Red Girl

By Prometheus20X

184 32 25

Each child is born different, but Juliet Summers is the very definition of different: She was born almost com... More

House Prisoner
Breaking out
On the Run
Waking Red Girl
Mission Start
Children of Blood
The flow of crimson
To the rescue
Red Rumble
Dad on a mission
Trouble closing in
The Final Stretch
The Blood Goddess' blessing
Surprise Visit from Dad
P2 and Luke Vs. Gabe
Crumbling Might
Safe at last

Hot Pursuit!

13 0 0
By Prometheus20X

"Hey, those guys are gaining on us...", Luke said, poking his head out the window. "Should we hit the boosters"???

"Not here, there's too many cars near us, we could hit someone!", P2 exclaimed. "I'm gonna get Jack on, maybe he can give us some info on what to do"!

"Oh my God... Even the government wants my blood", Juliet said quietly, holding her head in fear.

"You ok, Julie?", Luke asked.

"...I'm never gonna be safe, am I? And what's worse... I can't even end it because I heal too fast"-

"Hey, WHOA! No one's ending anything, understand!?", P2 shouted. "We are getting to your mom, alright? And we'll get those jerks off your tail while we're at it! Trust us".

Juliet slowly looked up at the two. She started to remember her dream she had repeatedly before she escaped... The two hands of light reaching for her in the shadows... She needed to trust that they would help her. No matter what happened!
As she was regaining hope, Jack's face popped up on a screen on the passenger's side.

"You rang?", he asked.

"We need an escape route, we're being followed by Julie's dad, AND government agents!", P2 explained in a hurry.

"Lemme just take a look at what we're dealing with and- WHOAAAA, that's a lot of black vans... Alright, I think I know where to go, just make sure you guys hang on tight"!

Luke and Juliet watched as Jack rapidly typed something in his keyboard, and suddenly, the vehicle began picking up speed!
The agents and Gabe noticed this, and began to speed up as well! They were not going to let them get away.
The three groups made it out of the city, and out on the open road. With no more obstacles, they began to floor it, and it became a race to see who would get Juliet first!

"Oh man, this is better than Six Flags!", Luke cheered. "Faster, faster"!!

"This isn't a game Luke, we're trying not to get shot!", P2 exclaimed, and suddenly heard a gun go off..

"Oh my GOD, we're being shot at!", Juliet shouted, covering her head and sinking into her seat.

"Should be coming up soon", Jack assured them. "...Up ahead! You see the path swirling up to that mountain trail? You guys are gonna drive up it".

As they turned towards the mountain, the agents and Gabe thought: "( The trail? There's no where to go, and no way back down except back the way you entered! She's all mine )" !

P2, Luke, and Juliet watched for any way to lose them as they went up the trail, until Luke remembered something. Something very important.

"Uh, guys? We're gonna be boxed in. I've been here before with my mom", he said in a confused tone. "I don't wanna be mean, but I think Jack just screwed up our chances to get away".

"O, ye of little faith. Be still, and watch", Jack replied with a grin.

"Hey... I can see where people watch the view from... You do realize there's no rail here, right?", Juliet asked, smiling nervously.


"...Oh no. Dude, you're not thinking of-! Jack, are you sure about this!?", P2 asked, catching on to Jack's plan

In the back, the agents and Gabe saw that they weren't slowing down as they neared the cliff, and began to worry.
Were they seriously considering driving off the edge so no one could have Juliet's blood!? Not waiting to find out, the agents frantically tried to shoot out their tires in hopes to stop them, but it was too late...

"Have a nice trip, guys!", Jack waved with a smile plastered on his face.

"OH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", P2 yelled as the vehicle went over the edge!

Juliet screamed in terror as the three drove headfirst into the gorge, and with seemingly no way to survive!
Gabe and the agents looked horrified as their Red Girl went over the edge. It seemed to be too late...
Until something quickly flew up past them! It was the vehicle, now sporting the wings of an airplane!
It soared up into the sky, and far away out of their reach!

"YEAH! How do you like that!?", Luke taunted.

"I'm gonna vomit", P2 burped. "T-too high"...

"How is this even possible, we should be dead!!", Juliet shrieked, clinging to her seat.

"Anything's possible when you've got the know-how, my dear!", Jack said with pride. "From here on out, there should be no more obstacles. ...Unless"...

"Unless what?", P2 asked.

"Unless the agents decide to try an ariel assault".

No sooner had he said that, the agents were contacting their HQ, requesting an ariel assault on the group!
No matter what, they were going to make darn sure they'd get Juliet! While all this was going on, Gabe was wondering where exactly could they be going to.

"( Juliet hasn't been anywhere in years.. Where's the one place she could even think of...! Wait..), Gabe thought, and quietly left the scene...

Meanwhile, as the group soared off, Luke began to hear something slicing through the air...

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