An MCR fanfic (which I need h...

By nuttyniamh123

1.8K 62 75

Basically, I've read pretty much every MCR/Frerard fanfic there is on here. So after many minutes of confiden... More

I hate labels
Shut the curtains!
So awkward.
First kiss?
New Girl- at home.
New Girl - at School (Hell)


210 6 4
By nuttyniamh123

Elle's POV:

Me and Mikey skip (yes skip) up the path to their already open front door. Mikey steps aside and bows, "After you, mi’lady."

I curtsy. "Thank you kind sir."

Gerard just shakes his head, laughs and follows us inside.

The Way household is just what I expected it to look like; homey, bohemian and warm. Each wall is a different colour, and paintings are scattered around. It has the same layout to our house, so I know Donna's in the kitchen when I hear her mumbling to herself.

"Would you like a tour?" Mikey asks.

"If you wouldn't mind. I hate to be looking for the bathroom and find one of your bedrooms, Who knows what I'll find there!"

Gerard laughs this really...weird laugh. It's weird. Not ...attractive in the least. Okay, so it’s adorable. It's kind of a cackle. Heh.

"Well, I'm not sure about mine, but Mikey's room has to be the worst in the country! I swear there's corrosive... stuff in there!"

"Hey! No there's not! Just 'cause you're all 'Mr Anti-social' and won't let anyone in there!"

"C'mon Mikes, I used to let people in there..."

"Not anymore you don't!"

"Yeah, well..."

"Hey, guys?"

The Way brothers both turn to look at me.

"I never used to let people in my room either. It's my space, and no one else's. It's not bad. But I'm also pretty messy too. Get over your bedroom flaws! I am by far, the worst out of us all!"

"Hear hear!" Shouts Gerard.

"Wow, Elle. Didn't pin you as the messy type. Introverted yeah, but not messy."

"Okay okay! Can we get on with that tour now?"

"You two can do that. I need to go hide in my Batcave. See ya!" Gerard walks up the stairs before waggling his fingers at us and slinking round the corner.

“He’s so sassy.”

I turn to see Mikey shaking his head at his saucy brother.

“Hmm, I get where you’re coming from there. Theatrical maybe, but sassy... no.”

“What?! He is the sassiest being in the known universe!”

“I’m gonna need evidence to take this investigation further, Agent Way.” I shake my finger at him.

“Fine. But if you want that tour we’re gonna have to go now.”


“Because my mom will soon notice us and rope us into helping her cook.”

“Oh. I can’t cook.”

“Me neither. So let’s go!”

Gerard’s POV:

"You two can do that. I need to go hide in my Batcave. See ya!"

I walk down the corridor to my room. My fingers are twitching from the need to draw.

I get to my desk and pick up my sketchbook and charcoal. As soon as the charcoal touches the paper, it starts flying- creating lines and shadows where it needs to.

Charcoal is probably my favourite way of creating art. It’s easier than paints, more dramatic than pencil, and you can create more texture and depth than either of them can. Also, they’re more portable.

My mind drifts off. I hope Elle and Mikey are getting along. Mikey’s one of those people where you either click straight away or you just... don’t. When I left them though, they were chatting like they’d known each other forever.

Elle’s really nice. I can already tell. Sometimes I can just tell whether a person’s nice, or if they’re horrible on the inside. I like Elle though, because I can tell she’s really nice. But she seems like she has a hidden controversy. Depth.

I need to stop doing this; drifting off into oblivion. My teachers say if I don’t stop it will start to affect my grades.

I drop my sketchpad onto my bed and switch on my stereo. ‘Jack The Ripper’ by Morrissey comes on. I flop back onto the bed. I love this song, but maybe if it was a bit more... rockier? Faster, with more drums and guitars. I dare say, but that would be better. Ha! Better than Morrissey?! There must be something wrong with me! His lyrics are so somber, like they should sound depressing, but they just... don't. I don't know what England is like - I've never been out of the country - but I really want to go. Some amazing music has come from there (The Smiths, Iron Maiden etc) and it sound like a really inspirational place. (AN:It's not, trust me. I can't wait to get out!)

I pick up the sketchpad to try and dislodge that train of thought, and it works.

The picture I unwittingly drew is a picture of Elle. It was of when she was walking out the door towards us before. I remember thinking that she looked like she was daydreaming, or lost in another world. I remember thinking, ‘She would be an amazing model to draw...’ She is, even from memory. Although, I haven’t got her eyes right. I’ve drawn them too small, I think. I’ll just have to wait until I see her next to memorise her face. Luckily, that next time will be at dinner.

Right now though, I’ll just lose myself in the music.

Elle's POV:

Mikey's tour is hilarious! He's taking me to each room - except the kitchen - and pointing out 'important' things, like that picture of him and Gerard when they were babies; adorable!

Now we're heading upstairs, and Mikey wants to show me his Bass.

The Way's house has the exact same layout as ours, meaning my room would be... That door at the end, covered in band stickers, with the sound of humming emanating from it.

"Mikey, is that Gerard's room?"

Mikey nods. "Do you wanna go in?" There's an evil smile plastered on his usually-pouty mouth.

"But, didn't he say no one could go in?"

"Yes. And your point is?"

I joined in with the evil smiling.

"Nothing! Lets go!"

I'm pulled back before I can take two steps.

"Wait! We have to surprise him! He won't let us in if we knock. So lets just burst in on him."

"But Mikes. He could be doing anything!"

"Well, you'll just have to be willing to take that risk then won't you!"

What have I got to lose? My innocence, that's what! If Gee's jacking off in there I swear I'll never be able to look him in the eye ever again! But I really want to see his room so...


There's that evil smile again.

"Okay, Three-two-one!"

We push Gee's door open and I hear a yell.

Gee's scrambles about on his bed - oh god - and he throws something off it just before Mikey jumps on top off him.

"Mikey! What are you doing?! Get out of my room!"

"Ahhh but Gee, I wanted to see your room! It's changed so much since we were five!"

"Mikey, the last time you were in here, you weren't five. In fact, I seem to recall an extremely unexpected visit just the other day..."

"I needed to borrow that T-shirt!"


Balls. I've been noticed! Well, I wasn't exactly hiding... Okay, pretend you haven't noticed the black boxers on the floor.

"Oh, hey Gee."

Gerard pushes Mikey and he topples to the floor. He stands in front of a now-moaning Mikey.

"Erm, so Mikey hasn't driven you away yet?" Haha, he's tying to move his underwear with his foot!

"I'm not blind Gerard. I have noticed the underwear, which you are trying to shift with your... right foot."

He blushes a bright scarlet.

"Well, I er, did say no one came into my room. I kinda got used to being anti-social."

I take a proper look around the room.

"I can tell. Do you mind if I look around?"

He spins round, looking for any more misplaced clothing. Seeming satisfied, he says, "Of course."

I walk towards the far wall. It's covered in art, some paint and some pencil. But most are done in charcoal. I sit on his bed and peruse his art.

There's an array of different things; but most of them are... dark. As in dark themes. There's a black and white pencil drawing of a girl with a bouquet of strikingly violet flowers her pale hands; the only colour in the picture. To the side of the weathered piece of paper, is a vampire holding a dead girl in his arms, his mouth covered in blood and surrounded by shadows. I shift on the bed, and see another picture of a girl with dark hair, pale skin, and black eyes. She's wearing a floaty black dress and looks somber- as if she were at a funeral. She wanders down an empty road in the centre of a city- colourful gleaming lights shine around her. People bustle around on the sidewalks, the busy atmosphere having no affect on the soul walking the streets. She's invisible to everyone. Nothing touches her. She is alone.

I look down in thought. These pictures are very deep, they obviously have a lot of emotions put into them. But they're also very depressing. I hope Gerard doesn't feel that way, it's not fun. That one picture, of the girl walking the streets alone. I know how she feels; dead inside, with no one knowing how she feels. Ignoring her, pretending she's never there.

Then I notice another sheet of paper, halfway under the bed. I bend down to pick it up and I hear a shout.


Gerard dives onto the bed and grabs the paper out of my hand. I see a flash of charcoal and it's gone.


He looks down in embarrassment. I can tell he doesn't know what to say, but what he doesn't know, is that Mikey is sneaking up behind him, trying to get to the paper.

"It's er, priv- Hey!"

Haha, Mikey's got the paper.

"Wow, Gee. This is really good. Really... Captures the essence."

He strolls over to Gerard, who looks really nervous and... gives it to him?!

"Hey! Why can't I see?"

Mikey's eyes flick to me, then to Gerard and he says, "Boy stuff. Trust me on this, you don't wanna know."

I give them the puppy dog eyes- big and blinky.

"Elle, that's not gonna work. You are not used to seeing Gee's artwork- well, me neither, actually. But you are an innocent, and we can't besoil your intellect like that."

I cross my arms. "Really."

"Yep. Ask Gee yourself."

I turn to a blushing Gerard. "Well?"

He stands up straighter. "Well, you see Elle. I am a teenage boy, and I do not have a girlfriend so-" He's smirking.

"Okay! Fine, please don't go on anymore... maybe we need to get you a girlfriend though, Gee."

"I'm okay thanks. I'm fine on my own right now."

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" Donna hollers up the stairs.

We'd been so busy that none of us had noticed the delicious smells wafting around the house- or the fact that my sister had arrived and had - shock horror - helped make dinner.

"Time to face the music!" Mikey exclaims.

We trudge down the stairs. and the somber atmosphere freaking me out a bit. It feels like we're awaiting an execution!

I soon saw why though; the dining room was extremely tidy, with candlelight tables and everything. There's one of those long tables, and Donna is sat at one end, her husband at the other. Olivia's looking at me expectantly, but I'm so clueless I don't know what to do. I just kind of stand in the doorway, Gerard and Mikey behind me.

"Mikey,you sit in your usual seat please. Gerard, you can sit next too Mikey. Elle, you take that seat opposite Gee."

They had usual seats? Gerard looked a bit distressed as well, so I guess he didn't come down to dinner much.

(A/N: The seating plan is: Donna at the head of the table, Mikey to her left, then Gerard, then at the foot of the table is Donald- Mikey and Gerard's daddy, then to his left is Elle, then Olivia. Elle and Gee are opposite... )

"Elle, this is my husband Don."

Don nods at me and says, "So Elle, you seem on your toes. What's the secret to dealing with my boys?"

I smile at him. "A steady hand."

Mikey bursts out laughing- like, really big guffaws. Gerard's bright scarlett. My face drops as I realize what I just said. The adults just look at us, although I can tell they understand the unintended innuendo.

"Right. Well, your strategy seems to have worked; my boys seem smitten with you!"


"Hey! Dad, Elle's just a friend!" Mikey says calmly.

I feel a nudge on my leg. I look up to Gerard and he's looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

Ohh, its onn.

I poke his calf with my toe.

He prods my knee.

I tap his thigh.

He jabs my thigh, but aims higher - ooh err - on my thigh and bangs his leg on the table. His face scrunches up in mock-pain and I let out a small giggle. No one seems to notice our small exchange, so we carry on eating the spagetti Donna served earlier in silence, but smirking at each other.


Whoop! I finished the second chapter, which is a seriously big deal for me- coz I have an extremely short attention span. What do you think? PLEASE comment and give your thought on what could be improved. I also need ideas for what I could do with the plot; pm me if you have any ideas please!

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