The Dream Of A Shinobi

By -_Twisted_Otaku_-

585 130 7

Erissa Marie has always been the biggest "nerd" Over her favorite Anime Naruto, she loves to go out with her... More

Chapter 1: Welcome To My Life
Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 3: Surprise
Chapter 4: Where am I?
Chapter 5: Team 7
Chapter 6: The Five Basic Natures
Chapter 7: Cloud Watching
Chapter 9: The Hokage's Decision
Chapter 10: My Very First Mission
Chapter 11: Enemies Arrive.
Chapter 12: Sunagakure no Sato
Chapter 13: Heading Home

Chapter 8: Jealousy

46 11 2
By -_Twisted_Otaku_-

"Shikamary.. We need to talk.." I said as I finally caught up with him.


"I..I don't want you to hate me..."

"I could never hate you Asuka." He said giving me a smile.

Dammit why did I have to do this to him.

"I.. Im seeing someone.." I said looking him straight in his eyes.

"Oh, that's alright. I didn't mean to kiss you back there." He said, I could feel the pain in his voice though.

"I'm s-sorry, I didnt mean for everything to go like this." I said beginning to fill a pit in my stomach knowing I probably ruined our friendship.

He didn't say anything, he just continued walking back to the village. It may be raining but I can spot the difference between tears and rain drops.

Why am I such a horrible person? Me and Kakashi aren't even technically seeing each other..

"S-shika, please stop.." I said as I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

He still didn't say a word, so I decided to just leave him alone and go on ahead to the village to get things off of my mind.

"I'm so stupid!" I screamed while breaking down in the middle of the woods.

"Hey, Asuka. What's going on?" I heard someone say, and just to my luck I looked up to be face to face with Kakashi.

"I- I need to go.." I said as I got up and started to walk off, as he followed behind me and grabbed my arm.

"Asuka, tell me what's wrong." Kakashi said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"SHIKAMARU KISSED ME AND I BROKE HIS FUCKING HEART, OKAY!" I screamed aggravated and in pain.

As I felt him let go of my arm I turned around to see him look a little hurt.

"I'm sorry Kakashi, I just need to go, okay.." I said as I walked to Naruto's. He's the only one I can talk to.

I didn't bother knocking, I just walked in his apartment and laid face first onto his couch, as I grabbed a pillow and began to sob in it.

"Woah, what's wrong Asuka-chan?!" He said as he walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"I fucked up Naruto, i'm so stupid. I don't deserve to be here anymore. I need to leave."

"Asuka, don't say that. You deserve to be here just as much as everyone else. Tell me what's going on." He said as he raised my head from the pillow and wiped my tears.

"I kissed Shikamaru." I said as I began to cry again.

"Congratulations Asuka!" He said in excitment.

"No, Naruto. You've got it all wrong."

"Huh?" He said dropping his face full of excitement.

"I was seeing someone.. yet I still did that with Shikamaru."

"Oh.. who?"

"Kakashi." I said burying my face back into the pillow that was already soaked in tears.

"W-what, Kakashi Sensi?"

"Yes Naruto."

"I'm sure he will forgive you Asuka-chan."

"It's not that simple Naruto. When you're seeing someone, you don't just go kiss on someone else. They both hate me, I just know it."

"How about I go talk to them!?" He said with confidence in his voice.

"Just forget about it Naruto, the damage is done. It's not your problem to fix. I'm sorry for bothering you. I gotta go." I said as I got up and ran out the door before he could say anything.

I need to go get my things from Sasuke's and leave this village.

I quickly got to Sasuke's apartment and knocked on the door.

"H-" I cut him off as I just pushed passed him and went to his room, grabbing a bag and began to throw my clothes in it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving."


"I'm leaving, I can't be here anymore. Tell Kakashi and the Hokage. Naruto already knows. I'm sorry, but I just can't stay here anymore." At saying that, I turned around and began to head out of the door, just to have him grab my arm, twist me around, and plant his lips on mine.


"Sasuke!" I said as I pulled away. "Not now okay.
Not. Fucking. Now."

"Is everything okay?"

"Look, i'm just gonna say it, everyone else already hates me so whats gonna be different if you hate me too. Ive been seeing Kakashi, but my stupid ass went to hang out with Shikamaru today thinking it was gonna just be a fun relaxing day with a friend but, I ended up kissing him. I told Shika I was talking to Kakashi afterwords which caused him to break down and hate me, so I ran away, just to run into Kakashi. I then told him that I kissed Shikamaru, causing him to be hurt and hate me, and now that i'm telling you all of this, considering you obviously have feelings for me too, you're gonna more than likely break down and hate me." I said as I then turned around and ran out the door, the direction of the woods not even bothering to wait for a response.

I jumped from tree to tree until I landed on a sligtly bigger branch and sat down taking a break. "Wow, Isabella. You really fucked up this time huh?" I said to myself.

"Isabella?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Kakashi standing on a branch next to me in another tree.

"I said Asuka. What do you want Kakashi?" I asked bluntly, trying to hide my emotions.

"I don't hate you." He said as he jumped over to where I was and sat beside of me.

"Why not, you have every right to. I kissed Shikamaru, knowing that me and you were seeing each other."

"Seeing each other?" He questioned.


"I didn't know we were seeing each other?" He said, confused.

"Y-you didn't? Then why did you look hurt when I told you?"


"No, that's new to me, and because I have feelings for you, to hear that you kissed someone else made me think you didn't feel the same way, since i'm older than these teen Ninjas."

"Kakashi I honestly dont care if i'm 18 and your in your 20's or even 30's! you're way more attractive than any Ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village, and I do have feelings for you, strong feelings. I was just being stupid and not thinking straight." I said as I blushed at the first part then began to tear up at the second.

He then leaned in and kissed me, while picking me up bridal style afterwards, heading back to the village.

"I could never hate you Asuka. It was just a kiss." He said, whilst looking down at me with a one eye smile.

That's exactly what Shikamaru said before I told him..


When we got back to Kakashi's apartment he sat me down on the couch and took my clothes to his room to put them away.

"Kakashi, while you're in there get me some clothes to wear when I get out of the bath, please." I said as I walked into the bathroom and undressed.

I walked over to the tub and ran some hot water and poured soap in it as it filled up. I then got in it and buried myself beneath the bubbles. "Ahh, so relaxing."

"I'm gonna come in and set your clothes on the sink." Kakashi said as he opened the door. He couldn't see anything but my face and legs where I was smothered in bubbles.

"Thanks Kashi." I said giving him a big smile.

I then ssw him write something on the mirror from all of the steam before he walked out.

It read," Come to my room when you're done - Kakashi ♡"

"Okayy." I said to myself, as I began to blush.

I then quickly finished up to get out and get dressed,"Why this?" I asked myself, as I saw the white dress Sasuke got me lying on the counter. "Weird, this isn't something to sleep in." I ignored it, and just put it on, brushing out my long navy hair, walking out of the bathroom towards Kakashi's room.

I opened the door to see the pervy Ninja himself reading his book.

"Yo, Kakashi. What's up with the dress?" I asked walking towards him. He then got on his knees and wrapped his muscular arms around me as he smiled.

"You look beautiful." He said while still hugging me.

"Thanks, but that still doesn't answer my question."

"We're going out for drinks with Asuma and Guy, I figured you needed to be more introduced to the other team leaders. Kurenai is on a mission with her team, so she won't be there." He said, putting me in shock.

"O-oh, okay?" I said still confused on why i'm being taken to go hang out with Guy and Asuma at this hour.

"Here." He said throwing me some shoes.

"Oh, uh thanks." I said smiling at him, while I put them on.

"You know i'm only 18 right, I can't drink." I said remembering my age.

"Don't worry you can have a few shots. I know the bartender pretty good." He said as he grabbed my hand and walked out of the apartment.

"Something wrong?" He asked noticing my red cheeks.

"Oh, uh no, it's just hot out here is all." I said, trying to play it cool.

He just laughed a bit and continued on walking.

We then approached the outside of Shushu-ya to see Guy and Asuma standing outside. Guy with a big shining smile and Asuma with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Well hello there my youthfulness." Guy said as he grabbed my hand and gave it a peck. Asuma just kept looking me up and down.

"Enough, Guy." Kakashi said, obviously jealous as he pulled me through the door and sat down at the bar.

"I call sitting next to Asuka and Kakashi." Asuma said, as he plopped down on the stool next to me.

"I'm flattered." I said jokingly tapping Asuma's bicep. He just smirked.

"So, how do you like being on team 7 with Kakashi?" He asked looking me up and down again.

"I mean it's alright so far, we haven't really done much yet." I said looking at the specks of ash fall from his cigarette.

"Maybe you'll have to switch over to team Asuma." He said with another smirk.

"Forget about it Asuma, she stays with me. Hokages orders." Kakashi said, stepping in, getting jealous again.

"You could always join my team!" Guy said excitedly.

"Did you not just hear me?" Kakashi asked, glaring at Guy.

"Enough fighting over me. Just like I told Naruto. Im nothing special." I said as the bartender handed me a shot of Sake.

"Mmhm." Asuma said, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

"Aren't you and Kurenai dating?" Kakashi questioned Asuma, out of pure jealousy that he was hitting on me.

Silence fell as Asuma didn't reply. I then took down another shot.

"And who might this pretty lady be!?" I heard the one and only Jiraiya say from behind me.

"Asuka, Asuka Mayuko." I said, while giving the perv a handshake.

"Ah!! Come on Pervy Sage! Not Asuka!" I heard Naruto say as he ran in and grabbed Jiraiya by the arm.

"What did I tell you about calling me that Naruto." He said as he waved and walked off before Naruto could reply.

"Heh, that was weird." I said as Kakashi looked at me.

"Yeah do-" he started but got cut off by Guy.

"Kakashi. My eternal rival, I challenge you to a race to see who gets to take Asuka out for dinner!" He said sticking out a thumbs up, showing that bright smile of his again.

"Guys that's not really ne-" I was then cut off by the strong force of wind pushing against my face as they both ran out of the door, leaving their stools spinning.

"I better get going after them, heh." I said, waving off to Asuma.

"Kakashi!! Guy!!" I yelled trying to get them to stop, but damn they where fast.

After about 10 minutes they had already circled the whole village and ran back to the same spot i'm standing, where they had made a finish line in the dirt.

"Shikamaru! Who won!" Guy said as he looked beside me at Shikamaru who appeared out of no where.

"Kakashi." Was all he said as he sat there and stared at them, wondering what was going on.

Guy then drooped his head low, and walked off.

"Guess it's me who gets to take you on a date." Kakashi said smirking through his mask.

I just looked at Shikamaru then back at Kakashi as Shikamaru's face filled with depression as he walked off with his hands in his pockets.

"Not again!" I said running towards Shika.

"Hey, wait up Shikamaru." I said as I slowed down walking beside of him.

"What." He said still looking directly in front of him, to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"If you two are together then why is he racing with Guy to see who gets to take you out?"

"Well we aren't technically 'together' yet, apparently Kakashi didn't even know we where seeing eachother.." I said a bit uneasily.

"You lied to me.." he said as he stopped and turned around to face me.

"N-no it's not like that, I thought that that's what Kakashi thought, but I was wrong. I'm sorry Shikamaru."

"Just forget about it okay, I'm gonna go take a nap. Later, Asuka." He said as he jumped on a building and went out of sight.


"Everything alright?" Kakashi said as he appeared behind me.

"Yeah, let's head back to your place i'm tired." I said as I grabbed Kakashi's hand and went back the direction of his apartment.

"Hey, Asuka." Sasuke said as he stopped me and Kakashi in our tracks. He looked down at our hands combined then back up to my face.

"The Hokage wants to see you tomorrow morning." He said as he looked at our hands once more, and began to walk off.

"Thanks." I said lowly as he started to walk away. He stopped for a moment, then continued on, not saying anything.

I then just began to start walking back to Kakashi's.

"I wonder what she wants." I said looking over at Kakashi.

"I'll go with you." He said smiling.

"Thanks, Kashi." I said smiling back.

We then made it to his apartment and walked to his room, I flopped down on his bed and just stared at him as he got on top of me.

"You're so beautiful." He said as he placed his right hand on my arm and just stared at me.

"Heh, thanks." I said with a big blush.

"Anytime." He said kissing my forehead, afterwords laying down beside of me, wrapping his muscular arm around my waist.

"What's going on with you? I haven't seen you touch your book in a while." I said eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.

"You're more important than any book ever wrote." He said, making my jaw drop.

I leaned closer to him and planted a soft kiss on his masked lips.

"Goodnight Kakashi." I said as I laid my head on his chest and fell fast asleep.

Tomorrow's gonna be a big day.

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