Just Another Cinderella Story

By nixllscrxic

189K 4.2K 494

Her dad died when she was a little girl. Her mother abandoned her because of it. Darcy was forced into adopti... More

Just Another Cinderella Story
Party Plans-Darcy's POV
Planning the Party- Harry's POV
Under The Mask- Darcy's POV
Running-Darcy's POV
Clues- Harry POV
Another Party- Darcy's POV
Eleanor's Masquerade- Harry's POV
The Mall- Darcy' POV
The Party- Harry's POV
Surprises- Darcy's POV
Niall Meets His Girl- Harry's POV
Snitches- Darcy's POV
Waiting-Harry's POV
Finally-Darcy's POV
1D Saves The Day (Plans)-Harry's POV
1D Saves The Day- Harry's POV
Darcy's POV
Tattle-Tale- Harry's POV
Darcy's POV
Won't Let You Down- Darcy's POV
First Check-Up-Harry's POV
Witches-Darcy's POV
Taken- Harry's POV
Darcy's POV
Trial-Harry's POV
Going Home- Darcy's POV

The Party- Harry's POV

7.4K 170 15
By nixllscrxic

Zayn was an amazing DJ. He had the latest hits and songs by yours truly.

I understood why Liam was so strict about the food. There were already a lot of people here, and we were still expecting more.

Everyone was wearing masks. The only way I recognized Niall was the fact that he always had a snack in his hand.

I recognized Zayn because he was behind the DJ booth. After every song he'd talk into the microphone.

"Bradford Bad-Boy bringing the next tune!" and "DJ Malik is in the house!".

I couldn't help but hold in laughs.

Louis wasn't around much because he had invited Eleanor to the party. They were probably somewhere, acting all lovey-dovey.

Liam had invited Danielle but she had a thing to do so she wasn't able to make it. But he was still going around, talking with people and you know, being the people side of Liam Payne.

I went to hang out with Niall.

"Do you ever stop eating?" I joked.

"Yes, I'll stop right after this cheeto," he says, shoving one into his mouth.

"You need to leave some food for everyone else," we both laugh.

"Hey guys, I think Amy's here! I wouldn't know. Everyone's wearing masks!" Liam shouted over the music that Zayn was blasting.

"Hey boys," we heard someone say.

Liam, Niall, and I turned and saw a girl. Her hair was was let loose and she had a mask on.

"Hey," we said.

"I'm Cami," she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you," we smiled.

"Yea, and this is my sister-" she turns to introduce her sister only to find that she isn't there.

"Umm, excuse me, I have to go find her," she says, apologetically.

"No problem," I say.

And she rushes off to find her sister.

Niall turns back to the snack table.

"Ok, no, no more food for you," I say, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the backyard. he's struggling towards the snack table when we both bump into two girls.

One of them drops her small purse and the other almost stumbles into the pool.

Niall rushes to catch the girl who almost falls into the pool.

I reach down to grab the other girl's purse. I look up. Through the silver mask, I see gray eyes. I find myself entranced for a moment. I shake my head slightly, trying to get myself out of the daze.

"Hi," I manage to say.

"Hi," she says, shyly, looking into my eyes.

"Umm, you dropped this," I say handing her the purse.

"Thanks," she blushes.

"Ok, this is the first slow dance of the party, so grab a partner and pull her close," I hear Zayn say. I look over at him and I see he's winking at me.

I glare at him for a second before turning back to the girl.

"Umm, would you like to dance?" I ask her.

"I'd love to, but I can't dance," she admits, looking at the ground.

"I can't dance either, so sorry if i trod on your feet," I smile. She looks up and I see a smile slowly form on her face.

I grab her hand gently and pull her onto the dance floor. I put my arm on her waist and I guide one of her hands onto my shoulder. I grabbed her other hand and intertwined my fingers with hers.

We swayed from side to side, like the other couples were doing. Then we slowly revolved in a circle. We danced for a few more songs.

Niall and the other girl had disappeared. But I let my entire mind focus on the beautiful girl that I was dancing with.

On the fourth song, I decided to kick it up a notch. I twirled her in circles.

She laughed and I smiled wide. She ducked under my arm and then she twirled me. I ducked under her arm until we were back in the original position. I spun her out and then spun her back in.

Then I dipped her. I slowly brought her up. I only brought her up slowly because I was yet again mesmerized by her eyes. Such beautiful eyes. She seemed to have been put in a trance by mines, too.

I brought her up until her face was only inches from mines. I looked deeper and deeper into her eyes, And the more I looked, the more I fell.  I couldn't break my gaze from her gray eyes.

I could smell her breath. It smells like cool mint. I lean in closer until my lips are only centimeters away from hers. She leans in the rest of the way and my lips meet hers.

I'm going to admit, I've kissed plenty of girls in my lifetime. But none of those kisses could compare to this one.

This one felt real. Like I could actually stay with this girl. I pressed my lips harder as the clock struck 5 minutes to 12:00.

When she hears the clock chime, she breaks away.

"Wow," I breathe.

"I have to go, I'm so sorry. I had a good time, I swear I did," she starts to explain.

"Why-why do you have to leave? You could stay here," I say confused.

"It's not you, it's just I have to leave," she stutters. I reach for her hand and pull her closer to me.

"Please stay," I whisper to her, pleading with my eyes. I lean down and kiss her again. The clock strikes. 3 minutes to 12:00.

She holds on a minute longer before breaking away.

"i'm sorry, bye," she says, before running away. I chase after her. She grabs a girl and a boy away from the corner of the room. I look across at Niall. He's dancing with the girl who almost fell into the pool. My mystery girl is grabbing her away from Niall. The girl apologizes before running off, too.

"Niall! Get them!" I shout to him as I run after them, too.

They push open the door and run towards the curb. They hail a taxi.

I run after the cab, with Niall on my heels.

"Wait!" We yell.

I stop trying to catch my breathe. I look down and see a tiny silver ballerina flat. I pick it up.

"This was her shoe," I say.

"At least you've got a clue to your girl. I've been left with nothing. Only thing I had was a dance and a quick kiss," Niall says. He's looking after the cab.

"No, you're not left with nothing," I say.

"What do you mean?" he asks, still trying to catch his breath.

"My girl knows your girl. When I find my girl, you'll find yours. You in?" I ask.

"You really think I'm letting a girl as gorgeous as her walk away from me? No never. I'm in," he smiles.


Niall and I set out early in the morning. I had stared at the shoe hour after hour the night before. And I had realized that inside the shoe, you could actually see the brand of the shoe.

So Niall and I were on our way to the brand's factory

"So what's the plan?" Niall asks.

"We go to the factory and ask where they sell the shoes. We'll go around every shoe store near here until we find the one, then we'll find the girl from there," I say.

"How? The stores probably have a customer's privacy policy, they wouldn't give us the address," Niall argues.

"It's worth a shot though, isn't it?" I ask.

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