The Animal Prince

By vablankenbiller

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A long time ago a prince was cursed by a witch. His only hope of being human was finding a girl that would lo... More

The Animal Prince
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 14

374 11 1
By vablankenbiller

{The hunter}

After I locked eyes with that girl I knew who she was, Cybele Alexandra Grey. But when she knew she locked eyes with me she instantly turned away.

I was about to untie her until the door flew open and in came Jake. Great! Just what I need! Then his father also came in.

"You are dismissed, and good job capturing her, she's a tricky one," Jake commented while crouching down to Cybele's eyes level. Jake placed his hand under her chin and made her lift her head up.

"I doubt your pathetic prince will save you now, he doesn't even know where you are in this horrible storm," Jake added, while smirking at Cybele.

Jake's dad quickly saw my reaction and pulled me out of the room. He knew just by looking at me that I needed a talk with him.

"Go on, you may speak," Jake's dad informed me. I can't believe that this is happening!

"Alright, we had a deal, I join you and you leave my family alone," I yelled but quietly so that Cybele and Jake couldn't hear us. I could tell that Jake's father was confused. But with all the alcohol he likes to drink I wouldn't think of anything less.

"Yea, so?" Jake's father replied. He had no clue what I was talking about.

"We had a deal that you leave my family alone only if I join you. Well I joined you and now you have my sister tied up. I want you to let her go, we had an agreement," I replied. Waiting for Jake's father to catch up.

"That was eleven years ago, stop living in the past. Also, we can't let her go, and before you ask why you will respect me and return to your post," Jake's dad ordered me. Yea right! My sister is in that room with a hunter, there is no way I'm leaving without her.

Before Jake's father could do anything I ran back into the room where Jake was with Cybele. I heard Jake's father call in for more hunters to help restrain me. As long as Cybele can get out of here, I don't care what happens to me.

I ran into the room and saw Cybele's back against the wall. Before Jake even noticed I was in here I quickly kicked him and then punched him, he was out cold, but he won't be out cold for long.

God I can't believe how stupid I was to not realize that this girl was my sister. I had no idea that they moved and I didn't have a chance to see her face, I'm so stupid for bringing her here.


I have no idea what just happened. One minute this hunter is taking me away from my home, the next he is trying to get me out of here. Oh no! It's that stupid spell, he might just want me for himself. Well there is no way I'm leaving with him.

He quickly untied my hands and dropped the rope, "Hurry, other hunters will be here. You have to follow me if you want to get out of here." I doubt I should trust this guy, but what do I have to loose? Jake was trying to kiss me and like I would let him.

The hunter grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out of the room. He kept bringing me down dark hall ways and I had no clue where he was taking me.

I started to see a light after the seventh hallway this hunter took me down, I instantly knew that it was the exit. We finally made it out of there.

"Hurry, they will be out any second, we need to hide, quickly," the hunter warned me. But I had no idea where to hide, then I heard someone calling my name.

The one sound came closer and closer and it turned into five people calling my name. The storm was still brutal but I knew who was calling me know. My mom, dad, Jenna, Michael, and the loudest one, Aiden.

I quickly ran in the direction that I heard everyone calling my name, the hunter decided to follow me and see where I was going.

I jumped out of a bush and I instantly saw everyone, they all ran over towards me. I turned back around right as everyone was about to pull me towards our house. I didn't see that hunter anywhere, no, he helped me escape and if he was caught then it's my fault.

I quickly jumped back out of Aiden's arms and ran towards the direction I just came in. I knew that Aiden, and everyone else was following me. I stopped when I saw Jake's father with the hunter that helped me in his arms, and he had a gun near his head.

I froze in my position, wondering why Jake's father would shoot his own hunter. Before I could do anything I felt a hand grab both my hands and then another one cover my mouth. That defiantly wasn't Aiden.

"You should have left when you had the chance," the hunter told me after Jake's father put his gun away. I knew that Jake had me and I was getting sick of this.

"Cybele! Where are you!" we all heard Aiden yell. I couldn't say anything because Jake had his hand over my mouth.

"We're over here! Hurry up!" the other hunter yelled. Why would a hunter do that? Hunter's don't do anything nice.

I was knocked out of my thought when I saw Jake's father push that hunter towards the ground. I quickly bit Jake's hand and made him trip before I did the most stupidest thing ever.

I saw Jake's father raise his gun towards that hunter while I took the shot for the hunter. That hunter quickly punched Jake's father in the face before he could try and shoot again.

Everything started becoming a blur, I heard Aiden calling for me and then I felt two arms pick me up.

"Don't worry Cybele, I'm not going to let you die. Not ever," that wasn't Aiden's voice, that was the hunters voice. But why would he be sad for my death, he barely knew me.

I completely blanked out after that.


We all chased after Cybele after she ran back into the forest. What none of us expected to see was someone running with her in her hands, along with blood dripping.

The person wouldn't let us see his face, instead he said, "She's been shot, we need to bring her to the hospital, and quick!" Me, the guy, Michael, and Jenna quickly ran towards the hospital while Cybele's mom and dad grabbed the car. We met them halfway there and then jumped into the car.

I took Cybele from the hunter and I had no idea how this all happened. Cybele was loosing a lot of blood, I'm not sure if she could even make it or not.

Michael, the guy, and me tried to patch the whole up with her jacket so she wouldn't bleed as much. The storm started to calm down right after we made it to the hospital.

Jenna called so they knew we were coming, they quickly took Cybele into a room and tried to save her. All of us sat down in a chair while that mysterious guy held his head down low and sat on the floor near Cybele's door.

"Who are you and how do you know Cybele?" I questioned the guy. He didn't even look up at me. I needed answer with how he found Cybele dead.

"I'll repeat it again, who the hell are you and how did you find out that Cybele was shot?" my anger was rising.

All eyes were now on the guy with his head still down. He didn't smile or frown or do anything.

"I will not give away who I am, but I will tell you that the leader of the hunters tried to shoot me and instead Cybele risked her safety for me," the guy explained.

What does he mean he will not tell me his name? Along with why did the leader of the hunters try to shoot him and why in the world would Cybele save him from being killed?

"Why-" but I was quickly interrupted by that guy.

"Stubborn prince, you could ask Cybele when she wakes up. Also, stop asking me questions that you can get from Cybele after she's awake. I'm just staying until she's awake, then I'm leaving. But if you keep asking me questions then I'll be more than happy to leave right now for you," the guy replied.


I was only staying to make sure that my sister was ok. I didn't want to draw any attention and this prince was already asking me questions left and right.

I'm not so sure if Cybele will make it through, she is a tough girl but I don't know if she could handle a bullet in the chest. I saw it hit her chest, I'm not so sure if it hit her heart but if it didn't then it was a little to close.

I will not explain myself to anyone, not until I know that my family can be safe. Instead of that idiot prince crouching down in front of me it was another girl, probably one of Cybele's friends.

"Listen, we just want to know what happened. We all care for Cybele and if she just saved your life then that means she cares about you to. But the question is why would she save your life?" Cybele's friend asked me.

I took a deep sigh before answering her question, "I was the one that helped Cybele escape, and before you all start asking me question no I will not answer anymore questions. I have enough stuff to deal with." Hopefully no one puts two and two together.

I have Michael's grouchy attitude, and hopefully no one says anything about that. I walk over towards the bathroom before anyone says a word, all I can think about is my sister still being alive.

She'll make it, Cybele is not weak like other girls. But the major question is should I leave after she wakes up? She probably still won't know who I am and I don't know if I should be glad that she know's who I am or not.

I will now have all the hunters after me today and if I stay with Cybele then she will just be in more danger. My baby sister doesn't need that right now, she has her whole future ahead of herself. She doesn't need me in it to cause trouble.

Even though I remembered her birthday is coming up this week, she probably forgot her birthday was coming up. There is no way I could forget my only sisters birthday.

I guess my decision is made up, after she wakes up, I'm leaving, for good. I'm not going to risk seeing my baby sister get hurt, and I'll make sure she gets her happily ever after, she deserves one.

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