Beating Heart✔️

By AnotherFangal

134K 3.5K 2.7K

{Completed} One day while out running in the Maze you come across two mysterious boys who take you on somethi... More

The boys
The doors opened
Grievers attack
Your story
Escape the Maze
Gladers Vs Grievers
Painful Interrogation
The Mall
Cranks are worse than Grievers
Goodbye friend
Jorge and Brenda
Hanging around
I hate cranks!
What happened to your face sweetheart?
Close shots
The Right Arm
Who am I?
Attempting to Admit
Impulsive decision
Sequel announcement

W.C.K.D is good

5.1K 119 98
By AnotherFangal

Apart from the panting breaths of the Gladers, there was complete silence. Starting to feel worried you reached out to grab someone next to you for reassurance. You felt their hand entwine with yours, you weren't sure who it was but you were grateful they didn't shake you away. You and S/N used to hold hands when you were scared, stupid as it may sound but it worked.

Suddenly the door on the opposite wall opened and the chamber was lit up slightly. The group nervously made their way forward squinting in the bright light.

When you were in the corridor outside you looked up and saw Minho stood next to you, it was his hand you had grabbed.

"You good?" He mouthed, you nodded but your eyes were wide which suggested otherwise.

He led you into the corridor. The lights above you were giving off a blueish, white light, some of them were broken. It smelled strange there to... like death had walked here only moments ago.

No one seemed to know which way to go, everyone looked at Thomas as if he had a map and knew where to go. Making you jump slightly more lights turned on and showing the way, they wanted us to go that way. Thomas led the way and you followed keeping close to Minho and the others, you didn't trust this place.

You had decided you could trust Minho, Newt and Thomas when you fell off the edge they ran over to see if you were alright. They could have let you just fall and die, but they didn't and in your eyes that was enough.

The corridor seemed to go on forever, pipes ran along with the wall next to us and seemed to go on for miles. What was this place?

You nervously kept turning around, you had a feeling you were being watched. Every time you turned around Minho would squeeze your hand gently and urge you forward, you could tell he didn't trust this place either.

Eventually,  when you were starting to get bored of walking Thomas stopped, to your left in the wall was a door. Above the door, it said 'Exit' in bold, green letters. "Seriously?" You almost laughed at the irony of this place. All that time in the Maze and there was a door with the word 'Exit' written about it! No. Something didn't make sense it seemed too simple, too easy.

Thomas walked forward and opened the door, everyone held their breath as he pushed it open. You leaned forward to see what was inside and you immediately wished you didn't.

Inside was more boring corridor but there was yellow lights flashing and a siren blaring. The worst part was the bodies inside the corridor. They were wearing lab coats and the light was swinging from its wire, illuminating the blood on the wall behind the nearest body.

It didn't make sense though the blood was directly behind him. If he got shot then the blood would be above him. You couldn't explain how you knew that you just did, something didn't add up here. A man wearing black had a gun in his hand a little further down the corridor proving your theory correct.

You felt your hand tug as Minho stopped to look in a window to our right. Two bodies were in there, their feet sticking out under some white cloth, red stains were on the cloths it looked horribly like blood. You gently pulled Minho away and continued down the corridor. You looked at Newt who was behind you and he shrugged evidently confused as well.

"What happened here?" Winston asked the group. You bit back a sarcastic comment on the fact that no one knew what happened because none of you saw it.

You were level with the man with the gun now and Minho slowly kicked the gun out of his reaching distance, it was a clever idea. You didn't know if these people were dead or had just fallen over?

Your walked slowly as you entered a bigger room. It was a strange shade of blue because of the monitors and screens in the air. You walked over to one and ran your fingers over a bullet that was firmly dug into the glass. You gave Minho a cautious look and carried on around the room.

You saw pictures of faces on the wall and curiously went to have a look, you regretted immediately. They were pictures of us; You, Minho, Newt, Thomas, Winston, Chuck and everyone apart from Teresa.

You looked further down the line of pictures and saw a picture that looked like you but with a few differences. It was S/N.

You walked quickly over to it releasing Minho's hand in the process that caught his attention and he looked at you. "Y/n..." he started but it was too late.

You hadn't seen her face for nine months. You missed her happy face, her positive look on life, the two of you always joked how she had better teeth than you but you had better eyes. You saw the words 'Test Subject Failed' written above her name and couldn't stop yourself but punching the picture, tears rolling down your cheeks.

The glass shattered under the force and deep cuts appeared on your knuckles. "Ah!" You gasped holding you hand tightly, she always said you had the worst temper.

"Y/n!" Minho breathed taking your hand and examining it. He gently pulled out bits of tiny glass and wrapped your hand in a bandage in his bag. 

"Thank you," You muttered tears still pouring down your face.

"Come on," he said putting an arm around your shoulder and leading you away from the pictures.

"So there were watching us, this whole time." Came Newt's voice looking at some monitors showing the destroyed Glade through cameras.

Suddenly a woman appeared on a screen someone had clicked something causing her to appear. She was wearing white and had her light brown her in a bun. She had a kind face but her eyes were telling a different story, they were full of evil and malice.

The people behind her were in the room you stood in, talking about work and typing on their monitors. They were the lab workers currently dead on the floor behind us.

"Hello," she said calmly looking into the camera straight at us. "My name is Dr Ava Paige. I'm Director of Operations at World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you're watching this that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you, but circumstances seemed to have prevented it." Behind her the siren started blaring, the same one you heard in the corridor earlier.

"I'm sure by now you all must be very confused, angry, frightened," she continued. 

"No shit," You muttered quietly and Minho smiled next to you.

"I can only assure you everything that's happened, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason. You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to fire." The video shifted and it showed a video of fire burning things; buildings, trees, cars and people.

"Suffering on a global scale. The fall out was unimaginable." The video then showed pictures of burned bodies charcoal black and smoking slightly. "What came after was worse. We called it the Flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, and unpredictable. Incurable."

It showed a video of a horrible looking man being held down by straps as he tried to attack the doctors examining him. The veins in his head full of black blood, this eyes looked mad and full of hate.

"Or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus, suddenly there as a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy, the young would have to be tested on, even sacrificed inside harsh environments..."

So S/n died for a test... for the greater good. Your fists were clenched in anger.

"So their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand what makes them different... What makes you different. You may not realise it but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun as you'll no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods."

That was suspicious, how have our trials only just begun if everyone here is dead... was this a plan, a trick?

"Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be late for us... for me..."

Behind her men dressed in black with guns appeared and started shooting up everything. People were being killed right in front of our eyes.

"... but not for you. The outside world awaits. And remember...," she pulled a revolver out of her pocket and pressed it to her temple. You widened my eyes in shock.

"Wicked is good!" Then she pulled the trigger. You closed your eyes and heard the bang of the gun. There was a clatter as she fell to the floor and you thought it was safe to open your eyes again.

A loud noise made you jump and a large door began to open showing us a long corridor and hopefully the exit. Everyone looked at each other wondering if we should leave. You looked to Thomas, he had turned into our sort of leader. He was about to say something but someone spoke first.

"We can't leave," You turned quickly to see Gally. You recognised he'd been stung instantly. In his shaking hand was the gun Ava Paige had used to shoot herself. Everyone shifted uncomfortably; Minho, who was behind you, fidgeted nervously.

"Gally, we did it we're out, we're free," Thomas told him putting his hands up slightly. 

"Free? You think we're free out there?" He asked tears running down his face. "No, these no escape from this place!" He raised the gun and pointed it at us, he aimed it at everyone moving it constantly so no one moved.

When it came over you Minho pulled you behind him, blocking you from his view. It was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you, even though it was dangerous. 

"Gally, listen to me, you're not thinking straight, your not," Thomas spoke to him softly trying to persuade him to put the gun down. "We can help you..."

You felt Minho's hand move next to you, looking down you saw he had taken hold of one of the spears and gripped it like he was going to throw it.

"Just put down the gun."

"I belong to the maze," his aim landed on Thomas and stayed there.

"We all do!"

Gally fired the gun at the exact time Minho threw the spear into the left side of Gally's chest. He gasped for air and dropped to the floor, the gun fell by his side. There was relief that everyone was alright for a brief second, until Chuck started breathing strangely.

"Thomas," he gasped turning pale.

"Chuck," Thomas grabbed him as he collapsed to the floor.


"No Chuck." Thomas was kneeling next to him talking to him. "You're gonna be ok, it's gonna be alright." He was putting pressure on Chucks wound but you feared it was too late.

"Thomas," Chuck breathed holding his hand out. There was a small wooden doll encased in his hand, he passed it to Thomas. 

"No, no Chuck you're gonna give it to them yourself, remember." His voice cracked and tears started falling fast down his face.

"Take it," Chuck breathed, his hand shaking. "Thank you," he choked before falling still and staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Chuck, Chuck hey," Thomas said loudly nudging the younger boy slightly. "Hey, Chuck come on!" He shouted he sounded broken. His voice was full of emotion and tears slowly began to roll down my face. "Come on wake up!" He said before breaking down completely on Chuck.

He began to cry loudly. Teresa was crying silently but she wasn't looking at Chuck. Frypan and Winston were crying to each other, Newt was covering his mouth crying silently. You looked at Minho, he the only one not crying but when he looked back at you his eyes looked, broken.

He pulled you into a tight hug and you cried into his shoulder. His strong arms around you made you feel safe, or as safe as you could in this environment.

"DAMN IT!" Thomas yelled as the door opened and people ran in. 

"Thomas," Teresa breathed still looking at him.

The men began pushing and ushering you outside. Minho pushed away the guy who started moving you away from him and towards the exit. It was a blur, your head hurt from all the crying and your body felt numb and exhausted.

You closed your eyes quickly as they were attacked by the very bright sun. Squinting, you looked around and saw you were a desert, dunes as high as the walls in the maze, were in front of you.

A helicopter was waiting for everyone, you began to sprint over to it. Running on sand is difficult and your ankle was still sore. You followed Winston into the helicopter and sat down, Minho sat on the other side of you as we waited for Thomas. The door was slammed when Thomas sat down and the man who got in with us pulled his mask down and started speaking.

"You guys alright?" He called, the helicopter jolted forward and slowly took off. "Don't worry you're safe now." You doubted that giving him a dirty look.

When you got higher everyone looked over to the window and saw the Glade and maze. You saw the Centre, it looked so close to the Glade from the air. You watched it until it was out of sight and the sat back down.

You would never see that place again, never visit S/n's grave again. All the memories you'd, when you first came up in the Box, messing around with her, running the Maze. It all felt like a dream you had but you couldn't quite remember it.

For now, you didn't care where we were going or what was going to happen next. You just thought about everything that had ever happened, And prayed the worst was over.

That be the end of Maze Runner but don't worry Scorch Trials will pick up next time😘
Thanks for reading

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