. This is me, arms wide open, asking you to trust me. Can you do that?" I sighed and jumped off the wall. He stumbled but regained balance with a smirk on his face the side of Jupiter. Bloody egotistical idiot. Bloody handsome egotistical idiot. Only a few minutes and I've already ruined the boy's innocence. Or maybe he just wasn't all that innocent to begin with and I didn't dig hard enough. He was acting almost as cocky as Chat. "Kay m'lady."

He was about to drop me but I protested, arguing that as a princess I was way too royal and regal to perform an act so trivial as walking. We eventually reached a compromise and I climbed happily on his back while his face went nine shades darker. He started walking away from the school and I rose an eyebrow.

"Hey peasant, where are you taking me?"


"The police station?"


"Phew. The woods so you can murder me?"


"The jungle where you can play with your cat friends?"

"Nope. Were going on a date."

"But I don't-"



Sorry. Had some serious writer's black for this chapter and I've been busy so yeah.

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