Adopted a Soul Shifter (Compl...

By TheMuffinPrincess

199K 8.5K 2.3K

Hi, my name is Claudia Himmel. I'm 16 years old and live in a crappy orphanage. I had to come here when my pa... More

Adopted a Soul Shifter
Chapter 1
Character Descriptions
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
More Character Descriptions
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Connor Franta

Chapter 11

9.6K 386 113
By TheMuffinPrincess

***Claudia's POV***

I woke up the next morning to someone shouting outside of the cave. I look over at the bedside clock and it's 7:45. My god, who would want to be awake at this time?

I groan and get up. I shout back really loud so the person outside could hear. "I'll be out in a minute!"

I put on a pair of black jean shorts and a grey 'Fall Out Boy' tank top with black converse. I then changed my hair color to dirty blonde and eye color to bright blue.

I went out the back way of the cave and went around to see who was yelling. And to my surprise it was the alpha of the Black Moon pack, John, who was also the elder of the pack.

"Hello alpha John. How may I help you?" I say in one of my nicer tones. Because let's just say, I had to use one of my meaner tones on someone in his pack the came to close to one of the animals that was in my territory. Ops! ;D

"Oh, hello mystery." Everyone around here knows me as either mystery it mystery girl. But because I don't want people to really know who I am I go by changer.

"Please, call me Changer."

"Ok then. Hello Changer. I was just wondering if you would care to come to the party we are having. It is for my grandson because he is taking over the alpha position."

"Oh that would be lovely, but I'm not so good with people knowing who I am." You see me and alpha John have this sort of connection. He is one if the only people around here who actually know who I am.

"That is why we have made it a masquerade ball, or party as the younger ones like to say. It would be a formal event and you don't have to show your face if you don't want to."

Ok now that's bargaining. "Um I'm not sure. I will think about it. When will it be?"

"This Friday, at the pack house. And I assume you know where the pack house is?"

"Yes I do, when I decide I will send a messenger with my answer. And please tell your men not to attack her. She will have an arm or leg band with my symbol on it."

"Ok I will inform them." And with that he shifts into his grey wolf and runs back to his pack.

I turn around to go back to my cave when I see a mother dear with two babies running towards my cave and one of the babies is limping and bleeding in the leg. Then I see what it's running from.

Behind them about 30 yards is a wolf. But it's a rouge wolf, and not one that is nice like me.

I quickly shift into my white wolf and run over to hurry and protect the dear. Once they are almost to my cave I turn toward the rouge.

I see it's blood red eyes and foaming mouth. He is very thin and probably wanted one of the dear for a nice meal. But one problem, he'll have to go through me if he wants those dear, and I don't go down quickly.

I snarl at the rouge but he growls loudly at me. I shift back right there knowing that my clothes would still be on.

"Shift back." I say. But he doesn't. Oh so that's how he wants to play?

"SHIFT BACK!" I yell in my pure voice. That even the most powerful alpha would have to listen to me.

He whimpered and went behind a tree to shift.

"I need clothes." He tells me.

"Look under the roots, there should be a bag with clothes." I say.

He comes back out in a pair of girls running shorts and really tight Florida Gators shirt on. I had to try so hard not to laugh at what he looked like but it was to hard and I started laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

"Yeah yeah, stop laughing. These were the only clothes there." He said with a scowl on his face.

I just smirked at him and started to ask my normal questions whenever someone came on my territory.

"Ok so 1. What is your name and where are you from? 2. Why are you on my territory? And 3. What were you doing to those dear?"

"I'm Tyler and I have no home. And I only came on your territory cause I needed a meal and those dear were the best short I had!"

"Ok so I think you should leave unless you don't want your dick. So bye." I say with a kind smile and I'm about to leave when he says something so stupid I bet this is why some people fear me.

"Ha I bet you're the type of girl that just has her mate beet up people for her. But oh wait your a rouge so your mate probably wouldn't love you anyways."


"I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU KNOW THAT I LIVE ON MY OWN AND WORK TO GET EVERYTHING THAT I NEED AND I DONT NEED A FUCKING MATE TO DO IT FOR ME!!!" I scream this at him in my pure voice and he is basically on his hands and knees praying that I don't kill him.

"Now run along before you make me even more mad and just be happy I'm not a killer, like you." I say more calm this time but I'm still furious. And once I said that to him, he is sprinting away as if I was going to run after him.

I turn back towards my cave and see the dear cower back a little when I start to walk near them.

"Oh no it's ok, I would never hurt you. That man just pissed me off and I had to show his who he was messing with." I say in my kind voice.

They then get a lot friendlier and start to nudge up against me. "Ok now let's go inside and I'll have a look at your leg." I say to all I them and they start to follow me towards the back of the cave. When we get around I use my earth element to make a hole/door thing so we could all get through. And when we were in I closed it up.

I then take them towards an open area with a soft rug and let them lay down while I get some fresh water and food for them. And once I came back I took a look at the baby's leg and it was cut badly, so I went to my first aid and got everything I needed.

Because I was only 16 when I dropped out of school and I needed a good education I did an online course and did a college course for being a veterinarian. So I could easily help animals if they needed it.

"Ok so that should do it! Just make sure to rest your leg and try not to walk on it so much. And if the man ever comes back, remember that you are always aloud in my territory." I tell them once I'm done. Yeah I know it's weird to be talking to dear but it's actually not.


I hear my phone go off so i grab it and see that I got a text from Janie.

J: hey do u want to come over 2morrow?

C: ok or I can come 2night and sleepover?

J: kk c u soon!!!

C: k bye

I then start packing my bag with clothes while I think if what animal would get me to Janie's pack quickly but it wouldn't be to weird of an animal to be sighted, because Janie's pack is located in New York. The state not the city.

When I was finished packing I made a hole again through the earth and closed it. I then went over to a nearby tree and asked a little squirrel if he could watch over my cave to make sure nobody goes into it or into my territory.

I then shifted into a peregrine falcon. And if you don't know what that is search it. It is the fastest bird/living creature on this planet.

I quickly shifted into the bird and flew off with my small bag in my beak.

I had made it in record time and got to scare Janie which was really funny until she shifted into a black bear, an angry black bear. And that my friend, is not funny.

When we were done goofing off and went inside her pack house. Well it's not really hers, she just stays there. She is the third in command's 2nd oldest child. She has and older brother who is 23 and is going to be the third in command when his dad steps down.

So yeah, so me and Janie went upstairs to her master bedroom. Oh yeah, so everyone here has a master bedroom!!! 😱 Like seriously! Wtf!

"So what's going on?" She asked me.

"Nothin much, oh I was invited to the ball at the Black Moon pack to watch the old alpha step down and new alpha step up."

"Oh my god you have to go! Wait did you say yes! And if you did we have to go dress shopping! Oh and I could do your makeup-"

"Wait, one question at a time please. You are going to fast for my brain." I say laughing some.

"Did you say you would go?"

"No I'm not sure if I want to go and reveal myself. But alpha John said it would be a masquerade ball so maybe."

If it's a masquerade then you have to go! Nobody would know who you are, and your identity would be safe."

"Wow I sound like batman right now, trying to keep my identity safe and all." Ok that just popped info my head.

"Omg you could be Batman and I could be Robin!"

"No I would be Batgirl!"

"HAHA BATGIRL AND ROBIN TO THE RESCUE!" And we both do a superman pose!

"Oh god, we are so weird!" I say as we both flop back down on her bed.

"Yeah, but at least we are weird together!"

"TRUE DAT BITCH!" I yell loudly enough to here it down the hall.

"Holy crap don't say that so loud!" She says whispering.

"Fine." I say yawning. "Hey can we get some dinner?"

"Sure there's pizza downstairs."

"PIZZA!!!" I yell running downstairs.

I ate 3 slices of pizza and 2 bowls of ice cream before I passed out on the air mattress in Janie's room.

The next morning I woke up really early, and by that I mean 7am not 3 or 4. That's just weird. I absolutely hate the mornings. And today is a Monday morning so yay -_-. Janie has classes this afternoon at Juilliard School, because she does regular dance and ice dance. And she also plays the piano.

I walked down stairs in my batman sweatpants and yellow camisole. When I get downstairs I smell waffles and bacon. I walk into the kitchen I see the pack moms making breakfast while the teens are playing with the younger kids. I decide to help out with the kids and go sit next to Janie.

Janie is the 2nd oldest in her family. She has two brothers and one sister. Her brothers are Alex, the oldest, and Jason, the youngest. Jason is 6 and has blonde hair like Janie but blue eyes like Alex instead of green. And then Janie's sister is Peyton. She is 12 and has light brown hair like Alex and green eyes.

When I sit down Jason runs up to me and sits on my lap while hugging me.

"Well I missed you to." I say laughing some at how he is reacting to seeing me.

"Hey I haven't seen you all morning don't I get a hug also?" Janie asks Jason.

"No!" He screams then runs away laughing. It was pretty cute.

"Well then." She says rolling her eyes.

"Breakfast is ready!" One of the mom's yells out to us and we all get up and walk to the kitchen.

During breakfast I had some light conversation with the alpha. And he still kept asking if I wanted to join their pack. It's like seriously! I said no the other 20 times, what makes you think I'm going to say yes now?

Anyways I said my goodbyes and told Janie that I was going I the ball and that she could come down to help me choose a dress and mask. And then I was off.

When I got back home I found the squirrel and he told me that only one person, a werewolf, walked by but only stopped to admire to waterfall. Then he left. And that was the only person.

I thanked the squirrel and have him a snack then left to go for a swim.

I climbed the edge of the water fall and when I got to the top I admired the view for a couple minutes then got ready to jump. I know it sounds crazy but it's really fun. And what's life without a little risk?

Anyways. Since I left my bag down by the edge of the lake I didn't need to worry about that. I looked over the edge and made sure nobody was around then I backed up and started running. When I reached the edge of the cliff I jumped and went into a dive position. When I was about half way down I shifted into an otter, did a flip then landed as a dive.

The water was cool and refreshing. I swear, if I could I would spend most if my day in the water I would.

When I was down pretty deep I made an air bubble around me and and shifted then moved the air bubble towards the entrance of my cave. When I got out I dried myself with my heat/fire element.

When I was dried and inside I decided to write a letter to alpha John.

Dear Alpha John,

I have decided that I will go to the ball for your new alpha. But you must tell no one except your family that 'the mystery girl' is coming to the ball I do not want a big commotion. If anyone asks who I am, tell them I am a relative from California and my fake name would be Chloe. Thank you for your kindness and cooperation.


Ps. Don't let anyone else find this letter.

I then walk out side and call for someone who would be willing to take this note to the Black Moon pack's alpha.

I see a Cooper's Hawk and ask for it's help.

It lands on my arm softly and I bring it inside the cave I give it the note and she takes it in her beak. I then take a piece of fabric that has my symbol on it then tie it to her leg.

My symbol is a black circle with a white wolf inside it. It's like on the back of my jacket. And only some people would recognize it.

When I'm done putting the stuff on her I tell her what she has to do and send her away. Surprisingly I only had a few scratches on my arm from the hawk. It would only take about an hour to heal. And she will hopefully be back by then.

I went back inside to read and watch tv, and about 30 minutes later I heard a bird and realized that it was the one I sent.

"Wow that was quicker then I expected." I told her softly stroking her head while taking the letter from her.

Dear Changer,

I am fine with all of the requirements sand so is the future alpha, but he said that he would like to meet you in person before you leave. Thank you so much for agreeing to come the future alpha was very happy to hear you were coming. And we had decided that you will be the future alpha's cousin that lives in California. I have also found a spot to put the letter.


Alpha John

When I finished reading I quickly wrote up a letter that said that I was ok with meeting the future alpha and I am ok with the title I have.

Later that night I slept peacefully and it actually got pretty cold so I had to turn up the heat. Which is what you have to deal with when you sleep in a cave.


Today Janie is coming over to help me look for something to wear to the ball.

Whenever she comes down to Florida she either brings her car or we stay near the cave all day. So she is new to the motorcycle riding.

She flew down as an eagle and when she landed and shifted back she look really excited. I'm pretty sure that's how I looked when I first got my bike.

Today I had dark red hair and green eyes. Like how it would be looking for the ball.

Once I was done telling Janie the basics on how to turn with me and everything I got out my spare helmet and she got on behind me and held onto my waist.

And because Janie was behind me I couldn't ride with my hair out so I french braided it while Janie left hers out.

When we made it to town we found a cute dress shop and parked my bike out side.

We probably both looked so out of place going into a dress shop. Considering we were wearing jeans with combat boots and I had on a leather jacket and Janie had a baggy sweatshirt.

After about an hour of looking for a perfect dress and matching mask we found a beautiful dress. It was green so I made my eyes the same shade as the dress.

It was a strapless, green dress, that got more puffy when it reached the waist. It had a lighter shade of green as flowers and vines near the breast and waist area, and the dress reached the floor.

And for the shoes and mask I had a pair if heals that were the same shade as the lighter green for the flowers. And the mask was the darker shade of green with the lighter shade was flowers and vines like on the dress. And the mask only covered my eyes.

We paid for everything and went home. It's actually really hard to carry thing on a motorcycle. I usually just put it in a backpack and I hold the backpack but because it's a dress I couldn't stuff it in a backpack.

We ended up spending 10 minutes trying to fit it neatly into the backpack and even then it's going to have wrinkles.

Janie had to leave at noon because she had to make it back on time for her classes. But she luckily doesn't have class on Friday so she can help me get ready. Because if I'm nervous I will forget somethings. And I'm nervous that someone will find out it's really me.

---------------------------------------next day-----------

It's about 3 hours until the ball and Janie just showed up.

I got into the shower and made sure to use my body wash that helps me hide my sent. Because the perfume would run out to quickly.

When I was done with my shower I put on a fluffy robe and walked out to have Janie do my hair and makeup.

She quickly blow dried my hair then straightened it because my hair get really frizzy when it's blow dried. She then made little ringlets at the bottom of my hair. I then changed the color of my hair to the dark red and Janie put up some of my hair and clipped it with a silver flower clip.

She then put on minimal makeup because people won't be able to see my whole face. She just added very little blush and a very light pink almost pale lipstick.

I quickly ironed the dress a little so it wouldn't be wrinkly I then took out my belly button ring because it would be uncomfortable and I put on the dress and shoes. I put on a pair of silver stud earrings and a silver bracelet and neckless. I put on the mask and turned towards Janie.

"So how do I look?" I ask.

"Oh my god, you look beautiful Claudia!"

"Oh thanks. But really, do I look like myself?"

"No you don't. Mainly because of your hair and mask."

"Great! Wish me luck!" I say giving her a hug.

"Good luck!" She shouts to me as I start to walk away.

As I walk I shift into my white wolf so they would think I'm a werewolf also, if they see me.

I arrive to the pack house and it looks beautiful. Most of the party is outside but there are a few people inside. And a few games for the kids that are there.

Everyone is wearing masks and I don't feel out of place. For once, I feel normal.


Hey guys!

I'm sorry that I haven't been updated this book. I just either have stuff to do or I'm really tired and to lazy to write.

JK! not really the second one. It's just that I'm not always sure what to write.

Ok so I will try to update the part about what happens at the ball, sometime tomorrow. And if I don't I promise that I will Monday.

So yeah, that's all.


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