Hell Halloween

By TheylovingB

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134 Days until halloween
133 days until halloween
132 days until halloween
131 days until halloween
130 days until halloween
129 days until halloween
128 days until halloween
50 days until halloween
48 Days Left Until Halloween
47 days until halloween
46 Days Left Until Halloween

49 days left until halloween

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By TheylovingB

Tiny POV

After I came back alive we was sitting around table while naija was sitting on my lap "what do you remember before getting shot up" Trini said then I gave my baby to Tasha

Flashback to yesterday

"It's rather you or your old man choose Tiny" tony said you can kill me tony let my dad go "baby I'm not finna let him kill you" Ryan said it's rather you or me and I choose me "why do you want to die ?" Tony said because you killed my brother I want to be with him 😓💔👼🏽 "lemme choose" Tony said so he was grabbing out a shotgun and put one bullet in there he close his eyes spin around 3 times and it aim at dad so he aim at him so we ran to the car while I cover his back then tony fired in it hit my back really bad then he fired more and more than dad carried me while running hours later we fall down a hill so I got up and and I told dad to go somewhere safe "where you going" Ryan said home and he gave me a kiss on my forehead and said "stay safe" Ryan said so I remember running even though My back was badly hurt and when I got by the house I passed out hearing Dylan screaming

"So what you trying to tell me is you want to protect dad from getting shot by tony" Trini said yes "you was very brave for that" after I was hearing a strange voice I turn around and saw my brother nick so I said is that you nick "yes it's me" nick said so I ran to him and start crying I thought you was dead "forget that I'm home now" nick said I want you to meet my sisters everyone this is nick my big brother nick this is Tasha, Tiara, and Trini "wow 3 T's I wonder how momma did that ?" Nick said you need to meet someone "meet who" nick said then I ran upstairs and open my door and saw naija playing with her toys then I picked her up and walked towards nick Naija Kaśh Justice❤️meet your only uncle Nick Justice "Oh my Fucking god she's so beautiful😍" nick said it runs in the family 💖 "so where's the father I will love to meet him" nick said actually he's coming right now as I saw Dylan come with so many bags in his hand he froze as soon as he saw my brother babe this is my brother nick nick that's my boyfriend Dylan and naija father "wassup buddy I hope you can respectfully take good care of my sister and niece" nick said brother he has been doing that for that for a year and dad already checked him "good then me and buddy don't have no problems" nick said umm Dylan can you take naija with you I have to talk to my brother about some business so he took naija out the room with him and I close the door and I sat next to nick tony is still harassing me again "Wym" nick said he won't leave me alone he's been obsessed with me since 07" when we was dating "damn it's been 11 Years" nick said he's planning something but since you home it might backfire on him "Wym" nick said On Halloween night Michael will take y'all down one by One including Mom then leave me and pops alive because his dad escape from cook county last night "I thought that they had that place hold up tight" nick said Michael made it worse when he escaped he killed a family of 5 "damn did you know something about that family" nick said yes mother was pregnant with 2 kids boy and a girl father was a NBA champion the 3 girls was 18 and seniors "damn what a shame🤦🏽‍♂️ you think it's your fault" nick said yes 💔 they probably wanted to protect my identity from him and he just got them 😭 it's ALL MY FAULT 😭

2 hours later

Trini POV

After making dinner for the family I received two text messages and the past hour so I go on my phone and it said 2 messages from unknown and one was two pictures with a text message so I clicked on it and I see a blurry photo and I clicked it to undo it and I saw a picture of pops all tied up beaten up and it said MICHAEL IS HOME on the right side of his chest and the other picture was mommy and a box tied up in the celling with duct tape and the ropes are linked to acid and a Ax and it says choose and the text message says

"Ion wanna make this hard then it already is save one and the other dies or bring Tiny and nick to me and this will be settle and down or Michael kills your dad in front of tiny and nick and I kill your mother by throwing a bowl or acid on her the choice is up to you Trini I will hate for baby naija to grow up without a mother 😭 sad that tiny never told you or Dylan the truth about baby naija knowing that baby never belong to Dylan" tony said

So I threw my phone at the at the wall and start spazzing out and everyone comes downstairs "omg what the hell trini" everyone says shut up "what's going on Trini" tiny said then I start crying tony has daddy and mommy and Michael is back and he says if I don't bring you and nick to him they will die "omg it's starting" nick said what's starting nick "how many days there are until Halloween" nick said "49 days" tiny said "so 49 days + 49 deaths = 98 horror game" nick said what's that "Michael makes up this game call 98 horror game when you have to guess 98 horror films if you don't name them all he will slaughter someone we not going to know because he will hide them" nick said "how do we know if they'll be the one to get slaughtered ?" Dylan said "because when the player which is tiny will ask by Michael to choose a truth or dare question when someone named the horror movie incorrectly it will say truth or dare tiny will have to choose one and it will say the person named and the question if tiny answered it incorrectly tony will say incorrect then Michael Myers will slaughter that person but we don't know where but if tiny answers it correctly nobody doesn't die" nick said "why tiny ?" Dylan said "Tony wanted her to be the player basically how much blood she will get on her hands then at the end Tiny will be taken to see Mom and pops and she have to choose which one to kill and save" nick said "when do we start" tiny said "now" nick said

28 minutes later

Tiny POV

So we all sit in a circle and everyone was looking at me saying you got this ❤️ and I saw tony on the other side of the table and I was giving him a death stare and we got the game started with the first question "where was Freddy at during nightmare on elm street Freddy's revenge ? Was he at the factory ? Or was he at the party with all teens" tony said he was at the party with the teens "correct . Second question starts tomorrow night" tony said then he left I felt relieved 😌 "1 down 48 to go" nick said omg I need a shower all this stressing me out so I went upstairs and cut on the shower water and I felt Dylan touch me on the shoulder yes Dylan "look I know how you feel when you have everyone's life in your hands" Dylan said it's like if I mess up... " don't worry about that now just worry this shower taking a good care of you" Dylan said thanks baby wanna shower with me ? "Yes" Dylan said

After the shower we got out have our towels wrapped us and got dressed then went to sleep

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