New Girl- at home.

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The next day is spent buying all the different books I'll need for school: trigonometry, biology, physics, french, english poetry, english lit., that sorta thing. I also just look around town. When I called round for Mikey and Gerard this morning Donna answered the door and said they were unavailable for the day, but said they might be able to come round later on, as they too were preparing for school.

So I wander round the shops. There's some really nice places, like this old book store that sells everything from Shakespeare to Steven King! They also have an awesome comic book section, with all the greats and some I've never heard of but must try. There's a dude called Ray Toro that I met, and he works in there. He's great.

"Hi, I was wondering if you had any H.P Lovecraft? I can't find it in the horror section." Was the first thing I said to this hugely tall guy with an afro bigger than his head itself.

"Yeah, we do. And I know why it wasn't in the horror section: people are always putting it in the classic section, just because the things that he wrote were written around a century ago!" He seemed really passionate about this.

When he had helped me find the books I was looking for, we chatted for a while. Mostly just general stuff like 'How old are you?' and 'What school do you go to?'. Turns out he's 18, and goes Belleville too.

"So how is it? I've heard it's hell." I say, trying to grasp an idea of what school will be like.

"Well, that really just depends on who you are. I mean, if you're like me, a band nerd who actually knows what the square root of 4 is, it'll be hell. Or if you're into Rock music, that sort of thing. And you seem pretty smart, considering you're reading H.P Lovecraft. Plus, appearance means everything. People will take one look at you and decide whether they like you or not. It's really materialistic. And I'm sorry to say, and I also mean no offense, but I don't think they'll like you. Reason: you look 'emo'." He says the last bit with an apologetic shrug.

"Great. Just like the last school then. I'm gonna be a junior so we might have some of the same classes!"

"Yeah! I'll look out for you if you want. You know, help you get around and all that shit that no one else helps with." Ray offers.

"Thanks. I mean, so far I already know two guys that're goin' too. Gerard and Mikey Way?"

"Oh my god! They're two of my best friends! How do you know them already? They don't get out much, and they're also pretty shy. Especially Gerard."

"Well, I moved in across the road and they were forced by Donna to come and be a welcome party."

Ray nods with and understanding smile. "Ah, yes. Never mess with the force that is Donna Way."

"I know right?"

"So just stay with them and they'll help you out too. You'll be okay if you have friends, as is this cruel, dog-eat-dog world we live in." He sighs.

Then he tells me about this cool music shop round the corner from there. "Most people don't know about unless they've been told by someone. It's pretty rad. My friends work there, and I go every day on my lunch break. It's just down the alley next to the bakery."

So I'm sent off with a vague idea of what I'm searching for. But it's a music shop, so I'm happy!

I stroll down the narrow passage between the bakery and video shop. It seems like this whole place is stuck in the 60's, but that's cool.

At the end of the alley, there's a door. I can make out a sign saying, 'open!' through the thick layers of stickers, and turn the brass knob to open the door. A faint dingling noise alerts the girl at the counter of my entrance. She looks up and smiles.

An MCR fanfic (which I need help for a name!)Where stories live. Discover now