Chapter 17

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***Claudia's POV*** (4 years later)

It's been 4 years and a lot has changed.

Jack and I are still together obviously and we have a beautiful 3 year old boy named Josh.

Josh has my naturally pink/red lips, brown eyes and my smallish nose, but he has Jack's black hair. And I know he's going to have Jack's figure.

I also got 2 more tattoos. One is of 3 stick figures that represent Me, Jack, and Josh. It's actually of a picture that Josh drew of us all together. And I thought it was the cutest thing so I got it tattooed onto the outside of my upper left thigh.

The other tattoo is one that both Jack and I got as matching tattoos. We actually just got it about a month ago.

It's of a heart on our right wrists, and it's 2 small hearts that are linked together and it has 'CE' in one heart and 'JE' in the other ones. And it's both of our initials.

Yeah so after Jack and I got married, Jack sold his apartment and we moved into a fairly large house that is close to Jack's pack house. And we spend a lot of time there so josh makes friends outside of school which has humans.

But other then that we stay at our house. And I still have the cave but that's just incase we have to go into hiding or something. But I showed Josh and he promised not to tell anyone and he likes it a lot.

Soooo... Right now I'm at my house making fajitas for Jack and Josh. (Omg that sounds like Drake and Josh!!! I'm so weird -.-) But Jack is out training some of the pack members and Josh is at the pack house playing with Tyler. One of his friends from school who is in the pack.

Tyler is actually Cameron's son so Josh was basically forced to be friends with him.

When I'm finished with the fajitas I set them in the oven so they don't get to cold. I then run over to the pack house. And yes I literally mean run. It's only about a half mile away.

When I get there I see Jack finishing up his training so I run over and jump on his back surprising him.

What? I'm only 25. I'm still pretty young.

"Hey baby." Jack says kissing my lips after I jump down.

"Hey," I say kissing him back. "I just made dinner but it's cooling and I don't think it's supposed to be served cold." I say smiling and walking in to find Josh.

I see him and Tyler in the living room playing with race cars and blocks and I see that they had been coloring earlier.

I sneak up behind him and start to tickle him.

He screams while laughing and turns around and hits me playfully pleading for me to stop.

"Hey there big boy, I made dinner so we gotta go. Say bye to Tyler and let's leave." He nods his head and says by to Tyler before running over to me with his still chubby legs since he still has some of his baby fat. But not much.

"Can you pick me up?" He asks and since he can't run as fast as Jack or I, we take turns carrying him. And today was my day.

"Yep." I say and bend down for him to jump on my back. "Ok let's go get daddy." I say and he screams in joy as I start running outside.

We find Jack and we all start running home which only took about a minute.

When we got there Jack and Josh went upstairs to freshen up. While I took out the fajita meat and tortillas shell things.

When they comeback down I set out everything and I help josh make his fajita. I add lettuce, tomato, and cheese but nothing else cause that's all he'll eat. And that's pretty good for a 3 year old.

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