Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

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{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!

311 4 0
By FanficDemon1701

A cross over of Yu Yu Hakusho will happen now enjoy my pretties!
Pffft I'm evil....

Yesterday I had a depression breakdown, but after much help I am better, I am sorry about it.


Ray dodged the swing of this Inuyasha dog guy's sword backflipping out of the way using one hand and fired several bullets at Inuyasha, but the little mutt used he big sword to block each bullet!

Ray got backed into a tree trunk by the impudent swine who held the sword and the man boasts. "Say your prayers you Naraku Reincarnation asshole!" The dog eared guy lifted his sword up making Ray panic at the sword was going to slice him in half like in movies!

Ray felt around in his pockets, and found in his inner pocket an extra can of pepper spray he rarely uses, but kept it on him at all times cause gay men tended to stalk him in America!

Ray smirked a sly smirk. "What  are ya grinning about deadman to be?!" The impudent dog eared swine snarled out his annoyance as Ray pulled out the pepper spray and sprayed tons of it in the impudent swine dog eared guy's golden eyes with black slits making him jump high in the air screaming in pain and he lets go of his sword and it flew and dug into the ground transforming back to the rusty piece of junk.

The dog eared swine had his eyes closed, around his eyes was red in irritation and his eyes watered and his nose was red too and he was snorting alot, meaning the dog eared guy has a keen sense of smell.
"Dammit can't see!" The dog eared guy coughed and snorts out rubbing his eyes.

Ray darts off his long hair swishing behind him to go look for Nicolas, finding Nicolas against a tree passed out cold. Ray puts his gun on his thigh holster and grabbed Nicolas' guns and holsters them on Nicolas' thigh holsters and grabbed Nicolas, hauling him into a piggy back ride and darts off, fleeing from the scene, running for an hour, then two until Ray fell on his knees sweat rolling from his forehead and panting hard.

Ray looked around seeing no monsters were around, so they were safe, Ray sets Nicolas down unconcious next to him.

Ray hears rustling in the trees, and he pulled his pistol out pointing it to the direction the noise came from seeing a small child peek her head out from the bushes and Ray cocked his gun. "What do ya want kid?!" Ray glared at the kid.

"You're hurt, I know a medicine woman nearby, her name is Yoko." The little girl says.

"We don't need no help." Ray snarled.

"Your friend does he looks injured." The little girl points to Nicolas her eyes never motioned at all towards where she pointed.

Ray knew the little girl was right, so Ray gave in hauling Nicolas on his back and followed the girl and she guided him to a hut made out of thorny vines, and there was long fields full of plants and stuff Ray has never seen before in his life!

The girl guides Ray up to the front of the thorny cottage. "Miss Yoko I have customers they need help!" The girl calls to the owner.

"Bring them in." Ray blinked in shock the voice was male!

Ray walked inside with the little girl seeing a person kneeling wearing an all white sleeveless kimono, with silver hair, a fluffy tail, and silver fox-like ears, the ears looked larger than the other guy he just fought earlier, how the hell the girl could mistake him for being a girl was beyond his knowledge how she thought him a woman.

"Nina I told you not to wander off due to your blindness can get you devoured by man-eating demons." The man looks to Ray with golden eyes with round black pupils, he had claws on his fingers like the other dog eared dude in red.

"I know, but while gathering some berries, I heard this man walk up, and could smell and hear his friend hurt. His friend smelled like iron." Nina replied pouting.

"You know this person is a man right kid?" Ray asked confused by how Nina the blind child could in fact not know this man before Ray was a man.

"I know Yoko is a man I just call him that as a nickname!" Nina giggled.

Ray sweatdrops at her doing that for her own amusement it was just plain weird and wrong in his opinion.

Yoko frowns up at Ray. "Seems rumors are true your countenance is like Naraku's."

"I'm not this Naraku! My name is Ray Piper dammit! Why do people keep calling me that it's so annoying?!" Ray snapped angrily.

"Because you look like him, but you are not a demon. He looked quite like you, except you are fully human." Yoko says as he was rubbing some ointment on an unconscious samurai's wound on his chest and before Nina walked into the hut he stitched the unconcious samurai up.

"So this Naraku was that bad huh?" Ray says and sets Nicolas where Nina silently points to on some bedding.

"Yes, he killed and plundered for a jewel that made many demons stronger by achieving ahold of such a jewel in their grasp, but doing so upon his greed for the jewel he was destroyed along with the jewel. Thousands died demon and humans because of his overwhelming greed. I was thrust into this world five years ago from my world, and I once was human, but when I came into this world I was restored back to my original form my Fox Demon Form. I met Nina in another village four years later which was destroyed by Naraku her eyes were damaged, I tried my best to heal them, though they look normal she cannot see, but her ears are keen and so is her nose." Yoko replied bandaging the samurai up. "Now I'm known as The Fox Healer. Not many come to my home unless it is a dire illness because they fear me."

Ray sat next to Nicolas as Yoko sets the samurai down and washes his hands off. "How did you get in this world through  the well?" Ray asked curious if tgis fox guy did end up here like how Ray did.

"No my friend Hiei was marrying a human girl called Kitrainyokai,  and one lone survivor of a tournament loyal to her enemies, who vowed to murder her for defeating, and killing her two enemies in the tournament,  crashed the wedding and I was killed instantly trying to protect the human who was pregnant at the time, and when I died I woke up here." Yoko says drying his hands off and walks to kneel next to Ray and tore upon the suit and dress shirt Nicolas wore, seeing dark black and blue bruises on the blue haired human. "What did this to him, it is almost like a train hit him?" Yoko asked Ray.

"I don't know myself I was busy fighting at the time with another person." Ray honestly replied.

"Judging by the impact it might be a large weapon, he could have internal bleeding as well." Yoko says and pulls something from his long silver hair, what looked like, a seed and it glowed and Yoko placed it on Nicolas and it transformed sinking tentacles into Nicolas' skin and it was freaky looking Ray had to admit, and kinda gross.

"Hey what are ya doing to him?!" Ray pulled out his gun pointing it at Yoko's head.

"Relax my plants are harmless unless I make them to be. The plant I am using will stop the internal bleeding injecting healing properties after stopping the bleeding within his body. It does look monstrous but it is effective." Yoko glared at Ray threatening Yoko with a pistol not pleased the human was doing so.

Wind gently blew through the windows of the green vine thorned hut, making Ray's long hair in a ponytail to his ass swish in the breeze, and a sweet scent hits Yoko like a hurricane, making Yoko clench one of his fists over his knees.

"Are you lying to me?!" Ray clicked the gun to cock a bullet, ready to fire if this Yoko guy was lying.

"No I do not lie to you, he will be well in a week, you can stay in my home if you are willing to give me that weapon as a sign of good faith, this is a home of healing and not violence. One of my rules, no weapons nor violence is allowed inside this home. I will return your pistol when you are to leave my home." Yoko stands up and Ray glared up at Yoko who had his hand out for Ray to give him Ray's prized weapon he specially customized himself!
"Give me the pistol or I will refuse to help him by taking the plant off his chest, which can kill him since it's attached to his bloodstream." Yoko narrowed his eyes down at Ray.

Ray bites his lip taking the gun off of cocking to fire mode, and put it in safety mode. "Fine here until I leave then, but I better get it back!"
Ray hands the pistol to Yoko.

Yoko takes the pistol and left out a back entrance and goes to a storage area where a Venus flytrap was, and it opened it's mouth. "Hold on to this until I say so, do not ingest it am I clear?" Yoko says to the Venus Flytrap which opened its mouth and Yoko puts the pistol in its mouth and it closed its mouth and swallowed it.

Yoko turns his head to the sunset sighing. It seems that Human that looks like Naraku is my mate, damn! Meaning I must protect him from enemies, even if he is an evil man, I know a bad Apple like him when I smell it as well.
Yoko thought to himself and walked back to the hut and Ray glared at Yoko.
"Your pistol is safe, I put it in a safe place, you need not worry."
Yoko says and Ray looked to his friend worry in those red eyes of the human.

Ray hopes Nicolas will recover, he wants to get Kita back for her allies doing this to Nicolas, and he vows he will do so.


To be continued...

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