He saved me (A Kakashi Love S...

By Saphirra98

285K 7.9K 2K

I'm going to be honest with you about this fanfic; it's a little crazy, a little cracky, but well written onc... More

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (finally!)
Chapter 38

Chapter 22

6.5K 189 72
By Saphirra98

Kell easily caught the rock, looking around at all of us. His eyes stopped on me. "What did you do?!" he groaned, dropping the rock. "Gia's gonna have my head!"

"...Not really my fault. I got kidnapped, for crying out loud," I grumbled.

"Look, let me see if I can do something about those bruises. My healing powers aren't terribly developed, but I can handle the smalle stuff pretty well," Kell offered, walking forward with hands outstretched.

"Um..." I glanced up at Kakashi, who shrugged. "Sure."

"Hmm." He crouched in front of me, closing his eyes as he focused.

Most of the bruises on my body flared at once, and black energy crackled before me. I groaned, then the pain faded.

"Thanks, Kell," I smiled at him, watching the last of my bruises fade.

"Sure. The big ones on your ribs are still there, and I can't do much for your wrist, but... Yeah."

"What?" Kakashi growled suddenly. "How would you know about bruises on her ribs?"

Kell sighed, giving him an annoyed look.

"I didn't do anything. I didn't see anything, either. My powers- I- I just know these things, alright? Ask Gia about it when you get home," he grumbled, backing away from me.

I stared up at Kakashi, "How would you know I had bruises on my stomach?!"

He stared at me levelly.

"Shira told me, so I very carefully looked at your stomach," he said firmly.

That better have been all he'd seen...

I turned away to Takeo, "Sorry 'bout that kick... heh heh..."  I ran a hand through my hair.

"It's fine." He glanced at Kakashi before looking back at me. "Are you strong enough to move? We've been here too long. If not, Kakashi can carry you, and since someone just couldn't bear to follow orders for once, Kell can carry the other prisoner."

"Well, I can try," I mumbled, pushing myself up with only slight difficulty. "Shira, come here."

She came over and I grabbed onto her back, hoisting myself up carefully, leaning most of my weight on her.

I timidly let go of Shira, and managed to stand on my own.

I took a step, and that's when my leg buckled.

"Nope, definitely not walking!" I grunted. Shira had stuck her head out, so that I ended up slumped over her head.

"I've got you." Kakashi swiftly lifted me onto his back. "Cling, Koala."

I rolled my eyes, but clung.

Kell and Takeo appeared in my view, large canvas bags slung over their backs.

"Stupid live-weight," Takeo grumbled, shifting. "Ready to run?"

"Guess so," Kell grunted.

"Let's move." Kakashi took off, Shira landing on the shoulder that didn't have my chin on it.

"Why is it that you always end up carrying me whenever we go on dangerous missions?" I said softly, shifting to get a bit better hold.

"You're light," he answered delicately.

"Be even lighter if I wasn't wearing these damn weights..." I muttered, glancing over at Shira.

"Bah. You're fine," he said, carefully stopping the impending argument. "Sleep if you want. I won't let you fall."

"Mmkay," I sighed, closing my eyes and pressing my face into his neck, drifting off.

~Kakashi's POV~

We ran through the day and into the night to make it home at around midnight, judging by the moon.

Although I wanted to get Whisper to a medic as soon as possible, we had to check in with the Hokage and report our misssion.

We all arrived outside of the Hokage's door, and he called for us to enter.

"We have them both. Do you want them delivered to the prison?" I asked, gesturing to Takeo and Kell.

"That will be fine. Ibiki has been waiting. I take it the rest have been destroyed?" Lord Hokage asked.

"Hai. They were taken down as ordered. I need to get Whisper to a medic now. You'll have my full report tomorrow morning in writing," I said, bowing slightly.

I heard a quiet groan and Whisper's hand found my face, patting around as if trying to figure out who I was. I took her hand and gently pulled it away.

The Hokage chuckled at me, "Of course. Dismissed."

As soon as I was out the door I grumbled, "You're so..."

"Awesome?" she mumbled sleepily.

"Sure. Awesome." I rolled my eye, the Sharingan concealed beneath a bandana I had borrowed from Takeo.

"Hey..." she whined softly, poking my arm.

I chuckled.

"Let's get you to a medic," I said. "I want you to have someone check your ribs and make sure I set your wrist right." I started walking toward the hospital next to headquarters.

"But... I don't like doctors..." she muttered, loosening her grip.

I wrapped my hands under her knees, preventing her from slipping away, "I don't care. You're going to get checked out."

"Can't I have Gia or...or the Toothpick look at it?" she mumbled, kicking her legs a bit.

"No. They're not close enough," I said firmly, doggedly continuing to the hospital.

"But I don't like doctors!" she argued, squirming slightly.

"Get. Over. It." I pushed open the double doors, goosebumps rising on my neck at the cold air.

"No," she stated, now struggling, despite her hisses of pain.

"Whisper. Please. You just survived being captured and interrogated. I don't want anything to happen to you because of a stupid broken rib." I headed over to the nin at front desk.

~Whisper's POV~


I slumped, ceasing to struggle.

"Fine..." I grumbled.

"I need someone to look over Whisper Nakurama, chunin. She's got a broken wrist and badly bruised ribs," Kakashi relayed quickly.

"Right. Follow me," the woman at the desk said softly, leading us down a hallway and into an examination room. "Someone will be in in a moment."

"Thanks," Kakashi muttered, carefully setting me on the paper-covered bed. He place his hands on my shoulders as he turned to face me. "I need you to just stay calm, alright? I won't let them hurt you, I promise."

"Fine. But if they take out a needle..."  I trailed off meaningfully, giving him a dead serious look.

"There shouldn't be any need for a needle. They didn't give you anything, did they?" he asked, running his hands up and down my upper arms.

"No. I'm pretty sure, at least..." I muttered, distracted as his hands rubbed my arms.

"Good. Then you don't need to worry about it." He backed away as a female doctor walked in carrying a clipboard.

"You're Whisper?" she asked, turning to me.


"Alright. Let's see your wrist..."

About twenty minutes later, I was on Kakashi's back again, my ribs healed. The nin had left my wrist alone, saying that it would heal on its own within a couple of days, as it had merely been dislocated and not broken. 

"Well, we have to stay at Gia's again tonight. My place hasn't been finished yet," Kakashi commented as he carried me off.

"'Kay, so long as I get to sleep." I pressed my face into his neck, sighing softly.


A few minutes later, he had deposited me on my side of the futon, lying down on the other himself, not bothering to change his clothes.

"Night, Whisper."

"Night, Kakashi," I muttered, curling into his side.

I slept hard, and when I finally woke, I found that I had finally beaten Kakashi to waking up.

I smiled softly, and examined him. He had a relaxed look to him, his shoulders slumped, and his legs and arms slack.

Unconsciously, his arms tightened, dragging me closer to him.

"...Whisper..." he mumbled, burying his face in my hair.

I stifled a giggled, my smile widening.


After a few moments, I realized why I had woken. I really had to pee...

Oh, crap... Hmmm....

I carefully started to wriggle in an attempt to free myself.

"...No..." he muttered, tightening his grip on me even more, pulling me flush against him.

I growled quietly, my tail lashing.

Hmm... my tail...

I slowly moved my tail, reaching the back of his neck, and lightly brushed it against it.

He mumbled, and shifted.

I did it again and he realeased me to turn over, and I smiled, getting up quickly.

I tip-toed out the door, closing it behind me and blinking as my vision got used to the light.

I turned, and jumped, just stopping myself from punching Akina.

"Geez. What'd I do?" she grumbled, holding her hands up.

"I'm sorry! You scared me!" I whispered, stepping around her and heading up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" she asked quietly.

"Bathroom," I muttered, quuietly running up the stairs, and down the hallway.

~five minutes later~

I sighed as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey, Whisper!" Shane exclaimed, running and hugging me.

I patted his head, "Hi Shane."

"You feeling better now?" he asked brightly.

"Oughta be...Slept long enough," Gerilynn grumbled, walking up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes, "If you'd been through that, you would've slept as long as I did, too."

"...So. Get out of the bathroom," she said, nudging me aside and closing the door.

"Yeah... She's a bit...angry today," Shane commented.

"Do I want to know?" I mused, starting back towards the stairs.

"Nope!... Hey, wanna try something?!" he asked, suddenly excited.

"What?" asked carefully.

"Wanna slide down the banister?!" he grinned, pulling on my good arm.

"Um... Okay."

"Okay, so you just sit and stay balanced as you go down and jump off when you get to the end!" he explained, and then did it himself to show me.

I hopped on and stated to slide down the banister.

Kakashi appeared at the bottom, just in time to catch me.

"Hey! I wanted to land on my feet..." I pouted, crossing my arms.

"But then I couldn't have caught you," he said teasingly, hugging me tightly. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Shane is, too," I laughed, seeing a confused Shane standing near the kitchen.

"You want lunch?" the boy asked uncertainly, gesturing to the food on the counter.

I instantly squirmed, trying to wrigg;e out of Kakashi's arms, "Heck yes! I'm starving!"

He dropped me, racing me to the counter.

"I win," he said, sitting down and grabbing a plate, which held a giant sandwich and a pile of chips.

"...Jerk." I took my own plate and dug in.

"If I was a jerk, I would've let you fall when you slid down the banister," he pointed out from beside me.

"...Jerk," I mumbled through a mouthful of sandwich.

He laughed.

Gia walked out, looking quite excited and gleeful, a bounce in his step.

"Get lucky?" Kell, who I just now noticed, asked from the other side of the kitchen.

The tall blonde suddenly blushed, growling and charging at his cousin, who he then proceeded to noogie.

"Jealous cause yours is pissed at you?"

"Shut up, you runt," Kell grunted, throwing Gia off and noogie-ing him in return, being careful to mess up his hair.

I glanced over at Kakashi, who looked highly amused, but still a bit confused.

"Let me guess... It's that pretty girl in the photo, isn't it?! Is she coming here?!" I exclaimed excitedly, bouncing in my seat.

"...Yeah. You'll probably get to meet her later," Gia said proudly, fixing his hair.

We looked at each other, and then squealed, bouncing up and down.

"I get to meet her!" I grinned, knowing we were scaring the other men in the room.

We laughed at their confused and frightened faces, knuckle-bumping.

We started laughing even harder. "Y-you-your ggu-y's f-face-s!" I choked out, leaning against Gia as I laughed.

"What...?" Gerilynn stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs, her eye twitching.

"Don't..." Kakashi muttered, still staring at us.

I took some deep breaths, slowly sobering.

I crawled back onto my stool, and continued to eat as if nothing happened.

"Okay then... creeps..." she muttered, grabbing a plate and disappearing out the door.

I rolled my eyes, and went to pick up my rootbeer.

I hissed and quickly set it back down, "Stupid wrist..."  I picked it up with my left wrist and took a sip.

"Is your wrist okay?" Kakashi questioned, concerned.

"Yes. No need to go to the stupid, evil, and cold hospital ever again!" I took a bite of my sandwich, holding it in a way that didn't hurt my wrist. Much.

"...If it gets worse, you're having someone look at it," he determined.

"Fine, but not at a hospital," I compromised, taking another bite.

"Hm." He started eating again.

"What's that mean?" I asked, setting down my sandwich and picking at my chips.

"Means...I'll think about it," he grumbled, his mouth full of food.

I elbowed his arm, "No hospital."


"NO hospitals." I stated firmly, narrowing my eyes at him.

"...What are you going to offer me in exchange?" he said, a teasingly crafty look in his eye.

I stared at him suspiciously, "Depends... What do you want?"

"What will you give me?"

"Nothing, until you tell me what it is that you are going for."

"I'm intrigued to know what you'll give me."

"Go talk about that somewhere else. I don't want Shane's ears to be ruined by whatever she says," Gerilynn grumbled, walking inside.

"..." We were silent, blushing equally.

"Okay... Well,  I fixed your headband, Kakashi, so here you go," Akina walked over and handed it to him.

"Thanks," Kakashi muttered, still blushing.

I looked down at my food, now full, but there was still a handfull of chips and half a sandwich left. I looked from it, to Shane, and back again. "Pwease?" I asked, giving him kitty eyes.

"Sure!" he said enthusiastically, moving to take the plate.

"Uh, uh, uh. I want that," Gerilynn snagged the plate before Shane could.

"HEY!" He made a wild grab for the sandwich, but missed and hit the chips instead, knocking them all over the counter.

"Mine." Gerilynn licked the sandwich, then backed away to eat it.

I stared at them, and went to face-palm.

"Uh-uh-uh! You'll get facial brain damage!" Kakashi's hand grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Besides, you'll hurt your wrist again."

"...Good point."

"Hey," Shane said suddenly. "You guys got plans for the night?"

"None that I know of," I answered.

"Why?" Kakashi added, tilting his head to the side.

"Cause I happen to have two free passes for the hot springs. Someone gave 'em to me for finding her dog. I don't want them." The boy flourished two stiff pieces of paper.

I stared blankly at him. "And I want them, because?"

"Well, you two look like you could use a nice, relaxing day at the springs. Since I've got two, you might as well go together."

Realization crossed my features and I shook my head, "You really are quite the meddler, aren't you, Shane?" I turned in my stool, and hopped down. I stretched, "Yeah, sure. Why not?" I told him as I noticed his crestfallen face.

He brightened immediately, handing the passes to me.

"They expire tomorrow, so you do have to use them today."

"Thanks..." I rubbed at my neck, walking into Gia's offfice.

I unzipped my bag, rummaging through for some new clothes.

I finished changing just as Kakashi walked in to change.

"That was close," I growled, throwing my dirty clothes back in my bag.

"Nope. That was carefully timed," he said, starting to go through his own bag.

I gave him a confused look, "You... time me?"

"No. You hum when you change. I just waited for the humming to stop." He pulled out his clothes and started gently herding me to the door. 

I quickly walked out.


I shrug, and walk outside, deciding that training wouldn't hurt.


I stretched, then started to move through fighting stances. I could imagine tons of enemies around me, and I started 'fighting' them, jumping around and whirling through various fighting poses. It was great, until I got a little too close to the tree in the middle of the backyard...and hit my right hand against the trunk, consequently jarring my bad wrist.

"YOW! Holy mother of pearl! Flippin' fudge monkeys, that hurt," I screeched. "Son of a biscuit! Flyin' fudge spatula burger flippin' mother flora!"


I turned to see Kenji and a bunch of other people from the bonfire standing at the edge of the woods, staring at me bug-eyed.

I turned scarlet, my eyes widening as I stood frozen.

"Um. You were doing pretty good until...whatever that was..." he trailed off, a bizarre look on his face.

"I... I... I ... hit my... bad wrist?" I managed to get out, staring disbelievingly at all of the people in front of me.

"Oh. Right. We're supposed to meet Gerilynn and her main squad here for a game. Believe it or not, we aren't actually spying on you," Kenji explained.

"O-okay... Can one of you go get Kakashi?" I asked as the pain in my wrist finally registered.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure. Tetsu, go get him. He's inside, according to my nose," Kenji ordered a guy with blue and black hair and an ear-ring.

"Whoa... Your hair is really cool..." I commented.

"Thanks," he called back, smiling, as he walked in the back door.

Moments later, Kakashi was following him back out. As soon as he spotted me, of course, he quickened his pace.

"You hit your wrist, didn't you?" he asked, sighing. Carefully, he lifted my arm, looking it over. "Maybe we should have Gia look at this."

The whole of the pain finally arrived, making me bite down on my lip. "Yep. Let's go find him, now."

"Alright." He took my uninjured hand, leading me into the house.

Gia was standing at the counter, talking to Kell.

"I need you to look at Whisper's wrist. She hit a tree while she was training," Kakashi explained.

Gia looked around.

"Sure. Come here," the blonde said, gesturing me forward.

"I'm letting you know now, if you hurt me, I am not resposible for my actions," I warned him, stepping forward and carefully holding out my hand to him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm a lot more durable than I look," Gia responded, carefully taking my hand. He examined it, then muttered something under his breath. A flash of gold light, and my wrist burned for a second before the pain faded.

I pulled my hand back, flexing it a bit. "Thanks, Gia!" I chirped, giving him a grin.

"No problem. Shouldn't you two be headed for the springs?" he asked, eyes twinkling.

I blushed, and scratched the back of my head. "Well, I suppose..."

"Off you go, then," he grinned, turning back to Kell.

"You two have fun, but not too much fun!" he winked at Kakashi, and I quickly turned and started walking before he could say or do anything to me.

By the time he caught up to me, I was on my way down the road.

"You got the ticket things?" he asked, falling into step beside me.

I held them up, and handed them to him, "I might lose them, but, then again, you might too. But it's better if you lose them, not me."

"Oh, I see how it is," he growled playfully, nudging my hip with his.

"Good," I smiled, and bumped him back, walking faster.

He chuckled, easily catching up with me.

"Uh, Whisper?"


"You were supposed to turn back there."

I shrugged, "I don't really wanna go anyways..."

"Oh come on. It is relaxing."

"Yeah, but 'relaxing' isn't really mt thing, if you know what I mean." He had grabbed my arm by now, twirling me back around in the other direction.

"It'll be worth it. Trust me. And," he paused, giving me a crafty look as he led me down the correct street. "I'll take you out to dinner afterwards, and I won't tell Shira if you want cake."

My eyes brightened up, "What are we waiting for?!"

 "Oh, so you're interested in me for my knowledge of where to get the best cake?" he demanded, his eye twinkling.

"Yes, and other things that I'm too lazy to mention."

"Now I'm curious, though. What are these other things?"

"Classified." I shrugged, giving him a secret smile.

"Do these things include my butt?"

"They could," I shrugged, for once unfazed by his antics.

"Good to know. This is us right here," Kakashi said, walking into a building that looked like some kind of spa.

I followed after him, taking note of a sign as I walked past.

I froze, and quickly retraced my steps to the sign, reading it again.

"Hell. No."

"Just give it a try. You can go wherever you want," he mumbled.

"Let me see those tickets?"

He handed them to me.

I read them over.

Unisex spa only.

"That clever little bastard..."

"What?" Kakashi came up and read over the ticket. "Erm... Well... New experiences are a good thing?"

"When I find Shane, he's going to-"

"Just come on." He grabbed my hand, tugging me forward. "You can leave your towel on. Heck, if you wanna stay out here, I'll deal with it. I'm going to go relax for a while."

I sighed and looked back at the entrance.

"That won't be possible."

"Why no- Oh for the love of God. Really?" Kakashi muttered. "Okay then. Two can play at this game. Come on." He led me forward determinedly.

"What?! But I-"

"Shh! Just play along," he whispered. "Hi. We're going to the unisex area." He flashed our tickets at the man at the desk.

"Well, you are a lucky one," the guy said, winking as he led us down a hall. "Leave your clothes in a locker, fresh towels are on the shelves." He walked away.

"Do I really-"

"Well, despite that we aren't staying here as long as they want, I do really want to go for a dip, so I am. You can do whatever you're comfortable with....No peeking, though," he warned, grabbing a towel and walking to the other side of the wall of lockers.

I turned around quickly, and waited for him tp leave.

He did.

... I could just sit in a towel for a bit...

I quickly grabbed a towel, and changed, throwing my things into a locker next to Kakashi's.

I kept it tight around me, and cautiously walked out, spotting Kakashi's silver head in a deserted corner.

I went over, and sat on the edge, dipping in my feet. "I hate you."

He glanced around...still wearing the freaking mask.

"Obviously not much, if you actually came out here," he commented, sounding incredibly relaxed.

"Shut up. I still hate you."

"Whatever you say." His eye closed lazily and he sank into the water up to his nose.

I scanned the area, just in time to see a head of red hair disappear from view over the wall.

"They're watching us."

"I know. You think they can hide from me?" he replied, lifting his head enough to speak and tapping his left eye before sinking back down.

I really want to get in.... But....




)You PERV!(

;...I'll make sure no one's looking if you get in...;

)What about when I'm getting out?(

;That too. Just warn me.;

)One more thing.(


)Did you watch him?(

;....It really is too bad he's not a dragon... Just get in on three.;

)... one(




I slipped in, discarding my towel on the way, as Shira lit a tree on fire on the other side of the wall.

"You actually came in? I'm very impressed," Kakashi mumbled from beside me, turning his head slightly.

"Yeah, no lookey," I pushed his face back the other way.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He returned to his previous position in the water.

I sighed, moving a bit further away from him, and copying him, feeling my muscles loosen in the hot water.

This is nice...

A while later, I felt him tap my hand.

"You ready to go?" he murmured.

I nodded, and heard him get out, the sound of fabric rustling before he informed me, "I'll make sure no one sees you."

The steam suddenly became much thicker, obscuring the walls from view. I could barely see three feet in front of me.

I hoisted myself out, pulling on my towel securely, before thanking him.

"Yup. Come on." He walked ahead of me, leading the way through the fog, his towel around his waist...revealing his very muscular back...

Whoa. Snap out of it. No drooling allowed.

;You're drooling;


We made it to the locker room without incident, and he grabbed his clothes from the locker and strode around the wall again, out of my view.

I quickly pulled on my own clothing, shaking out my hair and turning around just as Kakashi walked back out.

"Perfect timing," he smiled. "Come on. I've got a plan to ditch them."

"O-kay. Whatever you say." I followed him back out to the pools once again, the steam still firmly in place.

"Up and over," he said, leaping to the top of the back wall and looking back at me.

I tilted my head back...

That's a really tall wall...

I took a few steps back, and then stepped forward, springing up.

Kakashi caught the back of my jacket, hauling me the rest of the way 'up and over'.

"You look like you've done that before," I accused as we hurried away.

"Would I do something like that?" he demanded, indignant.

I gave him a blank stare, "Yes."

"Regardless of what the rumors say, I'm not that low."

"I didn't mean for that reason. I meant that you probably have had to escape your fan girls some how."

"...Oh. In that case, yes. You want to eat at the same place as before?" he asked.

"Yes, so long as we get the chocolate cake!" I squealed, slipping my hand easily into his.

He looked down at our hands for a second, a strangely bemused look on his face.


Several minutes later, we were ordering food and drinks in the restaurant.

"What can I get you, sir?" the waitress asked Kakashi.

"Miso soup with eggplant."

"And for you?" she turned to me.

"Uh...I'll have the same," I answered.

She nodded and left the table.

I leaned back in my chair, giving a contented sigh.

"So... Did you like the springs?"

I nodded, smiling, "Haven't been this relaxed in... You know, I can't remember."

"Told you it'd be worth it."

"Yeah. But I had to get in," I teased.

"I could have helped you," he teased back, smirking.

"...Yeah, no. No you couldn't have."

"If you say so." His hand rested on the table, palm up.

I sat up straight, "No, I would not have let you 'help' me."

"I know. I thought I just acknowledged that..." he said, giving me a strange look.

"No, you did that... thing again. Like earlier about the hospital thing."

"...What thing?"

I rolled my eyes at him, seeing the teasing light in his eye. "Okay. Whatever."


"Nothing? You have absolutely nothing to say?" I asked curiously.

 "...Give me a minute. I'm trying to think of something."


"Shh. Thinking..." This time I could see the playful expression in his eye.

"'Kay. Let's see..." I trailed, looking around the room, making sure to let my eyes linger on a few males in the room.

"...I don't like that very much," he mused.

"Mmkay," I mumbled, continuing with my little game.



"Please stop looking at that guy."


"Because you're staring at his crotch and it's making me uncomfortable."

"Actually, I was looking at the dog on his lap, you were looking at his crotch."

"..." He looked away, sizing up the waitress who had just walked past our table.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, over and done with!" I exclaimed. "Jealous..." I muttered, smirking slightly.

"I'm jealous?" he teased.


"I only had to look at one. You were ogling every guy in the place."

"The only reason you only had to look at one, is because, one, she looks like a super model, and, two, She is our waitress."

"I'm afraid I couldn't hear you. Someone was shouting behind me," he said cheerfully, winking.

"Okay, I'm done." I turned away from him, pretending to be angry with him.

"Hello! I'm very sorry, but your waitress had to leave, so I'll be taking over!" A tall guy with dark green hair smiled at me, and winked.

"We're fine at the moment, thanks," Kakashi said pointedly, taking my hand.

"Of course, sir," the green-haired guy said, flashing me a smile from behind Kakashi's back.

I laughed as he left to the back, "You were so jealous!"


"That's my line, get your own!" I complained.


I shook my head, "Os? Really?"

"You can't expect brilliance all the time..." he mumbled.

"You could just smile," I pointed out, and then turned red as I realized what I had said.

"...Thanks, I think?" He smiled at me.

"..." I looked away, my cheeks stained a shade darker.

"Aw... I can make you blush by smiling at you?"


The waiter came back with our food, placing it down. He have me a flirty grin.

"Anything else I can do for you?" he asked me, though there was a double meaning to his words that I didn't miss.

"You could get lost," Kakashi muttered, easily loud enough for the guy to hear, though he seemed to ignore him.

"Yeah," I started, a sly grin on my face, " You can leave me alone and get us a new waitress for the rest of the night."

"Oh... Okay then..." he mumbled, walking away.

Kakashi smiled at me.


"Eh... He was getting annoying. Not like he had anything good..." I muttered the last part, smirking.

Unlike Kakashi...


"Nothing," I replied innocently, sipping my soup.

"Okay." He started on his own soup.

I didn't bother trying to look, I knew he'd catch me.

"Mm. You're learning," he observed.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to eat.

The waitress came back as we finished.

"Anything else tonight?"

Kakashi glanced at me.

"A slice of the chocolate cake."

She nodded and carried our bowls away.

I bounced in my seat excitedly, grinning at Kakashi.

"Careful. You don't want to break that," he cautioned, amused.

"I couldn't break this chair if I wanted to. I'm too light."

"It was a figure of speech. I was trying to tell you to calm down."

"But... That's no fuuunnnn!" I whined, stopping my bouncing.

He sighed.

"...It was kind of cute..."

"... I'm not cute," I told him seriously.

"Oh, right. You prefer sexy."

I turned bright red and threw a napkin at his face.

"Heh heh. Okay, I'll stop." He caught the napkin.

"You caught it..." I pouted, staring up at him.

He rolled his eye.

"I'd give you another shot, but your cake is here."

My grin widened, and I thanked the waitress for it.

She smiled warily at me, setting both spoons on Kakashi's side, then leaving.

"You have it. I'm not really in the mood for sweets," he told me, pushing the plate onto my side of the table.

"If I get fat, I will sit on you until you suffocate," I warned him, and then continued to eat the chocolatey goodness.

"...Okay?" He watched me attack the cake interestedly.

 I swallowed, and stopped to stare at him. "Why are you so interested in watching me eat cake?"

"...Your facial expressions intrigue me."

I gave him a strange look, but continued to eat. I finished a moment later, pouting at the empty plate.

"It had to go away so fast..." I whined softly.

"...You ate it so fast," he remarked, rolling his eye as the waitress dropped off the check.

"You shouldn't do that, or it might get stuck one day!"

"Oh. I'll keep that in mind." Another eye roll as he pulled out his wallet.

"Stop right there!" I ordered, covertly pulling out a few bills of my own.

The waitress came by and I slipped the bills into her hand.

"...Okay then. I told you I wasn't going to let you mooch; if you had given me a moment, I was going to ask you to split it with me," Kakashi informed me, putting away his wallet.

"Nope, I wouldn't have wanted that, either. I've got way too much money."

"Come on, you can't have that much," he said.

"When we get back, I'll prove it."

"I'll take your word for it," he said, standing. "Come on. I want to show you something."

We walked out and he led me toward the headquarters, taking a sharp left as we reached the cliff that held those giant faces. We climbed for a while up a set of stone stairs, eventually reaching the top. He then walked over to the edge of the cliff, looking out over the moonlit village.

"Strange as this sounds, I don't like heights..." I mumbled, cautiously edging closer.

"Really?" He walked over to me, carefully wrapping an arm around my waist and coaxing me closer to the railing. "You can see the whole village from up here, though."

"Yeah, but I kinda like being low to the ground, Could have to do with my smallness..." I replied, slightly resisting going any closer.

He stopped moving, apparently content with the view.

"Maybe... I...I have something to tell you," he mumbled, refusing to look at me.

"Mmkay. Shoot." I replied, looking up at him curiously.


I cocked my head to the side, confused.

"I..." he sighed frustratedly.

"If you can't say it, show it," I teased lightly, trying to get him to loosen up.

His shoulder stiffened at that. He turned to look down at me, determination blazing in his eye. I was suddenly aware that he was leaning closer to me.

"I will, then."

"Wha-" I cut off as he pressed his, unmasked, lips to mine in a soft kiss.

I melted instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He broke the kiss what felt like a long time later, nuzzling the side of my face with his nose.

I couldn't help the slight purr that escaped from my throat as my already flushed face darkened.

He smiled against my skin.

"You liked that, I take it."

I nodded, smiling slightly.

"Hm. Good." His lips brushed mine once more, then he had pulled away, his mask firmly back in place.

I grinned at him, slipping my fingers through his.

We stood there like that for a long time.

"You ready to go back yet?" he asked, slightly reluctantly.

I sighed, "Why? They're all behind that boulder anyways."

His eye darkened suddenly.

"WHAT?" He turned slowly, glowering at them. "No respect at all... You have three seconds. Then I'm lighting you all on fire."

"Ooooh! Can I help?!" I asked eagerly, bouncing on my feet.

"Course you can." He was still glaring at their swiftly retreating backs. "Meddlesome idiots..."

;I knew they shouldn't have, but I couldn't stop them!;

)Yeah, you just wanted to see too!(

;... I left a bag if you don't want to go back... I'll tell them...;

I quickly jogged over to the boulder, finding a white duffel bag on the ground behind it.

)I knew there was a reason you're my favorite!(

I picked it up and tossed it to Kakashi.

"What's this? Surveillance equipment they left behind?" he grumbled, still rather upset.

"Shira wanted to apologize..." I trailed, shrugging.

"Hmph..." He unzipped the bag, rummaging through it for a second. "There are two blankets and a bunch of clothing in here..."

"She said we didn't have to go back tonight," I shrugged again, plopping down near him.

"Hmm... I knew I liked her..." he mumbled, spreading one of the blankets, a thick (gold) comforter on the ground and patting the ground beside him. He placed the bag behind him for use as a pillow, covering us up with the other blanket.

I laid my head on his chest, my eyes slowly closing.



"I...love you..." he muttered.

I lifted my head and turned to face him, smiling, "Love you too."

"...Thanks." He gave me a crinkle-eyed smile, touching his lips to my forehead through the mask.

I laughed and snuggled back down, falling asleep with a smile on my face.

So...Much...Cute... JK. I really am a sucker for these things... I just prefer another character... (coughcoughKaibacoughcough! -S ;P) Anyway, comment, vote, please enjoy, thank you. I'm tired. I go to dream of my favorite(For those of you who don't know Kaiba, Seto Kaiba from Yu-gi-oh! Look him up. -S ;P) now. Good night, sleep tight, may smexy anime characters invade your dreams, and please eat your veggies, my little bunnies. -Prodigious ^.^

Aw! They said it! Finally! So cute! I love it!

Ahem... sorry. Fan girl moment... Anyways, vote, enjoy and COMMENT! XD We love the comments people! Thnx for reading, and goodnight!-Saphy ;P

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