
By Brightstar2011

834 18 18

Whoops. The most understated way to say you fucked up. I guess you could say this word defines my life. My "f... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

32 1 0
By Brightstar2011

So I ended up buckling up in his car, even though I tried my hardest to convince him I could drive us. But unfortunately my lack of direction made it clear Chase was going to be driving.

I yawned as Chase told me for the hundredth time to pay attention. 

It wasn't my fault his car was super low and had super amazingly comfy seats... not my fault at all.

I hummed to the sounds of Noah and the Wale while I took sneaky glances at my hand. 

I had yet to get it freed from Chase's grip. Even when we had to be separated by getting into his surprisingly nice car, he just went back to holding my hand. Which really is a bad idea, especially since he's driving. 

Also, what would Mr. Emo boy, I'm-so-tough-and-can-punch-walls-n-stuff-but-not-really-man, be listening to indie music? I thought I'd be suffering through some metal-ish type sounds like Mastodon or Slipnot.

Seems we have more in common than I thought.

He parked in front of a store on a street filled with stores, and not to mention lots of people. Can I be more vague? Probably. But Chase would be mad if he knew I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going. 

So yeah, we got out of the car and walked onto this cobblestone-looking street. The whole street looked really nice with all it's quaint shops, but it also wreaked of wasted money.

I doubt I'll be able to afford much here rather than the stuff I bought at the chain stores they had at the mall.

The moment he locked his car, he swiftly slipped his keys into his pocket and then took my hand in his again. I tried to make my face show as much indifference as it could, but secretly I kinda liked his eagerness to hold my hand. 

We walked down the street a little, passing a clothing store for the middle-aged worker woman and a barber shop where a little boy was tentatively entering with his (probably) grandfather. Overall the street was really cool and we ended up stopping in front of this vintage nick-nack shop.

 As we walked past eisle after eisle it reminded me a little of back home.

There was this old lady there, a short stubby woman with long white hair that was always pinned back into an elegant bun. A lot of the times she wore a long sundress and had little bitty reading glasses that hung around her neck on a gold chain. Any normal person would look at her and think she's harmless, but in reality, she was an extremely confident, cocky old lady with the biggest sailor mouth I've ever heard. And that's saying something, considering I'm the teenager here.

Honestly, when I first met her I pretty much instantly hated her. She was rude and challenged my every move. But, when one summer my stupid ex-boyfriend pinned the blame for "borrowing" someone else's car on me, she was the only person who believed I was innocent. Sure, mom said that I didn't do it, but you could tell even she was doubtful.

I ran from home crying and sobbing down the street like an idiot. My lungs hurt like hell and I ended up crouching down on the sidewalk balling by eyes out in a neighborhood that I'd barely ever been to.

By the time I managed to slightly calm down, the lady was standing in front of me with her arms folded and a frown on her face. 

She sighed, "Are you going to keep making a fool out of yourself or are you going to come inside?"

Apparently I had been crying about two houses away from her house.

So, in the end I went to her house and ever since then we became good friends. She told me tons of stories about how the other old ladies in this town didn't like her because she fell in love and married the 'catch' of the town. And while we had our chats and dainty tea biscuits, she'd make my problems seem less unmanageable.

And no, she's not dead yet. Her kids decided on their own that she needed to be in an old woman's home, so I get to call her up whenever I want. I smiled as I imagined her raising hell in that old home.

It was silly. I was so involved in my little dream world that I totally forgot to hide my smile and not to mention the tingling circles Chase was drawing on my hand with his thumb.

"See anything you like?" he asked, strangely with a smile on his face.

I shook my head, "Not really. This whole place just reminds me of my Mammy."


I blushed a little at the silly nickname. Even though I met her while I was in my last year of Junior high (which in my mind, is considered a very young point of my life), I still gave her a cheesy name. But then it's her own fault, since she refused for me to call her grandma or Memaw or anything else sorta normal.

I smiled, "She was this little old lady who helped me out alot. I guess you could say she's my grandma, since I don't really have one."

He nodded, "Shall we go? Or do you want to stay longer?"

I shook my head, not oblivious to the antsy shopkeeper eyeing us suspiciously, "Let's go."

We walked into a couple of other shops, making our way down the end of the street. So far he had bought himself a couple of CD's from this really cool music shop. Granted, most of the workers looked high, but that just added to the charm. I on the other hand, had opted to buy nothing and only nothing. Which for some reason bugged Chase...

"Come on, you don't see anything you like?!" he asked, irritated.

"Nope," I popped.

"If your worried about price, then it's not a problem. I'll take care of it."

I shook my head, "I'm not helpless, I can pay for myself. I just don't want anything."

He shut his mouth, pouting about not having to pay for me. 

Which pretty much confirms that he's crazy. Yup, crazy as a coo coo clock.

A grin spread across his face, "You don't even want candy or ice cream?" 

I bit my lip. Like hell would I admit my weakness of all things sugar and fat and junk food. 

With my hand still attached to his, he dragged me into the most 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' looking shop that I've ever seen. Not the actually factory part, of course. Although if I owned a candy store, it would look like that.

There was a cool looking candy bar that sold ice cream too, and shelves and shelves stacked with candy from every country you could think of. Granted, it was a bit more pricey than the candy you'd get at the supermarket, but it wasn't all too bad.

"Why hello, Mister Chase! It's good to see you!" the man greeted from behind the counter. He was a very tall older gentleman with a white fluffy beard.

Kinda imagine a skinny short bearded Santa who isn't bald, is super duper tall, and wears a blue bow tie. 

Chase smiled, "Yeah, it's been awhile." 

"And what a pretty lady friend you have!" the old gentleman went on. They chatted for a bit, and while I knew I should try to pay attention, I couldn't help my eyes from wandering across the many different types of candy and ice cream flavors.

"Well then, where are my manners? You didn't come to hear an old man ramble on! Now, is there anything you two would like?" the old man stated as he straightened up.

Chase smiled, "You still make your own rocky road ice cream?"

"As long as I'm living, all the ice cream will be homemade!" he exclaimed proudly, "So the usual then?"

Chase nodded as I watched the shopkeeper, whip out a little paper bowl out. He placed one scoop of ice cream before pouring on a layer of chocolate sauce. Then after putting a second scoop of Rocky Road, he sprayed whipped cream on with a cherry on top. It was quite an impressive ice cream.

"Now then, what would you like miss?"

I scanned down the list of choices, "Peach".

The man smiled, "Very good. A cone or a cup?"

"Cone, please."

He pulled out a waffle cone and scooped two scoops of peach ice cream.

"Do you want anything else on top?" he asked.

My brow furrowed, "What should I put?"

The old man chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll find something."

The man bent down behind the counter and pulled out an actual peach! Yes, a fruit.

He washed it a bit in the sink and then cut thin slices on it, layering the slices into a pyramid on top of the ice cream. Then, he sprayed some whipped cream on and placed a cherry on top.

I smiled at my ice cream cone. I couldn't help it. The ice cream just looked so good and the old man was just so cool.

"How much will that be for the two of us, old timer?" Chase said after gulping down a spoon of ice cream. The boy was pretty much halfway done with his.

I blushed, "No. I can pay for my own."

So from this, we got into a big argument about who was paying. Honestly, I didn't know what his deal was. He really didn't need to pay. 

The old man finally broke up our bickering with a loud booming laugh.

"You two sound like me and my wife!" he chuckled, "Tell you what, since it's your first time here, your ice cream will be on the house, miss."

My face instantly turned red, "Oh no, you can't do that."

Chase nodded and placed a 20 dollar bill on the counter, "She's right. Here's for the two of us. And use the rest to buy Lizzie a treat."

The old man nodded, "If you insist, son"

I instantly pouted as Chase dragged me out before I could wham my own money on the counter. We left with the old man's chuckle echoing behind us.

I sneakily escaped Chase's grasp and went to work devouring my delicious ice cream.

Unfortunately, I'm kinda incapable of doing two things at once and so I bumped into a few people while trying to catch up to Chase and eat my ice cream. Finally at the end of the street, I followed Chase into a small park. He stopped ahead of me at a bench and threw away his ice cream cup.

I sat down and tried to gulp down the other half of my ice cream cone. Sitting beside me, he grinned at my attempt to lick all the liquid. But I failed and a big glob dripped down across my hand.

Balancing the cone in the other hand, I licked my messy hand. Preoccupied, I let Chase take the cone from me and clean off the top of my cone. I took one of the napkins he had conveniently laid out on his lap.

"Woah there, getting a little ahead of ourselves now are we?" he smirked as I tried to ignore his sexual taunt. 

He handed me back my cone and snaked  his arm around my back. Sighing, Chase leaned his head back and closed his eyes. 

I couldn't help but shoot a few glances at him as I quietly nibbled on my ice cream. In the light I could actually make out a few things I hadn't cared to notice. His dark hair was actually a brown color, he had a few freckles on his neck, his shoulders were a bit broad--even without his usual hoodie--, and his forearms were tan and a little muscular. 

A small drift of wind picked up and rustled the trees, casting shadows across his face.

Ugh. I was staring and I knew it. Turning away, I focused on the rest of my messy ice cream and soon enough I had eaten the whole thing and had to steal a few more napkins from Chase's lap. Actually, I stole all of them. But of course he didn't know since his eyes were still closed.

Unsure as to what to do, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to check the time. Ignoring the many texts from Amy about the date I discovered that it was 4 p.m.  

Another gust of wind, a colder one, hit us and sent me into a shiver despite the two shirted protection I had going on.

Chase yawned and instinctively rubbed the side of my arm to make me warmer. Straightening up, he opened his eyes. Well, one actually, since he went straight to rubbing one of them.

In a little way, I kind of wanted to hug him. 

Not that I was attracted to him, course.

He just looked huggable. You know, it's kinda like looking at babies or teddy bears. Something just makes you know that their soft and squishy.

Oh gosh, this sounds like I'm calling him fat.

...now that I look at him, he doesn't seem to have a single fat cell in him. Damn ittttttt.

Chase put a hand on my cheek and came closer, breaking me from my internal struggle. I sqeezed my eyes shut and tried to make the my most horrified face I could make.

Unfortunately I couldn't stop thinking about his pretty green eyes, or the fact that his long fingertips were sweeping across my face, or the increasing warmth that was rushing  to my face, and... so, all I could manage was a frown.

Stupid boy.

He used his hand on my face to move it to the side, as his hot breath tickled my ear.

"Disappointed?" he asked taunted.

I cracked my eyes open, "What?" 

He chuckled and let go of me, finally giving me some space.

"I hate to break it to you, but I gotta be getting home, so let's head back to the car," he smirked, thinking that I'd be sad that I couldn't be with him anymore.

Stupid jerk. The date wasn't that amazing.

He stood up and I followed him through the street and back to the car. 

And no, we didn't hold hands, if that was what you were thinking.

We drove back pretty much in silence, until I was forced to try to navigate him to the place where I parked. Which, surprisingly wasn't too big of a hassle since the parking lot wasn't too busy. 

He parked next to my car and I quickly took off my seat belt and opened the car door.

"See you later, alligator!" I said as I stepped out of the vehicle.

I know, not the most mature thing to say when making a getaway. 

By the time I had looped over to the driver's side of my car, Chase was unfortunately already behind me. 

I pouted when he caught my wrist.

"You know, that's not a very nice," he said as he closed the distance between us, our bodies practically grazing each other.

Before I could talk back, he used his free hand to tilt my head upwards as his lips came down on mine.

While the kiss was a little messy and eager, the shock of it all make my stomach do leaps. His hand now cupped my face as his other hand left my lips and rested on the crook of my neck. Personally, my right hand rested on his chest trying to settle the little touch or no touch thing our bodies were doing. 

His hand left my face and instead covered my hand that was on his chest, while he finally released our lip lock and let me breathe.

Grinning, he let go of me and started walking back to his car, "See you monday!"

Like a fool, I stumbled back into my car and absent mindedly navigated back home where I easily fell asleep in my bed.


So I'm going to try to update every week! Once I get that habbit down, I'll give y'all a deadline as to when I'll post. 

It'll probably be Monday, but we'll see.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! I tried to make it as long as it possibly could.

Dont forget!!!!!

FAN because you love me

VOTE because you love AbbyXChase

COMMENT because you want more <3

Till next time! : )

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