Only Mine | Vkook

By vkookeunhae

282K 10.2K 5.3K

The famous celebrity, kim taehyung of BTS suddenly presented as an omega on his 23rd birthday. All the medias... More

Character Introduction
Presenting as an omega
Missing the old him
Feeling of being fucked up
It's not that bad
Claiming him
Why should I care
Being always fucked up
I don't love him
We are screwed
Paying the cost
Point of no return
Being completely yours
Away from you - part 1
Away from you - part 2
The Truth Untold
A public apology
A cheerful day
The Traitor
Caught in a lie
This is My Love
Goodbye my love
Your Eyes Tell
Where Equals Meet

The other side of the story

10.5K 380 189
By vkookeunhae


Lots of love for my lovely editor @taetrash8397 💜😍😍😍😍😍💜

Current time : 00:48

Place : BTS' apartment

Kim Taehyung's point of view

I'm currently witnessing one of the most horrifying moments of my life. It was all normal a month ago.

Before I presented as an omega.

Jiminie, jungkookie and I were so happy. We had no problems, no worries. We just enjoyed our lives to the fullest. Everything was so calm, too calm to be honest, yet none of us suspected it was the calm before the storm. A storm that came in blowing any semblance of peace and sanity out the door.

It began with slight stomach cramps, headache and exhaustion. Then one night I felt it happening. Something mixed with Blood slid down my legs and a huge sexual need overcame me. A need for an alpha. My first heat. I remember screaming and begging for someone to take me right there in my locked hospital room. It lasted for a week before I fainted right after hearing that most dreaded sentence.

I, Kim taehyung, the tall handsome beta who everyone absolutely admired became an omega. In the span of a week no more mr.tall and handsome, hello lithe waist, narrow shoulders and curves I didn't know could ever be on my body. i look so feminine and small. I could feel everything that makes me the man I am slipping away. To put it simply; I am ugly, a disgrace of a man. My whole life ruined in one week. It didn't stop there though. Far from; it I had to also ruin my two best friends' lives.

The once inseparable friends are now no more than strangers because of my cruel fate. On the one hand jiminie and I have never been closer, and on the other jungkookie became a whole new person.

Two years ago jungkookie was the cutest thing in the world. Then he went ahead and presented as an alpha, and with it I lost my little bunny who was always tailing me with a 'Taehyungie hyung' on his lips. He became a man. A real man, but it never affected our friendship.

Then finally it happened. As I presented as an omega he stopped calling me hyung. The way he treated me changed. Our friendship changed. He changed. He made me realise he's no longer my and jimin's adorable baby bunny.

It scares me how easily he slips into a total other personality sometimes. In a snap he becomes a whole different person. But what's even scarier is that everytime it happens it's always related to me.

Whenever he becomes that monster, he starts wanting to do these..things... to me. Things he never would have done to me before. Things he never should do to me. He's always craving me. Only me. Always. I know that. But most importantly, I can never resist him even if I wanted. One word from him is enough for me to drop on my knees and give him whatever he wants. It scares me how dominant he is, how easily he makes me submit.

I don't even want to think about our mating bond. It was purely forced on me . Once he was my baby bunny whining for me to give him strawberry milkshakes. Now I'm the whining mess in front of him.

The possessiveness and the obsession he has with me makes me shiver with fear. He's always thinking about how bad he wants me. How bad he wants to have his way with me. Sooner or later he'll get what he wants. The mere thought of him doing that makes me want to end my miserable life. It's not love. It's pure lust. A lust for an omega. A lust for his omega. And that's the exact reason why I don't want this.

I'm just a defenseless omega to him. I can't even look him in the eyes. He's too dominant. He's a true royal blood alpha. He's my alpha. I have seen him bringing powerful alphas to their knees with one look including kai hyung. My inner omega won't even let me defend myself against him instead it makes me want it just as bad. An omega can never resist an alpha. I think it's the mating bond too. My submissive side makes me yearn for him, obey him, let him do anything he wants.

A moment ago I was about to let him do that but luckily I escaped. The most unfortunate thing is that my inner omega is craving just that. To let our alpha complete our mating bond.

The most terrifying thing was hearing his thoughts. One time he was thinking about ways to take me in front of everyone. And I mean everyone. In public. He almost did that in the van yesterday. I hate being an omega. I hate myself for being the subject of his possessiveness.

And that day he was going to kill kai hyung. I clearly heard him thinking it. If it weren't for me intervening- I don't even want to think about what would have happened. One time he thought about killing jiminie too. I am so scared. What if he actually hurts jiminie. I wouldn't ever forgive myself for that. I don't know what to do.I feel completely and utterly helpless.

I just heard him thinking about how to pull out namjoon hyung's eyes out and feed them to jiminie. God what happened to my sweet kookie. There's definitely something wrong with him but I can't let him hurt my hyungs. If he wants me I'll gladly let him do anything he wants with me, if only he'd let them be.

I snapped out from my thoughts flinching as i felt someone grab my waist pulling me into their chest. I shuddered as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

It's him.

It's jungkook.

"Get the fuck out of my room!!! He's mine!! I'm gonna make him mine forever... didn't you hear me..get lost unless you want to watch how nicely I fill my omega.."

He snarled in his alpha voice making my knees go weak. I closed my eyes tightly clutching my sweater as he began peppering my neck with kisses in front of my hyungs. So humiliating.

"Listen jungkook, you have to calm down first okay? We're not taking away your omega. Let's talk about this..yeah?"

Namjoon hyung tried to calm him down using a convincing tone but he huffed hearing it and didn't stop kissing my neck focusing on his mark which was against all odds highly arousing.

"Didn't you hear what I said..fuck off bitches..stop blocking my door.."

he slowly began grinding his hard bulge on my butt, his strong arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes again in humiliation seeing my hyungs' uncomfortable expressions. "Or should I make you go..mmmm..let's think about it...OK. I'll start with the midget first..should I pull your eyes out for looking at my omega or cut your fingers one by one for touching him??"

Jimin and I paled at that. I heard namjoon hyung whispering under his breath for suga hyung to help hobi hyung find that injection thingy faster. I quickly turned around and cupped his face wanting to distract him from his murderous thoughts. It'll make it a lot easier for hyungs and most importantly for jiminie, my sweet jiminie pabo.

"Jung-Jungkookie..don't be so mean-mean to your are scaring us...let's- let's sit over there and ta- aarhhh"

But he roughly shut me up as he tugged my hair hard making me tilit my head backwards in an uncomfortable angle as his other hand squeezed my waist. I screamed in pain, tears streaming nonstop down my face by now. He pressed a finger to my lips not releasing his hold on my hair.

"Sshhhh baby...Sshhhh.. you wanna distract me? Right?" He whispered in a husky voice, chuckling amusedly afterwards.

He knows!!

"To protect that fucker!!!" He screamed furiously, his laughing face switching instantly into a murderous one. I froze

"Remember this omega!! I know every single thing that goes on in that pretty little head of yours and you fucking dare to think about that mutt...the only one you must think about is me. Only me. Your belong to me, every single part of you..your eyes, your lips, your smile, your tears, your mind, your body...why don't you get that're mine..don't make me a bad person.."

He released my hair gently caressing it to ease the strain. But just when I thought it was over, I felt that familiar pain in my neck as he sank his canines into my mark making my world dizzy from the unwanted pleasure growing fast in my lower parts. I tried to muffle my moan by biting my lips hard but it came out a whine instead.

I felt the warm stickiness in my boxers as I tried to will down that forbidden pleasure and hissed feeling his canines retreating from my flesh only to be replaced by a warm wet muscle licking the sensitive area again and again.


He suddenly hissed in pain clutching his nape, momentarily freeing me from the dizziness of the sexual pleasure. He released his death grip on my waist as he dropped unconscious to the floor.

That's when I saw jiminie standing behind us with a syringe in his hand. I stared at them in shock unable to move from my spot as jinnie hyung and namjoon hyung took an unconscious jungkook to his bed.

I dropped to my knees covering my face in shame, feeling so weak out of the sudden. I didn't hold back my loud sobs. I couldn't. I felt someone's strong chest and arms around me muffling my wails. It's him. My jiminie.

"There there pup... I'm here for you.. stop crying now...mmmm...remember what I said? You look so ugly when you cry.."

He gently patted my head hugging me even tighter. I hid my face further in his chest. Any other day I would have smiled thankfully at his gentle touch but not today. Seeing him being so caring even after being threatened to be butchered by my mate, I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why me jiminie..why me?? Why do I have to be his omega?? He did that to me in front of all of could I face you and hyungs now? I feel so disgusting… and What if he hurt you or hyungs because of me...I would never forgive myself..never..."

He stopped stroking my hair and lifted my chin making me look at him.

"Listen pup... it has never been your fault... I know this is hard but we are here for you..he can't hurt us..he cares about us's just because he's in rut, okay? When he wakes up I'll give him a good piece of my mind or should I punch him for you, pup?"

He gave out a little smile at my frantic head-shaking, his eyes turning into small crescents in the process. It's quite unbelievable how fast we swapped roles after I presented as an omega. Back then I was the one who comforted him, gave him a shoulder to cry on but look at me now sitting on his lap hugging him tightly as if my life depended on it.

So desperate…

So pathetic.

I gasped as I felt another hand patting my back. Oh. I know that smell. Firewood and mint. It's namjoon hyung. I slowly turned my head to see him smiling down at me too.

"Are you okay tae? Did you get hurt anywhere??" He gently asked with a concerned look. I shook my head trying so hard to smile back.  "You did so well earlier... if it weren't for you we wouldn’t have been able to tame him..."

"But hyung, things like this should never happen again…we can't take risks like that..."

jiminie spoke up in a warning tone as he continued stroking my hair.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you risk yourself ever again." he softly mumbled in to my ear. I smiled remembering how he once threatened to beat me with a baseball bat for sneaking out with sejin hyung to buy some chocolate.

He's a total gentleman when he wants to be though. His future mate would be so lucky to have him.  I know how he feels about me and it’s ripping him apart seeing the way kookie treats me. It hurts seeing him heartbroken like this. If only I could make him happy again.

"Aish...look at how manly this shorty are enjoying this too much because he's smaller than you. Aren’t you?"

Yoongi hyung intervened out of nowhere smacking jiminie's head. I bit my lips when I saw how offended jiminie looked. But before he even got a chance to reply jinnie hyung came in.

"I think we shouldn't tell PD nim about this…he's not pleased with jungkook these days and he clearly said this was his last chance…"

Thinking about it, it seemed like the safer option. So we all nodded understanding the situation.

"I agree...let's head out now..I don't want anyone near jungkook when he wakes up and tae, no more going around trying to lick his wounds again, okay?"

I blushed furiously at what namjoon hyung was referring to but nodded my head sheepishly. They all chuckled at my embarrassed state so I hid my face in jiminie’s chest again. I stayed there waiting for them to leave.

"Jiminie did they all leave yet?"

I whispered into his chest. He chuckled again ruffling my hair.

"Yeah...mind getting up now?... I can't feel my legs know? We’re still on the floor tae.."

I blushed for the hundredth time today realizing I’m still on his lap. I hurriedly struggled to get up. He helped me stand straight as i tried to steady my wobbly legs. He sweetly guided me towards the door but before we reached it, I felt jimin's grip suddenly loosening around me and he was yanked backwards. I froze in my spot hearing an animalistic growl that only one person I know could muster.

It's him.


He's awake.

"You should have listened to me when I asked nicely...But You Didn't..."

Jungkook was squeezing jimin's neck. The veins in his long strong arms were bulging. His eyes glistening with a murderous glint. The corners of his lips lifted into a feral snarl making his overgrown canines visible.

Jimin's groans snapped me back to reality. My blood ran cold seeing jimin's face.

"Please jungkook..please...don't hurt him..let him go jungkook..."

I begged him frantically trying to loosen his death grip. I felt my tears soaking my sweater up at my own useless attempt.

"Step back omega!! Let me finish this mutt..I should have finished his pitiful existence a long time ago...nothing’s stopping me this time around." He growled at me.

The thing I was most feared is happening in front of my eyes. Think taehyung! Think fast u have to stop this! Otherwise…I couldn’t even imagine what would happen so I did the first thing that came to me; the only thing that can put a stop to this.

‘Give him what he wants’.

I quickly cupped his face and leaned in.

"Li-listen jungkook...let- let him go please...I'm all- all want your omega ri-right...I'm right here..."

He slowly released jimin hearing me. He studied my face hesitantly his eyes searching mine. Seeking a confirmation for what I might be insinuating. I slowly nodded at his confused head-tilt.

"Yes..your omega is here for you.."

I said ever so gently making him fully let go of jiminie. He quickly hugged my waist and buried his face in my neck sighing in satisfaction as he slowly inhaled my scent. I looked over his shoulder to see jimin having a coughing fit and clutching his throat. Jimin shook his head in a last vain attempt to stop me from doing this. But I mouthed for him to go with a teary smile on my face as jungkook started licking my mark.

"Don't look at him!!"

He growled into my neck making me flinch. Am I really doing this? I have offered myself to him. There's no turning back now. I slowly nodded closing my eyes as I felt him mapping every inch of my skin with his hands under my sweater.

Out of nowhere the door burst open. My hyungs came in with manager hyungs, ropes and chains in their hands. Before jungkook could even utter a word all of them jumped on him and pulled him away from me.

"Let go of me fuckers..let me take my omega..he's mine..don't u dare touch him..I'll kill you one by omega..MINE!!! MINE!!! ONLY MINE!!!"

He screamed in his alpha voice threatening them when they dragged him to bed. He frantically growled kicking and puching for them to let go of him. It's seven against one. My inner omega whimpered seeing our alpha getting chained and hurt.

The result of the fight was clear to everyone but then Jiminie came near me when I was about to drop to the floor and that’s when jungkook completely lost it.


Jimin immediately pulled away hearing his alpha voice. Even tied up we couldn’t resist his alpha commands. He's too dominant for us to handle, especially me. All the hyungs stepped away from him. He's screaming and pulling at his chains furiously trying to free himself.

But of all the things going on around me the thing that got to me the most was what he was thinking right now.

'I'll kill them.. I'll kill them.. I'll kill them.. midget you are the first..I'll make you regret the day you were brought into this world.. I'll make you suffer in the worst ways.. maybe I should burn that stupid face of his or should I drown him in hot boiling water watch his skin being peeled of slowly.. I wanna hear him beg.. it would be such a thrilling sight..such a thrilling noise…'

These words were on a pleasant loop in his head. And a hunting nightmare in mine. I know he'll do it. He always does what he thinks. Always. No. I can't let that happen. He can't hurt him or hyungs.

"Come here omega!! Come back to your alpha.. I'll make you feel so good..let me take him bitches.. I'm gonna breed my omega and none of you cowards is stopping me...he'll be so pretty filled with my sweet little kitten with my babies.."

He struggled nonstop trying to break the chains…Trying to get to me.. His eyes fixed on  me. Only me.. when his wrists began to bleed he didn't even blink still looking at me, yearning for my presence. If I didn't do this now he'll hurt himself or jiminie and my hyungs. I won't let that happen.

With that in mind I stepped forward nearing his bed stopping them before they injected him another doze of the the sedatives.

"Let me help him with his rut"


Finally.. 3000+ words..

For my lovely vmin shippers out there. 😚😚😚

And....TAEKOOK kissed bitches..😍😍😍😢😢😢🙈🙈🙈🙊🙊🙊🙊

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