Chapter 15

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I woke up in a hospital bed. I wasn't actually surprised, after taking that hit for that hunter that saved me it was the least I could do for him. I knew after I took that bullet that I would probably wake up in a hospital.

The weird thing was that while I was asleep, I kept thinking of my brother, Alex, before he disappeared. I was thinking about all the laughs we had, how well he was at karate, and how he was always their for me, just like an older brother should be.

The nurse saw me awake and right after that I remember that stupid curse, the one that got me in this situation. Then I remember how the hunter didn't kidnap me, I could have actually been somewhere else with me waking up and finding him in a different room.

But, instead I was in a hospital, that was a big surprise for me. After getting checked and getting a shot or two for the actual shot they let everyone in that wanted to see me. The nurse said that I would be alright and that I got lucky, any closer to my heart and I would be dead.

Aiden walked in along with Jenna, Michael, and my parents. But I didn't see that hunter, I wonder what happened to him. Everyone saw my confused face and wondered why I was so confused.

"Cybele? What's wrong?" Aiden asked me. I continued to look around until I was certain that the hunter left.

"What happened to that hunter? Who was he?" I asked, everyone looked at each other.

"We have no idea who he was, Jenna tried to talk to him and find out everything she could but in the end, we ended up with nothing," my mother explained to me. I was so confused right now, didn't the curse effect him when he looked into my eyes?

"Oh! Well did he ever say when he was coming back?" I asked everyone. Everyone looked at me not sure if I was serious or just kidding. Aiden looked like he was about ready to laugh because he thought I was just joking.

Jenna saw how serious I was and spoke, "No, he said he that after you woke up he was leaving. He said that he would leave immediately after you woke up and you were feeling better."

I got a little mad, why would he just leave? I would of liked to know why he saved me or how looking into my eyes didn't effect him. I wish he would have stayed.

"Aiden, you think you could find him for me. I know it sounds shocking but please! I need to ask him something and I need to see him!" I begged Aiden. He looked like he was going to regret it while everyone else looked at me shocked.

"Fine, but you owe me for this one," Aiden said. He quickly ran out of the room and I guess went to go look for that guy.

I started to feel tired again, everyone saw that I was getting sleepy and so they went home. It was seven in the morning so Jenna and Michael headed off to school while my parents went back to work.

I needed to get some sleep anyway. I don't know how much strength I will use if that hunter tries to kidnap me. Oh! Maybe it wasn't such a good idea asking Aiden to get that hunter for me. But I need answers, and that hunter seems to have them. After that, I fell asleep.

*3 hours later*

I woke up when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Aiden with that hunter over his shoulders. Wow! I guess that hunter didn't want to be found, I wonder why? Great! more questions for me to ask. Oh well. Hopefully he has most of my answers.

"Sorry if I woke you Cybele," Aiden apologized. I smiled at him, he was a really sweet guy. He placed the hunter down on the chair and threatened him if he did anything to me or even if he tried to leave.

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