Chapter 10

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***Claudia's POV*** (3 years later)

It has been 3 years and a lot has changed.

I live in the cave and it has been made completely up to date with fashion and all that.

I also started training and working out and stuff like that.

I'm 19 and when I turned 18 I got some powers. I have the power to talk to animals, I can control all of the elements, I am fluent in all of the most common languages. And like my eyes my hair can change to whatever color I want it to be.

I was surprised when I got the elements and languages. All soul shifters can talk to animals when they turn 18 but to control the elements and speak most languages must mean you are really special.

Oh and I have a lot more animal forms. And by a lot I mean almost all of the animals. You see, I always wanted to go around the world so that's what I did. I'm also a famous artist. I draw animals and the outdoors. That's how I got to go around the world, I was selling my paintings.

I also met a lot of new people and became friends with some of them. Some of the people who really impacted my life are,

Felix: I met him in Germany, he gave me my first tattoo. It is a small tattoo that is actually one of my drawings. It is an outline of Florida with sand and water around it. It's a reminder to never forget about home. Anyways, Felix is tall about 6'3" and has dark brown curly hair. And he's 24 right now.

The next person who is an influence for me is Rosa: she was one of my partners when I went on a tour in an art museum and later we had lunch together and I really got to know her. We ended up exchanging numbers and we are still in touch. She is probably one of the first people I got really close to. I met her in Mexico and she is 18 right now.

And one of the last people is Janie: I met her in Russia when I went to an ice dance ballet and got to go back stage. When I was back there we ran into each other and she spilled hot coffee on me so she took me to her room and helped me get changed. She actually lives in America but came back to Russia when people asked her to perform here. She is also 19 right now and I'm probably closest to her then anyone else probably because she is also a soul shifter. And I thought I was the only one, but she is in a pack with only soul shifters and asked me to join but I like living on my own. She lives in Maryland but comes down to visit me a lot.

So about my tattoos. I have 6 so far and a belly button piercing. My tattoos are the Florida one. One of flowers that I drew my self that is one one side of my body. One is of the Cheshire Cat on the other side of my body. I have the deathly hollows sign on my ankle. One of a sinking ship that says 'sometimes ships sink' underneath the boat and that is on my back right under my neck. And the last is of a bear hugging it's self saying 'love yourself' and that's on my arm near my shoulder.

What some of them look like:

Yeah so that's my inspiring tattoos. :3

I got back to the lake where my cave goes to. And since it's a hot day I think I will go for a swim. So I shift into a turtle while making sure none of the neighboring packs could see me.

Oh yeah, so I did some research and the area where I am does not belong to any packs, it is right between 2 packs. And neither of them have claimed the land because a couple hundred years ago their ancestors had a war on this land and many of their people died near here. So I decided to claim this as my land and I will be my own one man pack.

So back to the water, I shifted into my turtle form and went into the water. Once in the water I shifted into my sea otter form and swam around on my back for a while. It was getting late so I went under and into my cave.

I had mortified it a little so when I got up I just dried off in my animal form so my clothes would stay dry.

When I shifted back to human form I went into the kitchen part and started to make dinner for myself. Yes it did get lonely at times but the animals around here knew me and were friendly so they were like my family.

Once my dinner which consisted of mac-n-cheese and hot dogs was cooked I went over to my couch and turned on my flat screen tv.

How did I get all of this down here you ask? Magic. Jk! I only just recently finished fixing this place. I got all of my stuff down here using my earth element to move the ground so I could fit everything down here.

Once my episode of adventure time was done (yes I know it's childish but I love it) I got on. My pjs and went to bed after getting a shower.

***Xavier's POV***

It's been 3 years since Claudia left. Everything has gone back to normal but nobody forgot about her.

I had even found a new mate. Her name is Jessica and she was the beta of a pack out in Texas and her mate was killed in a rouge attack. We have only been together for about a year and I haven't fully mated her but we have been on many dates and I only just told her I wanted her to be my mate about a week ago.

The other mate of Claudia, I think it's one of the omegas named Cody, hasn't gotten a mate yet. He still believes that Claudia will come back and take him.

For the last 2 1/2 years a part of the woods farther up in Florida has been left completely alone because it has been said that a mystery person is living up in the part where nobody has claimed the territory. And the packs near it have said that the person has claimed the territory as their own.

About a year ago they have started to keep a closer watch on the area because animals have started to gather around that area. And they said that a girl in her late teens, early 20's has been going around that area and I think it might be Claudia.

I mean if it was her and she did come back that would be amazing and I would want her back along with Cody. But that would be wrong since I would have Jessica.

"Hey babe what are you thinking about?" Jessica says snapping me out of my thought.

"Oh nothing just Alpha stuff." I said making up a quick lie. It felt wrong to lie to Jessica but I don't want her knowing I was thinking about Claudia.

"Oh ok, sorry for bothering you." Ok so Jessica is really sweet but she can be kind of shy at times like in public. But she is really wild when we are by ourselves.

"No it's ok, here come sit over here," I tell her and she sits on my lap. "I love you, you know that right?" I tell her.

"Yes and I love you."

"I think it's time." I tell her. And she looks confused but then understands what I mean and makes an "O" with her mouth.

I take her up to the bedroom we share together and lock the door so we wouldn't be disturbed. I then start the mating process.


Hey guys

So I hope u liked this chapter I just had a spark and this was mostly a filler chapter so yeah

Again if u have any ideas that u think would go with the story I would love to see them. Either comment of leave something on my message board

And here are the pictures of some of the tattoos if u didn't see them before:

U might have to scroll down a little on the page to see them and sorry if the pictures are crappy

Well bye guys!


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