Berk Watches A prophecy and a...

By bolticrontic

25.3K 240 79

I do NOT OWN HTTYD OR THE FANFIC THIS IS JUST FANMADE(fanfic made by cpt carnage in fanfiction) Berk watches... More

Start-The Teleportation
Prolog:The Prophecy and the Raid
Chapter 1:Hiccup goes to the Draconica Empire
Chapter 2-18 years in the empire
Chapter-3 18 years in the empire P2
Chapter 4:This is berk
Chapter 6:New friends

Chapter 5 Also Berk

1.4K 17 8
By bolticrontic

Hi you think this story is dead? well no its just got to take a break writing cast watch movies and getting the reaction juuussst right is pretty hard so forgive me on making you wait for 6 months

but damn when i got back to wattpad and notification ringged its a suprise that my story took of i mean i got 1.5K readers and 30 fav which is the most i got my god.
Also i might be moving to Fanficiton but on the simple stories like this will be in wattpad. mabye i could co work on the two website.

I may also improve on my writing since i was practicing my english being a flilipino does not help

so this is the long awaited chapter!

Disclaimer:I do not own prophecy and a viking that is own by Cpt.Carnage nor i own HTTYD which is own by dreamworks


Viking(not paying attention to hiccup)"Okay then, welcome to Berk."

Ryder(Hiccup) thanked the man, then walk toward the village while the Viking villagers give him strange looks as he get's deeper in the village.

Viking villager(Muttering)"What a strange sword"

Fishlegs:"I have to agree with him your sword's hilt is way to big for that kind of length of a blade."

Hicca:"Ya i agree you sword's reach is way to small to hit something"

Hiccup(Smirked)"Now that is my secret."

Hicca just pouted and Fishleg hummed as he just observe the strange sword.

While Ryder just ignore the whispering which he expected it as he is a foreigner, He look around looking a play to stay like a Inn,for he can not go to the forest to toothless or it will raise suspicion on him.

as he look around he stopped at a forge and see tools scattered and what seems to be a machine that deserved to be at the forge in draconia.

Ryder(curious/mumbling)"My, what a intresting invention, a launcher of sort"

Hicca heard this and look at his suppose brother:"Wait do people in Draconica build this kind of invention?"

Hiccup nodded:"Ya there is a forged back home but much much bigger for inventing and storing"

Gobber just imagine on what he said a forged much much bigger than his, he can do endless possiblilty with that.

But before he leave he heard something which sounded like some in distress so he step closer to the sound of distress.

Hicca heard the voice and is panicking inside, her lost brother and her parents are here, and they will now learn that she always was being bullied which will increase being bullied tenfold.

Gobber also recognized the nice just sighed,hicca told him to not tell her parents and as she think she can handle which in reality she can not, he hope that hiccup can stop hicca being bullied.

but once he reach where the noise came from, his face turn to a scowl as he see hicca being bullied by Snotlout and the twins.

The Twins holding Hicca still, while Snotlout taunt and insult Hicca.

Snotlout:"Come on useless stand up we're not done for today."

The twins and Snotlout suddenly feel hot like the burning sun when they turn around there face turn white as a bewilderbeast

because Valka the Daughter of Hicca and Son of the suppose dead Hiccup

Stared a deathly glare at the three.

Valka said in way to sweet voice that was way to unnaturual"Mr Bolticrontic, can I ask you a favor?"

In a few seconds a flash of light reveling who kidnapped them.

He wears some kind of red tail coat with a vest and black pants and black crazy hair.

Boltic then said"yes Valka?"tho his voice hint with fear.

"Can you give me a staff just want to teach how the old days Punish missbehaved children."

Boltic snap his finger quickly revealing Valka's staff which she took it quickly.

"Come on kids i will show you the old ways of Punishment"Everyone shuddered includding the wizard at the unnatural sweet voice and smile at her face.

Even Stoick the Vast tremble before his wife.

The three gulp and laughed nervously and ran away as quick as possible

Boltic made a tip as they ran"There is a map near outside the door!" and being chased by a vengeful mother.

"Come on Kids! why are you running just want to shove this stick right up your ass! on what your doing with my baby!"A voice can be hear and filled with bang noise and screams can be heard

Gobber and Boltic muttered together"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

Hiccup scowled behind his mask, at this display. "Targeting a innocent girl now that's just a coward way"

Hicca(whimpered):"Snotlout please, just leave me alone."

Snotlout(Laughed cruelly as she punch Hicca in the face)Then you shouldn't be so pathetic Hicca, you'll never be a real viking for the like's of you"(The twins join in the laughter albeit little less cruel)

Hiccup had enough of this display and drop his duffel bag and stepped forward grabbing Snotlout's shoulder and pulled him backward spinning him around to face him.

Ryder( Deep Intimidating voice):Hey Pick on someone you own age knucklehead!"

Snotlout was first surprise by the intervention and deep voice but his surprise quickly turn to annoyance.

Snotlout(Annoyed):"Mind you own business stranger, you can't tell me what to do!"

Snotlout(Pointing at Hicca):"She deserve it, she has to learn to be a Viking and not so usele-!"

Everyone wince as a girly scream can be heard in the background

But before he finish his sentence he has to say hi to one of hiccup's little friend, his name is Fist, which make Snotlout stumbling a few meters back before he lost his balance and fell on the ground with a thud.

The Twins before they try to help their good old pal Snotlout by attacking Hiccup, both were grabbed in the head and smash both together making a thud from the helmet's the twins are wearing making both collapse.

The Three are sprawling on the ground with disorginised pile of pain. making them groan on the pain that Hiccup inflicted them

"Please Miss Haddock we promise will not bully useless!"

"Oh who's useless hmm i don't know anyone by that name? mabye i will make your arms useless since you boys! love them so much!!"

"nice going you bogest you made her even madder."

"I don't see you helpping!"

"Ahh not my muscles!"

Astrid look at Hicca"Your mother is scary."

Hicca looked surprise then said"You have no idea."

Ryder(Low voice):"Now, get the hell out of here! MOVE!"

And they did, the twins scramble on their feet and dragged snotlout with them to make a hasty retreat, Hiccup satisfied with himself turned back around to Hicca who was starting to get up and saw everthing, she whimpered with a shaky body when he came close.

Hiccup:"Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you"(He extend his hand to help her)

Hicca(Hesitantly took his hand and got up):"Why would you help me?"

"His your brother but didn't know that"Boltic grinned as he saw Hiccup scratch the back of his head while hicca just find the floor intersting 

Ryder(Truthfully and genuine):"Beacuse i can't stand someone getting bullied for who they are, it not right."(He then guide her to a nearby log to sit down)"Do i have your permission to check for any wounds miss?"

Hicca(Surprise):Uhh-, sure..i guess?"

Hiccup stood up and get his duffel bag which he dropped monents earlier. he then sat back down next to Hicca proceeded check her for any injuries.

Hiccup(Concluded):"Your injuries seems to be very minor. only a slight bruise on your cheek. should be gone with in a day or two."

Hicca(thankful):Thank you sir."


Hicca:"It's Hicca

Hiccup:"alright Hicca, if you don't mind me asking, why were those kids doing all those  thing to you?"

Hicca(Hesitantly as she look around avoiding Hiccup's gaze):Well...the entire village i'm just a runt thinking i'm useless and accident waiting to happen as i want to help, my mother and Gobber the blacksmith of this place are the only one who treat me.....well hicca.

The Village with the exception for the coup members -who faked it- look down with shame

Hiccup(Flinch and taken aback) one besides your mother and this Gobber tries to stop them?"

Hicca:"No, the villagers don't care. They see Snotlout as a better heir than me. Thetwins follow his every move and Fishlegs is too afraid to do anything. Then thereis Astrid, she doesn't bully me or anything like that but she also does nothing tostop it. I guess she thinks of me just like the rest of the village."

Guilt intensified!

Hiccup(Encourage):"Listen Hicca, it doesn't matter what the village thinks of you. They can't decidewhat you have to be or have to do. The only thing that matters is what you thinkand believe. In the end you will have to make your own decisions. Only you knowwhat's best for yourself." 

Hicca(Hopeful):"Really? You think so?" 

Hiccup(Encourage):"I don't think that. I know it to be true." 

Hicca (pondered and thanked):"Thank you sir, foreverything." 

Hiccup:"My pleasure miss Haddock. Oh before I forget do you know where I can stay thenight for a while?"

Hicca:"Ah yes, there's an inn on the other side of town. That way, you can't miss it."

pointing to the other side of the village. 

"I'd take you there but Ineed to go to work." 

"That won't be necessary, thank you." 

Hiccup starting to walk away. 

Hicca(shouted):"Hey, dinner is in the great Hall. And I never got your name!"

"The name's Ryder." 

"You lied to me!"Hicca playfully shouted to his brother.

Hiccup chuckled"Sorry Hicca was focus on saving berk here"

Hiccup went to the inn where Hicca pointed at and Hicca went back to work inside the Forge.


A/N:Hiiiii!!!! Boltic here! this chapter is done! don't worry it won't take longer on finishing chapters.

Hope you enjoy this chapter i am trying here to make it more enjoyable.

And i am going to have so oh much fun with Valka and astrid.

Miss Valka want some Grand childrens!

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