128 days until halloween

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Trini POV

After hearing a big crash and neighbors screaming and dialing 911 we ran down there and I'm already seeing blue and red flashes and hearing people scream so after I got down there I spotted tiny car

Then when I saw they was taking out two bodies and my heart was telling me that's tiny and Dylan so I started screaming THATS MY PREGNANT SISTER LET ME GOOOO 😭 NOOOO WHY GODDDD😭 LEMME GO 😭 everybody was crying so the police came up to us "pleas...

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Then when I saw they was taking out two bodies and my heart was telling me that's tiny and Dylan so I started screaming THATS MY PREGNANT SISTER LET ME GOOOO 😭 NOOOO WHY GODDDD😭 LEMME GO 😭 everybody was crying so the police came up to us "please my baby girl gon make it" Teresa said "I'm sooo sorry ma'am" officer said so she's gone 😭 "I'm apparently so" officer said me and my sisters end up screaming then they let us go to the hospital with her so we end up getting in the ambulance 🚑 truck as they stroll tiny and Dylan bodies in my boyfriend already holding me down just in case I pass out and I was holding my sister hand and I was lookin at her body even though she gone please sister come back to me this can't be it my sister then we approach the hospital and ran inside the hospital but we stayed in the waiting room and me and my two sisters gather in for a group hug let's promise each other we will keep each other safe then we all said we promise

10 hours later

After waking up to a baby crying I ran to see where it was coming from and I went to tiny and Dylan room and I saw Tiny and Dylan holding there baby girl Naija Kaśh Justice and I ran to Tiny and gave her a hug I thought you was gone then she looked at me and smile "I can't leave my family hanging" tiny said then Dylan came along giving multiple kisses on Tiny forehead so I ran and gave tiny a hug I thought you died "I thought so to 😫 this must've been a dream but before the crash I've received a text from my ex saying this is the only the beginning I know what's his plans is" what you think might happen ? "On Halloween night he will take y'all down one by One including Mom then leave me and pops alive because his dad escape from cook county last night" but that's in Chicago that's only 10 hours away "he has his ways" why does he want you and pops alive ? "Because dad killed Michael and Tony and why he want me alive because they going to torture dad then kill him in front of me and they'll make me there slave even though I have Naija with me" they won't hurt us nor Naija we'll make sure we establish that

Back home

So when tiny put Naija to sleep we all gather around for another meeting so we all sat around the dining table and I started talking so what happened tonight will never happen again I just received some information from tiny that Michael Myers has escape from cook county jail last night and is now on the loose and he's coming from all of us except tiny and pops but he will return on Halloween night which is only 128 days away we gotta make sure everything is in order until then 2 of the boys would take charge of the living room while the other 2 boys take outside with guns any type of regular weapon that will keep us in the house safe do I make myself clear then every one shook their heads ok meeting dismiss

Tiny POV

So when we got done talking about the meeting Dylan gave me a hug "I know how hard this must be on you just know that you're not alone me your family and Naija is here for you" then I gave Dylan a kiss thank you baby we are in this together forever

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