I'll Keep Believing:Frerard:~...

By xXChemicalSkeletonXx

274K 15.5K 10.8K

Gerard couldn't stop himself...He didn't want to.He just threw his head back and allowed the liquid to spark... More

I'll Keep Believing:Frerard:~Sequel to Born To Lose~
Chapter 2:Smiling At Everything
Chapter 3:Innocent Can Never Last
Chapter 4:It's Like Im Not Me
Chapter 5:Suffer All The Children
Chapter 6:I Choose Defeat
Chapter 7:You Found Me
Chapter 8:I Get So Weak
Chapter 9:I Need You So Much
Chapter 10:Is It Hard To Stay Clean?
Chapter 11:Desperate And Pathetic
Chapter 12:Give Them Blood
Chapter 13:Im Sorry For The Things I've Done(Part 1)
Chapter 13:Im Sorry For The Things I've Done(Part 2)
Chapter 14:You'll Never Fight Alone
Another AN
Chapter 15:Falling To The Depths
Chapter 16:Time Cannot Erase
Chapter 17:In A Cold Place
Chapter 18:Tearing Love Apart
Chapter 19:Suppressed By All My Childish Fears
Chapter 20:We Will Make It Out Alive
Chapter 21:I Would Die For You
Chapter 22:Coming Back As We Are
Chapter 23:Runaway With Me
Epilogue:I Will Be
A/N-You Decide-
Frerard-Doctor Who?

Chapter 1:Falling In The Black

11K 602 459
By xXChemicalSkeletonXx

-Chapter Title Credit:Falling Inside The Back by Skillet-

Gerard glared at his reflection.

Your such a fuck up.

He sighed pressing his sweaty forehead against the mirror trying to keep his last 7 shots of vodka down.

He had to go to work.

He didn't have time for this.

He pulled back with a groan and slowly began to change into a fresh pair of black jeans then tugged a plain black shirt over the red mess of hair on his head.

He brushed his hair out as best as possible and scanned his reflection hoping he looked a little bit decent....presentable at least.

Not that Gerard actually cared about working at the small cafe,he just liked getting the money.

The money he used on his self destruction.

His life became centered around alcohol and drugs.

Mostly just marijuana,occasional white powder to be snorted,and pills.


Oh how he loves Xanax.

Alcohol would make him forget everything and Xanax made him have a fake sense of happiness.

"Morning,"Benjamin nodded throwing in a smile as Gerard shuffled through the door into the cafe.

Gerard nodded back in greeting and tugged a employee vest on.

"You look rough,"Ben (Benjamin) pointed out causing Gerard to shrug.

He always looks 'rough'.

Before Ben could attempt to start a real conversation the small ringing of the small bell on the door caught both their attention.

They had a customer.

Gerard fell into the normal routine of taking orders and delivering them while Ben helped the cook Bob with the orders.

Gerard stayed a quiet as possible,only talking when it was required.

Then his break would come around he would take his bag that was in the employee lockers,lock himself in the bathroom and drink as much as he dared from his bottle of vodka he had stashed in the bag.

Then he would smoke a cigarette outside and return to working.

Of course his boss Ben didn't know about the drinking.

 Gerard would be fired if that happened.

 His dull hazel eyes stared up at the bright blue sky above with a expressionless face as he took another inhale of the poisonous smoke from his cigarette.

He briefly wondered why kept forcing himself to live this seemingly never ending nightmare.

It had been roughly four years since he last saw him.

It was clear Gerard would never see him again.

He was gone.

Gerard quickly scolded himself for thinking like that.

He would come back.

He had to.

Gerard would never stop believing in Frank.

-SOOO what do you guys think about it so far?-ChemicalSkeleton

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