The Blonde Badass

By Glitchfrost

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Yuzu Okogi is a Blonde delinquent who is well known for getting into fights and her brash personality but whe... More

Chapter 1:New school
Chapter 2:Little Sister?!
Chapter 3:In love
Chapter 4:Feelings
Chapter 5: Jealousy
Chapter 6:First Real Date
New story or nah
Chapter 7: love is crazy
Chapter 8:when she left
Chapter 9:Bittersweet Love
Chapter 10:Mending
Chapter 11:In The Dark
Chapter 12:To Fix A Heart
Chapter 13: The talk
Chapter 14: Back to you
Chapter 16:Missing You
Chapter 17:A Trip Back Home
Chapter 18:A Bad Past A Good Future
Chapter 19:Sweet Love
Drunk Truth Or Dare
Chapter 20:The Squad
Chapter 21:The End
Holy shitballs!
Authors face

Chapter 15:A New Life

1.2K 33 13
By Glitchfrost

(pov yuzu)

as i reach down to her shirt i hear a knock on the door "Dammit!!" I get up off of her and get the door and everyone rushes in and mom yells "yuzu what the hell were you thinking keeping the point that mei woke up!!!!! you dumbass" I flinch she hasn't talked to me like that in a while "it's her request mom" she scoffs "i don't believe that she wanted that i don't like being lied to yuzu" i grit my teeth "im not a lier mother you're just being an ass" she growls "you don't talk to me like that i am your mother" i roll my eyes "i can talk however i want to you" she gets in my face "your attitude is awful young lady" i just snicker "like mother like daughter right mother dearest"  oh that pissed her off i swear steam was coming out of her ears  she slaps me in the face i just smirk "oh its on old lady" i punch her in the stomach hard enough to knock her down but not enough to hurt mei hold me back "yuzu stop!!!" the everyone holds me back "i didn't even do anything yo saw her slap me right?"  they all nod but haru say "she is your mother" i growl lightly. 

then mei joins in "she is right yuzu" the growl grows deeper then everyone joins in i just break from her grasp  i turn to everyone "you know what fuck all of you" i flick them off and as i walk out kiki grabs my leg and "please dont leave me" my gaze softens i pick her up and  hold her to my chest and stroke her hair i set her down "go to your mama ok" she hold on to my hand "no i dont want to i want you" i pick her up again and put her in meis arms "yuzu what are you-" she is cut off as i near the door "yuzu dont you dare walk out that  door please dont" i open the door "yuzu!!!!" i hear mei call out as i  slam the door and get in my car then  haru get out the door "yuzucchi dont do this" i just roll up the window and i put the  car on and in drive "fuck off haru" and i drive off i need a new life.                                                                                                                           

( pov mei)

"yuzu!!!" i try to call out to her as the door just shuts  i just look at my daughter and i see her run into a room i look over to mother she justt shakes and sobs everyone look over to mom and conforts her i look at the door yuzu im sorry the harumi walks in smoke covered her clothes "shes gone" i just run to her bedroom and fall on her bed and i sob into her pillow her dogs jump up  on to me i push them  off they go downstairs and growl and bark at everyone and everyone files out the door except me i just lay there crying i dont even know why she left like that yes mother slaped her but she had no right to punch her i think about yuzuki i dry the tears nd i knock on the room that she ran into "can i come in" i hear i small quiet voice "no mommy left because of you and grandma" i just open the door an i see her tear stained face and i hug her tight "she will be back".  


i call up riku "hey riku" he just sound bright "oh hey yuzu whats up" i just sigh and tell him everything "thats tough yu" i just sigh "so can i stay with you for a few months" he says yes and hang up i just smile i pul up to the hotel and check into  room i just sit there and think no ones here for me they all took moms side when she came in and started shit even mei didnt have my side when she was the bitch that asked i just roll over fuck you mom fuck you mei and fuck you everyone i truly have no body in this world i just sigh i wont look back i need and will start a new life with out anyone just myself and my fights and i have my goofy friend i smile as i think of him then i think to yuzuki tthe image plays into my head "dont leave me please" i cant leave her i sigh and fall asleep then i wake up and got to rikus time to start my new life

A: and cut wow sorry i havent updated i when to church camp cause we need jesus in our lifes also love yall and peace out

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