
Od AzureBlu

223 26 9

Mikayla's whole life for the past three years revolved around the Indego, a device that records the user's da... Více

4-Ending Credits
5-Holiday Special
7-Season Finale
9-Series Finale

3-Opening Sequence

36 3 0
Od AzureBlu

Maybe I should go to sleep. I can't believe its taking me this long to press a button! Should I just skip to Skeleton Girl or the party, the really intense stuff? I can probably handle it now.

 Ok. Kiara's party was nice. It was the first time in a long time we'd been all together. It was like we were the Dragon Force again. Me, Kiara, Jenny, who probably still hates me, and Marco. Then Marco and I... Yeah, that's still a little raw with me.

What about Skeleton Girl? When I saw the video... Awww! That's even worse. I guess Pastor Jean was right. I shouldn't try to rush this all at once. I'll start where I left off, take a nap and then definitely press it at six.

After I got back in and lying about where I got the jacket, we had a nice time. Too bad, like I expected, it was all for show. He got all snarky when I told him that I wasn't up for a second date. Guess he wasn't use to rejection. I should've posted all his “friendly” messages to me in the Diary, but I'm too nice for that. It was pretty annoying to have to explain over and over again why I'm not dating the “nice guy” in the nicest vague language I could in my follow up video and the resulting messages they kept sending. Are they still doing that weird guild war over which of my exes were the best? It's probably up to three factions right now though he really doesn't count.

Super 20 was really mad at me because people kept asking them about that particular gray denim jacket I wore that they didn't have, but Cassie got me out, and the only thing I had to do was write blog about their new nail polish line and wear for two weeks.

Speaking of the jacket, I can't believe it shrunk so much in the washing machine! I think it's still in my closet somewhere. On the sunny-side, it fits me almost perfectly except for the arms and I can't close it without sucking in. I almost considered avoiding him the whole day because I was so embarrassed about messing it up so bad. It was surprising to see how hard it was to actually find him. Except for Biology and Pre-Cal, I barely saw him it all.

After English, I finally caught up to him, and I suddenly remembered why he was so hard to find. How easy it was to forget about him. He was with them, the Revos. Delilah Lin, her special crew, love of all things edgy and retro and hate of all things popular and Inde. I didn't have a problem with per say. It's just that they're really vocal about hating the Indego and something about not being a puppet or privacy, so we're technically polar opposites or at least we were. I think I'm more on their side now.

I didn't want to get questioned by them or any body else, so I approached him while he was alone next to his locker, carrying an open book so it would look like I was asking him a homework question. It was the best way in my shallow little mind to keep the rumor runners from taking us both down. I guess I should've been more careful.

Anyway he was not happy.

“What did you do?” He looked at the tiny jacket he held in his hands like I was pulling a prank on him and waiting for me to get the real one.

“My mom... washed it and it ended up like this. I'm sorry. I'll buy you new one,” I said.

“You can't just buy me a new one! I got it from an OOC store, so who knows if their gonna have it now! ”

“Ok calm down. Even if its OOC, there has to be some place that has it”

He shook his head, moving his blue bang off his eye. It looked really bad like he dipped it in paint. I'm glad he stopped after that that week.

“Ok. Ok. Sorry. It's just that Lila gave me the jacket, so I'm a little naked without.”

“Yeah. Sorry about bringing you into this mess. I'll get you it by the end of the week.”

“ I have another idea. Break time is almost over anyway. I'll call you when I get home.”

He stood up and turned towards the classrooms.

“But you don't have my number?” I said.

“My mom has your Mom's cell number.”

“Oh yeah, she does.” I forgot that our mom's were still friends. When I changed schools, I use to call him every week with Kiara and Jenny, but then we stopped or I stopped.

“It's easier if I just send it to you. What's your Indecode?”

“My what?”

“Oh right. Sorry. Sorry. I'll just write it down.”

I gave him my cell phone number and went our separate ways for the rest of the day and pretty much rest of the week. When he called me, he said that the only stores near him that would probably have the jacket was around Sunset Avenue and thought on Saturday they should split up to find the jacket. Mom was way too happy to hear that I was talking to Marco again, but not so thrilled to hear our plan.

“Are you serious? You're not going, Mikayla,” she said.

“Why not? You know I'm responsible, and it's not like I'm going with a stranger. It's Marco, ” I said.

She still didn't budge, so I rethought my approach. I could pull the 'Daddy's Little Girl' routine on Dad, and he'd cave pretty quick, but Mom is a fighter. Convincing her to have sponsors and even take on sponsors was more energy draining than typing individual responses to a week's worth of fan mail.

“Since it's my fault. I'll buy it for him on Monday,” she said.

“You can't just wait till Monday! The stores are OOC!”


“Out of Circulation. They might not have it on Monday!”

“Then how do you know they'll have it now? This sounds like too much unnecessary work. I'll just go to Maley's and find something that looks like it.”

“He'll know its not the real thing! Please Mom! Look Marco texted me today that one of his friends saw the gray jacket in two of the stores at the place two days ago. Chances are that it still there!”
It didn't look like she was buying it, but surprisingly she agreed right there. Probably, she was excited that I was finally getting out house. Is that sad or ironic? I'm one of the most-was one the most popular person on the Indenet and the net, but I spent most of my time at home.

“Fine. On Saturday, I'll take you. But I'm going, and If you both don't find it in three hours I'm getting a replacement!”

It should've been simple. Find the jacket, pay for the jacket, leave with the jacket, but Mom and and Dad had other ideas. When I was taken to my at the first store, Mom gave me the news.

“After we get the jacket, we and the Arias' decided that we should all spend part of the day at the carnival if we finish early. What do you think?” she said.

My first thought was, “What the hell?”. I use my Saturday to get an early start on my editing. She knows that I hate being taken to places by surprise. I was pissed, but since this whole thing was my fault I couldn't really complain.

“Fine, We'll just see how this goes,” I said to her.

“Cheer up, honey. This will be great. You'll see,” Dad assured but I seriously doubted it.

Anyway, Mom got her wish. After checking our first store, Marco called and told us that he found his jacket at a store called Black Birdz that was a few blocks away from us. We went over there and payed for the jacket. I'm glad we got out of there fast. The way the cashier and the other customers were looking at my Indego made me uncomfortable. It was definitely a Revo store, but I guess it was better than the other store where the some of the people actually recognized me. I still haven't got use to people fanning out at me out in the open, but I've managed it well enough that I haven't majorly pissed anyone off. Oh no, they hate me for something that is not even my fault.

The carnival. That stupid carnival. Why couldn't I keep my stupid mouth shut? Why did I think then would be best time to say that. I know he didn't have an Indego, but I should've turned mine off. All those words and videos twisted out of control destroyed everything. Everyone abandoned me and hated me. I can't... I can't hear those words again, not again. I've had them thrown at me too many god damn times. I don't...

Stop. Take deep breaths.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

I have to do this. I do it all the way once and that's it. No more broken record brain, I'm not going through that shit again.

Ok. Let's go back to the carnival. It was like any kind of carnival. Ferris wheels, clowns and cotton candy. Marco looked more uncomfortable than I did, but that was probably because he was stuck watching Maria half the time. It wasn't very packed so at least we did not need to wait in lines very long. After a while, the adults decided to watch a holoshow at the Imaginarium and let us go off on own since we didn't want to go. Up to that point, we didn't say much of anything to each other than, “Let's go there. How's the ride?” but not any real sort of conversation. We agreed that that biggest time wasting ride would be the Ferris wheel. So there we were, slowly moving up into the sky. Naturally, we started talking. It started simple enough, talking about whatever came into our heads., but I took it too far. Way too far.

“It's lucky we found the jacket so fast,” I said at our first stop.

“Yeah. Eli kept hounding me about the jacket. I had to tell her I was dry cleaning it,” he replied.


“Delilah. I mean.

“Awww. You have two nicknames for her.”

“Not exactly. Pretty much every two weeks I have to call her by a different name. Last week she was Lila, now it's Eli.”

“Wow. That's... interesting.”

“Ehh. You get use to it. Not that I'm complaining or anything.”

The seat started moving up again, showing us more of carnival. I thought it would be the perfect photo op for the show, so I brought the visors out and took a pic while Marco loudly groaned.

“What?” I receded the visors back. “I'm just takin a picture.”

“It's that that. It's nothing. Forget it.”

“Why do Revos have against the Indego anyway?”

“It's not that we hate the Indego. We hate what it stands for. I mean. How do you feel comfortable with something that records your every waking moment whether you want it.”

“It's not every waking moment. If you turn it off it doesn't record. Simple.”

“But why does ComplX add such a stupid function? I'm pretty sure all that video would take up a lotta space.”

“It really doesn't. It auto-detects quality moments, so it takes higher quality videos of them and lower quality of anything else which you can delete it. I mean. What happens if you see like a... a... a group of baby ducks waddling in sync to Go with the Flow in the street. You're so shocked that it takes you awhile to realize that you want to record it. So you take out your phone, click the camera app, get the camera in position, and... a car passes by. The ducks flew off, and you missed the greatest moment ever because you couldn't get your camera ready.”

He laughed at that. “Ok. I see what your sayin, but I'm not a convert just yet. Just don't put me on your show.”

I'm surprised how easy it was for me to talk to him. As we moved up, it became more casual. We started talking about the scenery and school, but then I... let it loose

“It's been a pretty good day. It's been awhile since I've been able to relax like this?”

“You're that busy?”

“I spend most of my week, planning the next show or blog, depending on the week. Then I spend the weekends editing the video or the blog and then I upload every Monday. Then the cycle repeats.”

“Damn. When do you have time for your friends?”

“At school and once and awhile we v-chat. Oh... I guess that sounds pretty bad.”

“No. It's fine. They probably understand.”

“I know. I know... Its just sometimes I think we're not really friends. That no one's really my friend, just Micky's friend. They all seem so shallow.”

After saying the infamous words, we were sent down to bottom and had to get off the ride. At the time, I couldn't believe I said something so heavy. Hell, I didn't even know where all that angst came from. What made it even worse was that he didn't say anything or look directly at me for the next five minutes. It was extremely awkward. I kept waiting for my Indego to ring and my parents to say that the show was over, anything to get us to drop this whole situation.

“You're wrong though,” he finally said.

“What?” I said.

“You're wrong about that.” He turned and flashed me this cute, goofy grin. “I'm you're friend, and I certainly don't know this Micky person.”

“Maybe I can introduce you two one day. You know. When you reintegrate into society.”

“No thanks. I'll wait till society wakes up.”

The Indego beeped and I saw the thext from mom saying the show was over. I thexted her back and told Marco we had to go back. The rest of the day was fun, and I had no more awkward moments with Marco. 

When I got home, I went right to work editing the video for the week. I managed to temporarily keep Marco from fame by not using any of the carnival footage in the show that week. Of course, I did use some pictures without him in my next blog because someone brought up they saw me.

Ok... See that wasn't so hard. Let's start this again in five hours. Indego, set alarm to 5am.

Alarm set. Have a good night sleep, Micky. Ehhh...

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