Hase story/love story

By Daphne_catty

33.1K 544 260

this time they will be 3rd year high school hawk and rose will start their date idea and there will be a new... More

First day of school
First day of school part 2
First day of school part 3
First day of school part 4
Slumber party
not chapter
Slumber party part 2
New enemy
new enemy part 2
New Rose
I will save my princess
return of Rose
New problem
Preparing for the grand ball
The Grand ball
Grand ball part 2
New problem for the Cinderella family
The revenge and curse
Looking for cure
The revealed(Kelly and Hawk this time)
The reveal to everyone
Return to normal
Big revenge and curse
The new Rose
not chapter
New lover of Rose
Falling inlove with a wrong prince
Falling down or pulling up
The *BIG* final revenge part 1
The *BIG* final revenge part 2
New story

Happily ever after of Hase

1.3K 18 11
By Daphne_catty

Hawk pov.

"Rose...." Hawk said in his mind

"Rose won't give up" Astoria said

"Astoria we all know Rose will do anything but it's a big wound" Joy said

"This time without Rose I won't enter on school I don't care if I have a low grade or high grade!...this time" Astoria said and Shawn try to calm her down

"But Astoria....." Ling Ling said

"Where's Rose?" Carly ask but no one ask

"Carly Rose is..is" Travis said

"IS WHAT?!" Carly said very mad

"Rose is dead" Esquire said

"No...no...that's not true" Fala said moving backward

"It's true Fala" Hawk said and walk away

later(Sorry the tablet is getting low)

Inside the clinic

"Rose you will be miss" Clara said and the pompoms is crying

Suddenly Rose glow and Clara step back and the pompoms hide behind her

"What's happening?" Clara ask

When the glow is gone Rose slowly open her eyes and see her mom

"Mom?" Rose ask slowly

"Rose" Clara said and hug her tight

"Where are we?" Rose ask her mom

"Don't think about it I'm happy that your back" Clara said and Rose hug her tight

"Hawk are you ok?" Fala ask and Hawk shake his head

"Hawk Fala the teacher is calling us!" Carly call

"Teacher why your calling all of the student?" Odette ask

"This is going to be a happy day for us" Snow White said

"Happy?.....do you think this is happy that Rose is dead!" Hawk said

"Let me finish first" Snow White said

"Fine" Hawk said

"Rose is alive,student!" Snow White said and every get shock

"Really?!" Hawk ask

"Yes Hawk" Rose said and every one turn around specially Hawk

When they turn around they give a path way for Rose's team when Hawk see Rose again he run through her and hug her tight and the other's run through her and they made a group hug

"We taught your really dead" Astoria said

"You guy's know I won't give up whatever happen" Rose said

"Well we will celebrate the return of my granddaughter there will be a ball tonight" Cinderella said and everyone celebrate

"Can't wait tonight?" Hawk ask Rose

"Always" Rose answer

"Come with me" Hawk said and Rose nod

at the school garden

"Hawk what are we doing here?" Rose ask

"Rose I want to admit something to you" Hawk said

"What is it?" Rose ask

"Rose I-I....--" Hawk was cut off when Rose put her finger in his moth

"Tell that to later at the ball" Rose said leave

"Ok" Hawk said

later at the ball (their gown is still the same on my chapter on the grand ball)

"Hey guys" Rose said

"Hey Rose" Joy said

"Still you huh" Travis said

"Nothing will change on me" Rose said

"Let's go inside Hawk is waiting for us" Astoria said and they all nod

"Hey Hawk" Rose wave at him

"Hey guys" Hawk said

"Where's Fala and Carly?" Ling Ling ask

"Over there" Travis said and see Fala and Carly eating an apple pie

"Let the ball begin.....this is your free time" Cinderella said

"Rose can we talk now?" Hawk ask and Rose nod


"Rose I-I...I love you with all my life no matter what happen I will protect who ever hurt and when you need me I'm always there you" Hawk said and Rose us blushing

"Hawk..." Rose said

"Yes?" Hawk ask

"You know Hawk Every morning I don't need to see the sun again, there is enough light in your eyes to light up all the world" Rose said

" If a hug tell how much i love you, i would hold you in my arms forever" Hawk said

"You don't need to hold me Hawk cuz you already holding my heart" Rose said and Hawk blush a little but he think some pickup lines for Rose

"Rose" Hawk said

"Yes?" Rose ask

" Are you a camera?" Hawk ask

"No...why?" Rose ask

"Cuz every time I look at you, I smile"

"Hawk a how many pickup lines do you have?" Rose ask

"A lot" Hawk said

"Oh no" Rose said and Hawk laugh

"Hawk" Rose said

"Yes?" Hawk ask

" Do you have a Band-Aid?" Rose ask

"No....why?" Hawk ask

"Because I just scraped my knee falling for you" Rose said

"Oh you got me there" Hawk said and Rose laugh

"Your smile is really cute" Hawk said and Rose blush

And then Hawk get near on Rose and their lips is inches away from each other suddenly Joy step on a branch Rose hear it

"Hawk" Rose said

"Why?" Hawk ask

"Their here" Rose said

"Guys we know your there" Hawk said and they came out

"I and Rose is having a fun moment here if you want to have a moment like this go somewhere" Hawk said

"Ok" Astoria said and they walk away

"Don't mind about th--" Rose was cut off when Hawk kiss her already and Rose kiss back

"I love you Rose" Hawk said

"I love you too Hawk" Rose said

-The End♡-

well that's the end of the story guys hope you like it and if you want to read my new story check it on my account it about Hawk x reader....and that's it see ya go live the fairy tale inside you🍎👠🍎👠🍎👠🍎👠🍎

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