131 days until halloween

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Trini POV

It's been 3 days since my mother spoke to me about moving and I hate to tell my boyfriend because I don't want to leave him even though we been together for seven months straight I just couldn't see myself with out him so I open up a new text message with his name "12/25💍" then I texted him hey baby then he replied back seconds later "hey wife" I have to tell you something but you'll be disappointed "why would I be disappointed baby" because this is the last day you'll be able to see me "what you're kidding me 😔 where you going" I'm moving this upcoming Tuesday and I wish I was kidding "I said where you moving Again" to 707 meridian avenue "no you not finna go there with your family" yes I am "baby no that's a dangerous neighborhood I don't want to lose you I'll die if I lose you" baby I'll be okay my mother says the neighborhood is safe and why is it dangerous ? "You said that you was moving 707 meridian avenue right" yes babe why you ask "a psychopath killer named Michael Myers used to live in that house" babe your joking 🤣 there's no killer named Michael Myers "babe I'm serious I'm not finna lie to you just believe what I'm telling you please" babe I'm moving there and you can't stop me im sorry "you right my last to you is that I love you and you know that personally" than I stopped texting him and finish packing my things before I get to packing I hear a bang at the door and I walked to the door who is it and I don't recall hearing nobody from the other side I said it Again who is it and i didn't get no response so I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and walked back to the front door unlocking the bottom and top lock and step outside nobody wasn't there and I look down and saw a note saying

"You and your family has been warned -Tony"

So I close the door and locked the door and I texted my boyfriend Again hey babe did you sent a strange letter to my house ? "Naw baby why would I do such a thing" I'm sorry umm I'll text you later bye then I stop texting him and I hurried up and drive to my mom house as soon as I got there I see all my sister cars parked by each other so I hurried up and ran and knocked on my momma door "who is it" Teresa said it's trini Mom then she opened up the door and I walked to the living room where all my sisters and our boyfriends umm what is everyone doing here "moving to that creepy neighborhood is a mistake" tiny said "why hun" Dylan said "because I received a note from a guy named tony" tiny said "me too" tiara said that you and your family has been warned "yes you received it to" tiny said yes before I could've finish packing somebody knocked on my door and left a note outside my doorstep Mom I feel like we've been threatened and warned we shouldn't go there "guys nobody isn't finna hurt us as soon as we move there I'll contact the police 🚔 and we'll set up the alarms" Teresa said dad how do you feel ? "Yes I feel what y'all is saying 💯 but let's get this neighborhood a chance and if we don't feel safe just like your mother said we'll contact the police and set the alarms 🚨 and if that doesn't work we'll move somewhere else or come back" Ryan said "I agree with dad let's try it out first" Tasha said everyone shook their head "I'm not going to let nothing happen to y'all promise" Ryan said "everybody go home the moving truck will be here tomorrow at 6am so get some good night rest and I'll see everyone tomorrow morning" Teresa said so when momma was done talking we all was getting ready to go home and I saw tiny talking to Dylan about the baby situation I peeped they conversation "baby I'm scared to move in there while I'm pregnant" tiny said "I won't let nothing happen to you and the baby I promise"

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